GAME Guildford, of all places, set the Internet alight earlier today by urging customers to “standby for updates” regarding PlayStation 5 pre-orders. In a tweet, which has since been deleted, the UK games store claimed that Sony has scheduled an “announcement” tomorrow and that things are about to “kick off this week”.
There have been some rumours relating to PlayStation’s 25th anniversary, which is tomorrow in the United States. However, the Japanese giant hasn’t confirmed anything as of yet, and it’s likely that whoever runs the abovementioned retailer’s social media account failed to check their sources. It’s not impossible that we’ll learn more about PS5 pre-orders this week – but this isn’t proof.
As such, you’re probably going to have to sit tight for a little longer. Despite the Xbox Series S being officially unveiled earlier today, there’s still been no confirmation of the Xbox Series X’s price point – and Microsoft is yet to commit to a release date either. As such, expect this saga to drag on a little longer – at least for the remainder of this month, anyway.
[source resetera.com]
Comments 72
GAME Guildford is somehow the perfect place to accidentally leak something. I can already picture the slightly damp carpet and pre-owned section with 35 copies of Boogie on Wii.
I hope it's not more than $500, I'm ready to preorder the ps5 disc version
If they don't announce this week then there are clearly problems behind the scenes.
That Series S price is sure to ruffle a few feathers and is a very tempting proposition when you factor in Gamepass, leaving PS5 potentially at least double the price when taking into account games as well
PS5 digital is going to be 349.99 full blown PS5 449.99.
That’s my prediction. 50$ more for the digital version and much more powerful would absolutely negate the series s entirely, and 50$ less for disc version would ensure their domination for another entire gen.
Yes they’d be taking a slight loss of the disc version and a big loss on the digital, but they would make that back before too long.
@nessisonett there are rumours the damp patch was caused by a disfuntional P.C. after an incident with a Wii.
@MarcG420 I just think that's far too cheap. They're going to be more expensive, so they're going to have to suck that up and focus on why their box is "premium" in comparison.
Not going to lie, it's starting to be a bit annoying...we don't know the launch lineup, price...we're almost in mid september lol
If Xbox goes to allowing world wide pre-orders too they will get a leg up. Sony needs to finally move they let Microsoft go first now there is literally nothing to wait for.
I have a feeling if they truly were going to start pre-orders tomorrow, they might be looking into either delay that or figure a very quick way to reframe their messaging, because based on most rumors I bet they were expecting Series S to be $400.
@AFCC heck, the flagship first party launch game, Spider Man, we still have not seen footage!
I'm guessing that the consoles will be $400-$500. There is almost no way that it's $600+
Sony already knew about the XSS, it isn't a shock to them. They knew about it 2 years ago when developers did. Trust me. They knew, because they toyed with the idea too but decided against it. They also probably guessed the price as well, so my guess is all this was already factored in to their plans. I expect details from Sony around TGS.
This whole next gen build up has been nothing but let down after let down
Still have seen no gameplay footage of the big launch title Spiderman Miles Morales
No Pricing
No clear communication, hell no communication at all.
No launch day schedule
No Preorder updates
And now Xbox have done an amazing job at undercutting Sony with the Series S, whatever they do they will look bad.
@Tharsman I mean, I prefer to get news on something I can buy shortly after but this is just getting weird
@Kidfried Below average Wii games are all I live for. Need to finish that 4th playthrough of All Star Cheerleader.
@DonJorginho here you are talking about no gameplay footage for one launch game from Sony. Buddy, MS haven’t shown ANYTHING that’s not a B.C. title running on an actual Series X or Series S and you’re here talking about Sony not showing gameplay for one game. OK 🤣🤣🤣
doubt it .
with sony saying they won't let pre orders go live at a moments notice,and sony not wanting to share ps5 related news this week because of VR i realy doubt this.
@get2sammyb we’ll see. I think Sony’s going to come out swinging.
@MarcG420 It’s a valid point though, Miles Morales is supposed to be coming out in a couple of months. If that was any other game, people would be outraged about the lack of gameplay.
So Microsoft had some series "leaks" happen the day before PlayStation's 25th anniversary in the US. Heh.
@nessisonett how different can a Spider-Man be from the last one though other than the raytracing and graphical updates.
It’s making a big deal out of nothing. I’d be much more concerned with MS not having faith enough in their newer systems to show anything running on it other than the BC demo they showed.
It points to issues behind the scenes.
@MarcG420 You can’t dismiss concerns about Sony’s approach by saying Microsoft isn’t much better. We know. They’re both screwing us about.
