Cyberpunk 2077 is a PlayStation 4 game, but it’s been configured to take advantage of PlayStation 5’s hardware through backwards compatibility. As such, the release shares many similarities with the PS4 Pro version, but as we’ve already reported, it runs at double the framerate. According to Digital Foundry, this is largely locked at 60 frames-per-second, although there are minor fluctuations when using vehicles in Night City.
Unfortunately, it runs at the same resolution as PS4 Pro, which means you’re looking at 1188p most of the time. The resolution can dip below that – it never goes higher – but the scaler is not as aggressive as on Sony’s last-gen console. It actually runs marginally better at 60 frames-per-second than the Xbox Series X, which is 1080p and a little choppier – although Microsoft’s machine does have a feather in its cap.

The game also includes a Quality Mode on Xbox Series X, which allows you to cap the framerate at an almost locked 30 frames-per-second and enjoy it at a higher resolution. According to Digital Foundry’s pixel counts, this scales between 1728p and 1512p, which is much closer to the 4K target we all expect these days. Crucially, it also boosts the population density and includes some extra visual flourishes like ambient occlusion.
So, what have we learned? Well, mainly that Cyberpunk 2077 is a messy console game, but that the performance is actually pretty good on PS5 overall. However, developer CD Projekt RED still has a ton of work to do: we’d like to see the resolution improved in Performance Mode on PS5, and there’s no reason why Sony’s next-gen console can’t offer the Quality Mode configuration as an alternative as well.
Comments 94
This should never have released in this state. I never EVER tought the game was like this...I was pretty mad when it was delayed but I was dumb, it should've been delayed longer.
It plays fine on PS4 but it should have a PS5 version available at launch, I seriously don't understand why not since it should be similar to pc lol
Anyway, what a sad launch for CDPR, they will have to work their butts off if they want to fix this game...and by the time they fix it we will all be playing something else already
I'm really annoyed at Xbox getting a quality mode cos it seems they get a bigger population from the original trailers compared to Playstation.
Just calm down and buy stadia
@jess3a3 I think most people would rather french kiss a skunk then resort to Google's streaming only solution.
I've heard of this "PS5" thing that you speak of...Prey tell, where might one find such an illusive treasure?
Should have been delayed till next year. Yes CDPR would have missed the Xmas market, but that wouldn't have mattered for a game this hyped; and the long-term damage to reputation could have been avoided
@AdamNovice hey, don't bad mouth skunks! I'd rather go for having a dog take a crap in my mouth instead. Fair?
@jess3a3 What's a stadia? Sounds like a joke to me.
I’m playing on PS5 and enjoying it so far. Played about 3 hours today without any real bugs popping up which was a nice change. No doubt in my mind though the console version is a mess. Before today I was encountering serious bugs every hour.
Fairly certain CDPR has analytics to tell them how many pre-orders they lose with every delay. Also, they have to have a fairly sizable run rate and who knows what their cash flow is like since they haven't launched a major game in years. They had to weigh the current state of the game and the short term PR risk vs these factors and apparently made the decision that the risk was worth it. Implementing mitigating procedures such as a console review embargo was smart. They minimized the pre-order cancelations, replenished their coffers, and got to release a game that will continue to sell, allowing them to pay their team as they fix and presumably release free add ons like they did with the Witcher.
I'm glad they released it when they did. I think the game is awesome on PS5, and I'm 99% sure these things will be fixed in a fairly short amount of time. No one remembers now, but the Witcher had its own problems when it released, not near as bad, but still, it did. They fixed the issues quickly and then doled out a bunch of free stuff that people went crazy for. The 1.04 update made a massive difference just one day after release! Business is business!
@AdamNovice Not at 30fps dude. 60fps always the better option especially when it comes to shooters. Seems PS5 has the advantage in that mode so apples and oranges i guess lol.
@AJDarkstar In that case then why has almost every game on PS5 outperformed the Series X. Even Cyberpunk in 60fps mode is better on PS5. None of us know what each machine has hidden under the hood. What is known is PS5 SSD is far better than the Series X. Gpu in Series X is better than PS5. So both great machines and be intresting to see if PS5 keeps coming out on top. But has nothing to do with a 30fps mode on the Series X lol. I mean damm Spiderman with RTX at 4K can run then cyberbug2077 would have no issues.
It does run pretty well on PS5, apart from the bugs, but the crashing issue is starting to annoy me. As someone who always opts for stealth, having the game crash and send you back about 5 minutes is too much. Of course, I only recently realised you can quicksave so that helps, but I'm still considering shelving it and going back to Valhalla until the crashing gets patched.
