Update: Sony has now confirmed the PS Plus PS5, PS4 games for the month of March 2021, and they are indeed Maquette, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Farpoint, and Remnant: From the Ashes. The PlayStation Blog also confirms you cannot use this PS Plus version of Final Fantasy VII Remake to upgrade to PS5 title Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade.
Please note the PS4 version of Final Fantasy VII Remake available to PlayStation Plus members is not eligible for the PS5 digital version upgrade.
We're currently working on a review for Maquette, so keep your eyes open for that next week. In the meantime, you can read our 8/10 verdict for Final Fantasy VII Remake:
Measured against the immense expectations that surround it, Final Fantasy VII Remake is a great game that will inevitably disappoint some fans. That said, playing through the Midgar storyline 23 years later is giddily surreal, and the game does a fantastic job of expanding the existing plot, while also pushing a surprising amount of fresh ideas. Some frustratingly poor level design hampers the fun at times, and visually the game is all over the place, but when it's at its best, Remake is brilliant, and it's elevated to even greater heights by an excellent combat system.
We were also fairly fond of Farpoint in our 7/10 review, despite its simplistic encounters:
Farpoint leans on novelty to make up for its shortcomings elsewhere, but wielding the PlayStation VR Aim Controller is such a unique experience that it papers over some dated game design. The story is cheesy but has some nice moments, and the action really ramps up towards the tail of the campaign. With an arcade mode and co-op included, Impulse Gear’s inaugural outing is a fulfilling offering, and while there are obvious improvements that could be made, there’s enough here to prove that blockbuster first-person shooters could find a home on PlayStation VR yet.
Don't forget that Destruction AllStars will also stick around for another month, so get redeeming that one. All four games will be available to download for anyone with an active PS Plus subscription starting 2nd March 2021. Alternatively, you can find a list of All Free PS Plus Games in 2021 and All PS Plus Collection Games on PS5 through the links. Are you happy with March 2021's line-up? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Original story: We were made to wait for them, but the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 titles coming to PlayStation Plus free of charge for the month of March 2021 have now actually leaked via Facebook. The link in question has been very quickly brought down. This time around, PS5 owners can look forward to playing Maquette, while PS4 players have Final Fantasy VII Remake, Farpoint, and Remnant: From the Ashes.
The catch is that this PS Plus version of Final Fantasy VII Remake will not grant you access to the PS5 version of the game. Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade must still be bought separately for $70. There will be no option for a free PS5 upgrade.
All four games will be available to download for anyone with an active PS Plus subscription starting 2nd March 2021. Alternatively, you can find a list of All Free PS Plus Games in 2021 and All PS Plus Collection Games on PS5 through the links. Are you happy with March 2021's line-up? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 182
It's worth a fortune. I like it.
Holy big balls of steel, if this is true..
Sucks that you dont get the ps5 version and I'm sure they'll be a bunch of belly aching about it, but that is a stellar lineup. They really have been on point lately with the plus games!
Wish I could go out and buy the aim controller for farpoint, but will keep it in my collection for when I can.
Confused about why the Plus version of remake won’t bag the ps5 upgrade though? I thought Sony just counts it as a bought item. Are they giving it as a separate SKU that doesn’t qualify?
Will have to look up the other games as I haven’t heard of them, but seems like a good month.
Edit: looking at Maquette, it looks very interesting, but like it should be in VR.
@PaperAlien haha yeah this is totally fake I don’t believe anything is real anymore
This is insane.
So, ps plus is now really adding some value..
Maquette looks cool, I already have FF7 and don't know much about the other 2 but I'll check them out
Anyways, strong month for sure.
This is a bad list for me, already have ff7 remake day one, don't have vr, and I don't care about the last 2 games 😕
Oooh the Facebook post has been removed already, so im gussing its prob true. The not getting the free FFV remake is weird but I can absolutely see why they are doing it, but it also means Im just gonna play the + version on my PS5 instead.
@2cents actually think this one might be true, we'll hopefully find out later today
Great news, I have been tempted by Farpoint for a while so this is welcome although alien spiders in VR might mean I don't complete it 🤣
Remnant is a very nice surprise, great work Sony.
If this is true I will be happy, since I was holding out on ff7,because I wanted to play it when its complete with its eventual sequel,so that I can experience ff7 for the first time .
No Metal Gear Survive? Boooo!
(I'm half joking.)
