Yay! Play has no limits! It was a long week for everyone in Europe, but now the PlayStation 5 is out pretty much all over the world and we can finally enjoy it together. Well, assuming you were able to find one, of course.
Sammy Barker, Editor
Frankly it’s been an exhausting month or so, so I’m looking forward to being able to play some games this weekend without having to note everything down. I’ll be finishing up a few things in NBA 2K21 before getting started with Demon’s Souls.
Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor
The PS5 is finally here, and I'll be taking a bunch of games for a spin this weekend. Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition, and Godfall are all on the agenda. My early impressions of the (current-gen!) console are really positive.
Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor
Like many of you, my PS5 has finally arrived, so I'll be diving into a whole bunch of next-gen stuff this weekend. After sampling Astro's Playroom, I want to check out PS5 versions of games like Bugsnax and DIRT 5, as well as Overcooked: All You Can Eat. There's lots to be getting on with!
Liam Croft, Senior Staff Writer
For once, I'm spoilt for choice! The PS5 has finally arrived so I've got Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Demon's Souls, and a bunch of other games to play. I'll also need to dip into Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War for my PS5 verdict as well as Godfall for review.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
Despite my PS5 being out for delivery only to get delayed last week, it did in fact show up this week, so now I'm furiously scrambling to get everything sorted, all the while getting used the new generation. I'll be working on some reviews through the weekend, playing The Pathless, Observer, and a cheeky little game called "Why is there no folder system to organize things on the PS5?!"
Simon Fitzgerald, Reviewer
As I have just got my hands on a PS5 it will be a weekend shut inside for me. With the likes of Astro's Playroom, Bugsnax, Spider-Man, Sackboy, and Demon Souls to keep me busy I’m glad I won’t be going out anywhere.
Will it be the PS5 all weekend, then? Or are you digging into something on your PS4? As always, let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 96
PlayStation 5 weekend for me..... bit of call of duty and Assassins Creed.
Astrobot, WRC 9 and Demon's Souls for me. I'm utterly enjoying myself. Haven't been this excited about a new console since the Dreamcast.
I finished off the platinum trophy on the quite wonderful Astro's Playroom this morning and now I'm going to get stuck into Spider-Man and Assassin's Creed Valhalla on the PS5. I had a quick go of Ghost of Tsushima and Days Gone on the PS5 and both are glorious at 60fps
For those of you who have been gaming on Playstation since the very beginning then Astro's Playroom is well worth seeing through to the end 😉🤐
Demon Souls, just taken down the Tower Knight. Loving it.
Got my PS4 running in the other room as I can’t believe it can be healthy going cold turkey on all that noise after so many years.
I'm still on my PS5, and am what I assume is just over halfway playing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. I'm really loving it, and the satisfaction when I beat the Guardian Ape was second to none, although the lack of enemy and environment variety is getting a bit grating now. Maybe it's a bit too long? Regardless, I'm still really enjoying it, and can't wait to die many many many more times this weekend!
Already got the platinum on AstroBot, but I'll re visit that and do a few more speed runs! And then the rest of the day will be spent on Miles Morales!
As one of the lucky souls to have one, I'll be playing Miles Morales and Demons Souls. Also got the platinum for Astro, which was brilliant. Have a good one folks!
Finished Astro’s playroom last night and was all set to play bugsnax today, but the wife robbed the controller sand has been playing No Man’s Sky all morning 😭
No PS5 for me so remain a PS4 peasant.
Finished Resi 2 during the week (it's very good but I'm glad I finished it!) so have no 'main' game now. Going to be doing a mix of Shadow of War, Fall Guys and Hollow Knight.
The latter I'm finding more intriguing than exciting. It also seems to be very grindy but the music is good and it has a quirky art style.
It's payday soon so really tempted to treat myself to a couple of new games to play on my PS4 (sob, sob). Final Fantasy VII and Ghost of Tsushima, although perhaps I'm better off playing the latter on PS5. Not sure yet.
Anyhoo, enjoy your weekend people and your lovely shiny PS5s!
Am I the first PS4 peon commenting? I'm slowly making my way through AC: Valhalla. Not really scratching my itch tbh. I'm only 20 hours in so maybe just need to persevere. However, yesterday got a little gem called Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin that I am already super addicted to after about 3 hrs playtime so I can see me playing nothing but that this weekend. LOL
Mixing between Miles, Demon souls and Astrobot. Loving all three and great as they are so different.
