Update: There were reports on Reddit this weekend of fans receiving refunds for Cyberpunk 2077. While not everyone was having luck with customer support, many players were. Today CD Projekt RED issued a statement, with the following sentence: "For copies purchased digitally, please use the refund system of PSN or Xbox respectively."
The problem is, as stated below, PSN doesn't have a refund system. And now it seems a significant number of players are being turned away by customer support, and their refund denied. Here's a screenshot of one such instance, but social media is full of similar ones:
In fact, in one customer service conversation sent directly to us by a reader, the Sony representative suggests waiting for upcoming January and February patches:
Exactly why some were able to get a refund over the weekend and now others can't is unclear, but this is not good enough whichever way you look at it. CD Projekt RED's statement may have been vague, but it suggested owners of digital copies would be able to get a refund. Worse still, Sony's actions over the weekend confirmed that it is processing refunds for some users and not others, but it's not clear who's eligible and who's not. We'll try and contact both companies to find out what's going on.
Original Story: Sony doesn’t really have a PlayStation Store refund policy, which has been a sore point for fans for years. However, it has historically been known to reimburse players in exceptional circumstances, and it seems like Cyberpunk 2077’s performance woes fit that criteria. While not everyone is having luck with customer support, Reddit reports that plenty are, and one PlayStation representative even mentioned that they’d received lots of calls regarding this particular issue.
You’ll no doubt already be aware of the shortcomings of CD Projekt RED’s ambitious role-playing game, with the title running as low as 720p on a standard PlayStation 4, and dipping all the way down to 15 frames-per-second. Worse still, some aspects of the title are outright broken, with regular crashing, interface issues, and bugged quests. The developer is releasing new patches regularly, but if you’re finding the title unplayable and you purchased it from the PS Store, then a refund may be one option for you.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 215
CD Projekt Red is gonna need a senzu for this one.
Oh CDPR... you done ***** it up.
@Nepp67 as the wise Angry Joe would say it lol
Yeah can you imagine if someone talked crap about CDPR a few months ago, hell, even days ago, the fans would come and destroy you...now here we are. People asking for refunds, 90% of posts on reddit are complaints, metacritic userscores are super low...what a fall from grace.
Tell me a worse launch. I'm waiting.
EDIT: I stand corrected.
Can confirm, just got one.
The guy gave me a refund no questions asked.
If only they would refund cod cold war now that game is a broken piece of trash
Not surprised by this but glad Sony are processing them. They do really need to make a system for it.
The recent update for Cyberpunk has made improvements.
Less popping and frame rate drops especially driving on PS5 now but it is still happening.
I had 4 crashes on same error code as previously as well so that isn’t fixed.
Also noticed 2 characters t posing which I haven’t had before during main missions.
Couple more updates needed and it should be at stage where I’d recommend people to buy it. I’m enjoying the game though when it’s running well. Completed a lot more today and got more used to controls/gameplay etc
Also the post about changing setting to make it look better from here earlier has definitely helped as well. So thanks for that !
I wouldn't refund it even if Sony gave me double the money. Not until I finish everything in it first and get the plat.
This is No Man's Sky levels of bad.
@HotGoomba___Rebrand Aliens: Colonial Marines certainly, even the suing and refunds.
No Man's Sky sort of.
@Octane 3 second ninja.
No Man’s Skyberpunk
@HotGoomba___Rebrand No Man’s Sky.
Stop the hysteria. Just play it on stadia if you hate bugs
Gamers are truly the worst fans in the world.
@HotGoomba___Rebrand Final Fantasy 14
ME: Andromeda
As long as I'm on Bioware, Anthem
It's not that bad after the patch. Only real issue for me is the crashing.
Even the frame rate isn't as bad since then. I wouldn't refund it, it's still a really great game.
@jess3a3 You say despite hounding Liam and calling him a bad reviewer. Perhaps you’re the shining example of being the worst fan in the world?
All that good will, years of being considered one of the most consumer friendly developers out there, spunked up the wall within days lol.
@jess3a3 yes, we should be good little consumers and just be thankful we even have the game. Right? How dare people criticise a company for shipping a broken product! Don't they know their place!?
@jess3a3 A few bugs I could deal with but I've not seen as many bugs in a game since A Bug's Life.
@Arugula lol buy it on base PS4 and don't update it for the full experience lol. Its like a car crash you don't want to watch but you can't help it. Enjoy dude.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi did Fallout 76 have technical issues like this at launch? I didn't experience any. It was exactly what Bethesda had said it was going to be, actually. An online Fallout game with a bad PVP system and inexplicably no NPCs for the RPG. It was people for some reason expecting something else that were disappointed.
@jess3a3 Why because they get annoyed if they are ripped off, lied to and deceived.
@Milktastrophe Black Tiger, Fallout 76, Watchdogs, Cyberbug2077. In that order all unacceptable at launch.
@Max2574 sounds like Cyberpunk is a pretty good game then!
@AJDarkstar I've spent around 10-12 hours so far, I've crashed maybe 5 times so far. Within 2 - 4 hours of extended play and suspension will definitely trigger a crash.
I'm on PS4 Pro. After the patch, I am satisfied with the performance of the game. These crashes, are definitely troublesome.
