February's PlayStation Plus games have been officially announced — and it's honestly one heck of a lineup. We've known for a while that Destruction AllStars would be February's headline act on PlayStation 5, but there's more to next month's selection than that.
Control: Ultimate Edition is also part of the deal, available on both PS5 and PS4 — an inclusion that we never saw coming. And to round things out, we've got the lovingly crafted Concrete Genie on PS4. Not bad, eh?
All three games can be downloaded starting from Tuesday, 2nd February. Destruction AllStars will be available for two months, until 5th April.

While we're yet to review Destruction AllStars — keep your eyes peeled for full coverage of that next week — we recommended Concrete Genie in our 7/10 review:
Concrete Genie is a warm, joyful experience that embraces creativity in a unique way. Painting your way through Denska is effortlessly fun, and the genies that help Ash through his adventure are delightful. While this main thrust of the game is well realised, combat feels like an afterthought, as it's stashed away right at the end. This and a couple of smaller issues hold the game back from greatness, but taken as a whole, this is definitely worth playing — and pretty as a picture, too.
We're also yet to review the PS5 version of Control: Ultimate Edition, but we had fun with the original PS4 release in our 7/10 review:
There’s no doubting that Control is a good experience, but it’s not one that’ll go down in the history books. Its explorative and combat-focused gameplay is a major highlight thanks to abilities that give you the chance to get creative, but the unreliable framerate that goes with it puts a stop to the enjoyment far too frequently. This is most definitely worth playing, but that’s about as far as any substantial praise can go.
What do you think of this PS Plus lineup? Give us your full reaction in the comments section below.
Comments 164
Sony is going hard with PS Plus this year it seems. What an amazing lineup!
What a great month!
Wow. Amazing lineup. Fantastic to keep me entertained while I hunt for a ps5.
This is a good month, I think. I have played Concrete Genie and I liked it. And the PS5 version of Control was #1 on my most wanted list. I waited because of how badly it ran on PS4. So this is a win.
And yeah I guess I'll try the silly car thing.
Two good months in a row, are Sony feeling alright? Looking forward to trying Concrete Genie and the fact that Control is the ultimate edition? Very nice!
I think this may be the first occasion in a decade where all games on offer appeal to me. Just when I thought I was making progress on my backlog lol. Great month!
That's pretty awesome. I Platinumed the regular Control and didn't want to buy the 'shady' version again just to play the PS5 upgrade.
Destruction All Stars hopefully will be fun and populated as it is on Plus.
Concrete Genie I also Platinumed and enjoyed every minute of it apart from having to restart the whole game from the beginning due to a game breaking bug that caused me to always respawn to insta-death water in some sewers.
I just bought Control FFS 😂😂😂
Literally just bought Control from Amazon yesterday
Holy crap. Wanted to buy Controll during the last sale, so thankful I didn't. Honestly, a well rated, 2 years old AAA title was not what I expected
I just bought Control: Ultimate Edition last month during a sale especially for PS5...
Not overwhelmed here myself (i don't know the games) but the everybody's reaction give me hope!
Was going to buy control aswell so it's a good one for me 👌🏻
Wow, these are both fantastic games in their own right. In my mind PS Plus just paid for itself in one month.
Wow! Two games that were on my "eventually will buy" list!
Is concrete genie vr only?
@ThaBEN they might refund it - apparently a lot of people managed to get refunds for Maneater for the same reason. I did the same, but bought it in a sale back in Nov/Dec so not sure if I'll have the same luck
Absolutely fantastic month despite my low key saltiness over finally buying Concrete Genie last month.
@feral1975 Then send it back. Distance selling laws, you are within your rights.
@feral1975 just return it, Amazon even send a courier to collect returns
excited to try concrete genie
Apologies for being an idiot here, but is this Control the back compat version (and different to the PS5 native port)?
I was going to buy Control on PS5, but this is great no matter what version.
