Another week, another PlayStation 5 firmware update appears to be the statement from Sony right now. System software update 20.02-02.30.00 is available to download at the time of writing for all PS5 owners, weighing in at 868MB. What does it do, you ask? We think you already have a pretty good idea. Yes, this is yet another stability update alongside some other minor fixes.
The patch notes on PlayStation.com read:
- This system software update improves system performance
- Resolved an issue where data transfers and downloads were cancelled when trying to download content while a data transfer from a PS4 is in progress.
- Some issues that were causing errors during text input in some PS4 games have been resolved.
- The connection stability has been improved for some Wi-Fi routers.
More interestingly, however, is that you will be prompted to download the first PS5 DualSense controller update right afterwards. This is a very quick process, simply requiring you to connect the pad to the console via the USB cable already supplied with the system. Everything else is then done for you. Given the vague descriptions accompanying these patches, we'll have to wait for user reports to come in before we can judge if the firmware update affected anything on the consumer side or not.
Is there a problem you've been having you hope is fixed with this update? Detail the results in the comments below.
[source playstation.com]
Comments 107
Perfomance is just a fancy word for stability.
And "stability" is in turn a fancy word for "let's see if you've modded your console, because this is a SURPRISE INSPECTION BABY!"
Just updated mine and both controllers. Wonder if it might be fixing the "install ps4 version automatically even though I already have the ps5 version installed" thing - that's pretty much the only issue I had.
I wonder if it fixes the LAN cable not connected error?
Let’s hope the dualsense firmware update fixes the analog drift issues that started to come up lately.
Everytime I read someone (often just quoting the press mind you) say 'stability update" I wonder though 🙄
I mean it was funny a few years back.
I really would like to know the technical details of these updates, even if they know 99% of users won't understand them. It's been "stability" for more years than I can remember.
Version 20.02-02.30.00
Patching in some anti-wobbliness.
@MemSec that's hardware
I was having the following issues:
"More interestingly, however, is that you will be prompted to download the first PS5 DualSense controller update right afterwards"
When I setup my ps5 last week I had a controller update to install.
i wonder if this will fix the crash issues.
Surely, but some reports suggested the drifting only appaers after couple of hours of use, and disappears after shutdown. That’s why I thought maybe a software fix is possible.
I need more stability!!
Is rest mode safe yet? I heard it wasn't at launch but I'm worried to try it so been having to leave it on whilst downloading
@Bloodletter I've had the same thing a few times with DMCV.
Can you write a article about games that actually run bad on PlayStation 5 BC?
Holy moly! Xcom 2. Is so bad. The audio does not work at all.. Sid meier's civilization 6 having bunch of issues too.... 😢
The system crashes related to external storage have only gotten worse for me with each update. I hope that's something they can fix and soon.
@UncleJungle sorry to hear that - I know the last update fixed external storage for some users that had problems with it
@MemSec oh that's interesting
@Kieren1234 I've used rest mode and left it over night to download a couple of games, and it has been fine. Also used it when playing a game a coming back to it later in the day with no issues.
It might not be headline grabbing stuff but it's exactly what you want with a new console launch.
@Kieren1234 I’ve used it several times and haven’t had any issues with it at all.
@TeapotBuddha I've only played it on PC, but the WotC dlc included a lot of optimisation. It still ran far worse than a game of xcom's gameplay system complexity had any right to though. I'm not sure how good a fit UE4 was for the genre, or whether it was just poor design
I’ve recently had an issue where the HDR is very dim, with distorted colors (even when the console is connected directly to an HDMI 2.0 port with the included cable). Adjusting the HDR does nothing fix it. The only thing that has worked has been to unplug every other HDMI device from the tv, and reset the TV & PS5, upon which the PS5 has to be force restarted at least a couple of times, with the database rebuild & disk repair, various interminably flashing lights etc. Nothing unexpected for launch, but it’s a shame to have to disable HDR or go through this process just to play. So really hoping that’s fixed!
I'm waiting for them to patch the issue where the disc drive spins every hour for about 30 seconds if there is a disc in there, even if you are playing a digital game. It's not a huge problem but it can really break the immersion as it is rather loud.
Is there any particular reason for the unconventional numbering of the firmware versions?
