With the PlayStation 5 still set to launch before the end of 2020 -- November, if rumours and educated guesswork are to be believed -- Sony must be going all-out behind the scenes to ensure that everything's ready to go. Manufacturing, marketing, online infrastructure -- there are countless factors to consider when releasing a new console. And yes, that includes launching new game pages on the official PlayStation website.
As pointed out on ResetEra, these newly formatted pages have only just been added. Not every game has one yet, but the likes of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Godfall, Resident Evil Village, and Yakuza: Like a Dragon all boast pages featuring the new format. The bottom line here is that playstation.com appears to be getting an overhaul in preparation for the PS5.

Okay, so it's not the most exciting news, but it's yet another sign that the PS5 campaign is progressing.
Now then, about that price and release date reveal...
[source twitter.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 27
I'd paste an image of a cart in front of a horse but I don't know how. Then again, if games ultimately sell the console then maybe Sony knows what they're doing.
The games page is pretty good
I think nVidia’s show case has pretty much sealed the price for the new consoles in place. To remain competitive with the PC space, both consoles will be priced at 499$ same like the RTX 3070. Most console owners have a PC also and if the price is higher, some people would go for the “2080ti” performance just for 499$ instead of the new consoles.
@SilkySmile89 Respectfully, I really don't think there's all that much competition between the two. It's like saying people won't buy the new expensive Yamaha because Toyota came out with a new car that's both affordable and luxurious. But that's just my two cents.
@SilkySmile89 the metrics would disagree with you over the Console / PC crossover space. Most PS4 owners don't have a gaming rig / desk top PC actually. I know Ubisoft research suggested roughly 11 to 14% of PS4 owners had a gaming PC. I also don't think the price of a graphics card determines the cost of a console. I don't think you'll be too wide of the mark at $499's, though not for the reasons you mentioned. Having said that the rumours of the XSX being $599's won't go away there's a few competitions that have outed that price.
@SilkySmile89 I hope you are right,because it benefits us,the customers.
@SirAngry that 11-14% can be the early adopters. Especially on the Xbox side, because all games can be played on PC, and looks like this will be the norm even for PS exclusives later on. So I think this can influence a lot the price of the new consoles. Also nVidia can influence the price of the SOC inside the consoles, remember that when the Super launched AMD was forced to lower the price of NAVI.
Also you have to take in account all the piracy on PC. There are more owners of PC + Console but most of them don’t pay for games on PC.
@SilkySmile89 actually there's even less cross over between PC gamers and early console adopters, PC gamers tend to pick up consoles when there are exclusives they want. Bizarrely this generation there's far more Xbox / PC gamers, there seems to be a migration of Xbox gamers who have migrated to PC. Also the point about a graphics card not dictating the price of a console stands. Consoles are sold on the razorblade principle, GPUs aren't , both Nvidia and their partners will seek to make money out of there sale. Plus a GPU doesn't have a CPU, PSU etc. etc. etc. Sony and Microsoft will set the price of their consoles according to component / shipping costs, and how big a hit they're willing to take until the costs come down, they'll aim to price it to sell.
@SilkySmile89 I get what you’re saying but I really don’t believe, in my own opinion, that PCs and consoles are even in the same market. Why? Because graphics cards alone don’t give you what you need to play a game. Even with that amazing nVidia Card — PCs as good as if not better than a PS5 or XSX would be way expensive, definitely over $1000 maybe even $1500. My friend is constantly telling me he can get me a rig set up for $500, but in digging into the specs for it — $500 won’t get you near the PS5 in quality. So perhaps the master race has an advantage because they already have rigs they can upgrade. But a new person jumping into the PC gaming market with ease is just unrealistic. This is why consoles and PCs just need to stay separate entities in gaming. Consoles are plug and play and PCs are not. So it’s comparing, not apples and oranges, but apples and steak. Just can’t judge one by the other. So I’m not worried about this graphics card. The PC market continues to dwindle due to many factors and the main one being investment. PC attracts hardcore gamers but most gamers are not that. It’s easy for a noob to hook up the PS5 and get gaming right away. I used to be an avid PC gamer, it has lost its appeal over the years. It’s also been a good decision for my wallet.
@SirAngry I’m in agreement with you. PC has no bearing on the console market at all. They’re two separate things that really are not even trying to compete with each other. Sony’s sole competitor is Microsoft but only when it comes to consoles. PC gamers are in a different category and league altogether and there’s no comparison. I ditched my PC rig and let’s face it, if you don’t have a good existing rig — this graphics card won’t do much for you. Getting all the top end things you need is well over $1000-$1500. PC gamers and console gamers play for different reasons.
Is there any list for kids games (rated Everyone, Everyone 10+ / PEGI 3, 7) ?
@redphyre indeed, there's also the system RAM bottlenecks in PC gaming, having to dump everything in system RAM then to GPU RAM is a pain. Consoles with their single pool of RAM, even if the speeds differ (thanks again Microsoft) is always preferable. It's why often better spec'ed PCs with more TFLOPs get out performed by consoles, even with their anaemic CPUs. I happen to be eying the RTX 3080 and potentially a Zen 3 CPU upgrade for my PC. Doing that will cost significantly more than buying both the XSX and PS5, and even more ironically with the I/O, RAM and storage bottlenecks within PCs I fully expect many games to just run better on consoles. Actually hoping the consoles drive the adoption and optimisation for m.2 SSDs in PC gaming.