Ugh like others I just bought control from PS store in December sale, left it untouched for the ps5 edition. At least it was only like 20 bucks wasted.
Finished the main Control game a while ago, but now to play the DLC! One of my favourite TPS games!
This is a best month in a long while. Concrete Genie I've already played through, but I would recommend it as a laid back experience for anybody not owning it. Control on PS5 with DLC is a big win for me (because I stoped playing and sold disc version on PS4 due to how poorly it ran).
And Destruction AllStars is exactly a type of game I hope to catch on and become new Rocket League (tons of fun).
Just awesome collection!
@LiamCroft @get2sammyb Do you know if the game save transfers from PS4 standard edition to PS5 Ultimate edition. I remember there was some hoo-ha and backpeddling but I may be getting confused with Spidey.
I wouldn't mind just playing the DLC.
EDIT: It seems this is possible but we will have to donwload the PS4 version of Ultimate Edition first as well, launch it, load a save and then it should transfer to PS5. Let me know if I have that wrong.
As a PS4 owner I am very happy to give both a go. Good month for me (not so much for my backlog)
@Loftimus it's a regular TV game. Does have a VR side mode though
If it hasn't yet shipped you can cancel your order!
So excited about this! I had been looking to buy concrete genie so that’s a win. I’m excited to play destruction all stars for free - and I gave up on control halfway through, so excited that I could always give that another try on PS5 😅
Wow. That's the best monthly PS+ line-up I can remember!
I’m suitably impressed by the two which were unknown. Another good month ... just need to find / get me a PS5 !!
@Perryg92 nice! Thanks
Oh, nice! I was just going to buy Control. Great month indeed!
Kind of pleased about control because I skipped it on Now due to the poor performance on PS4. Hopefully the 5 will sort it out.
Concrete Genie...I got it and returned it, but mainly because I thought it was a proper VR game, which was my error. Might go back to it at some point with clearer understanding.
What's Concrete Genie like ?
Owned it, played the one DLC that did not require previous knowledge of a game no longer available. It’s a decent game, easily beatable with new accessibility options (take note Souls fans).
Will this let 505/Remedy off from the whole Ultimate/PS5 upgrade shenanigans?
Haha, just bought Control Ultimate Edition about a week ago on the PS Store sale. Well well, Control and Genie is 2 great games regardless so great month for all who hasn't played them yet !!
Concrete Genie is a nice surprise. Jury's out on Destruction but I really despised Control. Pretentious, sci fi nonsense mixed with what is actually a pretty average waveshooter. Can't believe I actually stuck with it to the end .... irksome!!
Gotta buy plus now
I'll snag Concrete Genie, but they can keep the other two.
@Perryg92 it's Control: Ultimate Edition that's included in PS Plus - as in, the version with the PS5 upgrade out next week (the official announcement says it's a PS4 + PS5 game for this reason)
Can i put destruction all-stars in my library from my PC WITHOUT a ps5?
@Gmork___ Use the mobile app. I grabbed Maneater with it for when I eventually get a PS5.
What a month! A years PS+ subscription just paid for itself.
That is an amazing month. Already completed Control on the Xbox one but I pre ordered the Ultimate edition so I could play it again and all the DLC on the ps5. So I can cancel that! And I've always been interested in Concrete Genie but not quite enough to buy, so definitely downloading and playing it sharpish.
For me this is the best lineup I can recall. all 3 games I've wanted and Control being the Ultimate edition is awesome.
Wow. It's a good month to be a PlayStation fan.
What a banging month!! Was going to try control on game pass but after playing alan wake recently I was already interested in the dlc. Now ill wait for Ray tracing too. I can't wait to play destruction allstars either, looks like loads of fun. Played concrete genie, its decent. Art style is great but hdr would have taken it to a new level
Hope so, just dropped a support ticket with a request for refund.
Bought it on January 8th and been waiting for the free PS5 upgrade, havn't download or played it.