Man, this is wild and I hate that it's happening. After the last update, it's looking great on PS5, and the gameplay is excellent. I haven't had any crashes (though I tend to not play more than an hour or two at a time) and only a few graphic glitches. It's fun and has a great story. They really needed a longer delay, or just to cancel last gen altogether. They're really going to work to claw themselves out if this mess.
@Milktastrophe Yh its in the hall of fame lol.
@AJDarkstar Fallout 76 can't be forgotten either.
I'm curious if it's happening across psn regions or varies depending where you are though? Hadn't bought it myself, but I know it took ACCC federal court action to fine Sony's EU store for ignoring Australian Consumer Law. I wonder/would hope their support are aware of such things this time around.
Is it worth it for cdp to sacrifice their reputation just because they want the launch money NOW, rather than 2-3 months later? To think cyberpunk can be their gta 5 or red dead 2 moment, and yet it's become their no man sky 😕
@ApostateMage But why tho? You're playing a worse game as a beta tester, just refund it and buy it again at the first discount, it will be a way superior experience. And refusing double money for a better experience later is...not smart, lol.
@HotGoomba___Rebrand No man sky and street fighter 5 for me, I stop preordering games after that, except for ND games of course. After tlou 2 now I'm 100% stop preordering games altogether 😂
@jess3a3 Don't be like this, cdp is not your friend, they rather sell you a buggy game now rather than wait for 2-3 months for a better, patched game. Don't let this become a norm, no man sky, sf5, me andromeda, fallout 76, and now cyberpunk 2077 are enough.
@jess3a3 Of course we are.WE expect more because if you could do it on a cartridge in the 80's/90's and no updates existed then,surely they can do it now in this era?
@realchevyman That's literally every recent COD game, people shouldn't be surprised at this point.
no mans sky was only made by a small bunch of guys who speny years after making the game much better and kicking out free expansions...the whole game is 11 gb in size...cyberpunk had no excuse..it ran like crap on my 1x and crashed every 2 minutes of its fuzzy,stuttery,janky life...
Really unfortunate, CD projeckt is gonna take a big hit from this. No longer will they be the gold standard, even though they don't do the toxic business practices other games too. I guess this was a side effect of trying to live up to the unrealistic hype. It would have probably been smarter to just make it a next gen/pc exclusive but I guess they couldn't exactly do that after announcing it so long ago...
And don't even get me started on the rumors of crunch for this game...CD PR overworked it's employees and for what? Crunch DOESN'T work.
1000 Top Rated is probably a worse launch than everything else listed so far. Game was delisted forever after 2 days, as I recall.
Have been very fortunate myself about 6 hours in and absolutely loving it. PS4 Pro with only a few weird graphical issues. Hopefully it gets sorted out for those wanting to play and are unable to. Just gonna go ahead and say it that when Johnny Silverhand makes his entrance oh man it's incredible.
All this because of the pressure to release before Christmas 🤦♂️
I would gladly sell people like you broken products all day.
No. Like others had pointed out it was "marketed" as a last generation game which it clearly isn't, as it's pushing all the latest high end PC technology. All the gameplay footage that was shown was all high end PC footage, every review on release date again PC. Zero console footage only selective PS4 Pro/PS5 footage a week or two before launch, and this is why you shouldn't Pre Order especially when a company doesn't show console gameplay. I'am not saying CDPR will not fix it because they will, it'll definitely be a different game in 6 months and it wouldn't surprise me if they give some sort of free DLC as an apology. But in my opinion games shouldn't release in this state, it goes far beyond a few glitches. You wouldn't accept a broken product for £50, so why is it any different for a game it isn't.
@alixx this is way worse , no friends list on a multi-player game thats bought specifically to play with friends and can't join even if you know they are on is a joke
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi playing on ps5 myself in HDR and it's still rough, no quality mode which xbox has! Framerates great but because of awful graphics and emptier streets I'd rather have that xbox version
What's their follow up game, "A bugs life: 2077"
Wow the only "launch" worse than this was the "PS5 launch" and the only "launch" worse than that was the TITANIC 🤔🤣
This is good. I'm glad I didn't preordered it. I started smelling foul when they just lifted embargo on the PC version. And even that one was coming in hot.
I'm pretty sure they'll fix it eventually, but still, it doesn't look good right now. Especially on base consoles.
On a serious note I reckon this will be superb when all the bugs are ironed out
Let's spare a moment for WWE 2K20 for buggy launches.
I was going to make a joke about the current state of Cyberpunk 2077 as I currently play it, but alas the game crashed.
@ATaco Toxic business practice like,crunch?
I'm gonna call out all the game media news sites/ YouTube and say that they are poor journalists.
They spend all year generating hype promoting a lot of these publishers/developer's for ad revenue and covering the pr trash.
Not once did any of these news sites or youtubers ask the question how's cyberpunk running?
How's the stability or your game how's it run on the ps4 or base xbox.
Nah you stand with your d**k in your hand
the week of release at the 25th hour saying somethings fishy that they won't give you review code for the ps4 and xbox.
I've read comments about disappointed in cdpr some even say they lied.
But you were all an accomplice in this and don't deny it!
