THQ Nordic published gameplay footage of Biomutant running on PlayStation 5 today – although it may be beginning to wish it hadn’t. The trailer starts with a disclaimer (never a good sign): “With this build, the option for native 4K on PlayStation has been disabled due to stability – and performance related reasons.” Uh-oh. It continues: “What you see here is 1080p at 60 frames-per-second upscaled to 4K at 60 frames-per-second. It will remain deactivated for the release version, too.”

It’s worth noting that this is not a native next-gen release: it’s a PS4 game running through backwards compatibility. The hope was that this title would see significant improvements specifically targeting those playing on a PS5; unfortunately, that doesn’t appear to be the case. The situation is worsened by the fact that Xbox Series X will deliver native 4K at 60 frames-per-second. However, this isn’t a hardware limitation as games like Days Gone and God of War have achieved similar results.
THQ Nordic has promised that “more information” on a native PS5 port will “follow soon”. It’s also possible that a post-release patch could improve the game’s performance when running on a PS5 through backwards compatibility in the future. Either way, you can get a taste for the title’s launch day presentation on Sony’s next-gen console courtesy of the video embedded above.
Comments 147
60 Metacritic incoming
Release date edit: looks like I was wrong folks
40’s & 50’s average
Either way I'll be playing day one on PS5. Still looking forward to this.
I'm still running on a 1080p TV so no gripes from me. Can't wait for the 25th!
Bit of a shame to be honest, especially since Xbox has it at 4K 60FPS. Still, if the gameplay’s good then it shouldn’t be a massive issue.
I hope PlayStation find a way to make it more accessible to improve PS4 games on PS5 for developers.
I think that’s it’s weakest point personally.
That's too bad, but at least the frame rate is at 60. I'm rooting for this game but I'm definitely waiting to see how the reception turns out before I decide to buy it considering no one has played an up to date build of it.
Didnt realise this was last gen at all, just assumed it was PS5 and X/S.
Not looking good for Biomutant. The reviews coming out are saying it's bad, and now it can't even run at a reasonable resolution or frame rate.
@Milktastrophe What reviews? I didn’t think any were out because the review embargo isn’t lifted until 5/24? (And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing as Returnal and other recent “good” games also had embargoes until the day before)
Even this site’s first impressions were a “rock-solid must have”.
Well, I mean, they only had, like, five years to get it right, so...
@awp69 You’re right, reviews are on Monday.
> Conan O'Brien's Review Of Biomutant: Way Too Long, Has No Point
@Milktastrophe LOL. You do realize Conan’s reviews are supposed to be jokes, right? The developers actually pay him for the free publicity. GameSpot literally bolded the word “jokingly”.
@Milktastrophe Oh I miss Conan's Clueless Gamer bits and hating almost every game he touches. Now this makes a lot more sense 🤣
I still don't know how to feel about this game. It looks fun...but weird? Definitely a try before I buy for me I think.
I wont be getting this till its fixed I wont pay full price for a worse product
Embargos are huge fear for what they are trying to release. If they were not scared, there will be no embargo. Remember Cyberpunk. They feared so much (and knew why) so they didn't provided copy for press at all...
Unfortunately, for now, the PS5 is mostly yawning it's way through backwards compatibility games, either old or new releases... patiently waiting for some pure blood true next gen games that can really shine on it.
As for Biomutant, if the reviews will be good, i'll be getting it on PC and play it at whatever resolution i want... 2k or 4k if it runs smoothly on RTX 2080 Super.
If it flunks at reviews... well... there'll be nothing to fret about anyway.... i'll be getting it on PS5 as a "PS plus monthly free game" later on.
Early reports i've seen have been pretty worrying, i have a feeling its not going to be as good as we hope.
I will be playing it on a base PS4, so I'd like to know the frame rate and resolution on that.
So Biomutant running on PS4 hardware is going to be a complete mess then.
Will grab it for Series X then
@djlard So I guess Returnal having a review embargo until the day before were also for fear of bad reviews?
I already preordered but this is super rough! Don't know why this happened but was expecting better...
@2cents Metacritic is something to be ignored nowadays honestly. At least they're honest and tell you that it'll not run on the PS5 like a native port for it. The PS5's BC is more than clearly never planned to begin with and was rushed for the Console's rushed launch (this console should have launched at end of 2021 at least) because of the backlash that would cause for not having it
@WallyWest I've seen Pewdiepie stream from last Sunday and it seems good enough for what it is! I'm still excited despite some areas looking a bit janky
I've played games in both 1080p and 4K, and at this point, I'm comfortable saying that I personally, cant tell the difference. If it's a good game, it's a good game. I just wish stories like this didn't always have to turn into a wedge issue, but that's just the industry now. I'm sure sites like IGN and Destructoid will try to turn this into a big deal now, and then we'll all forget about it in a week.
