Criterion Games was absolutely on fire in the early noughties. Having made an incredible arcade racing series — the brilliant Burnout, of course — it decided to turn its hand to a totally new genre. This is something that you don't see too much of; usually, a studio finds its comfort zone and sticks to it. The team could easily have made a straight sequel to Burnout Revenge, and it would've been wonderful. However, Criterion took a creative risk, slamming the brakes on racers and turning its attention to the world of shooters.
I remember being taken aback when I first read about Black in a copy of Official PlayStation Magazine. A first-person shooter from *checks notes* Criterion? The makers of some of my favourite games ever? What is this? After reading the mag's preview of the upcoming game, it started to make a little more sense. The studio had gone big on destruction and action in its racers, and its aim was to make an equally brash, explosive FPS.

I distinctly remember reading an early design phrase being "overt, not covert". The team was talking up environmental destruction, how it wanted a level of chaos and debris on par with something like the lobby scene in The Matrix. Inspired by classic action movies, Black would be a loud, unrelenting, heart-pounding shooter from the creators of the loud, unrelenting, heart-pounding Burnout franchise. Alright, I could get on board with that.
As an enormous fan of Criterion, I was curious but excited to play this departure from its highly successful output. It turns out my excitement was well placed. Black released on 23rd February 2006, I received it for my birthday, and I played it a lot.
There was a lot of chatter at the time about its presentation, and looking back after 15 years, that is what sticks out the most. Even on the tiny little box TV in my bedroom, Black's sound design was unbelievable. Pulling the trigger on the pistol sounded thunderous; a shotgun blast was like the sneeze of Satan. That sounded cooler in my head, but I'm leaving it in. Anyway, the point is the guns and explosions all sounded monstrous. Paired with what was cutting edge visuals and destructibility — on PlayStation 2, anyway — each mission was an assault on the senses.

Then there was the reverence for the weapons themselves. We've talked about how the guns sounded, but the way they were presented was equally glorified. I fondly recall the reload animations in particular. The world would blur out, putting all the focus on a meticulously detailed animation of, say, slotting shells into a SPAS 12. It was superfluous, but it was also the best.
I even enjoyed the FMV cutscenes despite, frankly, not caring one jot about the story. Even though it all came off as pretty cheesy, I liked that it wasn't too self-serious. This was a game that was all about the action — everything else took a back seat. As someone who hadn't played many shooters at that point, I absolutely loved it.
Taking off my rose-tinted glasses, it wasn't doing anything especially ground-breaking — it was just a very well executed game. Did it do for shooting what Burnout did for racing? I'd say not, or we'd have had a few sequels — but it did strike a similarly aggressive chord. It's strange to think the game is nearly as old as I was when I first played it, and stranger again to think about how shooters have evolved in that time. What would a modern iteration of Black look like? I think, honestly, there's a little of the game's spirit in a lot of FPS titles. Call of Duty and Battlefield especially have run away with the idea of destruction, bombastic action, and realistic weaponry. That's cool, but a Black sequel would still be badass. Someone make it happen, come on.
Do you have fond memories of Black on PS2? Ready, aim, fire in the comments section below.
Comments 56
I honestly don’t.
I could never get over the fact the logo made it look like it was titled B.LACK.
I never understood why, if you're going to put a bullet hole prominently within the font, why not make it the space in the A? Or the ones in the B? Why randomly in the middle of 2 letters?
Always annoyed me haha
I played a tonne of PS2 games but this one slipped me by. I remember hearing great things including the audio.
I bought this game a year ago and had way more fun than I thought I would. The things you could do in here were kind of surprising considering who made it. Maybe if criterion isn’t forced to make car games they can do another one.
Revisited this on Game Pass. It's best experienced in your memories, it is rough to actually play these days (even with fully mappable controls).
Incredible graphics and solid gameplay. I just found the bridge level to be WAY too difficult. Up until then I really enjoyed it though.
I loved playing this game.
This was the game that convinced me that first person shooters can be played with console controllers just fine (I still know people claiming these games are "unplayable" unless you use keyboard and mouse).
A masterpiece word up son
I played it the other day on Gamepass. It still holds up pretty well.
Yea I really enjoyed this back in the day, remember hearing how good it was, and saw it on sale so gave it a try, it was so much fun. I would love if they made another tbh, when I saw the pic in the article I immediately thought they were doing a remake or black 2. Ah well think there are enough shooters out these days so not massively disappointed and I think my memory of it is probably better than it actually was lol. Would love if you guys did a revisit of old games just to get the nostalgia. I would love if someone did a remake or new game of 24 I really enjoyed that on PS2 think they could do another better, although the TV series did get a bit boring after about 4 seasons.
It was an incredible game for its time. I’d love a remake or remaster of it. I tried to go back to it not too long ago and it just doesn’t hold up compared to modern shooters.
Technically impressive but way too generic. Preferred the original Killzone over black.
I had it on the original Xbox. And yes, it was a really good FPS, one of the last in that genre I truly enjoyed.
Man do I, and I beat it too!