I have no doubt this will be a good game sooner rather than later.
But the dumpster fire of release stands with not just cdpr but the games media as well.
Just to add don't call yourselves journalists call yourselves a public relations promoter.
It's far more fitting i think.
All the people with refunds will be able to buy it next Christmas after a load of patches and 50% off. Probably be about the time I get it unless it is still a mess and I will wait longer and 66% off!
The size, and scope and scale of games has increased dramatically since then.
Ironically we seem to have gone back to the Spectrum days where US Gold would shovel out some absolute tripe based on a licence, it would be borderline broken and you'd have to get a poke in Your Sinclair to finish the game.
It is a shame on PS4 and even the pro that the game just looked rough. I am glad that ppl can get refunds
@HotGoomba___Rebrand A worse launch? ET on Atari 2600... Doesn't come much worse than that! 😂
On a more serious note, I sometimes wonder if the videogame industry is heading towards a crash similar to that early 1980s one... Hopefully not...
Maybe on PS4 yea but this is totally B.S not to be believed, I've played now 76 hours on CYBERPUNK PS5 and it's only just crashed for the '3rd time' in 76 hours of PLAY!! Don't believe everything you read. Happy to send or forward anyone over 3 hours of Gameplay footage for proof, haters always Gunna hate, I hate how the lies company's have to do to 'Get people's attention'. Really Sux for the development team of this Great Game and Looks awesome the near 80hrs already loving it!
@HotGoomba___Rebrand @AJDarkstar
Assassin's Creed Unity and Control. They were BAD.
I haven't started the game yet because I'm playing Spider-Man Remastered on PS5, I just hope it runs better by then.
Just put in a refund request myself, certainly have lost any faith I had left in Cd Projekt Red after this.
.. Precisely why I'm waiting for PS5 upgrade.. we've all waited too long to play a buggy mess...
It's getting to be a bit of a joke now, especially seeing all the games listed.
Maybe games shouldn't be allowed to be released unless they are playable (this verified independently)
At least some went above just fixing their game, No mans Sky - loads of free content.
Assassin's Creed Unity, they cancelled their season pass and gave away the story DLC for free.
@DionG Agreed. I've played about 30 hours on PS5 and it looks and plays great. Streets are populated to a point that I can't imagine much more. Franerate is smooth and consistent as well.
WWE 2k20.....
Glad i canceled my Xbox 1 version after the lasT delay announcement. I'll be playing the game of the year version with all the DLC on the Series X when ever i get it
Was originally gonna pre-order but then I saw a trailer and thought "oh this looks like a cheap knock off of Cyberpunk" then realised it was a trailer for Cyberpunk. So I already thought this game had been oversold with the stuff they were promising years ago.
In fairness I want game developers to think big, but equally I don't want to play an unfinished product.
@AJDarkstar The fix was likely being worked on by one dept and didn't get finished in time for release. I doubt CDPR are especially happy with the crappy launch either.
@RPE83 ah, Your Sinclair. Great days. Before console wars there were the mag wars! Your Sinclair vs Spectrum User.
@AJDarkstar I’m playing on PS5 and had one crash (pre patch). Last night I was playing and Jack was flipping through the floor. After 5-6 hours I haven’t seen too many bugs and the patch seems to have started to improve it, it’s a good start to fixing it.
The biggest problem for me on pro is the pop in but it's still very playable, I might crack on with valhalla and wait for a few patches that might help.
Unfortunately already asked for this for Xmas. Hopefully be better by then or I won't play until the free ps5 upgrade
@DionG Yeah but it's not a PS5 game. Why should we be happy it's running great on PS5?! This game had been developed for 7 years for PS4 and Xbox One and it's a trash on them. Like a ps4 launch game from 2013 or even worst. I have a PS5 as well and i'll play the proper PS5 version but i totally understand those people who are disappointed with the performance. Just not good enough
Back when Amiga owners were the master race.
This is a case for clear console generations if I ever saw one. There shouldn't even be a ps4 version of this game. I play on Stadia and it's fantastic loaded instantly, friends bought it in steam with high-end pcs and other than the painfully slow initial download and patch they enjoy it too.
I never thought I'd say this but Stadia has the best most widely accessible version of this game.
Will it eventually be a good game? Yes.
Did it launch in a state that is acceptable? No.
If you have a PS5 and it runs ok, great. However you will have paid the same price as someone who bought it for their base PS4 because it says it is a PS4 game.
Clearly they were in a financial state where they could not afford to launch and knowing that they deliberately withheld console copies for review and demanded reviewers signed up to unfavourable terms.
As consumers it is correct to ask for refunds and to return when the game is at an acceptable standard.
Let's not pretend people are lying. I have multiple friends that play on the PS5 and they usually average 3 crashes a day. I myself am up to 13 crashes and if you don't believe me I will happily link you to my twitch where I have been streaming the game since day 1. Game is in rough shape and for many people it is crash central just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean others are lying.
Stadia 🤷
Bugs aside I’m having a great time. I do believe this whole thing has been a bit overblown, no thanks to CDPR’s handling of the situation. This is a great game and I’m glad I bought it (PS4 Pro). I also feel for those who are having a bad experience. A messy launch for sure but I wouldn’t buy into the negativity of an angry mob full stop. As much as I’m enjoying it, it is clearly unfinished and if I was upper management at CDPR I certainly wouldn’t be sleeping well right now. What a shame.
