Want to pull the trigger while your gun’s jammed in Deathloop? You physically won’t be able to until the animation’s played out, as developer Arkane plans to use the next-gen console’s controller to its full extent. Speaking on the PlayStation Blog, game director Dinga Bakaba explained how the French outfit is using Sony’s new pad to up the immersion in its upcoming first-person shooter.
“Deathloop being a first-person shooter, we do a lot of things to make weapons feel differently from one another,” he teased. “One I like is blocking the triggers when your weapon jams, to give to the player an immediate feedback even before the animation plays out, which prompts the player in a physical way that they have to unjam their gun.”
We hope there’ll be no broken controllers as players desperately wrestle with their device, but this sounds like a genuinely awesome way of invoking additional feedback during gameplay. As we’ve been saying for a while now, we can’t wait to test these features out for ourselves, but coronavirus means that we’re probably going to have to wait.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 46
This is such a cool idea. If they can do this, imagine a Psycho Mantis style event where the controller plays for you with control taken away. There are so many cool things announced with the new controllers now.
I just hope the advanced tech doesn't mean our controllers have a brand new way to break over time as well.
The possibilities are really something with this tech. Exciting times to be a PlayStation gamer.
Sounds to me like a easy way to break your controller by accident, but I'm not a game designer so my input means very little.
@Enuo Was about to say that they will definitely need to make people aware of the function during game tutorial. So many people would be calling for refunds haha
That sounds like a cool idea on paper, but its execution is something I'm skeptical of.
I don't know how to feel about this, but I'll surely have an opinion on it when I have the controller in my hands.
Never seen a site turn one blog post into 10 different articles quite like push square lol
Kidding of course but this one sounds pretty cool, if it works as intended could have some very interesting use cases in the future!
@redd214 It's more like 5 articles.
That’s sounds awesome. I do worry about breaking the trigger on accident though. They can already be a bit fragile as it on the DS4, so I’m not sure they will make sure the DS5 is durable enough to handle this stuff.
This is gonna be awesome and probably my favorite controller ever.
@pip_muzz God dammit now you're making me super excited what Kojima is going to possibly make for the PS5
I mentioned the same thing on the spider man article.
It really seems like a stretch to fill the main page with as many articles as possible. The basic information is THE SAME as the other article. Why not make one really big, in depth article about the Dual Sense?
Again, copy and paste
@LiamCroft I was joking, lighten up champ
@redd214 I know, so was I haha
Oh wow. That is a cool idea. Great if they can do some cool stuff on racing games also.
Only thing that makes me nervous about this is....
Controllers are not cheap as is. Now you have more moving parts in an already expensive controller. What happens when the 'motor' fails that controls the feedback on the triggers. Are they fixable, or do you need to purchase a whole new controller. Not to be negative, but I know for a fact because I work with them, moving parts always fail eventually
The idea is kind of cool, but i doubt it will work as intended, you will probably still be able to push the trigger anyways, just with max resistance.
This sounds horrible, controllers are fragile and expensive enough without people being tricked that their controller is broke, not downplaying the impressive technology behind it, but I hope they give us the option to turn this stuff off like rumble
Okay, that's pretty awesome.
I would love to see a horror game utilize all the features of the Dualsense to really mess with the player.
This sounds awesome can't wait to try it. I'm guessing intense battles will become even more intense!
I hope the trigger mechanism is sturdy enough not to break if someone applies excessive force in a spot of panic.
Skill Purchase
Your gun never jams.
how's that gonna work if i change the shooting to the shoulder buttons?.
Sounds good but one of my pet peeves is overly long reloading animations, now with added effect of gun jam will just add more fustration! 😤😤
Talented Arkane! I'm on my 4th playthrough of Dishonored 2 right now. It's just too much art and style in these Dishonored masterpieces. They say Persona 5 is full of style, I don't think it comes close to Dishonored tbh.
Alright, that sounds pretty cool. Shame it got delayed but it's all good.
@leucocyte I'm guessing it won't.