60fps for shooters is dead on. I remember back in the quake 2 days, that was the magic number everybody wanted to hit. Supposedly, once you get to 60fps, it's effective at convincing your brain that you are watching real motion. Supposed to lower the risk of nausea, vertigo, and even epilepsy. Plus, smooth as butter.
I think it's one of the cheaper sports cars in Cyberpunk.
Game runs like a dream on PS5, resolution could be bumped up but I've had no bugs aside from some minor animation glitches in the first few hours and some software crashes which are infrequent.
This site just keeps throwing dirt on this game whenever it can, I don't blame you for it, it generates clicks which is what you want, especially when it comes from such a enraged community of PS4 users who received a broken game on day one. Which CDPR is beginning to fix up now.
The game should have not launch in this state on consoles, and it seems xbox sx is really weaker than ps5, that's 1 year of false marketing "the most powerful console" I think 😕
Better than the FPS tanks that is the ps4 version
Doesn't matter how good the frame-rate is unless we get a fix for the crashing. I've never had a game crash on me this much — not even Skyrim on PS3, believe it or not.
Just imagine if they actually put in more than three NPCs per square mile.
Different looking ones too!
@ShogunRok proved to be a real pain today when doing some races, the general meaning of which is going fast across areas, yeah it didn't like that many times.
@ankehuber That's the reason why I quit playing Cyberpunk yesterday. I'm about 6 hours into the main story but it feels like a wasteland / abandoned city to be fair.
A real immersion killer for me at least.
I wait for the free PS5 upgrade and give this game one last chance.
Overhyped and overrated is my view of this game so far. And that's without taking bugs and crashes into account.. 🤷😢
Every site giving this more than 7/10 is on drugs to be honest.
It's no PC but the PS5 is pretty beastly. Much better piece of hardware in 2020 than the PS4 was in 2013.
@DonJorginho I’m not sure at the just keep throwing dirt comment as there are certainly some issues that need reporting but I was starting to wonder how many stories can you make out of the same information
@ShogunRok did you ever try the dlc on new Vegas? It still runs about 3 frames per second.
@Max2574 The thing is Cyberpunk sold itself on being a dense bustling city full of people in a lot of areas. It's why I would like to see a quality mode that allows for more NPCs cos 30FPS has never been a problem for me.
@AhabSpampurse Hey I'm not going to judge what you do in your spare time
The random crashing i’ve experienced has kept me on edge so i’ve been quicksaving like a mofo. Every single time I edit my inventory, craft, allocate perks i’m scared that the next moment it’ll go kapoots and i’ll have to do it over again (along with the settings resetting). It’s an exercise in sheer insanity atm
I know dev's like to push hardware to the limit, but this is ridiculous. I expected games to almost reach 4K/30fps or 1400+p/60fps on last gen.
Now I'm expecting CDPR to release a Switch version on 1st of April running at 360p/4fps
@AJDarkstar Haha, Jackie's trousers right? Just played that scene last night. I agree it's looking much better now. But I'm now getting bugged geometry whenever I exit a vehicle. Makes the game unplayable unless you stay on foot.
@AdamNovice it has got much busier 9n PS5 as of patch 1.04
@Zeke68 I would urge you to give it another try after patch 1.04.
@Max2574 I am not certain that the X has a generally better GPU. It has more Compute Units at lower clocks. Despite the product of Units and clocks is higher, it can result worse, because parallelisation becomes harder the more units to handle. And the memory management etc. is also clocked lower. The PS5 has just a more streamlined design. I am not a fan of Mark Cerny, but he is an absolute expert and certainly tried out a lot with available tech, and what he said in his presentation earlier this year was exactly that, so maybe the PS5 will perform better in many, less optimised cases.
@DonJorginho Same here dude, most severe problem I've had is one soft crash (which I had a few in Demon's Souls, and in almost every game from last gen). It is one of those games I can't stop thinking about and can't wait to play it again.
As of the patch on Friday, I was loving it. Resolution and pop density has increased and it's still 60 fps. But then last night I was getting a repeatable geometry glitch everytime I exited a vehicle (cars or bikes). I've gotta walk everywhere or reload everytime I get out of a car. Anyone else getting this (playing on PS5)?
@ILikeStake good to see a sense talker in here . If they’d delayed it or made it ps5 only they’d be getting as much hate. A lot people will probably be unwrapping this on the 25th any way.