I'm doing fine on PS4 Pro, I know the limitations and I m ok w that...
@DionG @realc Yeah. I'm playing on Stadia because I knew this game would be patch city and otherwise not run great. Even The Verge said that the best way to play this was currently in Stadia. Saves space on my PS5 for good games there!
@JTM03 just posted below, I'm doing the same.
I was thinking about getting this on PC, but apparently it's not a lot better on there. Guess I'll wait a year or so until it's fixed and cheap.
@Jimmer-jammer it's gonna be a great game when the issues are fixed. I've played my fair share of buggy games and enjoyed them.
Most though were from small indy devs who have no choice but to release their product unfinished as the need for sales to keep a roof over their heads.
It's very annoying when a major studio do it as financially they are secure they could easily have delayed or brought in a second development team to ease the work load.
Just no excuses will wash.
@mal1jas69 I must have struck a nerve lol
Since you signed up just to reply.
Big baby must have hurt your feelings.
Well good that makes me sooooo happy.
Most of the whiners probably on first ps4 anyway or crap pc's
Been playing on ps5 since release had 1 crash, but that was returning from watching something on netflix so could have been console problem there
Sure had some visual glitches no worse than valhalla so.
Maybe I'm just lucky but mostly been fine so far me.
@Octane an we all know how that turn out. One of the best and most ambitious games around still receiving updates.
@darksoul77 I agree 100% that CDPR have handled this poorly. Their silence is deafening, their embargo was shady and they deserve to be held accountable. However, at least for me, the experience has not been remotely terrible. Not ideal but not the “unplayable!” garbage that some would have you believe.
You obviously don't 'read do you' the game crashed for me 'only 3 times in 72 hours playing, bad luck for your PS4 this is the end of the conversation I wouldn't post for the heck of it much better things to do. Read 3 times in 72 hrs GAMEPLAY.
@nessisonett reviewers take 1 hour to poop on years of hard work by devs. Reviews are parasites lucky developers exist. Know your place
You hysteria queens can boycott cyberpunk. Im playing it right now enjoying cyberpunk.
@Zeroone1 are you DMB or did you not hear what I said?hmm? I've played this gave 'over 70hours' now and it's 'crashed only 3 times on my PS5 disc version. I have nothing more to say to an idiot who doesn't believe. Nothing.
@nessisonett im a fan of hard working developers, not internet whiners who act like ungrateful parasites
@Uromastryx totally agreed it Runs FuKn amazing on my PS5, this idiot doesn't believe me it's only crashed '3 times in 72 plus hours now (proof with videos) and his old ass PS4 crashes 14-18 times per hour, it even crashes a few times on PC but this dope is still thinking 'he's right/wrong.
@wiiware then quit gaming if u hate it so much. No one will miss u. Unless ur a developer u dont realize how hard they work for super ungrateful toxic fans
I have a Pro and since the patch it's played well. Knock on wood and all that. Removing those extra setting like the film grain and all that also helps.
I only keep HDR enabled.
This one NPC won't stop T Posing though. I have named her Sandra. Just feels right.
Well I think people also just want to jump on the train of abuse because they had some little faults, like 5 year old really. Nut up or shut up. Wait for the patches or sell it and just be quiet
As said before they are all acting like this is the first time a game has been released in bad state, its far from and again its bad on crappy old consoles...who would have guessed
Yes CDPR said it was in design for ps4/XB1 well things change
@jess3a3 I never hate gaming, I only hate bug ridden game and lying developers.
@Paranoimia it looks really good on pc depending on your specs because for.me it looks really really good there are some glitches but performance and graphics look amazing
Anyone knows if this is occurring on Brazil?
@wiiware then boycott cyberpunk. You will beg to play cyberpunk when it wins game of the year 2021. Playing cyberpunk now having fun even with bugs
@jess3a3 How much do you want to bet Cyberpunk does not win GotY next year? Horizon II and God ofWar: Ragnarok are going to stomp all over this buggy mess.
I’m looking forward to playing this eventually when it’s had a multitude of patches but it is absolutely unacceptable to launch a game in this state.
@HotGoomba___Rebrand evolve it was amazing game
Well for me im enjoying the hell out of the game on ps5, not too many bugs and 1 crash in a couple days of playing the game. Im just excited for the eventual full ps5 version.
I honestly have no idea what the big deal is. This isn't anything new.... I swear gamers today are the most untitled sh**heads in the world. How bout you all go and learn to play a game that had a small number of polygons to use and still caused your computer to fall apart. Then you can complain. Frankly I find next gen and 60 fps to be scams the better the model is the worse the game runs and dont even get me started on the uncanny valley ness of the lip sync. You can make a person look as real as you want but if you can't lip sync properly the game looks worse than an 8 bit title to me, atleast old models b lip sync fit the overall design, playing next gen games is like watching old dubbed Japanese films.
@DionG i agree man, i cant stop playing. Not very many glitches, i notice things here and there but nothing like in hearing. I cant wait for the true ps5 version 😎
@AJDarkstar The crashes have really taken the wind out of my sails for this game. I was looking forward to playing it a lot over the weekend. Not gonna happen.
