Despite only being available on PlayStation 4 right now, Final Fantasy VII Remake has already become a sales success. Square Enix today announced that the game has now sold more than five million units across digital purchases and physical copies shipped to stores. This makes it "the highest selling digital release on the PlayStation platform in Square Enix’s history", according to a press release. It probably didn't have too much in the way of competition as far as the Japanese publisher itself goes, but that's still something worth celebrating.
Better yet, if you're still waiting to pull the trigger on Final Fantasy VII Remake, you can pick it up right now at a discounted price. The PlayStation Store Summer Sale has a deal on the base version which sees it drop to £39.59/$39.59. You've got until 20th August 2020 to take advantage of that. It's clear that the vast majority of players loved Square Enix's first instalment in this remake process, so let's hope Part 2 delivers on PlayStation 5.
How do you feel about Final Fantasy VII Remake a few months on? Avoid those side quests in the comments below.
Comments 33
And who said that been restricted to one platform hurts sales?
Still got a ways to go to knock it's predecessor off the chart, but then it's had 23 years to gather over 13 millions sales.
5 mill in a few short months is a real achievement, and I'm glad it's happened as it will drive Square Enix forward in completing the unreleased episodes. What we don't want is a Shenmue situation.
@AdamNovice depends on which platform ^^
@AdamNovice to put into context, square enix reported 5 million copies of ff15 were shipped/sold within the first 24hrs.
Take that information as you will.
@AdamNovice Now imagine it was available on the other 2 platforms Sony paid to keep it off at the same time. Anyone with PC or Xbox would also be buying it.
I hope they will stick to this “release on one platform first” kind of format as it seems to speed up the development and it clearly doesn’t hurt sales.
And now please release Carbuncle to the public to celebrate 😋
@Menchi It still wouldn't sell as much as the PS4 version. I mean we literally say that about every game in existence.
I really like the game, it's in my top 5 ps4 exclusives. I hope I didn't have to wait too long to can play the sequel
@RedShirtRod Your wrong! it didn't sold 5m until some few months (or year?) later!
They just shipped it
FFXV was one of the WORSE selling point games in series...
@Menchi not really! more than 75% people (or even 80%) will buy that on PlayStation platform!
The only other platform that people likes FF or other japanese franchises is Nintendo's console!
@parvaz1 It was only a lower seller in Japan, everywhere else it did well.
@parvaz1 Square Enix uses the exact same tracking mechanic for all of their games. They do not track solely on sold products but on sold and shipped. Liam mentioned it in the article and I mentioned it in my comment. I also couldn't find anything that validated your claim that FFXV was one of the worst selling games in the series. From the information I found, it sold 9 million copies by October of last year, putting it as one of the highest amount sold across any Final Fantasy game.
(same verbiage as in Liam's article)
(FF figures from 2018)
Fantastic remake really enjoyed playing this looking forward to this open world their creating.
PS4 sells 3rd party games. Always has.
If a publisher wants to focus on one system first and make sure they get their money back, it is on Playstation. Also why I start every generation with a PlayStation. It simply gets all the support.
@parvaz1 So by your logic, they still lost 20-25% sales
@Rafie Think you're mixing up what I said.
I didn't say anything about other platforms selling more or the same. It was the total of 3 platforms adding to more than 5 million because not everyone has PS4 or would buy it on here if they had the chance.
@Feena After what I saw on my PS4 Pro for FF7R, I'll be waiting out timed exclusivity on every subsequent game.
One of the best games I've played on my ps4 pro and not a difficult platinum at all. The only trophy that gave me some trouble was the pull-ups one and hard mode was fun too. Looking forward to part 2 in the coming years.
@RedShirtRod Still not my game. 😆
@RedShirtRod so, as you point to it, they sold 9m after many years till last year is means it sold WORST in nowdays standard! when we want to compare to game in selling point, we compare them in same time window from launch! also, i think they sold 3.5m FFVII in first month (after its launch), and this 3.5m is confirmed based on gamstat.com data too, opposite to FF15
@Menchi nope, opposite
@Flaming_Kaiser same. Just comparing the numbers. Not a fan of 15 at all. 😂
@parvaz1 Wow.....just
Then again I am on a Playstation website so no surprise.
@menchi Not really, xbox gamers rarely buy JRPGs as it is. Any money Sony gave Square Enix would have easily offset those sales.
@AdamNovice Now including extra bribes as sales, gotcha. Says it all. Move those goal posts some more. Still woulda sold more to date if it launched properly.
Can't wait for the PC version, since the PS4 Pro version was a disaster.
@menchi A "disaster" will you get over yourself, aside from some low quality textures the game was fine. You make it sound like it was Fallout 76 or something.
@AdamNovice Demand better
@menchi Lol yeah says the guy who expects perfection when it's beyond reasonable.
@RedShirtRod Maybe a old man but i was a big fan of the Finished Final Fantasy games and the balanced different characters.
@Menchi Yeah on Xbox you have the balanced lot. I still remember the 360 COD days. 😆 👌
Let's see the sale when the complete edition comes forth because I'm waiting for that version myself
Outside of some optional summons you could get as either pre-order bonuses or as part of the "collector's edition", there was no additional content released for FFVII or otherwise planned as far as I know. And let me tell you - completely my opinion here - those summons were by no means integral to the game and you'd likely use them a few times early game then drop them. Kind of throwaway content.
Unless you are waiting for a sale or just aren't interested, I'd take the plunge because I don't see this game getting any additions. Outside of course from the planned follow-up games, which should be finished and available as a complete package circa 2032.
I liked FF7 a lot more than I thought I would. As an old Squaresoft fan, I've been down on the company for the last 10 years or so after a series of middle of the road releases that seemed to lose the "magic" (or maybe I just got old!).
The one thing that bothered me was how on-rails FF7 Remake was - you never get to pick your party composition which was a bummer. I just tell myself, well, that's how the opening Midgar section was in the original game, a more or less on-rails tutorial for the rest of the game. There's certainly some player choice in terms of the sidequests, but very linear overall.
What worries me about the upcoming entries is how they are gonna handle breaking into the "open world" segments. Immediately after Midgar you hit the world map and could sort of explore a bit. I hope having the assets already in place from the first game will help them along here, but I felt a bit burned by FF15's attempt at an open world environment - felt very lifeless and the implementation of travelling in the car was wonky to me.
They may try to keep it linear, which worries me even more. As in, travelling from Midgar to Kalm as it's own self contained level rather than letting you freely roam an overworld area. So I guess I'm just worried they will not do such a hot job at doing an overworld area, or they will completely overcorrect in the opposite direction and make it linear. Give us that middle ground.
Do us right Square. Take your time on the next game. Now after Square gets done with the next few games, I'm going to be worried about how on earth they are going to implement the airship haha.
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