I will dig into some ps plus collections. Days Gone and GoW. Can't seem to put Astro bot down as well atm. Loving the PS5 so far!
Demon's Souls, Sackboy (PS5)
Trine 4, Ghost Of Tsushima (PS4 on PS5)
Got the plat for Astro's Playroom, so I'm going to crack on with the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War campaign when I finish work.
I'm playing through the business management and cabaret club minigames in Yakuza 0, and battling G rank monsters in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.
Almost at the end of my 2nd run of the remarkable TLOUII. Playing Dominoes in RDRII trying to reach Gambler 10 and finding more secrets. 3rd run of GoW, some PES2020 and anything else.
Astro bots 🤖 once I’ve platinum that will allow my self to play sack boy.
Also playing Demon Soles.
Amazing console, controller and games.
Great start to this new generation
Watching my Pittsburgh Steelers beat the Jaguars and go 10 and 0.lets go Steelers.best nfl franchise ever.im playing darksiders 3 and resident evil origins collection.word up son
100%ed Astro yesterday morning, started TLOU Remastered in the evening so I'll probably finish my first playthrough of that before firing up Bugsnax
Edit: with TLOU I have to cap frames to 30fps to get it telling me I'll see 2160p as it's only showing PS4 Pro boost mode options. Anyone know if there'll be more options added later as I'd like 2160p60 thank you very much
Having just finished Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice ( what a stunning game ! Incredible ) I'll be playing Black Ops Cold War campaign
Also will be trying to get to grips with Granblue Fantasy Versus and no doubt get my arse handed to me online
Also gonna dabble with Avengers and Black Mesa on Steam (another stunner )
Have a good weekend guys n gals ♥️♥️
@playstation1995 I don't remember you mentioning the Steelers every single week last season. I wonder why that was?
@Col_McCafferty. Simple.my hall of fame quarterback was out for the season.now hes back.hes ona mission.other teams are learning theyre lessons.i been a Pittsburgh Steelers fan for more than 25 years playa.from new york represent.word up son
Jumping into Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and Spiderman Miles Morales on the PS5. Just a shame for some reason I can’t get the PS5 version of AC to download.
Not much gaming for me this weekend, I have an assignment to work on that was due for the 19th.
If I get the chance I'll play more Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
I’m playing godfall, sackboy: a big adventure and astro’s playroom on my ps5. Also maybe more shiny hunting in pokemon SWSH crown tundra dlc if I find the time.
I planned on spending the weekend on the PS5. But instead I’ve had to come into work.
I did manage to Platinum Astro’s Playroom in the few hours I’ve had on it.
Looking forward to more.
Valhalla and Miles Morales. Can't believe how good Morales looks. Absolutely stunning and such a joy to play. Got the ultimate edition so think I'm gonna do the remastered Spider-Man after I've got the platinum on Morales 👌
Got the platinum for Astro's Playroom last night and now just playing Spider-man Miles Morales which is excellent! Happy gaming everyone.
Trying to focus on one game at a time. Last week completed Astro's Playroom and earlier in the week Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. This weekend I'll be trying to finish up Spider-Man: Miles Morales and after that move on to Assassin's Creed: Valhalla.
Flipping between the delightful Astrobot and Spider-Man remastered. I decided to replay that before starting Miles Morales to refresh my memory on the story and get used to the new Pete. Got to say there is lots of shiny flooring to show off the snazzy raytraced reflections. Also there are puddles everywhere.
Platinum for Astro's played through Spiderman Miles Morales stopped but need to do some game+ in Spiderman to finish with the trophies. Started Bugsnax then play through My Name in Mayo2 finished in 1:45 for the Platinum. Going to finish Bugsnax and then go back to Spiderman Miles and Spiderman remaster.
Finished Astro's Playroom this morning and I don't think the grin disapeared from my face the entire time. The ending is brilliant, even after the titles have rolled, and the use of the Dual Sense's capabilities throughout the entire game is a stroke of genius.
I'm giving Days Gone a try and I have to say that it looks stunnig at 60FPS.
I must admit download times seem much faster than the Ps4 but maybe that's becasue there aren't as many PS5 users as there are PS4 users and thus not maxing out bandwidth to the Sony datacentres hosting PS5 servers.
Continuing within Valhalla and I'm really enjoying it. (Not a patch on Odyssey). I'm also planning on playing Divinty original sin 2 at some point.