@Uromastryx I agree with what you said.
What annoys me is and before I begin I have cyberpunk on my ps5 just sitting there like a little surprise just waiting till the day it's ready to go.
Now back to what annoys me is the way this was promoted by cdpr and the game media sites and youtubers.
This was always gonna have problems day one its pushing the edges of the game design and when you aim that high well the odds are against you.
This should have clearly been advertised as such and those so called 'game journalists' should have seen this coming months ago and they would have if the were publishing stories like no hands on preview of cp2077 is worrying and why won't cdpr let us see cp2077.
Instead they just publish articles what can only be described as wordy advertising for a game they have never actually seen.
So because this was handled so poorly we have a terrible launch. If the right questions were asked and the right answer's were out there expectations would have been better tempered.
@bbauer36 almost in the 3rd act of main missions. Cool game just confusing story. Too many characters
Completely agree with your comments,
Yeah the journalists are half the problem but the cdpr also collapsed under pressure , victims of success due to the witcher sure, problem is most of us if not should have seen red flags after 2nd delay. Next red flag was nobody got codes for console version until a day or two before.
I personally am really enjoying it i got through valhalla and platinum for it a few days before ubisoft even fixed it.
I can deal with this. I have faith in cdpr that will fix this and it will become ultimately what it should have been on release but press, gamers and the suits forced their hand now cdpr will be repairing their reputation for quite some time
Didn’t Sony at one time charge devs to patch games after release? I’m almost certain they did. Wondering if bringing that back might be an incentive for devs to actually finish their games before releasing them.
Because it’s becoming more and more worthwhile to wait at least 6 months before purchasing a game. By then it will be half the price and actually finished.
This is interesting, how does that work, do Sony claim the money back from the developer after refunding the game? Cd project red have only themselves to blame for releasing it like that and for hiding what the game is like on the base consoles before releasing. Maybe Sony/ Microsoft should have better quality control with multiplatform games before allowing it to release if that's possible.
@fR_eeBritney They did, and what ended up happening is that games just never got patched. So you would have buggy broken games forever. I would rather have all games freely patchable with a handful that are unplayable day one, than have many many games broken simply because it's too costly to fix.
Are you dumb? I have 14 crashes on PS5? But I mean it's fine to just not believe people with video proof. Game is buggy for many people apparently not you.
Avoid the Cyberpunk crap, like the plague
Good. ***** CDPR and this crappy launch, from the review fiasco to the buggy garbage ridden game. They are just the typical AAA developer now.
No The Bugtcher 4
@Zeroone1 you don't even 'have a PS5 *****, your post above said it as well, if you had a PS5 your wouldn't be acting like a little BABY saying it crashes all the time, I have VIDEO PROOF the game has crashed '3 times in 67-72 hours so Stop trying to act like you 'HAVE A PS5, you clearly Don't. It doesn't crash like a PS4 Baby.
Zeroone1 you've even Been 'OUTVOTED for BULLSHT on here @Zeroone1, PS5 owners have even Told you on here (3 to 1 votes) your a Liar, who doesn't own a PS5 himself. period, you don't look COOL LYING, just makes you look like a 12 yr old even more, you even stated in a previous post it's for PS4 ;) IT DOESN'T CRASH Hardly at all ever on PS5, and 70hour gameplay 'prooves it's',face the music you Baby. I have no time for Crybaby's who 'missed out on A PS5 lol.
Lol okay never said I didn't believe you just saying people are having problems on PS5 no reason to call people liars. If you need help with reading comprehension there's a lot of classes available online lately.
@jess3a3 I'll buy it when ps5 version come out and there's good discount, why the heck I want to beg when I'm the customer, I got like 200+ backlog games lol.
I'll play the better and cheaper version of the game later, I don't want to be the beta tester for this game.
Zeroone1 on't be jealous buddy, you missed out on a PS5. Just sell your game If your 'not Happy'
@Octane No man Sky wasnt nearly as broken as this crap.
@DionG If it crashes at all that would be a joke. I almost never have had crashes with games and last weekend a crash and guess what 20 hours of gaming time corrupted.
A game that has 8 years of development should not have ever been released in this state.
If you sell a product on the PS4 / PS4 Pro or whatever platform it should work no doubt about that. And its kind of disrespectfull you act towards PS4 owners its sold as a PS4 product so it should function like one.
called for refund. Will buy when next gen version arrives. Cheaper then... They do not deserve my money atm.
@Uromastryx Why should anyone shut up about a game that does not work that great or even bad 3 crashes in 72 hours is really bad on a new piece of hardware. And then lets not forget the PS4 version the advertised platform its almost a crime they dared too release a product in this state.
@HeeHo How, did you call sony?
@ORO_ERICIUS Did you call sony?
@San01 yes. Sony support. Bought digital copy obviously.
A pretty good case for why' pre-ordering is not a great idea.
I would have been fine with more delays instead of this result.
I seem to remember a boat load of people throwing massive tantrums every time this game was delayed.
Your making very good points. The press should know better after what happened with WatchDogs.