I had no interest at all in DA, but as a free title it’s a no brainer!!!
Usually the months that leave other people impressed don't do much for me, but I'll admit: I'm genuinely impressed with this lineup.
@Gmork___ works on the phone app
My main reaction is "nooooo, why did I have to go and buy Control before the PS5 version was out" - and this, kids, is why you should never buy a game full price once it's old enough to go on sale regularly.
Which I didn't btw, I got it half price - a couple of months ago so I'm not holding out much hope for a refund like what people got for buying Maneater. I'll be in the corner consoling myself with the fact that at least I didn't pay full RRP
I don't have a ps5 yet but the ps4 games I am more than happy with. Both games I wanted to try but wasn't sure about buying so great month for me personally
Great line up, and I was going to buy Control when the PS5 version comes out in March
Concrete Genie is brilliant for those who have not tried it, a lovely game and it works in VR too!
This is an amazing month. I played and platinumed control last year, but i will defo be downloading this for the extra content on ps5.
Concrete genie is a hidden gem which everyone should at least try.
We knew about destruction allstars already, but its going to be fascinating to see what its actually like!
Great lineup. I still haven't played my copy of Concrete Genie yet and I can give Control's DLC a try since I beat the base game on PS Now.
Holy crap. I own the original Control on PS4, which is why I hesitated to buy the Ultimate Edition when it was discounted (and didn't) but I never played the DLC so this is great news
Nice good month, I do have standard control on ps4, but never finished it because the frame rate just wasn't great when loads of things were going on, so will definitely give it a go on ps5. Been really tempted to get concrete genie a few times, glad I held off now, and will give destruction all stars a go, don't think I have ever had 3 games I actually wanted to play on plus before, although technically I have got control but still great line up. And I just bought Yakuza 3-6 to play as I thought nothing much to play atm, finished 2 on Sunday and started 3 yesterday 😀, although 3 is taking a bit of getting used to atm graphics wise compared to kiwami 2.
Not bad at all. Already played Control and it was pretty good but haven’t played Concrete Genie.
Great month! Of course I just bought Concrete Genie on sale last week, but it's a really fun game with a great art style that is worth playing for anyone not familiar.
Excellent,wanted to try concrete genie for ages and everytime it was on sale was so close to getting it
@JustMe you don't need a PS5 to claim PS5 games, you can do it in the mobile app too - maybe the website? but definitely in the mobile app. I managed to claim PS4 + PS5 games in December despite the fact that at the time I didn't have either activated on my account (the PS5 was still sat waiting in it's box for Christmas to come round - I activated my PS Plus subscription a few days early which was a bit wasteful but kept me sane )
Dayum,i am very impressed sony,this is a good lineup.
Great line-up. I’m still holding to the fact that we’re short a few games though. But each is quality it sounds like.
Got Control for Christmas and don't have a PS5 to play Destruction but I've been very interested in Concrete Genie for a while so I'm happy
PS. If you haven't, play Control its fantastic.
@get2sammyb we’re still in January, let’s calm it down a bit! 😂
Another solid lineup. I'll defo be returning to the Oldest House.
Oh wow. An amazing month again.
People who keep talking crap about PS+ are really entitled Whiners.
@DonJorginho Me too a few days ago in the year-end sales
This is a great month, and getting the Control Ultimate Edition get's you that free PS5 Upgrade whenever it finally comes out. I already own Concrete Genie and have always wanted to play it. Finally Destruction All-Stars looks fun.
Absolutely perfect lineup in my case, I wanted to play all of them especially Control. I think this more than makes up for the PS5 upgrade debacle, great start for PS plus!
Wow, great choices.
Will definitely be downloading Concrete Genie, not so sure about Control though as I only have a PS4.
Im still playing Just Cause 4 let alone Shadow of the tomb raider and now this?
Lol im screwed. My backlog keeps growing
I’ve played Concrete Genie and Control. Both great games. Happy to add them to my digital library.