The situation with versions of games getting upgraded or not is ridiculous! So a digital plus version of ff7r won't but a digital store bought will?? A physical xbox tony hawk won't but you can on a digital for a price?? Never, ever has there been more incentive to be a patient gamer and to buy second hand down the line
No Disco Elysium then? That rumour seemed too good to be true, but still...a little sad.
I would happily take the PS+ version of FF7R and pay £10 for a PS5 upgrade. I wouldn't pay £70 though.
I might buy a preowned physical of FF7R for PS4 in June if I have to pay £70 for the PS5 version.
I hope this is not true... I tried FF7 and was highly disappointed, such a boring game.
Man, that would have been way better than FF7!
The FF7 not being upgradable thing is weird but I kinda get it. The free PS5 upgrade is for people who bought the game, if you got it from plus you didn't really buy it. They should make it very clear that you will have to pay for the upgrade later on, like a popup when you try to add it to your library.
Sooo Farpoint is a VR game and Remnant is basically a Souls with guns. I'll just check out Maquette then, the trailer looked cool.
FF7 seems a bit pointless when the next version isn't out for ages!!
Right, so last month we got Control which could be updated for free to PS5 but not for some who own the physical PS4 version.
This month it's FFVII remake but it's the version which can't be upgraded to PS5. Those that own a physical copy though (like me) will be able to upgrade to PS5 in June.
That's....a bit confusing!
Let's not assume that you have to pay the full $70 to get the PS5 version if you claim it on Plus - there are actually two versions of FF7 Remake (excluding deluxe editions) on the PS Store - the PS4 version (£59.99 / $59.99) and the PS5 version preorder (£69.99 / $69.99). Why anyone would buy the PS5 version if there's a simple upgrade path from PS4 -> PS5 makes no sense whatsoever (£10/$10 for a "cacstar item"?). So it might be that the PS4->PS5 upgrade doesn't include the Yuffie episode, and that that has to be bought as DLC - and there might be a cheap PS4->PS5 upgrade cost for PS Plus subscibers.
In short, don't get too angry about unconfirmed details..
We are all missing the bigger issue here $70 for Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade F that. As for the other games i dont have VR never cared for it. And i own Final Fantasy VII Remake and Remnant on the other console.
Will be played
@Voltan yeah none of them are really my type of game.
As someone who remembers playing through the original FF7 on my PS1, strategy guide in hand, I'm curious about the remake although seems to have garnered pretty mixed views.
Not into VR, puzzlers or souls derivatives...but hard to argue with the value on offer again this month.
Very cool selection actually. Already have Farpoint and FF7 so I will check out the other two.
Been willing to try Remnant on the Xbox's gamepass but I do prefer to play on PS, so I'll try it there. The game is available on PSNOW too? I am uncertain
@ShiningStar I've already played and finished and sold on FF7 and i enjoyed it, although it was a bit grindy in the middle.
@danlk1ng It is stated in the PS Plus image that you cannot get a free PS5 upgrade through this PS Plus version.
Nice hopefully it's true, haven't enjoyed FF for a while but will definitely give it a go, haven't heard of Marquette but will check a trailer, got far point already, and don't know what the other is but will check it out. These past few months have been brilliant for plus, and even next month with Abe game free is amazing already. Got my money's worth for next two years with the past few months lol
I’m a bit confused, if this is true then why didn’t Sony announce it last night as part of the State of Play?
I honestly don’t know how anyone can complain they can’t upgrade a plus game for free
@LiamCroft exactly - "free". Doesn't mean there won't be a paid upgrade option, but that's also not the sort of thing that would be on the PS store before it's launched as it would effectively be an add-on
@Stocksy you must fail to understand that ps+ games are only free for the month available, and an upgrade would imply the person has a PS5 too. How many gamers have a PS5 and ps+ and will claim FF7 for free!? A small fraction you say. A meaningless amount that could easily be upgraded for free you say!?!?
yay! just been officially confirmed by the Playstation twitter account (the free games that is, not my speculation around upgrading FF7 remake)
I’d happily pay for an upgrade.
Tony Hawk has an upgrade of $10? I’d pay something along that pricing for the PS5 version and new content.
Stellar value if true, impressed!
