It's been almost two months since the previous PlayStation 5 firmware update, so it feels like patch 20.02-02.50.00 has been a fairly long time coming. Weighing in at 868.3MB, the new data added to the console is available to download for all PS5 owners right now. We hear your cry, though: "what does it do?" Well, the system itself is now actually listing a very short set of patch notes rather than directing users to PlayStation.com. They are as follows:
- The following issue was resolved: The PS4 version of the game was sometimes installed from the PS4 game disc even after upgrading the disc version of a PS4 game to the PS5 version.
- You can now select and edit video clips using Share Factory Studio from your media gallery.
- This system software update improves system performance.
So, two short but sweet updates is what we have here. Those who suffered from the issue listed above will be happy to learn the problem they face should no longer be a thing while everyone else gets a more stable PS5 console. Had you been encountering the issue in question? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 60
Underwhelming update for me as I've had almost no issues since launch.
Only problem I have seen is that a ghost copy of a game I deleted remains on the home screen - but this is easily fixed.
Was hoping for more QOL / UI changes.
That was the only issue I still had. Updated already.
I've had non stop issues with my external hard drive. Half the time the ps5 boots, it doesn't wake up the hard drive, need to restart the system to wake it up if I want to play a PS4 game.
If a PS4 game is updating, I can't start playing a game cause the update will error big time and the only way to resolve it is to re download the game.
Also if PS4 games are updating and I even try to access the external drive, like check space or my library, there's a chance of the same error happening.
Especially frustrating when I start up, start playing a ps5 game, and then the external drive wakes up, decides to update the PS4 games, and all updates error cause I'm playing a game.
Rant over lol but that's mainly what I want fixed/addressed.
Im really annoyed and disappointed at Sony right now cause so far it seems like they're pretty much abandoning Communities since they shut the app off, haven't brought it to the PS App and haven't brought it over to PS5. It sucks cause I really enjoyed using it to find others to play with.
"LAN Cable not connected" fixed?
@KPraj this drives me insane! Just a simple task of deleting something turns time consuming.... Baffles me why they haven't fixed it. Think I've had it since launch
I wonder if the disc drive spinning at random will be something they can patch out. Really annoys me. especially when I
m playing a digital game!
Anyone know if this has resolved the "phantom disc spinning" issue?
Wonder will this fix the Rest Mode & losing internet connection when trying to download something issues.
@deathaxe That's interesting, I've stopped using rest mode since very early on because it only exacerbated my issues. The caddy theory intrigues me, it's just a normal HDD in a caddy, but I've that caddy in PCs and an Xbox before and never had any issues. As you say, could be a specific handshake/compatibility issue with the PS5 and this.
I've only just got one and have already found stick drift while playing Astrobot, anyone else have the same issue?
As far as updates I agree about 3D support, CD support would also be nice and something done about the main user interface as it's a bit of a backstep.
@itshoggie this drives me crazy and needs to be fixed. I thought it was just a problem with my internet connection
Playstation site now details an additional thing fixed on the patch notes not mentioned in the original article.
Version 20.02-02.50.00
"You can now select and edit video clips using Share Factory Studio from your media gallery. "
I wonder if they'll add more patch notes as the day goes on?
Also, the site says 'Update your PS5 console with the latest system software. You can also check out the features that are available in the update here." (https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/ps5/ps5-features/) - This link shows an Accolades feature which I don't recall seeing before. Is this new since this patch or have I just missed this completely?
Players can now give other players positive accolades to encourage or congratulate other contenders on a multiplayer match well played1. The accolades you've received will be displayed in your profile."
We need ssd expansion
As others have said, I would just like disc spinning issue to be resolved it makes no sense as it is totally random!
@Mostik This guy on twitter is saying its made his drive quieter and the spin up has stopped... but who knows how accurate that is! Will definitely be keeping an eye on this as it's my biggest nuisance also.
@DrClayman agreed, I have a Crucial X8 External SSD which hates rest mode. Also I thought Sony kept telling everyone CE-108255-1 crashes are software and an update is coming..... Seems this isn't the update we are looking for.