All the stories of them crunching etc now completely forgotten because people want the game fixed , imagine how hard they are crunching now and at Christmas. The internet makes me sad , just jumping from one pile on to the next all with 2 second memories while fuelling clicks and ad revenue. Remember no once reads good news,
Yeah I’ve had It crash on me the bugs I’ve seen are excusable and to be honest I think we’ve been spoilt - it’s no worse than any Bethesda game that launched on ps3 for bugs or glitches
It’s awesome that people are so thankful that it runs smoothly on PS5. It runs smooth on my PS5, but it’s buggy and looks like a PS4 launch game most of the times. The population/car density is the worst part for me. And shadows?! For artistic reasons, every material in the game is reflective and reflects something, but there are no shadows under characters in a 2020 game. Oh wait! In some scenes they are… This game on PS5 is like playing a DVD in a Bluray drive on 8K TV and being glad that it runs smoothy… What a technical mess. The best part was when it crashed on me literary 10 seconds after getting into a game yesterday. And the worst part is that the game itself is not that good either.
I do question if making a game so large and detailed is actually worth it if it just brings more performance issues? I get these developers are always shooting for the moon, but is any of this stuff actually making the gameplay or the story any better?
If anything all the money they spent on it has just caused people to dislike the game. I worry if this signals problems for other developers as they start to overstretch to use the PS5’s power.
@PossibLeigh I did play it on 1.04 patch on my PS5 yesterday. Look at any cyberpunk trailer and tell me how the ps4 version in anyway is remotely close to that?!
It's a scam in my opinion. Gta5 had more pedestrians 7 years ago than cyberpunk has 2020.
Clear out an entire scyscraper during a mission. Wow, 10 guards all in all. That's just poor to be honest.
Skyrim on PS3 is easily the worst performing console game I’ve played, yet still the version I’ve put most time into. I recall many a time when the frame rate would dip extremely low, into single figures, then would stutter and eventually freeze. If I was lucky the game would actually unfreeze after about a minute, but mostly it just crashed or required a hard reset. Quite frustrating when you haven’t saved in a while, but a nice game of chance mini-game.
Playing the Special Edition on PS4 was like playing a different game, both in terms of performance and graphical fidelity.
Skyrim on PS3 was a game that was left in a poor state, even after many patches. The PS3 version was subject to a memory leak issue that was the cause of the freezing and frame rate problems and was never rectified. It’s highly likely that Cyberpunk will be in a far more playable state sooner rather than later. Here’s hoping anyway.
@mrmartinrohr This exactly!! I agree with every word you just wrote.
How can people here say that this game runs fine on PS5? Are we playing a different game? How can 60 fps save the fact that I'm standing in the middle of a large market in Watson and there are 3 NPCs around me and maybe 2 cars. Now god forbid I should call my car as it will show up flying in with no doors and soon as I'll enter it the NPC count will go down to zero.. And don't even get me started on driving around completely deserted Night City with distant textures popping in and neon adds completely incomprehensibly blurry.
I don't know about some people's standards but this is absolutely unacceptable and unplayable to me. Sure hope they release a proper PS5 version asap.
The game would run fine on PS5 if it weren't for 6 crashes in 11 hours!
TW3 only crashed once in over 100 hours (That being said, games shouldn't crash at all)
@Zeke68 I agree and I wasnt talking about the PS4 performance on this PS5 article, so I'm not sure why you felt the need to ask me that. As their track record suggests, CD Project Red are again their own worst enemies. As we all know the game was originally conceived as a current gen game, but the developers, being the massive tech nerds they are, were unable to reign in their ambition and the project suffered. Is it right? No. Is it the situation we are in? Yes. Will they get away with it? Unfortunately, probably yes. For me the performance on PS5 is good (once they sort out the crashes and the exiting vehicle bug), YMMV, but I can't comment on the PS4 experience as I've not tried it.
@JohnnyShoulder Exactly, aside from handful of soft crashes I've encountered nothing that has ruined my profuse enjoyment for this title, it is everything I wanted and more, I went on to play it at 7pm yesterday and by 4am this morning I didn't even notice how long I'd been playing and it all flew by, the world and it's characters, the soundtrack and the atmosphere of the game, the combat, the freedom of choice, the sidequests, the sheer magnitude of Night City. It's all so magnificent and enthralling it's all I think about atm, I feel sorry for those on base consoles experiencing inexcusable issues but I must say I feel that even on those broken versions of the game you can still sense some of that amazement this game brings.
If this is how much I adore this game now, I can't imagine how much my adoration for this game will grow once I play this with a full next gen patch or on PC.
