It seems crazy to think that an entire console generation almost went by without the announcement of a remastered Mass Effect trilogy, but at least it's finally happening. Mass Effect Legendary Edition is now ready for its 14th May release date on PlayStation 4, as BioWare confirms that the game has gone gold.
For those totally out of the loop, Legendary Edition bundles all three titles from the original Mass Effect saga into one convenient package. It promises a boatload of improvements, both graphical and in terms of gameplay. BioWare recently posted an in-depth list of changes that's worth a read if you're already familiar with the franchise. If not, all you need to know is that Legendary Edition could well be the definitive way to experience the story of Commander Shepard.
Are you looking forward to this one? Pack some thermal clips in the comments section below.
Comments 53
Looking good in previews. I’m hoping the atmosphere of ME1 remains despite all the changes. This’ll be my 5th time buying ME1.
Once this comes out, as far as contact with friends and family are concerned, I may as well be on the Normandy for a few months.
@LordSteev I'm genuinely quite worried about how many hours I'm going to lose to this trilogy all over again.
@ShogunRok Hah!
I'm worried about remembering to even feed myself.
Haven't played these games in years so this is the perfect excuse to get back into them again. I used to really like listening to the Galaxy map music on the Normandy, I often left Shepard standing there for hours doing nothing. Poor bloke it's a wonder he didn't drop dead from boredom 😅
Really looking forward to playing these again. Just a truly great series.
At least, good news in this crappy week.
I will probably wait for this to go on sale before buying it.... I can wait...
I only missed ME3 back on PS3, the games had a really nice atmosphere. Looking forward to Push Square review. =)
You're right about that music. I remember being hypnotized by it many nights while playing through the original 3 games years ago. I would just get lost in the fiction of those worlds, and play for sometimes 24 hours straight. I can remember being so tired, my Shepard just stumbling aimlessly around the Normandy, and that music just hitting some primal spot in my brain. Heard it in my dreams back then, even.
The first time the trilogy has been available with all the dlc included.
I have to finish Dragon Quest XI S, I just started Demon’s Souls ...lord have mercy
@Arugula Agreed, quite a weird decision to release it at this point without some “next” gen improvements.
I’m looking forward to it at some point, particularly for ME1, which I never played, and some of the ME3 DLC I never bought.. including the Citadel one!
I skipped out on this series when it first came out. I will most likely buy this on sale at some point.
I’ve just recently played through the OG trilogy on PC and loved it, so this remaster I’m really looking forward to playing this on PS4 😊
Actually never got to play the first one but I'll definitely be replaying the entire trilogy again.
I must have played the first game at least ten times but I bet i still aimlessly wonder around the Citadel looking for that last Keeper to scan.
@ApostateMage Actually i'm not you are meant to find them all, there is a quest you pick up in the C-Sec academy that if you chose a specific response ends the quest for scanning the keepers but I could be wrong but that's what I figured out and how I do that so to complete that quest
Looking forward to it. I never managed to finish the 3rd entry so something new in there for me too.
A series I completely skipped - really looking forward to picking this up.
Make sure to stock up on adult nappies so as to prevent unnecessary trips to the bathroom...
@GreyFox1974 Can't miss out on that vital xp for paragon points and singularity.
Looking forward to the review on here
That's the beauty of the wireless controller, isn't it?
I'm like an OCD person cleaning house when it comes to scanning Keepers.
I played ME1 but never finished it and can't remember why. Played ME2 and loved it from start to finish: never played ME3 so I'm really looking forward to completing, revisiting and starting a completely new experience with this trilogy.
@LordSteev It was extraordinary what the music did to you wasn't it? I know I would often find myself wondering what the future for mankind holds because of it.
@ShogunRok yep. I'm getting it on PS4 and XBone so i can just play it and play it and play it and.......
Strangely enough, I have never played any of these games....but I've played andromeda. 😑 I really like the outer worlds alot, are there similarities between ME and OW, other than the obvious?
i still play the original trilogy today. many many times. only played the 4th one once
im triple dipping on this one xbox ps4 and pc! dont shoot tombs 😂
After Nier Replicant and then this, I'm good with buying any games until the Fall.
I actually played through the entire trilogy last year, right before news of the remaster leaked. Annoying. ME2 is my favorite game of all time. I still think the ending to ME3 is very poorly written and, overall, not a very satisfying conclusion to an epic trilogy. With the extended cut dlc, it didn’t suck as bad as the original release though, and I did enjoy running through the trilogy again. It has been a few years.
