Update: And now have a comparison video of Marvel's Spider-Man from IGN to demonstrate the title's considerable visual upgrade on the PlayStation 5. The lighting is, frankly, outstanding in the next-gen version.

Oh, and as for Peter Parker's new face, it's looking pretty good, as this capture from Game Riot demonstrates.
Original Story: If you weren’t on the Internet when Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered was announced, you missed some primetime outrage. Not only did Insomniac Games have the outright gall to charge extra for the overhauled PlayStation 4 exclusive, but it also wasn’t going to allow save transfers. The developer has since rolled back that decision, announcing that a Marvel’s Spider-Man patch will enable you to export your progress later this month.
And now for the first footage of the PlayStation 5 game: it’s a remarkable improvement. Obviously the PS4 version already looked very good, but the addition of raytracing – or 60 frames-per-second if you prefer – results in a generation shift for the release. Check out the footage above, and then the comparison below. We’re sure there’ll be some better side-by-side comparisons uploaded to YouTube soon.
All of this has resulted in, well, a little bit of crow being served to sceptics. Clearly the developer’s put in an absolute ton of work here to upgrade the overall experience, and at a $20 premium as part of the Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Ultimate Edition, there’s clearly a lot of value on the table.
[source youtube.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 65
His new face is creepy though
Aw man, I already bought the Standard Launch Edition, can I still get Spider-Man Remastered as an Add-on? I wanna get used to the new face quicke--JUST KIDDING, I'm never gonna get used to the face!
Having never played Spiderman, I'm more excited for this than the Miles Morales part of the package....I wonder if we can believe Insomniac when they say it won't be available separately!
Just give me Spider-Cat and I'm happy.
There's very clearly a lot of work that has gone into this, I still feel there should be some kind of upgrade path of existing owners but I'll definitely be getting the Ultimate Edition of Miles Morales to play both on PS5
@nessisonett You might be biased though.
"But they didn't do enough to justify charging $20 for this" - basically anyone online the day it was announced...
Seriously though, good for insomniac showing what they have done and how it affects the game. Can't wait to play it again on ps5.
@God_of_Nowt honestly same...
First it was the puddles
Then the upgrade of peters face
Then the save transfer(warranted)
Then there wasn't "enough" work done to justify a remaster
I am over it
@nessisonett. No hes not.hes face looks younger.stop the hate.hes a ladysman.i dont see nothing creepy about it.🤔.word up son
@Enuo I don’t think I could take a second playthrough seriously in all honesty. The crazy glitches I got made the game that much more fun like bald MJ, cops flying through walls and everyone’s faces morphing into ungodly contortions. Oh the joys of a dying hard drive 😂😂
This is looking nice but I'm a little Spider-Man'd out after playing all the DLC on PS4 less than a year ago. I'd only get the remaster on PS5 for popping a bunch of cheap trophies but I don't like to pay for the ability to do that.
@nessisonett Sounds like you played AC Unity mate
Here’s the original image of my bizarre Spider-Man glitches, unfortunately most were lost when the hard drive fully went.
@HotGoomba___Rebrand If you're getting Miles Morales, you can buy Remastered from the main menu for $20.
This is exciting, bring on Gwen Stacy next.
@QBGaming12 She’s dead. At least I assume so, she is Peter’s first girlfriend after all and this is quite a few years after he became Spider-Man.
'Trolls diet is unusual, as they will eat anything including metal, bone, wood and rocks. The stomachs of trolls contain very powerful digestive acids.'
@JJ2 It’s an idiom commonly used at least over here in the UK anyway. Like eating humble pie - being forced to admit you were wrong.
GameRiot also has footage on YouTube of the first 25mins of the game in fidelity mode.
Wasn't expecting such a big difference! Very impressed and glad I bought the ultimate edition. Will definitely jump into this on New Game + when the ps4 saves patch happens.
Warming to the new character model now after seeing the intro. Even Yuri looks a bit different due to the lighting.
Wonder if MJ has any changes, if any.
@nessisonett I mainly want Spider Gwen from Into the Spider-Verse. She was probably the coolest character in that. I'm not talking about the normal girlfriend version. Spider Gwen is cool.
@nessisonett he was caught mid-sneeze
@get2sammyb Oh hey, that's great!
@nessisonett eh, not creepy but he'll look like a little brother for MJ.
I been TOLD people that they were putting a TON of work into this one
This game is a steal at $20.
Well i said this all along. Those games with free upgrade paths are simply resolution boosts. This is way more than that, and has required loads more work as a result.
Theres an argument that Sony should have communicated the upgrades more effectively, sure, but people are far too quick to complain on the internet
@HotGoomba___Rebrand I should think you will eventually be able to buy a standalone version but at the moment its a voucher code inside miles morales ultimate or via the upgrade path from miles morales standard.
@vapidwolf I think I might just upgrade from the Standard Edition.
@QBGaming12 Nah,miles and spiderman noir where cooler.
@rachetmarvel I mean a female Spider-Man is what people are going to ask for eventually so why not. I remember seeing some people ask about Spider Gwen when they announced Miles Morales.
@QBGaming12 Spider-Gwen would be pretty cool but they’d have to introduce the multiverse to get that one off the ground. Maybe in the full sequel!
Looks great, but tons of new games out - not investing time/money on games I already played.
Them making peter look like he’s in middle school instead of college made me change which version I was gonna buy yesterday I’d almost forgotten until I looked again, I just got miles by himself. Once I get over that I may spend the additional 20 bucks, but for now I’m fine with the regular version.