Every single PS4 game i start on the PS5 now crashes on boot up. I had zero issues prior to the new update. Fix this ASAP Sony.
How long before Sony addresses their weird and unnecessary implementation of HDR?
And @LiamCroft do you have any news please on when the end user will be able to utilise the internal expandable storage?
@JapaneseSonic Nope. All installed on the internal SSD. I have a library of PS4 games installed on an external but haven't used it on the PS5 after reading all the potential issues with it.
I wonder if I can use my external drive with PS4 games with no problems!
I used it once and it worked fine but I'm still scared lol
I'm going to try reinstalling the games. I'll get back to you with the results.
Theres also a update on Ps4 i am downloading now
@Voltan OMG, I got both AC Valhalla and Miles Morales on PS4 discs and now every single day I start to play them on the PS5 I have to manually stop the PS4 versions from copying..
Other than that no real problems.. well, maybe just the fan is sometimes way louder than expected for a short period of time. Not sure if that could be patched though, probably a factory issue.
@skxnkwxlkr That noise might be the disc drive, not the fan. It's definitely the loudest thing I hear but still not a big deal.
I only have Sackboy on a PS4 disc and it's not a huge game so I just kept both versions installed for now - it definitely should be addressed though
I’ve heard of similarly poor performance with Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.
Reinstalled THPS 1+2 and it still crashes on the Activison Logo right after start up. Hope this isn't the case tomorrow since i have Cyberpunk 2077 on the way.
Seen a comment on reddit that they said the back USB port on the ps5 now charges their astro headset in rest mode due to this update to so must have other unknown fixes or just sorts out a bug
@Kieren1234 Had my PS5 in rest mode since release day and not had a single bug yet. Although I already hate myself for writing this...
@Chimhog bloody hope so!
Crash N sane works. THPS and Days gone can't get to the main menu without crashing. Dreams crashed about 5 times before a dreams update that seems to have solved the issue for that. Ghost of Tsushima works. I'm going through them.
I’ve had Demon’s Souls completely freeze the system once. There was also some initial minor stuttering when I was able to resume the game again.
Controller updates are a good idea - especially with this hardware. It’s probably no coincidence that the Switch, with its HD Rumble, also offers controller updates. I experienced some repeated phantom feedback when pressing the home button whilst playing Astro’s Playroom. There were some faint rumbles which I’m sure aren’t supposed to occur normally.
Hollow Knight Voidheart edition also crashes on start up.
Oof reading all of this i am glad i'm still on Ps4
My Screen went green then my PS5 just instantly cut off. Booted it back up to a repairing storage error screen. This Software update is on the verge of bricking my damn PS5.
The loading time is faster tho.. But the npc audio is not working
On the bright side. The storage repair has got days gone past the first load screen to the main menu.
Have had zero problems so far.
Hope these hot patches don't change that!
@themightyant I had zero issues prior to this update. That all changed in an instant.
@LiamCroft It's not the first Dual Sense controller update FYI. I had a controller update on day one (well, week two, since my day one was a bit late)
The bug I really want fixed, above all others, is the CD drive spinning up every 30-60 mins for no reason, even if you are not playing a game. The drive is very loud (even more when its sitting on a wall mounted shelf that doesn't absorb vibrations).
Can anybody help me? I removed a couple of icons/apps in my PS5 home screens, apps like explore, remote play and music. How can I get them back? I see that I can’t get access to DS soundtrack in any way
@God_of_Nowt could you grace us with your insight? Does this patch help out rest mode and the other issues we’ve discussed with the OS?
Thanks in advance, appreciate you taking the time in all the comments
@Ward_ting It does this even if you are watching YouTube or Netflix. It doesn't matter what you are doing on the system, if there is a disc in, it will read it every 30-60 minutes, and its obnoxious. (I haven't let it sit on the home screen yet, but I would imagine it does it when not running anything at all)
What issues do you have on that game?
@Kieren1234 That is my ONLY question. Rest Mode caused me issues and I don't want to try unless they have addressed the problem.
@LiamCroft No mention of PS4 firmware 8.03? Have you forgotten about the 2nd best selling home console of all time so soon?
@thedevilsjester Yea! It's so frustrating and surely so easily rectifiable? Haven't tested since this firmware update so if you find out it's fixed do let me know! I'm doubtful though...