Best month in a very long time
Looks like a few of us bought Control Ultimate Edition while on sale 😂
Best month ever!
Concrete Genie was my next purchase, I love these off beat PS studios games.
Destruction All stars is obviously hype.
Control PS4 and PS5 is amazing with all the expansions, especially if you were miffed about not getting the free upgrade as an early adopter.
PS+ is STRONG in 2021!
@QBGaming12 control ultimate edition PS5 comes out the day you can claim the games - the digital version does anyway, which to be fair is what matters.
This is partly why people like me who bought UE a while ago on the promise of a free upgrade (although I've not heard of anyone paying full price for it, yet) are a little butthurt right now - as of next Tues you can claim Control Ultimate Edition for PS5 and start playing the PS5 version too
Great choice of games, but have already purchased and beaten both games. Concrete Genie was a nice change of pace for my gaming tastes.
Oh shizzzz Control on PS5? Gimme!
Great lineup, but I don't have a PS5 and I own both PS4 offerings
Be very interested to hear if you're successful on that.
I (and it sounds like a few others) are in exactly the same boat as you.
That is a really good lineup! I have been wanting to play concrete genie for ages.
Perhaps their best offering yet. Concrete genie was a really chill game that I enjoyed last December. Been interested in control but couldnt bring myself to pay for it yet...looking forward to February
Two ps4 I've completed but can recommen. Will the ps5 version of control have a separate trophy list?
Looking forward to allstars tho. Be good when I get a ps5 lol
Nice. Just rejoined Plus as I'm playing through the Dark Souls trilogy and enjoy the online elements. These are quite the bonus!
Amazing month wow.i got the base control.but the ultimate warrior edition is really cool.and always wanted to try concrete genie.im shocked sony gave the ultimate edition for free on ps plus.sony aint playing around.word up son
@danlk1ng Oh I didn't think the Upgrade came out until March or April. Thanks for the update.
@QBGaming12 Physical version yes - the digital version is out next week
@QBGaming12 not that the whole "give it away on PS Plus" thing makes a lot of sense for physical sales given that the only sales up to now will be cancellable pre-orders...
Now that I think about it, sounds like they knew all along and they didn't bother trying to sell physical copies until it'd already stopped being claimable on PS Plus..
Thats a great month, especially for Control after all the nonsense of not being able to upgrade form the base version, looking forward to Concrete Genie as well
Holyshit they have killed it the last two months!!!
@nessisonett was playing it yesterday lovely little game.
great month 👍👍
@JapaneseSonic Really? Oh that changes things, thought you'd have to download it on PS5 to receive the upgraded version.
Wow Control was definitely on my list. Bravo Sony. I bet it'll be great on PS5.
Might check out Control, ironically - a stream like on Switch, but guaranteed to be a manageable resolution and much less risk of an "insufficient connection" hurdle in-game as long as I can get past the recurrent ones on Vita's own side first.
What I'm definitely checking out is Concrete Genie.
Wow! Really glad I haven't bought Control. That's ****ing huge!
Sony is definitely stepping their game up with Plus it seems, and even I, as a huge complainer, can't complain.
That's great.
You can 100% claim ps5 games without a ps5 it’s just the instant game collection you can’t.
😱 I’m shocked. Great month. I have it but I’m glad more people get to experience Concrete Genie. I was going to buy Control UE when I got a PS5 but now I won’t need to!
Yoo control ultimate is great, I plan to buy that game when it's discounted on ps5. Pslus is becoming good again, at least for ps5
Another fantastic month and again,I don't own any of them!Destruction All Stars looks like alot of fun,Concrete Genie I have wanted ever since it was announced but never got round to buying it and Control I enjoyed in the pathetic ten min cloud demo on Switch!
Almost pulled the trigger many times on control and concrete genie. So glad I didn't!
First time in a while it's a good month and its not ps now titles.
