If you asked us what PlayStation’s most iconic bug is, we wouldn’t need to think about it for very long: it’s the legendary oversight on the PlayStation 3 which showed your DualShock 3’s battery indicator on top of the clock. We battled with this for years, pushing the PlayStation button to see the time only to have it obscured by a symbol showing our pad’s charge.
This was eventually fixed in 2009 in Firmware Update 3.00, when the Japanese giant announced the solution as part of its patch notes: “When you press the PS button, the battery life indicator will no longer cover up the clock.” There was much jubilation on enthusiast message boards, as you can probably imagine.
But in what is surely a nod to the old bug of old, the PS5 user experience demonstration shows how the DualSense’s battery indicator will once again obscure the clock when you boot the console up:

We’re going to go out on a limb and assume this is just an Easter egg for long-time PlayStation fans, reminding them of those days when they used to battle with the PS3’s covered clock. After all, no company would make the same mistake twice, would it? Surely not!
[source youtube.com]
Comments 45
@get2sammyb This time it's optimized for 4K! LOL!
I really really hope this is an Easter egg 😂
I thought the only bugs on ps5 were Bugsnax
Lol. I'm guessing there'll be a patch for it fairly quickly.
The real easter egg in the UI demonstration was that the person from the friends list was named Craig 😂 anyone catch that?
Time isn't important, the Dualsense's battery life is.
To be honest, I never knew this was a thing on the PS3, so I guess it didn't bother me.
I mean if its not an Easter egg it doesn't really matter if it is just on boot up like not seeing the clock for 5-10 seconds doesn't really matter but if this happens every time you hit the ps button then we have a problem.
It's good they kept the intern on permanently.
The clock up cock up.
@Deadlyblack depending how much you would use the haptic feedback, if you turn off the vibration that would really extend the battery life. The haptic feedback might be really cool though
@swagbag713 I'll be here all week, or until ps5 comes out
OMG!! I best cancel my pre order now 😆 🤣
OMG you got a pre-order?
I find out pretty difficult to believe it's an intentional Easter egg of messing up the clock in the ui. More likely the new ui, internally, is based partly on a snapshot of the ps3 os predating that fix. These companies arent going to purposely put flaws into the product in the hopes that a few hardcore internet gamers will "fondly" remember when the annoying thing last existed accidentally.... It's funny but im sure it's not intentional.
Well it's taken Sony 7 years to not sort out how sluggish the UI is on the base PS4 (it doesn't even cache game thumbnails properly for example) so I'm gonna guess this is actually a genuine design oversight. For all their flaws Microsoft actually do seem to listen to user feedback and will overhaul their UIs; why Sony and Nintendo can't do the same is beyond me.
@DeepSpace5D one of the first things I noticed 😂
I thought that battery power indicator are those led stripes on sides by select (central) button on dualsho... sense. Otherway cannot imagine other meaning of those lights at all.
Battery indicator with 16x the detail
Its a feature not a bug lol
I don’t even recall this
Wait, this was a thing? I have absolutely no memory of the PS3's battery indicator ever covering the clock xD
Completely stupid. No attention to detail.
@I_Like_It why u cancel a pre order simply because it blocks the clock u will see it on home screen or they may fix that when launch lol or few patch notes
@I_Like_It very true they may fix it as soon as it launched
The biggest bug in modern times is journalist or media only working for click baits...... Does push square really pay people to sit around the whole day and write articles that are essentially saying "Water is wet"..... How do I get a job at push square....cause I am definitely in the wrong job if people get paid for this............. So I guess we will be getting an article about whether the Ps5 comes with a manual included inside the box........
As the only method I have of telling the time is my PS4 I am in no rush to get a PS5 until this is sorted.
Said no one ever!
I'm still getting a PS5. I'll just look at the position of the sun to work out the time 😂
It's OK, I'll either look at my Sundial or I'll use the Mayan Calander, oh no that ended December 2012, or I could look at my mobile phone considering 99.99 percent of people have one 😂.
I dont get it. It's only like 3 seconds and useful info.
Where is the 'bug'?
Is that because you cant read the time for 3 seconds? Weird complaint.
Never heard or noticed the flaw.
I would argue it was the OG PS1 needing to be physically turned upside down to get it to read games properly by pushing the disc closer to the laser.
Is it a bug though, or just a design flaw?
It's not a bug, it's a feature. Playstation want you to keep playing and lose track of time 😅
No big deal. Most people who will own a ps5 will have SOME sort of mobile phone, even if it is not a smart phone.
I never even noticed this, I mostly used those lights at the top of the controller to check the batter. To be honest I really don't even remember using the ps button much at all on the system when I didn't need to.
I think you're giving PlayStation too much credit there.
@Deadlyblack yes
It is not a big deal for me and I am pretty sure that this is gonna be fixed. Anyway, I like the UI very much so I look forward to see all it has to offer.
@zekepliskin Don't tell my friend that, he hates Microsoft moving things about in the UI 😁 they recently removed the option to video capture in 4k HDR (only SDR now) on the 1X. I assume that's gone to Series X 🙄
I don't remember this being a problem. Did it really bother people that much? 🤔
sammy barker this bug bugged you?... a clock replaced by charge icon??... jeez... hate to see what youre like playing on games like skyrim, fallout3 & binding of isaac... 🤣🤣🤣
Funny thing i dont remember it being a problem on my ps3 because geez maybe people dont need to look at the time on their console if they wear a watch on their wrist or have an actual clock on the wall?
@GREGORIAN so true... most of the crap they write is wrong
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