@playstation1995 "he's a lady's man"
Yes. Peter Parker, the guy who willingly wanted to avoid becoming overly close with people in his life to avoid putting them in danger due to his line of work despite a growing sense of kinship and confidence towards his loved ones, is a lady's man.
@HotGoomba___Rebrand yes you can!! You just have to pay $20 through the PlayStation store. There should be an option that takes you to a place to buy it when you boot up the game.
I feel so smart being one of the 11 PS4 players that never played the first Spider Man. It makes the money worth it...1.5 games for the price of 115% of one lol.
@deathaxe Oh no, don’t bring up the Clone Saga, I really dislike that arc 😂😂
@ILikeStake I too am one of those 11 people. My son bought it and its on my shelf in my backlog.... so I'm gonna buy the ultimate edition and get the deal that you worked out 😜
I’m one of the few people who actually prefers the new character model it seems.
Did they re-record the dialogue or is it the original voice actor? I couldn’t really tell from the video.
It would’ve been cool if they had included the Freedom Tower too. It was meant to be there in the original game if I remember right, but was cut and replaced with a random building at the last minute. Not that it really matters I suppose.
They should've released images and videos of the changes much sooner. Insomniac could've created even just a section of gameplay with a side by side comparison.
Might have eased tensions a bit regarding the extra cost. When things are behind closed doors for too long people get edgy and that's when rumours abound.
RT mode: Man the lightning in this game is just cheff kiss 😃
Framerate mode: Holy sh**, this is next gen 😂
Edit: Also the old face looks weird now, I prefer the new face.
After this I want to play this game in PS6 with 60FPS and RT. Both modes are amazing. =)
@fR_eeBritney None of the dialogue is altered in any way, nor is the facial capture on any of the other major characters. Yuri Lowenthal still voices Peter.
People mostly complain about the face swap nobody said the game would be a technical downgrade 🙄. The new face is weird. A bad remastered could be considered like the hot pursuit it actually look worse in some areas than the original and they are charging 40 bucks for that. This remastered is great but the biggest problem is the face, I know for so seem silly.
@Digit2021 Someone from Insomniac explained on ResetEra that, basically, there was no media because the game took until the last minute of development to come together.
Developing for launch hardware is hard!
@fR_eeBritney Nah, you're not alone. The new face model is MILES better.
@get2sammyb Miles better or Peter better? That is the question.
I personally don't mind the new Peter. **ducks behind cover**
I can see where they are going with it, to pave the way forward to make all the games closely resemble each other for uniformity.
@nessisonett I rather have Silk then something i have never seen.
Honestly, I'd be fine with either version. The enhanced graphics and ray tracing are nice, but the game looks fine without them. I'll be upgrading simply because it's what I do, but if I didn't, the only thing I'd be really missing out on is the DualSense.
@nessisonett I actually like the new face more, the old face is weird.
I bought the M M Ultimate Edition for PS5, but I seem to have got the PS4 version of Miles Morales too because last night the preload started on my Pro.
I deleted it because I rather wait for the PS5 versions but a nice gesture from Sony to include both console versions for the same price imho.
It looks like basically the same game to me. That's not to dismiss the amount of work that went into it but I don't think I could justify buying this game again. Although $20 does seem fair.
Regarding the new face, I don't hate it but changing Peter was just so unnecessary. You can't help but feel a little addled when everyone looks the same except this one character. Could be worse though, amirite Fantastic Beasts fans?
Eh, it doesn't look €20 to me. It's pretty much the same with prettier reflections.
@get2sammyb I know you prefer the new face, but weren't you the one who mentioned you thought Aloy from H: ZD was super attractive? Clearly we have different tastes.
Probably the only person who thinks this but I prefer the look of the PS4 version. The PS5 one looks like it has an orange blur filter in front of it. The reflections are obviously an improvement but I don't think there is much of a graphical upgrade other than object reflections.
I am so HAPPY SONY bought Insomniac The only thing I wasn't happy about was SONY getting rid of the makers of MotorStorm and DriveClub :-/ Oh well. Considering I got a 4K TV now and everything looks better than just watching videos on YouTube I might get this version to(not played Spiderman yet to)
@get2sammyb Did you see Insomniac's reply to someone's tweet when they asked if a 1080p/60FPS mode with Ray Tracing could be possible?
They only responded with a curious face emoji, but holding out in hope!
I use a 1080p projector and definitely can't afford a 4K one right now as I've paid for the PS5 and an entirely new surround sound setup to hopefully boost the 3D audio.
It looks amazing and the new face is way, way better than the original. Really can't wait to play it!
If I buy the PS4 version of MM, do I get option to buy this when I get my PS5?
Don't know if I can hold out until I get a PS5 and would love to replay the original.
What does being served crow mean?
@Saitama117 one can said to be "eating crow" when forced to admit they are wrong about something they were opinionated about.
@theheadofabroom Thanks for clarifying. I would've never guessed that.
@carlos82 Existing path for existing users. I know its consumer friendly, but we've not seen that as generations change before. Skyrim is a good example, as are Assassins Creed games, COD games, Sports games, and others.
I don't think its fair to hard working developers to expect it because we want those studios to get paid to keep doing good work like this, although I do absolutely think its nice to be offered it.
@Party_Cannon true but the updated Skyrim didn't make you buy something like Fallout 4 before you could buy it. I'm not suggesting it should be free, just that they could make it available as a paid upgrade for those who own the original as well.
I'll have the Ultimate Edition of Miles Morales by tomorrow though, so I can look at it for a week
What's with the sepia tone all over the PS5 fidelity video?
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