@Kefka2589 DS would be amazing with Dual Sense! Hopefully Kojima adds in an update for it for the PS5!
If From Software will use such features with Bloodborne 2 humanity will be definitely damned! 😂
That's a really cool gimmick.
The only usefull meaning of this force feedback is to block L2/R2 on youtube to prevent accident press when putting controller on table and video suddenly goes REW or FF. Every god damn time!!! FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...
The thing I see as a problem with this is that you may need to replace controllers more often than on previous generations. I mean if something locks up people tend to press harder.
It sounds so great. With amazing games, controllers, audio and services, PS5 is gonna be super cool piece of tech and inovation. Not too long till all these are available.
I'm more impressed by the feedback in Demon's Souls but I dont see an article about it.
All very interesting but I can't help thinking this is all possible with current gen machines. Still awaiting the claimed revolution not evolution.
I'm curious how it will feel once I have my hands on one, but considering how huge it was too just have your controller rumble... I think it will be good.
Idk if anyone else here has seen these too, but I find it so weird that there are people writing articles saying stuff like "Sony is giving Xbox a victory by not allowing players to use their last gen's controller". Like, really? Would the N64 have been better if you could use the SNES controller, meaning designers couldn't give us analog controls, since not everyone could use them? Or a 64 controller on the Wii, making the Wii give up motion controls? Is that good?
Whether it ends up being revolutionary or not, when you innovate in hardware like the controller, it can't really be optional. So essentially, those people were praising Xbox for not innovating.
@leucocyte Are you living in the era of PS1? The shoulder buttons? That's old school and frankly ineffective. I remember Black Ops 2 on PS3 defaulted to the shoulder buttons. Pissed me off.
@dpkramer88 That is true, and frankly sad. Everyone knows Sony is king when it comes to new tech and advancements in their hardware. Microsoft takes the tech and adapts and maybe slightly modifies, but Sony is the only that designs brand new tech that they can be proud of.
@gmxs yeah the option to turn it off would be a must, it's probably gonna be horrible on some games for me just like I hate having rumble on playing call of duty or something.
@dpkramer88 no it wouldn't but the option is nice like say you want to play split screen but don't want to pay for a new 70$ next gen controller and just use ur old xb1 controller. Or if you don't have a next gen console yet but want the features of the next gen controller you can use the new controller on the Xbox one, another reason is the Xbox series x doesn't have a elite controller designed for it yet and it's nice that you can use your 100-180$ Xbox elite or elite series 2 controller on next gen. I can see why it doesn't make sense in your vision but your talking about two controllers with major differences where the snes controller is super outdated compared to the n64 controller because the n64 made a revolutionary change to analog sticks but now you can use a wii controller on a wii u and a nentendo switch, and you can also use a wii u pro controller on switch. So Sony and Microsoft making different controllers compatible with different consoles takes direct inspiration from nentendo.
@Steel76 right? I dont know how many times the "touchpad" on ds4 was used and used well. Other than an "extra button" to bring up a map or menu, etc. I haven't really used it. Or the sixaxis.
@dpkramer88 the xb controller is pretty tops. Dont know what more they need to do. Innovation just for innovations sake isnt good. Ds4, for example, I've rarely, if ever, used the touchpad in a meaningful way. Same with the sixaxis. Remember the jaguar 32x and their new innovated controller? Yeah, neither do we.
@PhhhCough well, nobody knows what else can be done until somebody does it, right? If Nintendo had that attitude, we wouldn't have analog or rumble packs, or the Switch. Innovation for no reason isn't always successful, yes, but to argue that we shouldn't try because it's cheaper to upgrade to a nicer version of the same thing is foolish. Are you saying that there's nowhere else for the Xbox controller to improve? If you've aimed a bow in BotW using the gyro controls, you would know it's not just for "innovations sake", and it feels great. That's another great feature that xbox won't have, and that's a proven success. The real reason xbox isn't innovating is that they're focusing on PC and can't be unique with their console without hurting their plan to make money via monthly game subscriptions across pc and xbox. Sounds like you're arguing for stagnation, and I don't understand. Why buy a new xbox at all? Just get a PC.