@Oriion it's absolutely true, the playstation twitter account confirmed it a few mins ago
Yup, it's official now
god i hope this is real.. i played the demo for final fantasy a few months back and WHEW it was really something to behold
Wow! I mean I already own FF7, but more VR games are what I need! Never heard of Maquette but looking it up I'm into it (please don't be as hard as The Witness I'm too stupid).
interestingly, the PS Store has now been updated with the English version of what was on the Japanese store earlier -
"If you already own a digital version of FF7 Remake, you can't purchase FF7 Remake Intergrade, but you will recieve a free PS5 version of FF7 Remake" (my own words for what the store actually says - I'm looking at it on a different computer). Note that it specifically says you can't buy Intergrade, and doesn't say you'll receive a copy of that
I assume that the Yuffie episode muAst be paid DLC (or unavailable?? but that wouldn't make business sense) for PS4 owners of the game. Which also gives me hope that there might be a PS Plus claimed version -> PS5 version upgrade path (for money but hopefully not £69.99) - we'll just have to wait and see though
Warning for PS5 users: redeeming FF7 remake for ps+ could potentially screw you over if interested in PS5 upgrades, since you may be unable to purchase FF7 after redeeming the free version..
In other words, you could claim this game on ps+ and enjoy it now but when the NEW version is released you’ll have to spend $70 - or don’t redeem the free copy right now and snag the game on sale so you’ll have the PS5 upgrades for free!
Not for me. Can't stand spiky hair JRPG's, nor FPS puzzle games, nor Souls-eque games, and I don't have VR!
Oh well, plenty of other stuff to play!
Great set of games, while I wouldn't complain about not getting the FF7R on PS5 for free, I feel they could be missing the boat here. no one will rebuy on ps5 after getting this for free, really they could of captilised on that and people may be willing to part cash for the dlc.
This is unbelievable, PS Plus is absolutely killing it this year! Delighted
I had FF7 Remake disc- got the Plat then sold it. Wonder if I download this version will I be able get the free PS5 version? 🤷♂️
@tomassi well I can't stand people who fly around, throw things telekinetically and summon hiss monsters, so screw you Tomassi!
(sorry I've been desperate to link you to that boss in Control for too long..)
@danlk1ng I believe it's been confirmed last night: if you own the PS4 game (not through PS Plus) you get the PS5 version for free and can buy the new chapter separately (which effectively makes it the same as Intergrade). I don't think there's a price for that at the moment though.
Not being able to upgrade this version is a bit underhanded
@Robinsad they didn't say that - they said there was no free upgrade. Doesn't mean there will be an upgrade path other than buying the PS5 version outright, but it also doesn't mean (yet) that there isn't one
@Voltan that makes sense, think I missed that. So that does suggest that there's stuff coming out that isn't currently there on the PS Store (at the moment there's just the main PS4 versions and pre-orders for PS5 versions) - like the Yuffie DLC, and maybe a paid (but not £70) upgrade for PS Plus members? one can hope
@danlk1ng it does say on the blog-
“Please note the PS4 version of Final Fantasy VII Remake available to PlayStation Plus members is not eligible for the PS5 digital version upgrade”
Holy nut balls when I heard rumours about ff7 been free this month I said no chance, but wow this is one crazy month a metric ton of value in there
As an owner if ff7 physical, I'm glad this version cannot be upgraded for free
guess I get to play my first FF game ever. sweet, just great!
It would be rude not to give FFVII Remake a go then
Not really bothered about FF7 only being PS4...I didn't think the PS5 upgrade shown last night looked all that, they won't get any extra money out of me. I'll just play the free version and move onto other stuff.
@Gremio108 I thought it was a great game. You’re in for a treat
@danlk1ng I've not got past the first couple of missions on Control, so no idea what you're talking about! Is the boss called Tomassi?!! I need to invest more time into that game it seems!
@Mhoney to be honest though, they could still just be talking about the free upgrade, just because that's the one everyone else is talking about.
At the end of the day, all I'm pointing out is that we don't actually know whether there's going to be an option to upgrade to PS5 version for some amount of money or not. Not until the game is actually released. What I don't want is for people to not claim the PS4 game out of spite, and then find out later that it was an option. Similarly, I don't want people to waste £70 on a PS5 pre-order if it turns out a small upgrade fee is an option and they'd have preferred to do that.
If you want the game, claim it. We'll see what the options are in terms of getting the PS5 version when the PS5 version actually releases.
@tomassi it's actually Tommasi
he's the first flying guy you encounter on the way to the Hotline (the phone thingy) but he escapes that fight and becomes the toughest optional boss in the game
@danlk1ng I don't know where the confusion comes from but to my understanding while watching state of play:
@danlk1ng yeah you’re right.