I think with most studio they would harshly criticise only seeing PC versions for years (and hide the base version till release) but it shows the obvious bias depending on the studio.
Ultimately though, readers should be more aware and question the press more often. (Not easy when gaming sites usually have their 'fans' fiercely opposing any criticism)
I remember when Watchdogs was praised by the press for being the 'next gen' experience basically a lie.
Crashed five times on ps5 but I still like it. It's different from what I expected. CDPR put lots of work into it, but they should have made ps5 versions.
@Arugula yep... I have a base ps4 and, still, kinda tempted 😄 haha
Guess I'll wait for the inevitable price drop and pick it up in time for the patch that actually fixes it!
@wiiware Ok I'm on the final few levels of cyberpunk - I'll try not to spoil it for you after you start finally playing it in the year 2077
@jess3a3 I'll be playing this next year, when the full next-gen version come out and the game is cheaper. If the game become good of course, I saw the thread on reddit and it seems the problem is not only bugs, but (the lack of) human ai, the economy, the loot, and many others.
@San01 I used the online chat helpline on their site
@HeeHo on cdprojekts site?
Sony rejected my psn refund request just now bc I have already downloaded the game...told me to wait for the patch
As much as I sympathise with the fella trying to get a refund I don't believe for a second it doesn't boot up at all now on both PS4 and ps5..
It's buggy, it crashes every couple of hours but it's not completely broken to the point it doesn't work..
I still believe Sony need to have some kind of refund policy on games played less than say an hour or 2 for games released in a poor state like this.
It will also hopefully kill off those nonsense trophy hunting games that take minutes to platinum.
If Sony wouldn’t issue me a refund for £50 spent while my account was hacked, I doubt they’d issue a refund for a game bought and played.
Guys, it’s 70 bucks get over it, the game is not broken by the way just disappointing and poorly optimized, that is not a reason to refund
@nessisonett "hacked" suggests their account security was compromised.
Socially engineered or most likely a password used over and over again is more apt.
Sorry if that sounds rude but I hate how the word hacked is bandied about when people have poor password implementations and essentially give the keys away to the door.
Story have been updated.
@solocapers Mate, my password is a 24 letter hash generated by an algorithm I wrote myself and only I have the key. No amount of social engineering could have gotten that. £50 down the drain in Fortnite despite not having played it in over a year at the time and absolutely nothing else touched. I had no clue what it was all about to be honest, perhaps they’d signed into their own Epic account and spent the money on that?
Man my how the mighty have fallen frist naughty dog now CD Project Red.
Sony needs to implement something official like Steam for digital purchase returns for when stuff like this happens in the future. Sony really needs to make an exception for this game right now though.
@get2sammyb I've seen some reddit users mentioning that it's possible to get a refund from Sony but only by contacting support on the phone.
Hopefully this leads to implement an automated no questions asked refund system.
@Cheski did they for f76, anthem, marvels avengers, or would for their first party games?
At least c2077 is better than those games mentioned above
@AdamNovice the thing with steam is that, there is doubt of being able to run the game and games generally having more issues than console games. It's there for that reason imo
This is complete bullcrap - and a major reason why I wouldn't even consider getting a digital only console.
I got my refund through Amazon with no questions asked. Sony and CDPR can go to hell with their dodgy policies and deceitful statements.
Wow. I know gaming storefronts tend to be arsey about refunds but come on Sony?! Maybe they're taking a hard stance now so they can prevent refunds on their own £70 games when the time comes...
Sony's refund policy is outdated trash that seriously needs to be changed. I bought cyberpunk on Stadia and I can get a refund if my playtime is under 2 hours and within 14 days of purchase.
@KevinDS88 When a game crashes for no reason multiple times a playthrough then it's broken.
@San01 Sony's but if they refuse I'd check out CDPR's refund helpline too, good luck 👍
Have to laugh at the double standard coming from.you of all people with the posts you make.
You are everything that's wrong with gaming and modern society
On topic the developers deserve the flack they are getting but some of the blame here has to goto Sony .
Learn to read , I never said I was unhappy but once again you have proven too everyone what a huge man child you are, is that not you Mr Trump?
As the state of the game has even made it too the mainstream news , Sony have to do something about there terrible / none existent refund policy . Can see some really bad press if they dont.
@jess3a3 when you're saying to the customers "just play it on stadia if you don't like bugs" instead of saying to CDPR (and the industry in general) "if you're going to sell a product to someone, at least finish it first" you're on the wrong side.
I'm pretty sure the rep in the second tweet was the one who gave me a refund a couple days ago 😮
Feeling lucky I asked before CDPR mentioned the patches now.
Why do people who pre-order get so upset? It is absolutely unnecessary to do so to receive a copy of any mainstream game around the time of release. It's never going to sell out, especially in days of digital releases. That leaves enough time to read reviews and make an educated decision.
I do occasionally pre-order a game, but I consider it a form of signaling that I support this sort of thing to publishers/developers. I'd pre-ordered no man's sky because it showed innovation, or Yakuza and valkyria chronicles to show my support of translated niche titles. If it turns out to be of lesser quality than expected, sucks, but I won't pout around saying I've been lied to.
@HeeHo That's nuts and almost certainly suggests this is now a directive from upper-management!