Mankind's future among the stars.....
At the risk of stepping out of the shallow end, that's what I love about Science Fiction. It's what we could be, not what we are. Yeah, that music inspires hope.
Something to strive for, at any rate. Every time I picture gleaming starships streaking away from earth, however, that vision gets ruined when reality steps in the way. Could we really be a people who form a galactic or intergalactic society? Sometimes I think so, then I watch the news and see three guys beating up an elderly Chinese woman because of the Corona Virus. Sometimes looking through a powerful lens can make you miss what's happening right in front of you.
Maybe I need some sleep.
@GreyFox1974 Yeah you meet a Volus who has beef with the Salarian who asks you to scan the keepers, and at the end of the dispute if you don't select to keep scanning then it ends the mission.. You get mad exp for completing it though so you'd be a psycho to not...
@Fandabidozi Same honestly. I'm excited for the release but I hope the overall atmosphere in ME1 remains the same.
@LordSteev I hear that mate 👍
Hi there fellow gamers.
In all my years as a gamer, I have played many awesome games and sagas and the Mass Effect saga is still my absolut favourite alongside MGS saga.
It´s unbelivable how Bioware was able to make such an ambitious and colossal task of creating this trilogy where the player can experience a space opera like no other game or medium was able to achive, in my oppinion.
Going for the seventh time and probably the eight time completing the whole trilogy again.
It´s gaming experiences like this that I live for as a gamer.
"Anyone who fights us is either stupid or on Saren´s payroll. Killing the latter is buisiness. Killing the former is a favour to the universe" Urdnot Wrex 😂
God I LOVE this series and these characters so much.
Cheers, stay safe good folks and happy gaming to us all
Once this comes out, it'll be my fifth run through the series, but first time for any of the dlc. Can't wait!
I think what makes it so great is all the work they put into the back story. I'm the guy who reads every single codex entry and computer screen to get the maximum emersion. They did a great job building an actual living and breathing universe.
I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I know I'm going to.
I love these games. I may actually get a guide and platinum everything this time around. This series of games rivals my love for FFVII
Best news I got this week
Really can't wait for this one.
If you have never played the trilogy, please consider picking this up, it's a true masterpiece.
@LordSteev First time for the DLC? Does that mean you didn’t play Shadow Broker for ME2?? It came with the PS3 version and was a fairly meaty affair.
The Zaeed and Kasumi side stories (also included on PS3) were good and Arrivals linked ME2 and 3 together.
For ME3, From Ashes gave you Javik who was a great character and made for some interesting conversations, especially if you also had Liara on the party!
@RubyCarbuncle ... YouTube?
Played the trilogy on PC.
Looking forward to playing on PS4 and this is well worth $60 considering you get 3 full games and 100s of hours of content
Lets hope we get a decent physical release without update patch bigger then the game making the physical release a expensive coaster.
ME2 was probably my favorite game of that generation. I can't wait to play through these games again but ME2 will be really special, to me.
@Fyz306903 Excuse me?
@Arckadius same
@Thrillho Nope, none of them! Had an Xbox last gen, and bought all three games on day 1, so got no dlc included with any of them. Played the first one on PC, back when that was my thing.
Not sure how long any of the dlc is, but I'm kind of hoping that if you add all 30 of them together, it might be another game-length experience?
Played all three of them on the 360 ages ago. Mass Effect 3 was the first time I purchased DLC for a game the same day of release.
I 100% the entire trilogy on the 360, then I platted the trilogy again when it was released for the PlayStation 3. Looks like I'll be doing the same playing on the PS5 this time.
Definitely my favorite games of all time. The final mission of ME2, the suicide mission is for me personally the greatest mission in all of gaming. The tension, music and your decisions all coming to ahead in the final moments of ME2 was just amazing. If only I could turn back the clock and experience for the first time again.
I'm supper excited to playthrough ME1 with all the bells and whistles added. I loved the first game but it was definitely a ruff experience. Hoping it now plays more like M2 and 3. But if not still excited and can't wait to jump back into the Normandy!
@LordSteev There are lots of bits which were cosmetic or guns. Shadow Broker is around 3-4 hours maybe? So at least 20hours of extra content altogether, probably closer to 30.
@Thrillho That's enough for me. I'll take it. I love these so much, just being able to string the whole thing together on the same platform with the improvements they've made and hopefully any remaining bugs squashed is more than enough for me to justify purchase. Not long now!
The title for the article is kind of dumb. Every game goes gold before they're release date.
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