Something has to happen in the next fortnight, surely?
@jdv95 they could announce pre-orders are only opening tomorrow for those that signed up in their page, would count as not coming out of nowhere. That might not roll well with most retailers, though.
@HotGoomba Don't be too surprised if the price is heading towards that amount.
@nessisonett I think neither Sony nor Microsoft have shown enough actual gameplay footage, but everything Sony have shown is running on PS5, whereas MS still haven't shown anything on XSX or XSS. I think at this point it is clear both have been more affected by the global pandemic than they've let on.
@nessisonett no, it’s pointing out a non-issue when completely ignoring that they’ve actually showed tons of stuff running on the PS5 while simultaneously ignoring that MS has shown NOTHING. If you’ve read the guys comments in the past it’s not hard to know his motives.
What will MM be like on the PS5? Simple; a better version of Spider-Man that was on PS4.
@MarcG420 Oh piss off with that fanboy mentality. His motives are that he’s both an Xbox and PS player. That’s not some sort of ideological anathema, he’s done nothing wrong. @DonJorginho has contributed loads to this site and dismissing his entire opinion due to nonsense Xbox hatred is on you, not him.
@nessisonett whatever you say bud 🙄.
It’s blatantly obvious with pretty much everything he says.
@MarcG420 And it’s not blatantly obvious that your head is so far up Sony’s arse that you can see Knack 3 in their bowels?
@nessisonett so you’re admitting he’s an Xbox fanboy?
I’ve never pretended to be anything other than a Sony fan. That’s the difference.
Edit: also, to come on a PlayStation-centric site to constantly bash them is just plain sad and in my opinion more than a little pathetic.
@MarcG420 I could say the same about Xbox too you are entirely right, but I am a Sony fan and adore them not Xbox so I am nowhere near as passionate about their mess ups.
Both sides are playing us dirty, but compared to Sony, Xbox have actually been quite quick in giving information for next gen, Sony have been agonisingly slow, the initial PS5 reveal game event was amazing and a great start but they have done nothing to keep momentum going.
You can disagree with my opinion, but don't be outright disrespectful, we're adults not schoolchildren.
@MarcG420 The last thing I am is an Xbox fanboy my friend haha.
I am a Sony fan through and through, @nessisonett knows that as do many on this forum, I am just simply stating what has been presented from SONY, if you want to talk about XBOX you can do it on PureXbox.
@DonJorginho your past comments say otherwise.
State Of Play announcement in 3...2...
@MarcG420 You obviously aren't looking far enough mate, I have been very critical of Sony in recent weeks and months after the first big event but there are plenty positive things I have said and will continue to say about them.
They are the best, which is why it annoys me when they do this kinda stuff.
The official PlayStation blog just commented yesterday to keep our expectations in check, and that there will be no PS5 news this week since their focus will be all on PSVR games. So I guess we'll have to wait till next Monday at the earliest.
But that was before the Series S was revealed, though.
@nookie_egg That's what i reckon we get tomorrow, a date for the next big showcase (Possibly on the weekend) with a promise that 'all will be revealed' or something to that effect.
They probably won't announce the price until December just wait and see
The lack of gameplay can only be down to one simple factor - it just isn't that impressive. Otherwise they'd be showing it before every youtube video, before every movie etc etc this close to pre-orders. Spider-Man will have better lighting (for those that can even discern it/have the high quality tvs that make a difference) and hopefully locked at 60fps, but after the way we've been spoilt rotten with this generation's exclusives, it will be difficult to show half a grand's worth of improvements on it.
People think the chicken game is over but it's not. No official price on the Series X yet. Maybe at Ubi event.
Then hopefully Sony turn next week.
I think it was a controlled leak.
Maybe they didn't want to overlap with Ubisoft's event, so they delayed the showcase
I almost forgot the US release of the PS1 was 25 years ago tomorrow. 9/9/95 was etched into my 17 year old brain. I was working working at Software Etc and picked up my console first thing in the morning to play it before I came back in for my evening shift. Good times.
@JJ2 It is $499 according to the leak. Remember that the series s details and announcement was leaked by the same source hours before Microsoft responded with the official reveal
If Kaz Hirai and Mark Cerny don't personally deliver me a PS5 by the end of today then I'm cancelling my mind about pre-ordering one.
@nessisonett your comment about game reminds me of CEX 😆
@hoffa007 I remember finding a copy of Sonic Unleashed in CEX with a mysterious brown stain on it. You find some absolute clangers in that shop!
@nessisonett Haha lovely. Totally agree with that about the shop, always smells to.