So why don't CPDR just handle the refunds?
@Tasuki Is it not because it’s tied into the seller’s store? I’d assume that a publisher can’t handle that as for all intents and purposes, the sale has been made and money has been exchanged between the buyer and the storefront, whether that’s Sony or say, Amazon for example.
Sony get some of that money don't how much, and even if they do they still have to contact sony and how they are becoming more arrogant, who knows how they will responed.
Any luck this will become news and bad press and Sony will have to implement a refund policy
@get2sammyb for sure looks that way, the dude helped me within like 5 messages.
This thread was an unpleasant read. Such toxicity.
@nessisonett I don't know if that will be a case. I have at times bought stuff from stores and had to get a refund from the company that made the product not the store itself because it wasn't the stores fault that the product was damaged, missing parts etc.
@Tasuki Oh wow that’s interesting, I’ve only ever had to go through the store as they usually take responsibility for the condition of the goods. I guess stores can’t really be faulted if the product itself is the problem or is faulty in some way.
@God_of_Nowt @Warspite2901 The reliance on anecdotal evidence on both sides is what gets me. The fact is that everyone is having a different experience, as in all games, but it looks like there are more having problems than not from the wider chat around the game.
@Tasuki I believe they may be just palming you off in that case. At least, in the UK, it would be against consumer rights to do that. Of course, retailers will regularly try it. But maybe it’s different in the US.
The problem is people going to be mad either way. If cdpr would have delayed it more people would have got mad. If they would have said hey it’s trash on old gen hardware this is now a next gen only game people would have lost there minds even more no winning
@Yfs11six they could have just made the game good AND released it without a delay. I mean, that’s what they’d do if they wanted to “win” right?
@HotGoomba___Rebrand that NBA game from EA. It was so broken they accepted refunds, took it off store shelves and promised to fix the game. The shelved the game completely it was that bad.
@suikoden keep whining about a game you hate. Im busy trying to platinum cyberpunk. Game of the year 2021
@jess3a3 No chance GOTY. It might win most broken goty. You know its bad when they offer refunds.
Maybe it’s about time they introduced a refund policy as more and more customers go digital. If you could get a refund within 7 days and less than a few hours play it would be a nice touch
Read on twitter both Xbox and Sony denying some refunds if you played beyond a certain point. But the game is so broken evreone who purchased it deserves a refund for Cyberbug2077.
Once again learn to read , didn't say I hate it in fact I really enjoying it have it on pc and apart from glitches had no crashes and running at some 60 plus frames at 2560x1440 on ultra settings.
So get your facts right before pulling ideas out of your ass! What I'm saying people have a right to be upset at its state on the ps4 what people don't need a self centred person saying well you should of gotten on stadia
Well yet another topic that started off fairly well then descended into the usual insult throwing and downright toxic behaviour that has become all too frequent lately.i have a fair bit of respect for the majority of the usual posters on here but some of you are truly odious little trolls..hell some of you can't even write properly without resorting to some kind of messed up text talk..if any of you were actually put in a room with each other you wouldnt say half the crap you say on here because on these forums you are safe from physical retribution and the worst that can happen is you get your account banned...
If you bought any other broken item from any shop or online you’d get a refund. Sony you need to sort this broken mess out. Meaning game quality checks and your refund policies...
At this point I've accepted that all games are "released" in early access, and I don't play single-player games until at least a year after the official release date.
First they release an unfinished game, then they promise a refund on behalf of other companies and retailers without the OK from them! Total mess.
Or at least a trade back policy. Sliding scale from 75% money back downwards. Then Sony can sell these “used” codes at a lower price, thus getting money from those of us that buy second hand or when old and on deep retail sale.
@Northern_munkey yeah I’ve noticed this as well. It’s unfortunate as there is a genuinely interesting and valuable discussion to be had around this mess. There’s a reason the pushsquare community is the only ‘social media’ I actually engage with as I’ve generally found the posters here to be intelligent, respectful and have valuable opinions and insight to add to the discussion. It would be nice to see the discourse elevated to the level I know we’re capable of. Thanks for calling this out. Good day to you.
Edit - not to mention the great articles and general vibe and opinions of the writers. Don’t mean to shaft the site, I enjoy it 👍
@Northern_munkey Needed to be Said ...........What upsets me most is the leniency Push Square allows could be destroyed by People that want to score points of each other behavior that belongs in the playground.......and is getting a tad boring now.
Sony support is historically garbage, this comes at no surprise. If your account gets hacked and purchases are made from your CC, then you cancel the card through your company and refute those charges, Sony locks out your PSN account until you pay them back for what the hacker bought.
Perhaps the people who can't get a refund are in EU and the people that can are in NA. When you buy stuff from the PSN Store in EU you have to check a box that says you won't ask for a refund after downloading the game. I don't recall such an agreement when purchasing from NA.
Runs perfect on PC, 60fps, Ray Tracing, no crashes, 1 or 2 graphical issues that were resolved with current patch. This game was made to run on a PC. If you have a PC that can run this, purchase it for PC.
Sony being the Heel as usual with particular refund issue. lol
The penny has finally dropped on the issue. You can't release a broken mess and expect to take full money for that. Patches or no, people don't buy broken cars with a promise that they will be fixed 2 months later, do they? Yet here we are, games are somehow exempt. There must be a returns system in place, it is long overdue.