Imagine the outrage if they release the Witcher 3 ps5 patch before the one for Cyberpunk 😎
@AdamNovice Yh its strange why they skipped a mode on PS5 especially one running at 30fps and not even 4K. I personally wouldn't play a shooter at 30fps it would feel unresponsive. Just saying obviously its not a power issue maybe Xbox asked for it as some sort of exclusivity or there is issue with the port from the PS4 Pro version.
@Max_the_German Yh PS5 is higher clocked wich could be the reason its performed better in 60fps mode. Also that PS5 SSD is clearly taking some strain of the GPU.
@Max2574 And that's totally fine. I would just like the option really.
Whilst I am enjoying the game a lot, I've gotta wonder where those 8 years went. The only really well realised elements are the story and the world (man, what a world). How is crafting so bad? Why are the menus so bland and unintuitive? Why is the NPC AI so, so, SO basic? These things should have been locked down a long time back. Where did all that time go?!
Sorry, re-reading my post I totally get why you think I asked you that, but it was not aimed towards you.
I was more of "thinking out loud in general"-kind of retorical question if you get what I mean 😉
I just think regardless of console you play it on it should look ALOT closer to what they promised us in their trailers, that was my point, nothing else.
@LordSteev Yh that effects me I suffer from motion sickness so if the framrate is unstable or stutters I feel nauseous. 60fps always the way to go.
@mrmartinrohr I agree. it's not a PS5 game. Why should we be happy it's running great on PS5?! This game had been developed for 7 years for PS4 and Xbox One and it's a trash on both system. Like a ps4 launch game from 2013 or even worst. I have a PS5 as well and i'll play the proper PS5 version but i totally understand those people who are disappointed with the performance. Just not good enough
Also some people say here it's amazing how smoothly it runs on PS5. And?! Actually how many people has PS5? Few million? What about those 120+million ps4 owners who wanted to enjoy that "smoothness" as well?
So please don't celebrate it's running well on PS5. Of course it is. However still miles away from a proper next gen performance. Will be next year hopefully
@Zeke68 Haha, fair enough, chap! Sorry, Sunday morning hangover pushed me into defensive mode!
I don't understand how so many people say the framerate is great on ps5. Loads of people saying it's constant really isn't.
There are loads of places where the game struggles to hit, what feels like, 50fps out there in the world.
Driving also makes the fps drop massively, as does heavy combat.
Performance is pretty bad to be honest... And the bugs, while amusing, happen so frequently. I have had:
I am sure I've missed stuff...
The weird thing is, all of that told and I would still give it a 9/10. The game is really amazing.
Just please, don't tell people the fps is good when it clearly isn't 😢
I honestly don’t know why people aren’t waiting. Wait for the next gen version and wait for that to go through a few patches. Don’t ruin a great game for yourself by playing it how. We should have learned this from Witcher 3.
@AJDarkstar Either way its ver poorly optimised on all consoles. My profile pic says it all lol. Let's hope for that next gen upgrade soon.
@Gatatog This might help, start your PS5 from cold, not rest mode. Played about 12 hours no major issues. Miles Morales crash several times before I started doing that 👍
@ShogunRok Cold boot PS5 solved a lot of issues for me. One crash in 12 hours on launch day patch. No issues so far on 1.04. NXG did a good tech analysis of PS5 and Series X, Microsoft has marketing rights so they got a few extra bells and whistles for back compatibility. PS5 is currently just an enhanced PS4 Pro version. Still enjoying it, save another play through for official PS5 version 😎
@PossibLeigh Not had this issue on launch patch or 1.04. I do play from cold boot, don't think rest mode is working well at all. Once I started doing that Miles Morales and Cyberpunk have been ok for me 😎
@Crowley22g I haven't used rest mode at all on my PS5. Been cold booting since day one because I didn't want to risk the rest mode issues (are they even fixed yet? Haven't heard a word for a while). Still get the crashes though.
Crashes have annoyed me enough to quit the game for a while. Every hour or so it crashes and resets all my settings to default. Putting me back before a brain dance is particularly irksome!
I've never used rest mode either.
@get2sammyb looks like there's a patch addressing the epilepsy issues in clubs/braindances, is this something Push Square will be reporting on?
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L I'd seen mention of the added notice on start, but I only saw that they'd addressed the flashing as a brief mention on Eurogamer. As we'd had an article on the issues raised by the UK epilepsy charity I thought a follow-up would be interesting.
@ankehuber Yep, crashed twice on me during the races!
@Vacuumator True, as bad as it is in its current state, I can't see Cyberpunk staying broken — I think the biggest problems will be fixed in time.
@Robinsad I did, New Vegas was a disaster on PS3 from day one!