@StonyKL Are you using an external drive? Seems most users reporting rest mode issues have an external drive attached.
Mortal Kombat X crashes on start up amongst others. Zero issues before this update. Absolutely ridiculous Sony.
@Chimhog didn’t fix it for me mines being picked up for repair tomorrow
Heavy and frequent framerate drops which were not present on ps4 pro.
@bager07 Uh oh! What issues have you had since the patch?
@themightyant PS4 titles crash on start up. My screen flickered green then the PS5 just instantly shut off without warning. 2 power button presses to get it back on, only to be met with a repairing storage error screen. Days gone got to the menu after the storage repair, but it's reverted to crashing on start up along with MK X, THPS 1+2, Hollow knight. Still testing more.
@radamo no external drive. To be honest I haven't had the need for any extra storage yet so probably not in the same boat as those who are getting errors, by the sounds of it.
why haven't they add feature : unlimited numbers of game icons on PS5 UI menu for people to click game to play yet ?? it kinda annoying : go to library menu to click game that already installed to play
Well. My PS5 has officially bricked. i turn it on. it turns itself straight back off.
Still no mention about rest mode and external storage.... sigh
Wonder if this or the Miles patch helps with crashing. Since the prior Miles patch I've gotten several hard crashes. Two crash to menu, 2 power off, and one that froze on screen and when I hit the power button on the console blasted my headphones with horrendous, painful noise like PC problems of the early 00's. Crashed twice while doing a venom drop mid-battle, and twice while sitting idle on a roof.
It's the 2nd controller update. Mine downloaded an update on day 1.
@deathaxe USB mass storage is a standard interface. That's the point of USB mass storage. At the hardware level there can be driver issues. At the OS level there simply can't. eSATA and the like, sure. USB, no. Hardware can have issues or caddy mismatches, but that's below the knowledge of the OS. Drives can behave different regarding power states, speeds, etc, and a weird implementation could affect it, but it's not like PC hardware where Sony needs to explicitly support hundreds of possible hardware conflicts. It just needs to support USB storage - if non-standard hardware doesn't work, then that particular hardware won't work right. But it wouldn't be as widespread.
@MemSec I have none of that ?
@Bloodletter I have had none of them !
Every time I connect an external HDD with PS4 games on it, the PS5 eventually crashes.
This needs to be fixed.
@radamo If you're having issues in rest mode and have power to USB enabled, that could be a hangover of the same issue present on the PS4.
Toggle power off to USB whilst in rest mode .
@bager07 Fortunately that's not bricking, that could still be fixed. It's bricked if it doesn't turn on or react to anything so it might as well be a brick.
@Woogy Seems illogical. Why would turning power off to USB help prevent an issue with external storage connected to USB? Would seem keeping power on would make more sense since the device is not being "ejected". I will give it a shot at some point but frankly I have been just fully shutting down for the time being.
I’d like a Sony patch that fixes an issue where sometimes the PS5 boots up with no sound through the XH90 TV.
@TeapotBuddha it's the audio. Like when ever a npc talk in mission at home base.
Hoping it fixes a black screen issue on switching on, with my Samsung TV. Have to pull HDMI lead. Think it's an HCDP issue maybe?
@AJDarkstar thanks. Yes, that’s not the issue, I believe this is a well known bug specifically for the PS5 and XH90.
@bager07 thats really odd. THPS1+2 works just fine on my PS5.
@JapaneseSonic I’ve been using my external hdd for PS4 games since day one without any issues 👍🏻
Does it fix the LED lights not lighting issue?
Cause that is what wrong with my unit.
I finally started using it last week. It hasn’t given me any issues so far.
From what I noticed some of the crashes in games on PS5 were linked to games I had on Disc or when I had my controller on charge or put it on charge.. so maybe this update fixes those issues?
I have only had 2 crashes so far (Watch Dogs Legion Disc - Not surprising).
The main things to avoid are putting your PS5 in rest mode when a game is running or a disc is inserted. Those seem to be other triggers of hard crashes. I have also avoided putting in a USB storage device for the time being until Sony starts whitelisting things.
@Bloodletter I figured out that you have to open bl3 on ps4 version choose 1 character then upload, go to ps5 version download and away you go.
I assume you play then save on ps5 version to save, the repeat process for other characters, as I have only imported the 1 so far.