Just noticed that the Amazon UK product page for PS5 on their Android app has been updated: there is now an option to register for a push notification when it's 'available'. Definitely wasn't there last time I checked (maybe a week ago).
Probably doesn't mean anything, and I'm getting my hopes up, but maybe, just maybe...
Can we stop calling everyone 'fanboy' knowing most of us are grown up people please? Or 'fanboy mentality' or insulting people? There a nothing wrong with fans or whatever you like to call it to belittle others.
It's the opposite of having a discussion. It's actually very childish.
From my experience most people calling others are projecting anyway.
The site should ban that word and a few others.
Its going to get ugly in the comments in the next few months, Im telling you.
I think quite a few PlayStation fans were pushed away from this site because they were called fanboy and belittled and it's a real shame.
@MarcG420 I say $399 for digital and $499 for disc version. I don't think there's much reason to do the 49.99 thing.
@zupertramp could be, I just think they’re going to try to be as close to 299.99 as they can get comfortably.
Now that MS have officially confirmed 10th November as their launch day, Sony need to respond. The only thing MS need to do before opening pre-orders is confirm the XSX price.
If I were Sony I would not want XSS and XSX pre-orders available before PS5 price and release date are announced. I think they now only have a matter of days to get the info out there before they start giving up next-gen market share.
@MarcG420 I know Microsoft is basically Sony's only competitor but I think it's worth keeping in mind that throughout most of the run up to launch, Sony has seemed fairly comfortable just doing their own thing. They've consistently stressed value over price and have refused to let the next-gen games be diluted by forcing cross-gen compatibility (unlike MS).
So it's not that they don't care what Microsoft is doing, I just think they are probably confident their own strategy is better. If you ask me, which no one did, this announcement from MS probably has little impact on Sony's plans.
@zupertramp I want a new game with Nariko put GOW on hold and let them make a game with Nariko.
@JJ2 You can call me a fanboy i dont care and its the truth. 😆
Man I know some people dont mind but it's just silly. We know it's meant to belittle people and invalid whatever they say.
Besides you never know the person in real life.
@Flaming_Kaiser lol you're telling me! Noticed that a good handful of people on here have the same Joel pic so I thought, "What's an old game I love that no one else does?" So Nariko it is. It was either that or an OG Faith Connors.
@zupertramp Once you try the game you will never forget her name. That ending. 😢
Nariko >>>>>> Kratos.
@JJ2 I am a massive Sony fanboy from TV too phone, MP4 player, discman, headsets, alarmclock, too consoles and so on i always have been very happy with the brand.
@zupertramp If i hear one more thing about the value of the gamepass.
Ok put it this way, it's one thing to call yourself whatever you want and be happy. It's quite another being called something you dont want. A bit similar to racist or sexist words if you will.
@ApostateMage - man, i'd love to spend a day gaming with kaz, mark and also shu!
Sony should pull a classic (the price is right) and drop a, $299.98 for the ps5 diskless edition bob!
Ive got nothing agaist xbox but ive always been a sony guy, and with streetfighter being exclusive last gen it only 10000% solidified that.
@get2sammyb you think more expensive than series X too?
I have a leak...Sony pricing and pre orders coming "soon".
Sure. The reality though is nothing is set in stone until its officially announced.
Let's say Sony announced the price, then Ms may very possibly at least match it.
@get2sammyb Original tweet was removed, has anyone shared a screenshot yet?
@JJ2 Why care about what someone else calls you its the internet its one of the most depressing places too be on a lot of the times.
Its like a unsupervised schoolyard with adult saying everything they can because nobody knows who they are. Kids without supervision, freedom of speech without limit and where people can act unchecked.
Look being called a fanboy isnt that great but dont compare it too being called a racist or even sexist thats on a way other level.
Im not 30 anymore and i sometimes cant comprehend what people are saying sometimes its baffling so yeah its nonsense too get upset about something that trivial.
Alright I was just trying to explain with simple examples but it's fine then if you dont get it that it spoils the comments on PUSHSQUARE (not 'the internet'). Never mind 👍
Yeah because Game have a direct line to Sony dont they??? They just put 1 and 1 together and came up with 4, Playstation anniversary in the US,, Microsoft just announced there price's......... Oh Sony are bound to announce something?
Sony said THEMSELVES, they wont announce ANYTHING at the drop of a hat, There will be ample warning first so EVERYBODY knows its going to happen.
It is just like the last time it was rumored, EVERY news outlet is jumping on the band wagon, Ps5 price announced today, Pre orders start today BLAH BLAH BLAH.
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