Lovely stuff, we've just been thinking about how good a sequel to PlayStation 4 title Judgment could be, and now the original game is getting a makeover with a next-gen version. This spin-off to the mainline Yakuza titles puts a detective spin on proceedings, and as far as we're concerned, it's also one of the very best. SEGA has confirmed a PlayStation 5 version is now in the works, releasing 23rd April 2021 and priced at $39.99. However, those who already own the game on PS4 will not get a free upgrade. You'll have to re-purchase Judgment if you want to return to the adventures of Takayuki Yagami.
The PS5 version will support 60 frames-per-second, much-improved load times, and includes all previously released DLC. That only amount to some battle and girlfriend packs, however. In the 8/10 PS4 Push Square review, we called Judgment an absolutely ace detective thriller. " As we've come to expect of Yakuza Studio, Judgment's writing and characters are top notch, and it's arguably a perfect place to start if you're looking to explore the streets of Kamurocho for the first time. Another great showing from a developer that's at the top of its game." This updated re-release on PS5 will only make that special experience even better.
Will you be picking up Judgment on PS5? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 36
I will gladly play this again. Bit crap that there's no free upgrade for PS4 owners though. Game only came out in 2019!
Do I buy my 2018 GOTY again, even though I still have my PS4 copy? Just for 60fps? Argh.
I haven't played this yet so I'll definitely be picking it up!
Also coming to Xbox Series X.
@awp69 No PC port. (Yet).
@TheIdleCritic Yeah, just realized it was Stadia and not PC.
I only played the first couple of hours and couldn’t really get into it to be honest. I need to go back to it and if this was a free upgrade then that would be a great reason buuuuut...
"why am I bad?"
I couldn't get into this game. And I don't know why but that line stuck with me and makes me laugh
Well I'm glad I waited because I was going to buy this game a few times when it was on sale but it sold out at Best Buy. This will be a day 1 pickup for PS5.
Never played it on PS4 so might look to pick this up 👌🏻
Really good game. I'm still waiting for a PC port before I replay it.
Haven't played it yet, but I'll likely get it on PS4 when I do. Been on a Yakuza binge, so it's probably easier to do that.
Definitely worth playing for those who haven't done so yet. Not sure I'll double-dip on the PS5 version, but its not like my old copy won't run just fine!
Have it on PS4 and I’ll get to it eventually. Cool that it’s coming to PS5 but so many games that are just coming to PS5 from PS4 I can honestly wait to get a PS5 at this rate.
Not giving a free upgrade is a crap, and its only a 60 fps upgrade patch..dunno if it had a graphical updates or not, if you own the ps4 version dont buy it it isnt worth our dime
@Macver1ck. I agree i got the ps4 version.and the game looks amazing. And run really not getting the ps5 version.ps4 pro version is a goid game.word up son
@Macver1ck If watch a trailer. It is getting a graphical upgrade and you get all the downloadable content, so it isn't just a back comp patch.
@OrigamiCrane This release it more than just a 60FPS patch. It getting improved visual, better load times, and all the DLC released. So it basically a game of the year edition.
@Floki I mean, the DLC isn't very much at all. If you bring the price down £10 then it would be in line with other remasters. At this price, it's a little dear.
Glad I waited to play this game.
@TheIdleCritic The price is already in line with most remasters especially most next generation remasters.
Wasn't keen on this spin off even though I loved the yakuza games hope they get ps5 support.
sweet more please love this game , big fan of the yakuza series.
@ShogunRok its a bit annoying that there is no upgrade path. I havent even started my PS4 copy yet. No one really complained about performance from memory at the time, so i'll prpbably stick to that version tbh.
Im assuming that this version is largely targeted at the xbox crowd, now it seems Yakuza studio are now developing for xbox aswell
Brilliant just working through the Yakuza series now so this will be just in time.
.. To be honest it looks and plays fine as is, 60fps won't make too much impact, definitely won't be upgrading it... Real shame they're not offering an upgrade option...
Won't be upgrading my PS4 copy but I'll definitely replay it on Series S when it inevitably drops onto gamepass.
I see a pattern of people suggesting they'll go PC or xbox. I know some people who have given up on PS5.
This isn't being handled well. Of course it's just a way of making a bit more money, but stuff like this will hurt PS5 hopefuls.
This game was truly fantastic, the characters, twists, writing were so well done. I just wish the combat was more improved as it suffers the same issues Yakuza 6 and Kiwami 2 suffer.
@OrigamiCrane It probably come down to age of the game plus whether or not it an actual native game vs a patch.
Cause while they are giving a free upgrade for Nioh 2. You have to purchase the $50 complete edition if you want the original Nioh remaster.
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is getting a free upgrade but they are charging $40 for judgement.
Devil May Cry 5 also required gamers to repurchase the $40 Special Edition if you wanted the upgrades for the PS5
All of these games do have one thing in common releasing before 2020.
We'll have to wait and see if CDPR sticks to their "free" upgrade for Witcher 3.
Great game. Had alot of fun and the story was very, very good!
It was a good game but it certainly doesn't warrant another purchase. No upgrade option sucks but for the frame rate it's not worth another what will likely be £60-£70.
I predict the internet will likely blame Sony for this decision and not Sega. It seems odd how Sega has been shafting PlayStation lately and getting very friendly with Microsoft.
It started with the move of the Yakuza series to gamepass, then the timed exclusivity of Yakuza Like a Dragon, and now they expect PlayStation users to pay again for another copy of this game? Something is very wrong within Sega these days.
I'm not mad of course, just curious. I mean if you know the history behind how the Yakuza series came to be if it wasn't for Sony the series would never have seen the light of day. Sega refused to publish them on three occasions for Dreamcast so Sony did for PS2 instead and they became a huge success. And this is how they repay the original fans of the series?
I bought a copy of Judgment on PS4 for about $12 last year but I'll probably get the PS5 version when it drops on price since I haven't played it yet.
I just beat Yakuza 7 and I'll buy the PS5 version... after it drops in price.
Absolutely love Judgment, and the main series, but this is so unnecessary. What is the point?
I agree, I spent close to 50 hours or so on the ps4 version and plat it too, I don't see any reason to play it again tbh especially at the asking price they want for the ps5 version
No free PS5 upgrade option? At the very least let us pay ~$20+ to upgrade the PS4 version.
We shouldn't have to rebuy the entire game.
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