I leave discs inserted in rest mode but I always close the game I’m playing.
Thank god the load times are so good on PS5. That was the only reason I used rest mode on PS4.
A good friend of mine complained to me about it, but after your comment I tested it myself, and sure enough, from the beginning, if you move faster than a crawl the framerate seems to drip into the mid 20’s. It used to be a smooth 30, but now it’s difficult to play.
@Vacuumator The feedback when pressing the home button is the adaptive triggers shutting off. I noticed the sound, then did it again, then the third time I half held down one of the triggers and the noise also makes the triggers go back to being "normal"
Hmm, I don't like that i have to plug in my Dualsense controller in everytime it needs a update(i have 4 controllers to) :-/ It's only because I am lazy tho But I don't like plugging things into it tho because that causes wear and tear after time. Oh well maybe I am to over protective of my PS5 i guess
@JapaneseSonic My PS5 still crashes with a PS4 external drive.
@Orochilocka Hi mate, I just signed up to tell you that I also have that TV, that I bought 2 weeks ago and have had zero issues with sound or anything.
I just recently got a firmware update for it to activate 4k/120Hz and playing the Crucible in Destiny 2 is unreal.
I also have a Sony OLED and usually, comparing it to other TVs, the other TVs look horrendous but I am very impressed with the XH90, it holds up well compared to the OLED, no flashlighting or blooming and picture quality is excellent.
@MackinsVII thanks! I’ve had a few issues with this tv so may have got a bit of a dud! I’ll send it back and claim it on the warranty. It was a massive upgrade from my old 4k tv, and the pic is insane. But there’s a few issues like no sound sometimes when the PS5 turns on (have to restart the tv). It’s an amazing piece of kit apart from that.
@Orochilocka You are not going to believe this, well, you probably will. 🙈
It has happened to me twice today now, what are the odds of that happening? No problems at all for 2 weeks, then I defend it and it happens to me. Haha
First it was on the PS5, then later on with my Nvidia Shield TV.
I'm wondering if it's caused by the 4K/120Hz update?
How long have you had the update and did it happen before that? Surely it will be fixed soon.
@MackinsVII sorry to hear this mate. I’ve had the TV about 10 days and updated it on day 2. So can’t really say if it was a problem pre patch. It is annoying. No fix yet and I’ve raised to with Sony.
@Orochilocka Thank you, but it's fine, just a bit of an inconvenience really.
Do you do the hold the power button in on the remote for 3 seconds to fix it method?
I didn't get the firmware update until maybe yesterday morning, but before that it was fine, so I'm inclined to think it's maybe that, that causes it.
Speaking about the remote, mine arrived faulty, it seems the rubber conductors under the navigation circle weren't seated properly, so pressing the right direction didn't work most of the time and there was no resistance on the other directions.
I live chatted with Sony though and they sent me a new remote out and I got it the next day from Belgium and it works much better.
I'll probably fix the other remote too and have a spare.
@MackinsVII yep that’s it. As soon as the PS5 fires up now with no sound, hold the power button on the tv remote, hit reset and it’s fine after that. Just annoying as it’s quite an expensive TV. I feel like if I buy a tv billed as for the PS5, it should work. No questions asked.
@TheRedComet Yeah the loading times make so much difference!
@God_of_Nowt you have nothing to apologize for
From what you’re saying, rest mode is only still a problem when using an external drive? I recall previously there were issues with suspended games in rest mode too and especially spider-man. I’ve been powering off my ps5 rather than rest mode to be safe.
@Woogy Tried that after the latest update. Ran good for two days then controller went crazy and machine locked up. Had to pull the plug and reset/rebuild again. Going to give Rest Mode a rest until I hear it is fixed.
Just spoke with Sony support. There have been many reported issues related to the use of external drives. Going to pull mine and see how it goes for a bit.
@MemSec Ok but I still have had no issue with !
I’m glad for you. Still, I can’t explain the discrepancy.
Thanks guys will have to put the rest mode setting back on and give it a go
@GoodGame Try using SHUTDOWN PS5 and not using Rest Mode. So far that is the only thing that prevents crashing when I have my external drive connected.
@MemSec That maybe but I can not help u with that only know my side !
@radamo Thanks. Will try that
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