Daily Race Gr4 on Sardegna in GT Sport (mostly) and Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek when I feel tired 🙂
Got the plat for Watch Dogs Legion but it's good fun so I'll continue to look for Dedsec potential. I'll also hit up some dailies in RDO and be watching some footy now that the Prem is back.
Demon’s Soul (Magnificent)
Astro Playroom
PES 2021
COD: Warzone
All on PS5 😍
Spider-Man miles morales and a few other titles for a PS5 review I am writing. I like it so far!
@Hootnoodle You're in for a treat there, Divinity Original Sin 2 is incredible. Excellent console ports too
Keep saving NYC in Spidey Miles Morales.
@crimsontadpoles LOVE that hostess minigame. Sooo goood.
Demon Souls. Making slow but steady progress.
PS5 weekend with Astrobot and Demon's Souls. I'm saving Miles Morales and Spiderman Remastered for later.
I'va also tried Nioh 2 and Driveclub on the PS5 and they are a joy to play.
I got my PSVR adaptors (got both the original headset and the new one) so I might give Driveclub VR and No Man's Sky VR a spin too, but I'm starting to fill up the SSD and I don't dare to connect my 8TB external yet due to all the "warnings" about corrupted saves and so on...
But yesterday we watched a 4K movie and it looked great !
So I'm really happy with the PS5 so far !!
Miles Mo on PS5. Great game ... just really disappointed with the ray tracing performance. When the new consoles were announced I originally thought the days of picking fidelity over performance would be long gone. Played few hours with ray tracing and the intricate details and reflections are nice ... when your crawling slowly and deliberately looking for them. Swinging about during gameplay, you don't notice them at all. Looks lovely in 4K at 60 so sticking with that. Ray tracing definitely isnt worth halving the frame rate for. More of a neat tech demo feature that I might turn on to show others how cool it is, then immediately turn off. Still, stunning game.
Did you kill the tutorial boss and got the Iron Helm ? Damn, he was a biatch to be honest. That, or I'm just getting to old for games like this ha ha
A bit more astrobot, love how you jump straight in from the activities cards. Its fantastic, wouldn't be out of place as a nintendo offering, good gameplay showing off a new controller tech. Hopefully some more 60 fps god of war as well, "to me boi"!
Edit: having some real issues with astrobot crashing, anyone else experiencing similar or have a fix?
@Iroha I’m also in the early goings of Sakuna and really enjoying it. Haven’t quite gotten the hang of using the scarf and my rows of rice plants are more scatter plot than perfect grid, but the game has a lot of character and is good fun.
Now I have the chance I’m playing My Time at Portia. I know it’s a strange choice for PS5, but I need to finish it before my Now subscription runs out and it really is a great game. Incidentally, those extremely annoying delays when moving to the map and inventory screen etc has been removed with the extra speed of the SSD, and the loading screens to get in to the game halved at least.
@carlos82 I experienced some serious nostalgia when the final boss of Astrobot arrived! Made me smile
Last of Us Part II, as well as enjoying my new PS5 (God of War looks amazing, and Astro).
@Zeke68 No I died to him lol. Only made it as far as the Tower Knight who pummeled me. So have ventured onto pastures new to do some exploring .
I've been playing a mix of Sackboy and Yakuza Like a Dragon on my PS5, both are spectacular games and I'm having a really great time
I'm nearly done w/ Yakuza and after that I'm planning to start Spider-Man Miles Morales
Assassins Creed Valhalla, starts out slow but then picks up. Really enjoying it, sorry Kassandra, I have forgotten about you now..lol.
PS4 for me, NG+ on Spiderman MM, Dreamfall Chapters, may restart FF7 remake if I finish spiderman.
Focusing 100% on Miles Morales.
An open world game I will happily do everything on the map. It is a blast to play
Sticking with PS4 or new PS5 - swimming in good new games either way, enjoy! 😀
I just beat Phantasy Star IV on the Sega Genesis Mini. Now I might try out Shining Force.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) - Finally arrived at the Shadow Temple.
Halo: Spartan Assault (Windows Phone) - Halfway through the game now.
AlphaJax (Windows Phone) - This is broken now...
Haven't managed to bag a PS5 so I'm filling my boots with Game Pass stuff on Series S with Shadows of the Damned, Katana Zero and The Touryst. Happy gaming all!