@Ward_ting I hope so too, that random spinning up every so often even when the game you are playing is digital is annoying. If that's fixed. 👍
@Mostik What's going on with the disc spinning issue? Do you mean when drive just sounds like a jet at times or something else?
@The_Real_JMK Afraid to say 3D Bluray support will not be top of their list. It's pretty niche now. No new TVs in the last few years have 3D, only projectors. One can dream.
@Nepp67 @JustATomato I think it would make far more sense to integrate a full featured service like Discord or similar than use their poorly thought out, half baked, followers and communities from PS4.
@JustATomato Hey that could most likely be the issue cause there are bots that go and invade those communities so I could see it being an absolute pain to deal with.
Any reasoning for the long version numbers on the PS5?
@feral1975 I've seen some people mention stick drift before and apparently for most it could be fixed by cleaning the base of the stick (either with compressed air or wiping it with alcohol, I believe). There should be some YT videos, I'd look them up before trying anything.
@Nepp67 For some reason, when I turn the console on if a disc is in it will spin up but that is to be expected I suppose on start up. But during gameplay it will do the same but not necessarily when a new area/level loads it just seems totally random can be when the game is paused also. Only lasts about 10 - 20 seconds or so but because the console is really quiet otherwise it really stands out just like GoW used to do on the Pro as you say like a jet engine!
@Ward_ting Fingers crossed this helps, I am downloading the patch now so will update again once I have tried it out 👍
@The_Real_JMK I sincerely doubt 3d support will get added im afraid.
The 3d TV fad has been and gone a long time.
Top of my head, things id like to see Sony sort out:
Random disc spinning in disc drive, even when watching a streaming app
Ability to charge my gold headset when in rest mode - thats a super annoying one
Ability to swap over the hard vs soft ps button press functionality. I keep soft pressing which brings up activity cards when i want to cancel my game. It was the other way around on ps4 and my muscle memory hasn't gotten used to it yet.
Ability to view trophies in vertical rather than horizontal view. I dont like the new way. PS4 was clearer.
Improve how i can see my friends list. It seems unecessarily complicated and hidden behind various menus now. Similarly, trophies.
Custom themes
I'm sure there are more teething issues that have annoyed me, but these are the ones that jump out initially
@deathaxe It's just a bog standard spinning 2TB HDD (used to be my internal PS4 drive) that I've stuck in a caddy. Thanks for your time man, I might try some of that.
I just want folder back.
@DrClayman Check the "power save" option, I heard there maybe some problems if you set the power save to "turn off usb power" or "provide power to usb only in the first 3 hours" when ps5 hibernate. And ps5 have problem with some hdd/ssd external case/caddy.
Any idea that this will fix error CE-108262-9? It plagues any games that use online features, which these days is most games...
@Ward_ting Thanks! Added that to the article. And no, the Accolades system has been there since launch.
@AhabSpampurse so annoying 😡
Hey @God_of_Nowt don’t suppose you have any insider info for us as to what “stability” means? You’ve been so awesome in the past
I want random disc spinning fixed as mentioned above. Disc drive randomly spins for a minute during digital games (eg playing Persona with FF7R disc in).
Also, wishlists. They are still messy. Sync them with the app and... I can’t remove games from my wishlist once I own them. The remove from wishlist button disappears. Sigh. I am glad I have psprices.com
I could understand if I'd been handling it with sticky fingers or something, but I literally just got it at the weekend and have been very careful with it.
Well that's disappointing, there's so much stuff that needs updating. First of course is folders, there really is no excuse we have to play the waiting game again like on PS4.
Looking at trophies while playing is a pain, on top of being kind of hidden looking at the giant trophies icons and scrolling sideways is unpractical. Like many have said the drive randomly spins very loudly, is this a sign we should have bought the digital PS5?
This is a selfish request but I would love a quick resume option like on Xbox, I know that would take time to implement but I would at least like to know that Sony is at least looking into it.