Wow 212 comments. I typically respond to articles quicker than this but I'm too busy making a name for myself in Night City. Such a damn good game! 28 hours in, only 1 crash on a ps4 pro. Yeah theres some bugs which was to be expected. Not to the level of Ubisoft or Bethesda games though.
What a way to end the year. God damn.
@finalstan Exactly this!!!
@Jayslow I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one having a great time with the the game. I have not had a single crash on PS4 Pro. Plenty of wonkiness but no crashes. It’s not the game they advertised but it’s a great game nonetheless.
Ok the game isn't perfect right now, but it's nowhere the disaster it's being made out to be. I gave it a second chance, & glad I did. The game is actually pretty sweet, had been completely hooked these last few days.
Sony being Sony, business as usual. Everyone forgets they're awful at everything except games. And even that is debateable based on Crunchy Dog culture.
I'm really not understanding a lack of support from us fans. The game is ***** massive.... Bugs are going to be present. I'm on Ps5 and besides the random 2hr crashes the game is running fine. Incase your NOT aware, there is a bug error report program that happens when it does, help CPR out and lets get these bugs removed. Instead of bitching about the problems lets help them by being part of the solution. Those on Ps4 and XB1 I completely understand the mess of the game right now so I can't speak for you guys. But the ones who DO have the new consoles cmon man let's get together and help them out with these bug reports. BTW game is awesome I'm loving it and if you do have a new console I'm telling ya you need to get this one. Pretty much if Deus Ex and Fallout had a baby you get cyberpunk.... Peace pimps and pimpettes!
@HeeHo out of interest did you play much of the game get trophies etc
And....you are the same idiots that complained every time it got delayed....
I'm surprised Sony didn't learn the lesson from last time, when the Australian ACCC fined them 3.5 million.
@B-I-G-DEVIL I downloaded but didn't start after I saw it running on my brothers PS4 and this was my first request for a refund from Sony which could have played a factor.
@HeeHo Yes pretty sure not playing it is why you got it. That seems to be the deciding factor. Thanks for letting me know was curious
When you take almost 8 years to make a game you dont have the right to delivery a product in such a state. That mess is pure neglect. Shame on you cdpr...
Ah, a glimpse at the glorious digital-only future!
One time I accidentally bought the "boy and his blob remake". when I contacted sony they refunded it but they explicitly said this was a courtesy and they can deny refunds entirely at their discretion.
@Digit2021 Yep,I wondered the same thing earlier! Unlike the Steam/ACCC case where Steam ended up changing their overall refund policies & had to include a notice up front to acknowledge Australian Consumer laws,never really heard or seen any changes in how refunds can be processed for Aussie psn users. If their front line call centre staff try these default bot responses it will end badly for them if it were to progress to a second lot of complaints.
Im still curious how the people who where sending death treats to cdpr after the 3th delay are enjoying the bugs in the game
people that unbalanced will now be sending death threats because of the bugs.
@HotGoomba___Rebrand "tell me a worse launch"
@JTM03 "Stadia"
As an aside - the Stadia version of Cyberpunk 2077 isn't that bad at all. Yes it's got the same gameplay bugs as every version, but in terms of resolution, framerate and general settings it is FAR above the base consoles. Though still behind high end PC.
Digital Foundry said they were going to do a video covering this which should be interesting how it fares vs PS5/XSX in back compat.
I've only tried it for around an hour, likely not planning on playing it on Stadia, but was impressed so far.
FYI Not a fan of the Stadia business model, but the tech is interesting. I only really wanted the Chromecast but they are giving away the controller and game for £39.99 all deals included. Worth a try.
I played/streamed Arkham Asylum and a few other titles on Onlive 10 year ago with no major issues so was interested to see how the tech had evolved since then.
instead of a refund policy maybee a better QA before you release a title on your system. But on all consoles there is so much shovelware broke garbage maybee sort out their stores first. but they wont then all will complain when EU etc bring in laws that are 10 times worse to do it
@Anguspuss having worked in QA way back when, just because QA says something isn't ready for release doesn't mean it won't be released anyway. This with comments from project managers like "we'd be done by now if QA didn't keep filing bug reports" were a large motivating factor for moving from an SDET role to a development role.
This was an ex-colleague from my QA days https://www.glassdoor.ca/Reviews/Employee-Review-Mind-Candy-RVW4204718.htm
This is definitely bad on Sony, e with that said though this clearly shows that CDPR are full of themself once again by not communicating with the platform holders to definitively resolve this issue and instead just passed off the blame for Digital copies on the holders, CDPR are pure scum for everything they've pulled with this game.
@theheadofabroom agree worked for yank company that decided to improve the QA get rid of the QA department lol
Sony don't do digital refunds 😬 I tried once 😂 Please wait the game is worth it, speaking from 30 hours in. Play something else for now, make your own delay.
@HotGoomba___Rebrand fallout 76? XD
@jess3a3 yea damned if a company does or damned if they dont. They pushed the game back once before and got death threats. But thats how the world is now, everyone wants it NOW NOW NOW!
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