The explosions, destruction and bullet impact satisfaction, have yet to be matched. Killzone2 probably as a close second in bullet impact only
One of my favorite PS2 games of all time!
One of the best FPS games on PS2 to the best generation of consoles my personal opinion, PS2 had the best for divert genres you could play so many different type of games.
My flatmate at the time had this game. I'd come in from work and the living room would sound like a warzone, and I'd think "ah, Black's on"
I enjoyed the demo. Never got around to playing the full version though
i'm surprised it hasn't gotten a remaster yet
@nessisonett it's BC on Xbox for $10 and included on Game Pass, and I think it gets Auto HDR on Series X, if you have one.
@Tharsman Unfortunately I only play Xbox games on my PC! Hopefully the XCloud app on PC includes backwards compatibility games.
@nessisonett althogh I think its pissible, that game is not available on xCloud. EA Play integration does not go that far.
I seen you comment on Purexbox a lot so assumed you had an Xbox too.
I’ve never heard of this game or developer, but I looks interesting. Don’t know how I missed this one, then again there are dozens of releases weekly so it’s a lot to keep track of it all
Loved Black but that final "boss" fight was not fun at all.
@Tharsman Yeah, I really love Game Pass PC but if I’m going to drop the money on a new console it’ll be a PS5 due to the way exclusives are working. Auto HDR does look very cool though.
I really need to pick that up on my new PS2.
This was one of the best shooters of that generation. Still have my original Xbox copy but haven't got round to playing it on my One X.
@BloodNinja they're the developer behind the Burnout series and recent Need For Speed games.
@Voltan That explains why I’ve never heard of them. Last racing game I played was F Zero X! Hahaha
This game was ahead of it's time and to keep that view, it's best to leave it. Was one of my favorite shooters though.... Destruction was satisfying!
No, I don't. Do I have to, bro?
The gameplay was good but story was terrible
@MFTWrecks Never noticed it lol
Played it recently on Game Pass. First several levels were great but it got repetitive and crazy hard, so I left it there.
Been wanting a full remaster of this game, but I could have sworn this game came out before 2006, but was definitely one of my fav PS2 games. Certainly maxed out PS2 graphical capabilities at the time.
Wow I was 29 yrs old when this released?!?! For some reason I thought I was younger. Great game though, I think I owned it on xbox.
@playstation1995 Very well said but you forgot the dot before your catch phrase so make sure you drink a lot of water and get enough sleep. wise up son
I think black inspired the destruction in the bad company games which we need another one of right now..bf1 and bf5 were pretty lacking on the level of destruction and i dont think bf3 and 4 even had the same amount of carnage and as good as call of duty is the level of destruction is limited to the veichles and its never going to challenge the likes of black and bad company 2..black and bad company 2 were the "hard boiled" of the fps world...the others are more "broken arrow"..
Great memories and so much fun, especially if you think it was on PS2, what a machine
I never owned it but somehow played it a time or 2 and remember thinking it was pretty cool and loving how powerful the guns felt as stated in the post
Kinda reminds me of when the 1st killzone came out and how realistic and heavy it all seemed. I dont find myself getting as excited as I use to get back when there were legitimate leaps and bounds of realism/quality in gaming.
Never played Black.
I remember getting Killzone 2 for the PS3. I had been away from gaming for a few years and it blew me away. My character was sitting in a trench surrounded by Helghast and I was terrified. Fantastic game.
I remember playing it when it came out. I bought it again recently to add to the collection, so will likely have another play through it at some point.
Out of interest, where are the screens captured from? Are they promotional shots, or from another platform, because having just been playing the PS2 last night, there is no way the game could look like that on the old Sony hardware.
More articles like this please, just what I was hoping for after the recent discussion about the direction of the site.
I remember I went to the shop to buy this and then they didn't have it so I bought something else and then I never ended up going back to buy this so now I've never played it still.
Pretty good.
@Dr-M. Nah i dont need no sleep dog im good🤔 haha.did you drink some henesey before writing this.be like hulk Hogan say your prayers drink your vitamins😄😳😜.haha.word up son
New PS2?
"a shotgun blast was like the sneeze of Satan" poetry at its best
@Vacuumator I got a brand new PS2 for Christmas this past year.
Nice, what model?
Cracking game, Medal of Honour Frontline for me was the best FPS on PS2 but this was right up there, an absolute blast and as pointed out in the article the gun animations & sound was incredible!
For me this was the best FPS on the PS2. The mechanics were Doom-esque balls to the wall and the graphics were brilliant as a late era PS2 game. Shame we will (likely) never get a remake or a sequel
Absolutely loved it. I remember spending ages just chipping away at concrete pillars and watching bits fly off of them. Shame it never got a sequel.
@Vacuumator A Black Slim model
Ah. I also have a new, as yet unopened Slim, one of the later versions.
one of the only games ive completely 100%
Black Ops mode was excellent
Yeah, not the biggest fan.
What was promised was one thing, what was delivered was a janky-ass arcade shooter that gave enemies headshot mulligans (the guys with the masks in particular).
No thank you.
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