@hypnotoad Looks like your question got buried in the responses, but I’d be happy to give you a short (and a very long) answer —
I played Concrete Genie on release and quite enjoyed it. It’s a quaint and unique third-person story-driven action game with light platforming and combat. But the unique part of it has to do with a beautiful artistic quality with coupled innovative game design where you draw creatures and murals. That’s the real hook is the art and the drawing part.
For my detailed review, you’re welcome to go to the forum review section here:
Not to upstage the official Push Square review, but if you want a novice user’s impression feel free to read it. Spoiler alert — I gave it roughly 6.5-7 out of 10.
@Th3solution Thank you very much mate.
Concrete Genie has been my "What games do you want on PS+ next month?" game since the month after it came out, so the patience pays off.
I've also managed to hold off on the sales though I was tempted around BF.
My only problem is I don't know what other games to ask for now, I'm guessing at least a year for Sackboy.
So, 2 great months for me, I needed Tomb Raider last month to finish off the trilogy after playing 2 last year and 1 the year before. Now I need to play them.
@Th3solution Great review too.
That's surprising after the whole debacle with the different Control editions.
Cool, I guess I get the free next gen upgrade for Control now after all. Just another example of getting the short end of the stick for supporting a game at launch. 🙄 It only took Sony working out a deal to include it on PS+.
Now, back to my regularly scheduled boycott of 505 Games.
I wonder if we'll see Godfall on PS+ soon. I tried it for a few hours from a friend's copy. Definitely not something that should be trying to usher in a new $70 standard for next gen games.
Ok, no more negativity, enjoy some good games everybody!
What! Just my luck, I got control during the sale after the announcement of the ps5 version
505 games: "Excellent! Everything is going according to plan!" 😈
Seriously, I hate when that happens.
WOW! BEST MONTH EVER!!! Well I haven't and wanted to play these games so COOL Saying that i really haven't got the time to play them anyway Still got a massive back-log to finish. Oh well, excellent stuff by SONY
You deserve an internet cookie for being helpful! Enjoy! 🍪
Yep, and Maneater was a great game last month! I beat it in one weekend, platinum and all. I had already purchased it, but getting the digital version along with the free PS5 upgrade was nice timing.
Seriously, it was genuinely funny at times and just old school fun!
WOW, this has to be hands-down best month since I’ve been subscribed in 2018. I actually own none of these games and would try all of them, especially Control
I’m late to the party but wow. I’ll 100% play all 3. Massively happy with Control and Concrete Genie though. Massive clap 👏
Whelp, looks like this won't be the month I cancel my sub!
I'm not to excited about control since I already own it, however there is a 2nd chance to 200% it again, and by extension of next gen upgrades, a 3rd and 4th chance should I be willing to dive that deep into the rabbit hole.
Monster month! I’m stoked to be getting Control: Ultimate Edition!
I just need to quit buying games everything they have for free I already have!
Good lineup! I was already thinking of getting Control physical edition on March but this deal is too good to pass up if you add Concrete Genie AND Desstruction all-stars which I'm not that interested in really but might as well try it.
@hypnotoad You’re welcome. Happy to help. I’m glad you enjoyed the review.
@Kang81 Yay! I love cookies!
Best month ever for me. Wow. Just wow
Great month played control on game pass ok game just got a bit boring may go back to it maybe
Sorry for my stupidity....if I use the PS Store app can I add the PS5 games to my library until I manage to get a PS5?
A great month, but like at least a couple of other people, I bought Control: Ultimate Edition a while back when it was on sale for half price. I never downloaded it yet obviously since the upgrade isn't out yet, but hopefully they'll consider offering refunds for it like they did for Maneater.
Nice lineup! Concrete Genie was in my plans, Control has high scores and Destruction Allstars is a good one too.
I have Concrete Genie I picked it up black Friday for $7.99. Doesn't matter I haven't opened the physical copy yet and can now keep it sealed! Destruction Allstars and Control I want to try. At this point I feel PS Plus by the year has already paid for it self for all of 2021.
