SIE Blog
Image: SIE

Sony has launched a new SIE-themed blog page to accompany its existing PlayStation Blog. The corporate website aims to provide readers with a “view into the company behind PlayStation”. The first post explains: “We’ll share the latest company news, stories about the people behind the products and experiences you love, offer insights into the company culture, and more.”

Some of the features you can expect to read on the site include “interviews with the teams behind some of our most popular games” and “how executives, studio heads, and creative directors see SIE”. There’ll also be insight into “what SIE provides to society”, with one post already focusing on the platform holder’s “playing for the planet” campaign.

That particular update explains that “one of the important energy efficient features of the PS5 will be its ability to suspend and resume game play at just 0.5W [which] when enabled this will be around 72 per cent less than for the PS4”. You can check out the new SIE Blog through the link, and also more about PlayStation's environmental drive through here.