I’ll claim it as I sold my copy and been wanting to play it again. Fantasy month though
Great month, even with the FF7 Remake caveat.
I was interested in Maquette, so I'm excited to try it out.
The FF series has never held any interest for me, but I'm sure it'll make a lot of people happy. The rest of the games sound good.
@TheDudeElDuderino I think the confusion mainly comes from the fact that the PS5 version you can actually pre-order is the one that includes the Yuffie DLC - there is no base PS5 version, like the base PS4 version. So if you look on the PS Store thinking "I'm getting the PS5 version for free cos I have the PS4 version" it'd be easy to assume you're getting the Yuffie DLC
This is confusing: 1) The Playstation Blog says „ Please note the PS4 version of Final Fantasy VII Remake available to PlayStation Plus members is not eligible for the PS5 digital version upgrade.“ 2) The shown picture says „not eligible for a free PS5 upgrade“. 3) The German version of this picture says „not eligible for a digital PS5 upgrade“, as in the English (and German) blog text.
So the question is: Will there be a charged upgrade available or not?
Honestly I think if I can't get the ps5 version upgrade with ps+ edition (and I wouldn't be too bothered if I have to pay a little) then I will buy the game on disc and not bother with the ps+ version at all
@Mhoney Confession time - I never actually completed the original back in the day either, so I'm doubly looking forward to it
This is ridiculously good value when you factor in the fact that destruction all stars is still free. And with oddworld coming next month, April already looks strong. I think its fair enough re: FF7 remake. No one is really losing out by playing this version. They just get an amazing game. Hopefully the dlc can be played on PS5 without having the main game client fpr those this affects (i still have my disc so i'll be applying the free upgrade 🙂)
Honestly, who ever thought FF7 would come to plus. Its quite frankly unbelievable. Hope people give it a try and stop moaning that it only covers Midgar. Its a truly wonderful game.
Now PS4 is at the end of its life, the perceived value of plus is only going to get so much stronger. If you think about the golden days of plus with PS3, the console didnt have much life left, so had a whole library of excellent titles to choose from. The relative newness of PS4 meant it didnt make sense to offer some of the more impressive AAA games. I think people are going to be mich happier going forward. And the way Sony are supporting PS5 is extremely impressive
I admit i know next to nothing about Maquette or Remnant, but Farpoint is a decent bonus (albeit likely owned by almost everyone with PSVR). Hopefully we will start to see more VR games included going forward.
All in all, a brilliant month, and pretty daft not to announce it at State of Play last night
@get2sammyb Early in the morning, still rubbing the sand out of my eyes, so this is all legit now huh? I wish you had an insider at Sony to ask them why this wasn't in the SoP yesterday, the voting results would have been opposite what they are. 🤷♂️
My kid tried Farpoint back at 1 of those traveling Sony PS shows, he said it was too scary for him in VR. I tried RIGS so I haven't actually ever played Farpoint yet, not even a demo I don't think. Time to strap the headset on. I never did get the plastic gun but I due have 2 Move controllers so I'm assuming those will do, can't be too many people own that gun.
Edit: Seems like Farpoint doens't work w/ the Move controllers, and all the reviews I've read said the DS4 experience isn't cutting it, really need the Aim. So I'll give it a go, but expecting to give up before finishing the 6 hour story. Oh well, FF7R.
If your upset about playing a game in the next few months that's included in your subscription you're already paying for, so basically for free, then not being able to play it again in the next few months on a console where it looks barely better, well you may need to rethink some things. Edit: Or as my wife just added: "Get over it". 😂
@Gremio108 even better! For me it’s one of my favourite games. I played the original to death when I didn’t have anything else to play!
@2cents We'd have to wait. I don't think they make it unable to upgrade the PS4 version to PS5. It is just not free if you claim it.
@Icey664 exactly the same for me. Bought... played 2 hours. sold.
But if I start playing FF7R on the ps plus version and do eventually upgrade to the PS5 store version, does my save carry over?
This case-by-case cross-gen upgrade rubbish is dumb
How is this going to work out with FF7? There is a version in store to buy, one with PS Plus logo and one for PS5 after the Update? How will you be able to upgrade a bought version and not the PS Plus version? Maybe you have to buy the physical PS4 version to be able to upgrade but thats not the case I think. Because of the digital PS5´s out there. I am confused.
Join the club, we have Jackets!