@Discol76 Once they become available, yes.
Wow! This is a unicorn month for me! Three games that I have a mild interest in (Control and Concrete were in my Sony banished wishlist) and I don't own any of them!
Best month since the last one!! And even better if Destruction All Stars turns out to be any good. WELL DONE SONY! Making PS+ worth it this this year.
Control always looked dope I'll pass on fortnite cars. Would have rather had a new twisted metal
Thanks for the reply
I haven’t subscribed for over 5 years now... I’m back in 👍😎👍
This makes the whole Control ultimate edition shenanigans even more bizarre. Why go to all that fuss to annoy everyone then just give it away with a sub? I'm not complaining as I bought the regular edition a month or so before they announced the new version, so it kind of rectifies the situation for me.
PS+ is creating an odd situation where I'm starting to avoid buying a lot of games cause I think they'll eventually just come to the sub. I guess in a twisted kind of way we have Microsoft to thank for the sudden upturn in PS+ quality. Gamepass has clearly got Sony and bit more rattled than I first thought.
@hypnotoad a bullied kid turns to a life of crime by defacing buildings with graffiti.
I own Control but not the DLC so yeah i'm happy at this. Great line up.
Been wanting to play Control since it came out now I get to for the price of my PS Plus subscription on the PS5. Excellent month.
I guess sony had to try since Microsoft is giving 5 games with gold next month. Glad I won't pay for the control expansions.
PS+ keep being great value and always has been. People praise Ms for it. I'm dead haha. It's like watching American politics turn nazi. The world is crazy. 🤦♂️
@feral1975 good job Amazon literally has a good returns policy.
Lmao. Just started Control 2 days ago. Ouch! Oh well. Congrats to anyone that didn't have it yet. I've played a bit and it seems like an awesome game.
Managed to get a return code for it to send off today, so got a 12 month sub for ps+ instead for when I receive the PS5 late next month. All good. 😀
Can we add Destruction AllStars to library if we don' own a PS5 yet? With Maneater that was not possible...
On a different note, the highlight this month is control, another PS Now repeat offering, proves how right I was to cancel it. Most PS Now games come on Plus a few months later.
you can from the PS app apparently!
@costa69gr Actually, it is possible with Maneater. Just add it to your library from the web store. That's what I did.
@naruball Thanks, it worked from the web store!
Absolute monster of a lineup this month, bravo Sony! First time in a long time that I’ll be picking up all three titles.
Not bad, didnt like Control at all but happy to give the other 2 a blast
In before Destruction Allstars only receives 6-7 out of tens. And its online community dries after a month.
Control is full of glitches, unfortunately, although it does at least look pretty cool for office environments-only.
Wow Control after all that stuff that went on they screw with gamers even more do 505 games what a way to dig your own grave
Already brought control ultimate for PS4 and already have concrete genie too, bah! Bad month for me 😤😤
@ThaBEN same here! I feel duped 😤😤
They've just declined my request for a refund. Bought it on January 8th and didn't download it yet. The reason to decline my requesr was that I bought it more than 14 days ago.
I tried too, bought mine on 5/01/2021 so about 3 weeks or so, beyond the 14 day return, got same response.
Great month for me.
Wanted Control for PS5 so get it now for free.
Looking forward to this.
A bit harsh on those that purchased it though.
Wow, I already bought Concrete Genie, but Control UE?
Not bad... that's the version with the free PS5 upgrade.
PSA: you can add free games on PS5 without a system in Sony App.
For example, right now you can add Manhunter without PS5 system.
@Loftimus i don't think so
Already have control (on xb, however) but very nice offerings. And kind if a funny result after MS botched attempt to sell their version for twice the price.
Great month, planning to redeem both Control: Ultimate Edition and Destruction AllStars!
As for Concrete Genie I've already beat it digitally, but would claim it on Plus if I could.
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