Demon's Souls and AC Valhalla. Talking of Valhalla, anyone know if the pledges are mutually exclusive? For example, when you get the first two, if you complete one is the other shut off?
Scored a big construction gig that will prevent me from going home every night. So I finally caved and bought a switch lite. I love the Vita, but there just isnt enough games for it. So I've been playing Zelda BOTW, DK Tropical freeze, and mario tennis. So while my Vita collects dust, I'll be playing those. Loving this nifty little console! So many more games I want to get as well!
When I'm done with this job, I have a shiny new copy of TLOU2 waiting for me at home!!!
Ghost of Tsushima mainly. This game is massive!
1. Evoland: Legendary Edition PS4
2. Para Para Paradise PS2
3. Animal Crossing New Horizons
4. Ratchet & Clank Trilogy PS3
@777Reigns Malaka!
Kassandra, Ezio, Evie and Edward are my favourite characters in the AC series. I guess another one who's name starts with an E would make sense.
@Col_McCafferty Just push through the start! You'll soon begin to find upgrades rather than buy them. What area are you on currently?
Spiderman miles morales ultimate edition and Astrobot - PS5
Mariokart Deluxe - Nintendo Switch
Also new owner of a 55 inch Sony XH9005 and PS5. The controller for me is the next gen.
I have the next week off so that worked out well with the Ps5 turning up Thursday plus with my birthday tomorrow im hoping I'll get some nice games.
So Ps5...the only game I have been playing on it so far is Astrobot...absolutely fantastic game to give away with the console...as for the controller...it's like magic...amazing how it has so many sensations in it but it has made my hand and fingers ache so not sure I'll be able to use it all the time.
On the Ps4 I started a little game that I've had on my backlog for over a year..Gravity Rush 2...this game excites me as much as the Ps5!
On the Switch more Animal Crossing and I SHOULD be finishing Paper Mario..another brilliant game.
Well ps5 weekend for me nearly finished miles Morales, so going to play AC Valhalla after finishing it, will probably get the plat for mm but wait for a 2nd playthrough of it. Will also finish astro boy loving it so far love the controller with it hopefully more games make use of the features. Haven't even put bugsnax on yet might pop that on tomorrow inbetween AC and astro boy if not finished tonight. Happy gaming everyone
@BranJ0 oh man the guardian ape I was stuck on him for ages. I nearly finished but got stuck on one of the last bosses so will have to go back to it to finish it. Good game though really enjoyed what I had played hopefully will manage to beat the boss I was stuck on to finish it sometime
I'll be finishing up the amazing wd legion. Ok, I won't lie...its not amazing but it's fun to play.
On ps4, genshin impact just farming the event. On my recently hacked 3ds, majora's mask 3d. It's been a while since Ive played a great 3d zelda again
@Trisque Still on Forgotten Crossroads, some sections blocked off by bosses.
@deathaxe ah man that is annoying, I haven't had any problems really just when I was setting it up once I connected to internet and download the system update it said 7hrs remaining to download 800mb ish pressed back and restarted ps5 and it did it in a few mins after that. Also my dualsense doesn't seem to fully charge always 2 bars after I charge, changed settings last night to always charge while in sleep mode woke up this morning and still 2 bars. Weird but haven't ran out of charge while playing yet so nothing major so far. Taking a bit of getting used to the UI though it looks good but the ps4 was better with a few things imo.
As I type, I am sitting through the end credits of Rogue Galaxy so maybe some post-game content. Great game but this isn't the NES era. So hard at times. nearly every chapter forces an unfair solo fight where you are constantly healing with items. And the lack of magic in the game doesn't help. Otherwise it's awesome and the lack of obvious loading times that plagued Dragon Quest 8 on PS2 is heavenly.
After that, maybe a game I've not played for months. Red Dead 2 or the hardest difficulty playthrough of Darksiders 1 perhaps.
Been playing and enjoying Astros playroom (almost platinumed it), Spider-Man remaster and assassins creed Valhalla.
brought 13 sentinels in the sale, which I'm really looking forward to starting.
My PS5 arrived today, will be playing this evening for the first time! Think I'll start with Astrobot to see what the controller can do and try out Miles Morales. Also have AC Valhalla and Godfall rented...and Bugsnax downloaded...and I didn't have a PS4 so the PS Plus PS4 collection is calling to me too!