But seriously, they clarify this ASAP!
@LiamCroft is worth you Push Squatr reaching out to Sony to see if at some point there will be a paid upgrade for FF7 to the PS5 version.
I’m hoping there will be...
The only real bummer I see here is that I know a lot of people are going to be miffed that Farpoint is a VR only title. It's a great giveaway, but I think a lot of people don't realize you need the headset to play this.
Playstation is killing it with the plus offering lately! Love it!
So last month and this month payed me my PS+ year subscription. Control, Concrete, FF7R and Remnant were games I was going around for months. Any other game this year will be just bonus. I'm satisfied for next 12 months.
@Pditty1980 sorry sir. Could you please explain what "we have jackets" means?
I am from germany XD
Maquette looks like a @Quintumply game!
I'm new to the whole Playstation ecosystem and just signed up for PS Plus last month. Could someone please clarify something for me: if I want to be able to play a PS Plus game later on, do I need to download it while it's still available, or can I just add it to my library now and then it will be available for download as long as I stay subscribed to PS Plus?
@durga2112 the latter - "once claimed, always claimed" you only have to have an active subscription to play/download any of the games you've claimed, ever
@Octane Totally Quimbly. And PS5 only.. But day 1.
But Remnant is 2 years old and PS doesn't even have a review for it? That doesn't bode well does it?
No news, no reviews, nada, zilch, zero nothing.
Wouldnt be surprised if its announced that all those copies of FFVII claimed by plus owners will be upgradable for a fee closer to the time. Thats a lot of copies just waiting to make an easy £10 from. Especially as its given to millions of ps4 owners that will have it sat in their library if/when they get a ps5.
Wow - again. I wanted farpoint for PSVR, I’ll play any PS5 game, and I’ve (embarrassingly) never played a Final Fantasy game! Excellent. Oh and there’s another one on top of these? Bonus!
Psplus is back to it's old glory! Also great that they added a PSVR game to the lineup. It's important if they want to have vr going on in the future. Also glad that we're having brand new indies included again.
@durga2112 as long as you add the game to your library while it's one of the monthly games, you can download it whenever (you'll just need an active subscription to play it)
@Col_McCafferty it will be square most probably not sony who implemented that and you can buy ff7 for about a tenner.
So PS Plus members can choose to pay $70 dollars for a slightly shinier version of FFVIIR with a bit of DLC. That extra episode better be worth it.
Amazing.final fantasy 7 remake and remnant from the ashes.is amazing second best souls like game behind nioh.word up son
Maquette is the only game I actually want. I was gonna get ff7r but you can't upgrade to intergrade so yeah
Wow PS PLUS is on fire right now all games in this line up are great.
I payed £28.99 for year of ps plus which is £2.41 a month how can people complain and fair play to them for covering PS vr, PS4 and PS5.... Am I the only one that trys new games? Like thats the great thing about gamepass you try games you wouldn't normally play and I do same on ps plus. Im not a fan of souls games I've tried so hard to get into them but I've played Remnant and it's so good with friends.
@danlk1ng and @Voltan Thank you for clarifying! I thought that was the case, but the PS blog said "last chance to download February’s PlayStation Plus games", which had me questioning myself.
I gotta say, I'm REALLY enjoying the Playstation/PS Plus so far! I've mainly been a Nintendo gamer since the NES days, and I loved playing Final Fantasy games on that system and the SNES, but that stopped when FFVII didn't come to a Nintendo system. I finally played it for the first time when it came to the Switch a couple of years ago, and now I'm excited to play the remake (as well as FFXV, which came with the PS Plus collection).
4 games??? COOL Another few games to add to my to play list then Nice one SONY
Wow, did not expect FF7R to be a freebie for years!
I don't any of these for once. Another nice month
Great month for those that didn’t get FFVII otherwise a mediocre month
fingers crossed for a same quality lineup on the PSNOW side.
Pretty cool if you didn't pick up FF7R, I imagine, but there's nothing for me here, unfortunately.
And there will still be people complaining. Not the fault of the service if you alone already own any of these
Well bugger me the rumours were true.
@rjejr. Remnant from the ashes is amazing second best souls games next to nioh.wtf pushsquare didn't even review the best indie games ever.in darkest dungeon.it got great reviews remnant from The ashes is cool.word up son
the FF series does little for me, so another pass next month for me. hated destruction allstars (though i kind of expected that, so it wasn't a surprise).. didn't really care for control either, but at least it saved me 30 quid from finding out i didn't really care for it.