It's also super weird that you're fine with MS offering a $180 controller (the cost of more than two new PS5 controllers) that doesn't do anything different than a regular xbox controller, except that it's #Nice, but you're not okay with having to buy a next-gen controller because the games have next-gen controller features. It just sounds like Stockholm's syndrome to me, honestly. I'm not saying the Xbox Se.X is going to do badly because it isn't doing anything different at all... I just don't understand why people feel they need to defend it and say that the innovators are the fools.
Xbone... Xbox Se.X.... there's someone horny at MS naming these consoles...
Edit: actually hold on. People have a problem with having to buy an $80 controller that has new features for a new console, but are fine buying an entirely new xbox console for $400+ that does absolutely nothing different but a minor improvement in graphics in a time where graphical improvements are almost imperceptible? Does that not make you think you might be reacting more out of brand loyalty than like, logic? Why buy a new xbox at all? Don't have to buy a new controller OR console.
@dpkramer88 you definitely have some deeper issues to deal with, that I am in no way to service.
But other parts of your rant/diatribe, I may be able to help with.
Gyro is lame, it's there cause you can't aim normally with joycon sticks. Sticks are a little better with the pro controller. You dont aim that way with the sixaxis.
In regards to the xbo pro controller, I believe you're ranting about. Why wouldn't I be? Im not gonna buy the controller, but if the people want it, who am I to argue. PC? With kb and mouse? With none of the bells and whistles that your "controller" has, I dont mind. You might.
I'm not buying one, I'm sure it comes with the console. Stockholm syndrome? Seems like something you learned in jr high, today. Dont know what you're ranting about here.
Xboner, xbsex, you sound prepubescent.
And features you talk about, haptic feedback? It's been on the xbo controller. So playing catch up there, I guess.
Look, I'm not advocating for one over the other, im just saying sixaxis/touchpad is up there with the kinect. A schtick, not really groundbreaking or revolutionary.
So calm down. Drink some warm milk, take a nap. And game on.
@PhhhCough lol, ok champ. I must have hallucinated when I managed to map an extra 20 different functions to my ds4 using every feature that the Xbox controller doesn't have, comfortably supplementing my KB&M in a PC environment with only the DS4.
And you clearly had trouble passing high school if you had couldn't understand the Stockholm reference. I thought it was obvious to at least the moderately intelligent, but I can dumb it down to meet your needs - you can't say I'm not gracious! So you see, Xbox's controller is objectively lesser than the DS4 (I'm assuming you stayed in school long enough to learn the difference between objective and subjective, but you can Google it if those words are too complicated for you), seeing as it has more features that can be easily and intuitively put to greater use. So, for someone to vehemently defend (again, sorry for the big word, Google it if you need to, big guy) something that is objectively less, one must presume that that you defend Microsoft - aka, your "captors" - out of a childish fanboy-ism in a similar manner that a hostage might. And before you start furiously typing your response, let me assuage your concerns and let you know that I own every console, so my opinion isn't biased. I've tried using each controller on PC, and while the Xbox controller is indeed the most comfortable, it isn't enough to outweigh the extensive functionality of the DS4. If it helps you understand my sentences better, maybe you can read that all out loud again slowly, okay chief?
By the way, I can tell you're the kind of person who will need the last word to feel like a big strong winner man, so I'll do you a favor and let you respond with whatever you need to feel like you "won" this discussion, and I won't respond again. I mean, I definitely won't read your response either, but as I'm satisfied just giving factual analyses of the measurable benefits of all the innovative features that the DS4 possesses (dang, you'll probably need to Google a lot of words there, sorry about that, buddy), I'll let you get your satisfaction of totally definitely destroying me with whatever genius rebuttal you manage to come up with.
But again... I won't read it. I really can't stress that enough.
Bye Felicia 😘
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