PlayStation 5’s new Control Centre is shaping up to be one of the console’s most iconic features. If you missed the platform holder’s user experience presentation last week, this overlay allows you to browse cards relating to your game. You can then use these icons to launch directly into levels, track your progress, and much more. And the feature has left fans pondering how it might work for some of their favourite games.

For example, here we see a mock-up for Bloodborne by ImageModeCMYK, with several bosses left to beat and plenty of time remaining on the game clock:

Meanwhile, VideoTech of Rockstar Intel – as shared on Reddit by a user named LivingwithED [I'm saying nothing - Ed] – came up with some similar mock-ups for both Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption 2. In the latter example, we see a mixture of Red Dead Online activities and single player story missions:

How are you hoping PS5’s new Control Centre is utilised? Do you want direct access to specific multiplayer modes? Are you a fan of the Trophy progression feature? List out the kind of quality of life improvements you’re expecting below.

[source, via,]