They actually did it! It sounded too good to be true but here it is!
@vapidwolf Yeah, good point. I received a physical copy as a gift so I'm waiting until later on in the year to play it when 1) the PS5 upgrade us available and 2) I actually have a PS5!
What with this and Control and Miles Morales I'm creating quite the backlog on the PS5 and I don't even own the console yet.
Wow, Nice!. Pretty much payed off the year of PS+ in 2 months 👍
@playstation1995 Hey man, thanks for the info. That info being "Souls", whenever I see that word I run back to my games that include an easy mode. I don't git gud, I get tired and go to bed. 😂
Wow, I apologise, I totally didn't believe this could be happening.
I'm a little unsure what to do, I only want to play FFVII Remake once, but if the PS5 version has more content, perhaps I should hang on for that?
@ThomasHL The ps5 is just a graphical etc upgrade. If you want that and to play the Yufi dlc then you'll have to buy the PS4 version to get the upgrade AND pay extra for the Yufi dlc. Probably not worth it if all you want to do is play it once.
Even though I’m waiting until June now to get Intergrade that’s still awesome they’re including FFVIIR next month. Also I’ve always wanted to try Remnant so I’m giving next month an A 👍
Lol where that ninja guy at that’s always approving these things?
Great month, and who cares about the minor upgrade for the PS5 version. I saw little difference yesterday.
@nicc83 thanks
This is fantastic. I’ll finally give FF7 my first go and Maquette really piques my interest as well. The lack of an option to upgrade is disappointing as I totally would’ve paid for the extra stuff, but I’m not gonna drop $70 when I can still experience just about everything on offer for free now
Another top month. 👍👍👍
This is an amazing month just like every month since launch! Everyone complaining about not getting the FF7 upgrade for free in June doesn’t understand business. They are giving FF7 to gamers like me who never bought it, wasn’t really interested in buying it but who will download now and try it. If I like it, there will be a way to pay for the upgrade. Was going to buy Marquette so this is awesome! Don’t really care about the other two.
Cool, been on the fence about FFVII remake - glad I waited. Would have liked to have the PS5 upgrade, but I'll gladly take this PS4 version for "free" over the 70 USD version! - even if it isn't as shiny as the upcoming one!
Fantastic! Probably it's time for me to play FFVII. I've never played any Final Fantasy games so far i wasn't interested. I know it's weird but i'll give it a go now. Remnant From The Ashes is the game i thought i was going to buy this week , now i don't need to.
I'm absolutely satisfied
If you haven't bought a PSVR, PLEASE, download Farpoint anyway! It's one of the best examples of a VR shooter, and the game gradually eases you into VR in a fun, accessible, and exciting way. Even if you don't necessarily like fps games, GET IT! I don't really like fps's all that much, but this was easily one of, if not, the best experiences I've had in the genre. It also has plenty of options to mitigate motion sickness, which I actually don't use at all. The game is a must have for PSVR owners imo.
@thefourfoldroot I bought the aim controller for Fairpoint recently from Best Buy. The gameplay experience was transformative. Definitely worth it to me, and I hope more fps games implement VR + Aim Controller functionality in the future. After playing farpoints co-op mode, I would love a co-op shooter campaign mode, with Fairpoint's functionality. A game like Titan Fall 3 with VR + Aim Controller functionality would be a blast!
Also Remnant From the Ashes can be played in solo mode not just co-op if I'm right which is why i wanted to play it
I love Remnant from the Ashes! I have so many hours on it on PC, but I always wanted to play it with friends on PS4. Great selection!
So I own the game already, and should not claim the FF7 remake game on plus so I can get my free PS5 upgrade? Is that correct?
@danlk1ng That's exactly what it is and I believe that was said in the State of Play. Pay extra for Yuffie.
I've already played through FF7R, don't have VR and have played Remenant (okay, but didn't really grab me. Too drab), so for me, personally, this month sucks. I was hoping for Disco Elysium. Oh well. Enjoy FF7R, all you who haven't played it! Maquette looks cool though.
Yeah, making the PS5 version entirely separate kinda ruins it for me. I want the best version, and doing that, not for a small fee, but another $70 makes me mad. This is entirely stupid. This was about to be an amazing month, but now I don't even want to play the main offering.