Can't find one ps5 in all the world, so i am sticking with my xbox one (sold my ps4 to help paying my future ps5) I'm still finishing assassins creed odyssey, so i will be sticking with that
@deathaxe Yeah, great game. Compelling story, interesting characters and the combat is solid, if a tiny bit repetitive after 40 hours.
The real draw though is the open world. It's beautiful, one of the best worlds I've ever seen in a game. I'm playing on PS4 and it's making the console very loud indeed. I should have saved it for PS5 really but hey ho.
Demons Souls vs GoT sounds like a win-win to me, as they're both brilliant. Get down to Argos and flip a coin!
I've just started Assassins Creed Origins. I didn't think I was someone that cared about frame rates, as long as they hit a solid 30. However playing Halo 4 at 120 FPS has now made 30 FPS look quite bad.
What boss are you stuck on? Please let me know how Sekiro runs on ps5.
Hi there fellow gamers.
This weekend it´s all about my PS5...... With some PS4 games in boost mode.
Ghost of Tsushima Legends. Doing gold survive with some friends.
Demon´s Souls. My god, that game is beautiful.
Astro´s playroom. Whenever I feel like smiling a whole bunch again.
Godfall. Couldn´t resist it. I enjoy these kind of games.
Cheers, stay safe and happy next gen gaming weekend to us all
@Lumic was stuck on the owl. Man he is bloody hard lol. Spent so much time trying to get him and literally not getting anywhere lol. Haven't downloaded it on ps5, but will let you know probably give it a go in the week sometime.
After not getting a ps5 on release (out of choice) i decided to get Miles Morales for the ps4 and thoroughly enjoyed in. Infact i started a play through on NG+ today and finnished it tonight giving me the platinum for it. Enjoyed Miles alot more than Peter despite thinking the characters were better from the first game. Very enjoyable still.
@ShaiHulud how you finding WRC bud? Not played one in many years burt i find Dirt and Dirt 2.0 far too frustrating a aim for my liking.
@deathaxe - Yeah its 364 gig, not an issue for me as I install and play anything that isn't optimised for X/S on an external SSD. The optimised games have smaller installs on Series S but I'm sure it could be a problem with something like CoD. I don't play those games so I can't say how bad it is.
Miles Morales on PS5! Finished Astro last night. It was awesome.
Got my ps5 on release day. I’ve got watch dogs legion, Valhalla & Miles Morales to play. Starting on legion(which I’m enjoying a lot), Really loving how slick the PS5 is. A few gripes for me with it tho, not a fan of how many presses it takes to switch the controller off. Also it doesn’t seem to work when watching Netflix, so I’ve had to put the controller on sleep after 10mins. Apart from that, the dual sense is a complete game changer. Astro bot is fun-sweet way of showing off what the dual sense can do. Really feels like a proper next gen with the dual sense.
My fave part of the website - I was lucky enough to get a ps5 - platinumed astrobot such a joyous experience so I’ll be grabbing the vr version too. Blasting through miles , my goodness it looks good , ac Valhalla I’ve arrived in England and man it looks so nice now I want keen on the greys but it certainly paid off when you get to the colours of the UK - have a great weekend everyone
Demon Souls and the new CoD with friends. Demon Souls is kicking my ass. Its been too long since I played a soulsbourne game. Loved DS3 and Bloodborne but for some reason I am finding this more difficult.
I FINALLY got around to playing Uncharted 4. It's amazing and I feel sad that it took me so long to get to it.
Demons souls and sackboy big adventure
Astro's Playroom and Assassin's Creed Valhalla
@Kidfunkadelic83 I've thoroughly enjoyed both Dirt Rallies but am also enjoying WRC a lot. The handling is a lot easier to get used to, and there's also a proper career mode. Also, the haptic feedback is really, really cool and enhances the driving experience greatly.
@ShaiHulud nice. Will deffo look in to getting this when i get myself a ps5.
Playing Yakuza Like a dragon on ps5, mixed in with 2k21
No Internet (just mobile) no PS5 can't log into PS NOW to long offline.But i'm whittling away at my backlog,already got 8 platinums 5 for my main account and 3 for my other.By the 30th i should be back plugged in.
@Col_McCafferty ha..ha..I forgot about that, Malaka!!!
Bought HUNT: Showdown on sale!!
Excited to get into it!
I forget who here said theyd play with me, hopefully you see this
A little late to the party, but i finlly beat hollow knight! Only got 106% completion and havent got the platinum, but the stuff left to do is brutally hard.
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