Doesn't look like the UK will get a November launch anymore, the UK ps5 site has changed from Holiday 2020 to Late 2020.
@InvaderJim I think any launch day in 2020 is a win at this point.
@InvaderJim because 'Late 2020' is the correct description for a November launch in the UK, and indeed in most of the world. What does 'holiday 2020' mean here in the UK when we don't have a November holiday, or any holidays between now and Xmas? It would just confuse the matter even more, although that's getting harder to do now with how confusing these pre-launches already are!
@SirAngry This. And that’s why I think the worlds of PC and console just don’t mix. PCs are used often for much more than just gaming, they are designed to handle more and also built for simultaneous multitasking threads. Consoles on the other hand are built for one thing only and that’s gaming. Yes you’ve got streaming apps, but it’s designed as a dedicated gaming machine. You don’t do spreadsheets on a PS5 🤣
And most PC gamers are attracted to them because of the heavy modding scene. Skyrim is a huge example, but most other PC games have proprietary modding like World of Warcraft and the lua modding, and some games have mod tools built by the player base themselves. Consoles just aren’t built for that. So it’s easy to understand why there is such a disparity between the two communities and why, in general, I think they just cannot be fairly compared. A dedicated machine that runs one thing well is always going to outperform a machine that can run other things. All of that hardware is spent on a singular task. If the expense doesn’t scare someone for a PC, then it comes down to what you want out of gaming.
@Porkfiend I never thought of it like this! You make some great points. I don’t think other countries really like basing launch dates off of holidays they don’t even have. So changing it to Late 2020 makes sense to me now. Even if it is a staggered release, I predict it won’t be more than a week.
@SilkySmile89 I don't own a gaming pc and non of my friends do either. That's why we have consoles.But I do agree that the prices have to be set in stone with nvidias pricing.
Or they could just say the month and year if they're at all confident they can at least hit that broad of a target but it doesn't seem like they are. Late 2020 or Holiday 2020 seem like things you'd announce in 2019, not a couple months out. Understandable given the year we've had but still, this is why I'm not taking anything for granted.
@SilkySmile89 Ampere's price will result in both Microsoft and Sony receiving discounts from AMD which will lower the price of their consoles. With competition heating up from mobile, cloud and PC, it's hard to imagine the consoles costing over $500.
@SilkySmile89 I don't know any console players who also game on pc's! I don't think that's true. You can't compare a £400 box that is plug and play to the pc as a platform. It's nuts.
@Dan_ozzzy189 i myself play games on my pc as well as my ps4 although my pc is old now (fx6300 cpu,nvidia gtx 970 and 16 gig of ram) but it plays the games i have for it brilliantly and all on the highest settings but....it wont run the latest games as well as my ps4 so for me to upgrade my rig for it to remain competative is going to cost way too much money.the ps5 is going to be my main gaming choice for the future as it will be GREAT VALUE for money overall..there are arguments as to whether or not pc's can be compared to consoles but to be honest i dont care..i'm for the games not the brand..
@shyhh that's not how the contracts work between AMD and their customers, Sony and Microsoft. Sony and Microsoft use AMDs, IP and R&D teams to configure custom APUs. They then have these manufactured at TSMC, which has a fixed cost that might move due to yields and volume runs, but is not moveable on price due to market conditions. TSMC aren't going to drop fabrication prices due to Nvidia releasing the RTX 3000 series GPUs. Neither will the sunk R&D costs with AMD reduce, they exist and have been paid already. AMD will have to respond to Nvidia with their Navi GPUs, but given they've always beaten Nvidia on price I fully expect them to offer the cheaper range of GPUs again... but that has little bearing on their deals with Sony and Microsoft, these aren't off the shelf GPUs, not even fully off the shelf Compute Units. Those APU costs are mostly fixed, with manufacturing costs being the only real wiggle room on pricing of component. I do hope both have negotiated reduced IP payments over time with AMD this time around for IP licensing agreements.
@SilkySmile89 Console gamer my entire life. I've never owned a gaming PC and never had the desire to. Prefer gaming on a console where I can relax on my couch in front of the TV. Being hunched over a computer is not desirable to me.
Don’t want to offend nobody’s beliefs but they are 120mil PS4 user alone + 60mil Xbox users, we can say that at least 50% own a PC. While Sony and Microsoft playing chicken, nVidia gave the early adopters a new option. Buy our next gen gpu for 499 in oct, before the consoles release. Any way, the bulk of the Console users are casual and they will wait until next year for a price drop to buy a next gen console.
@jmac1686 same here but I'm slowly leaning more towards a gaming pc, I really want to play strategy games again.. it's also very much possible to hook up your pc to your tv and play games with a controller. Steam supports all kinds of controllers. So couch gaming isn't exclusive to consoles.
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