@Jaz007 in fairness, no one knows yet whether there will be an option to upgrade for a small fee - we only know that PS Plus version owners won't get an automatic/free upgrade
@smythelove You own it on disc? Hmm, I wonder about that... Could potentially be problematic.
Despite lukewarm interest in FFVIIR (except for some salty fan buzz that may suggest the future chapters becoming something of an alternate history scenario - that, bundled with the Paradigm Shift-flavoured battle system, could actually make the title worth my time), the JRPG nerd in me couldn't name anything else March's main highlight even at a gunpoint. Especially since I've put a finger into the demo (required for a free theme or two back then), and it seemed to control decently. The rest like Maquette and particularly the shooting-heavy Remnant will remain Wildcards until downloaded and launched. Farpoint is apparently VR, so unplayable by default for me.
@SZRT_CIC_Ice Nope digital
The remake is absolutely useless if you own a ps5 And want to play it there. Way to punish early supporters.
Already own FFVII Remake but I'm pretty excited about the other 3, as I've never played any of them and I do have PSVR for Farpoint.
Man, people are ridiculous. You are getting a "free" FF7 Remake with PS Plus on PS4. Why on earth would you get a free upgrade on a game that you didn't purchase outright? You want to play the new PS5 version that the team has worked extensively to create then pay for it! People are so entitled.
Tbh, if you are not a fan of final fantasy games, which I am not, this lineup is kind of disappointing. The Marquette even tho it has cool concept is rather boring looking and will wear down super quick, and the remnant of ashes is mediocre at its best. Farpoint would be cool if I owned a ps vr, I guess. Anyways, it's cool that they made it so diverse for all the fans, but for me personally this is rather meh lineup.
@smythelove If you bought digital, then claiming it for PS+ is impossible since you already own it.
@ATaco "Useless"? The PS5 IS backwards compatible you know?
Early supporters (people that actually bought the game) get a free PS5 upgrade. It's only the PS4 PS+ version that does not. Just view the PS5 version as a new game, A remake of the REMAKE. And the PS4 version is the "old" game, given away for free. If you bought the game, you're blessed with a free upgrade. If you didn't, you're still blessed with a free critically acclaimed, less than 1 year old, triple-A game. Wins are being handed out and people are complaining. I don't get it.
Maquette looks amazing - that's the highlight for the month in my opinion. FF has never really appealed to me 🤷♂️
@rjejr agree with @playstation1995, I’ve never finished a souls game but I finished this solo and then went back for more. The multiplayer is really accessible and the community has been great in my experience.
Not a fan of final fantasy & already got farpoint the others I've not heard of
@SZRT_CIC_Ice oh did not know that, good info thanks.
Decidedly meh.
The VR ONLY game seems decent and the PS5 ONLY game looks interesting. Shame I have neither so thanks for nothing, Sony...
@Scratchy_Seal. I finished remnant from the ashes a year ago.amazing game.now i will get the dlc .no games is too hard for me.been playing games since 1980s so i mastered.word up son
@Col_McCafferty Maybe cause it's not out yet and because will feature extra levels and story with Yuffie character
@rjejr. Come on playa how long have you been playing video games.dont let the computer beat you and outsmart you.you better than that.observe the game.no game is too hard for me.i bern playing video games since the 1980s.im used to playing hard games.word up son
Might grab Remnant if the guys I've been playing DayZ with are interested, but other than that... pile of poo!
It's about time you guys review Remnant! Such a great game that awards the time invested.
Glad I held out for FF7 Remake now! Still a tad disappointed about the dlc being ps5 exclusive but I guess that's part of the reason I get the game for free. Now to get the extra items available on the store and give it a playthrough! Guess those textures will remain shoddy, but again, free.
Whoah they actually did it!!! Amazing month!!!
And makes sense they won't let the ps plus version to upgrade ps5, can't understand people complaining about not getting a ps5 upgrade of a ps plus AAA game that has less than 1 year old. But oh well.
@GroundPlay Gamers gotta moan, even when given a AAA title for 'free' they'll find something to complain about.
Control last month, now it's Final Fantasy's turn. Just ignore them.
Holy *****! I mean I can play the game for nothing and then buy the PS5 version later. Insane!
It feels slightly pointless to offer FF7R like this, at least as far as I'm concerned. I don't care much about PS5 upgrades, but it's been stated that the new Yuffie episode won't be available on PS4.