@feral1975 obviously it shouldn't be happening but it could just be some dust from the factory line or whatever - worth a try, it doesn't require any disassembly as far as I know (haven't had the issue myself so my knowledge is limited to what I've seen online)
@JustATomato Have you tried restoring licenses? That worked for me.
My friend was wondering why his PS5 kept installing the PS4 version of Sackboy. Glad to see the issue was fixed.
3D is as dead as disco.
Time of death on 3D in the home = 2012.
This is great, i bought immortals recently and the constant downloading of the ps4 version was getting right on my breasticles.
Funny this came out 24 hours after ryza 2 tries to install the ps4 version even though I'm playing ps5 version LOL
Havent had any issues thank god since launch but I'll accept themis update being that we do use ShareFactory quite often👍
Rest mode, external HDDs, console-go-boom......do we have any reason to believe this has been addressed at this point? I haven't heard of that discussion in a while.
@Mostik I’ve been playing Valhalla for 1 hour 30 so far and the disc hasn’t spun once since I started! Looking promising! It span when I turned the PS5 on and then didn’t spin up again, not even when I fired up Valhalla.
Also deleted the PS4 version and it hasn’t reinstalled either so am super happy!
@Ward_ting Great news, mine has spun on start up but I am supposed to be working so can't test with a game in just yet but it does sound promising 🤞
No PS4 game updates were coming through , just updated and 21 updates have just come through 🙄
Let 👏 me 👏 add 👏 trophies 👏 to 👏 the 👏 toolbar 👏damn 👏 it 👏 all 👏
I want -
To be able to save my PS5 saves to USB!?!? WHY CAN'T I DO IT FOR SONY!?!? I don't get it??? :-/
Bring back the old Trophy sound back :-/ The new one is BORING!!!
I HATE that you can't(like you could do on the PS4) search for a Trophy hint via YouTube or the Internet when your on the Trophy icon you want to complete :-/
WHY REMOVE GOOD THINGS THAT WAS GOOD ON THE PS4 for??? Hmm, apart from that the PS5 is still BRILLIANT
rest mode does not affect my drive never had one issue. I would like to be able to move PS5 games onto an external drive until I need them.
My drive still spins randomly 🤦♂️
@David187 I think it affects certain drives. Like my Crucial X8 SSD.
@MickOnYourFace yeah I was hoping this would be a priority ,its so annoying and even does it when your not even running a disc
It's frustrating that there's no official statement on the whole rest mode thing. We don't know what is or isn't safe, so thus far I'm still not connecting an external drive. But it sure makes for some tight storage space.
Come on Sony, your showing your self up what about fixing rest mode and enabling nvme slot.
To everyone Saying 3D TVs are niche. Please don't forget, if you don't already know that 3D Movies can be viewed in 3D on the PSVR headset. With Over 5 million headsets as of January 2020 (Probably around the 6-7 million mark by now). That's plenty of people with the ability to watch 3D Movies.
I'm running into issues with PS Plus saved data in the cloud. Occasionally when I boot up my PS5 and navigate to the Cloud Saved Data, it fails to find my cloud storage — everything is blank. Obviously this freaked me out a bit. I have to restart to regain connection to my cloud storage and everything loads up just peachy...except my God of War saves? WTF. Where's my saved data?! Welp, there goes 80+ hours of gameplay gone due to faulty cloud storage. Good thing I already beat the game, just came on to see the enhancements. Still makes me nervous about future game saves.
I just dont leave a disc in the drive anymore. Sorted. If I was in a conspiracy theory I d say it's a ploy to push buying digital because its then really quiet and you get used to it.
The only update I want is a similar Quick Resume feature to what the Xbox has!
Having a few games ready to go almost instantly is the only feature from an Xbox that I am jealous of! For me personally, it would be a handy feature.
@Mostik my drive spinning is back
@Ward_ting mine too Like you said yesterday it is a little better/less frequent but it is still definitely happening, lets hope further updates address the issue!
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