@LordSteev Yes... Methinks this “PS5” must be an imaginary entity, a falsehood conjured which only exists in thoughts and dreams, like a fairy tale... for I too have never seen this treasure of which they speak.
@Zeke68 it's not worth 2/10 on ps4 pro.It's a sham and empty shell of a game. That resolution is so bad also. Even rage 2 was pretty much empty world but still looks better than what we got. And that says alot. People forget it took four years before they got the witcher 3 upto date on ps4.
Lol @ the 4k we all come to expect these days. Run one of your boner polls and see just how many of us expect 4k.
@Gatatog Think Sony need a few more firmware updates. Only had one issue with Cyberpunk in 15 hours so must have been lucky
Forsooth! Mayhap it lies only in the sweet dreams of fair maidens! For far and long have I quested, longing to capture with mine own eyes this thing of beauty! Alas, I am forsaken...
People sure do have short memories, Witcher 3 was a complete mess at launch and this is a step up from that on ps5 anyway...
Good old PC Master Race, yet again. Console peasants. Haven’t had to type that in a while. Heh.
@Zeke68 I think those scores were well crafted by only giving out PC review codes. If console sites had been given console codes...
Oh good, so it's fine on the console that no one but bots can buy. Nice to know. Sure that information might be useful in 6 months time if I haven't forgotten where I filed it by then (:
The Stadia version looks almost as good as the Xbox Series X and PS5 versions, but costs $500 less to play.
(Just search for the comparison video on YouTube)
I'm playing on PS5 and have a lot of mixed feelings about the current state of the game.
The world building is awesome, the dialog is great, and I really enjoy the RPG mechanics and cyberware modifications.
However, my biggest issue is the NPC AI. So far I've encountered the following:
Enemys talking after they were killed
Civilians cowering endlessly during a fight
Randomly triggered attacks
The police force system
Some enemies won't engage in combat
If you're loving the game, keep on chugging. There is a lot to enjoy.
After my 25 hours in Night City, though, I think I may have to depart and return when its in a better state.
@huntbearpig I've seen the police system on YouTube its similar to gta star system except in cp2077 you only have to drive 200 yards and it goes away.
How this was okay by someone at cdpr I'll never know.
Someday this game will be great as I have it but I kinda feel like an early adopter or something.
God speed cdpr you got work to do!
@Rob_230 till 2022 more like! 7 years of development for such an unoptimised buggy gem of a game really leaves such a sour taste in my mouf.
@TDCinFL so its free? Its not.
@Nepp67 Ok, keep whining about bugs and boycott cyberpunk. You'll be begging to play when it wins game of the year. Stadia is better than PS4 at playing cyberpunk= TRUTH
@AdamNovice Why solve a problem easily then you can whine like a lazy entitled impatient female dog? = Gamer logic.
Gamers enjoy whining because it adds drama to their meaningless lives.
@jess3a3 I wonder how many cheques your cashing from CDPR and Google.
I'm flabbergasted as to how people seem to forget that Witcher 3 was also a dumpster fire when it was released and got fixed over time. Now it's considered one of the greatest games of the generation.
@Gatatog Nothing too do with CP but I had Lego City Undercover I had a crash and 25 hours of gameplay corrupted does this happen with the PS5? I would go mad if I had too start over from the start. I now backup my saves from Lego online 😅
@jess3a3 I'm not boycotting them, I'm buying the ps4 version. You sure are acting like a child though I will say.
I've decided not to buy Stadia because my salesperson was a very unpleasant fellow.
@ShogunRok not sure if this is happening to anyone else but as of about lunchtime today my crashes no longer allow me to send a report.
@ankehuber Weird, I wonder why that is. Maybe there's a cap on how many reports you can send within a certain space of time? Surely they haven't blocked reports on Cyberpunk.
@ShogunRok I thought exactly that, that their inbox for reports was full. I mean I have sent a good 50 in the past five days at least, and if just a small percentage of 8 million people do that?
Might be a modicum of a story in it somewhere
I had the same problem, so I left my console and went to my laptop to see if I could find anything online. I didn't, but when I went back to the console, the error reporting screen finally light up and let me send, maybe 5 minutes after.
@ankehuber Really strange. I'll keep an eye out for any other tips and check around.
@LordSteev @ShogunRok hopefully it appears today, it just stopped giving me the option all of a sudden yesterday from about lunchtime to my final crash at around 22:00. Maybe it's me that's reached the maximum.
I wonder if you may be right about their server just getting rocked with error reports. Whenever it crashes on me, I want to get the report to them almost as petty vengeance. If I have to restart my game, they have to read a report. Good luck today, hope it's back up!
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