So, if you play a PS4 version of the game which cannot be upgraded, you're stuck with an incomplete game. And that, I care more about.
glad i didn't have to give any money to s-e directly for ff7r... with the way they are distributing this game as 3 or more installments for $200+, i made the right choice to wait. thank you
@Gaia093 yea, it is a sleazy way of killing off the ps4 audience, that's for sure. for all we know the yuffie content is crap, though, so might not be such a big loss. you will likely need to throw away your ps5 versions of the game when the ps6 content (episode 3 or 4) comes out, though
Can you play Farpoint without an Aim?
This is beyond amazing, and completely unexpected considering FF7 was just announced for ps5
Told you all.
Go back to my previous comments.
@Pditty1980 hey buddy how are you?
My prediction was true.
FF7 was going to be next purchase but now its on ps+. Plus on annual leave from Monday hype train!
@SZRT_CIC_Ice yeah only problem is that farpoint requires the aim controller to work and the prices for that attachment are marked up highly hence the reason I've avoided the game till now, hell I get it for free now but I still can't play it regardless so meh
@lacerz unfortunately not no
@huyi Actually, it works very well with the PS4 controller (motion controls). So well, it encouraged me to go out and buy the aim controller to further immerse myself in the experience.
They couldn’t announce this at the State of Play? It would have saved it somewhat at least.
@SZRT_CIC_Ice My only multiplayer is with my wife, and she ain't getting good either. 😂
@playstation1995 I've been playing since Pong, so late 70's I guess, and I'm in the retirement stage of game playing - sit back and relax. If I can't play while I'm sitting back and relaxed I'm not playing it. 😎
@playstation1995 Is remnant really on Nioh 2's level?
Another great month. I was holding off on buying FF7 Remake because it is still incomplete but I might try to play it now. I would still like to play it on PC or PS5 for the upgraded graphics though.
Wow fantastic selection
I think it's fair that people who get ff7R through PS Plus can't get the ps5 upgrade. I think what square enix wanted to do is get more people to know what ff7R is like. In order to do this, they have to make it a free game for the PS Plus monthly games. If the gamer likes the game and wants to have access to the ps5 upgrade and dlc, they'll have to purchase the game. In my opinion, I don't think it's fair for people that not only get the full game through PS Plus but also have access to the ps5 upgrade and dlc while people like me that bought this game at whatever price. If you download this game through PS Plus and like it, I highly reccomend you buy it but don't pay 60 bucks considering how often it goes on sale
@Ken_Kaniff The lighting looked better. That's about it. But hopefully it doesn't have the texture streaming problem that the PS4 had.
It's great, but I have every game except Maquette, and I'm not interested in it. Aw well.
@SZRT_CIC_Ice. Yes it is word up son
Isn't the FF7 remake only the first chapter or something? Not an actual full game?
Maquette looks boring, Remnant is fun if you have a co-op buddy (I found single player a tedious grid) and I don't have VR for Farpoint. Oh well, maybe next month. So far this year, there's been nothing that I would have purchased.
I almost cried having already paid for ffviir, but the fact that i get the upgrafe and this doesn't makes me feel glad i paid, i would have anyway.
@SZRT_CIC_Ice fair enough, I gues I will just have to use that instead
Kind of glad they're moving away from these PS4 to PS5 upgrades. It's about time we start getting proper next gen games. If the save files transferable, then that's all you really need. Don't forget it's June we're talking about. By then there will be plenty PS5s going around.
Hahahahah SONY Dropped FF7 Remake to Quell the Anger felt amongst the No show for PS5.........and they scoop it up like lemmings sucking on their pacifiers.....Dummies🙈
@Number09 The State of Play was underwhelming but saying PS fans are angry over it is a stretch. And it's not like Sony can just buy the rights to have FF7R free on PS+ right off the bat. FF7R is probably slated to be a PS+ games months before the State of Play. FF7 Intergrated actually cost $70 and having FF7R free on PS+ is probably the best advertisement for Square Enix to sell Yuffie's episodes.
@KPraj Never will I pay £70 for a game. If the new releases were £55 then fine, bit a £20 hike is just ridiculous
I don't really understand the logic of not giving out the ps5 version of FF7? It's not like we're all go to rush out and buy it for the upgrade
Not a great munf. But you have to take the rough with the smooth.
fantastic month for me really looking forward to ff and remnant, this year's ps+ has already paid for itself, im one happy chappy....
I already own Final Fantasy VII Remake and the other games don't look interesting, so will be skipping this month probably.
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