@Milktastrophe what framerate was you hoping for?
Uff, happy I expected some issues like that and went with the Xbox version instead. I’m playing on a 4K screen.
Let’s hope they resolve that quickly though. It appears at least they will follow up with an actual next gen update anyways.
I’ve got this pre-ordered, but part of me wishes some reviews were coming out before release day. As long as it plays well and looks good I’ll be happy.
@TwomanybuttonS No, it'll probably run fine on the PS4 and even better on the Pro.
This has all the hallmarks of the PS5's b/c having a number of flaws in it OR Biomutant is pushing the PS4 and the coders have worked a few ways round the API to maximise performance, causing the PS5 to be confused by some PS4 shortcut coding.
This game has been on my radar for years, hope it’s turn out to be solid, I’ll probably pick up the true PS5 version if it does
I'd buy that for a dollar looking really good ,anyone knows if the upgrade to ps5 will be free?.
It’s the same as all other games with the same issue. It requires next gen specific work on PS5, and devs and / or publishers don’t think it’s worth spending that time getting things right.
Definitely a wait for reviews type of game. Has a lot of potential.
@B-I-G-DEVIL I think it’s about time we start getting more PS5 games. No one was really making just PS3 games 6 months into PS4s life. There were usually PS3 and PS4 versions. I guess backwards compatibility has erased that need.
@DomGC Maybe he meant compared to Xbox? Don't know if that's what he meant but he would indeed be paying the same as them for an inferior product if he's playing it on PS5.
@Bolainas It’s not an upgrade, just running it through backwards compatibility.
@Enuo "I've played games in both 1080p and 4K, and at this point, I'm comfortable saying that I personally, cant tell the difference"
Alright I'll trade you your 4K tv for one of my 1080p ones? Is not like you could tell the difference anyway so there should be no problem, let me know if you're interested 🙂
@2cents hilarious that 60 is a dumpster fire
Stories like this aren't even newsworthy anymore. All Ps4 games run in BC mode and unless ported for Ps5 they won't take advantage of the more powerful hardware. Its expected unless specifically stated to be a Ps5 game.
@Juanalf Yeah these comments about not being able to tell 4k from must be using a composite cable!
Well, bit of a let down for next gen players. Bit of a kick considering the Xbox version will have extra sparkles. I'm eager to see how well it runs on ps4, though.
That’s disappointing, they said it was supposed to be optimized for PS5.
To all the people above saying you can’t tell the difference between 1080p and 4K, like they know better than you do. It’s not like a placebo effect. I’ve played the same games in 1080p vs 4K and the difference is obvious. 1080p games look blurry on my tv compared to the same game in 4k.
@Milktastrophe That’s weird since there are no reviews out yet……60 FPS seems to be the target for most games right now so………🤷🏽♂️
@munstre It’s not really true, though. There are definitely examples that disprove that. It might be more complicated to implement, but we’ve definitely seen developers do that.
With the greatest of respect to the Biomutant team, I don’t think this is necessarily a PS5 limitation. Maybe it takes more time to do, but it can be done.
@Milktastrophe where are the reviews?! I’ve not seen any.
Pre-release anxiety in the gaming community is an interesting phenomenon. There is enough information out there to know if this will be something you find interesting. Reviews drop a day before release if you need that extra opinion/information. Can’t wait!
It's an easy(?) fix via a future patch/update, right? If so, what's the issue? And if it has a free upgrade path, again, what's the issue? Just seems this game was optimized to reach the most players, ie ps4/xbo.
I've been looking forward to this game since it was announced. Definitely expecting some jank here and there but I'm fine with that. PS4 Pro here so whatever frame rate and resolution it's running I'll be fine with that
@DomGC I’m glad I’m not alone in feeling this way. I get that a new standard has been set, but I’m happy 1080p at 60 FPS. It’s still worlds apart from where we were just a few years ago.
@nessisonett thank you!
I bought the Xbox version on this occasion so this doesn't affect me. This said though 4K is not everything so don't let this put a damper on things because this game still looks amazing regardless.
@djdizzy Noticeabale difference depends on the TV but generally 1080P does not look blurry you're talking complete nonsense there.
@RubyCarbuncle Obviously I’m wrong because you know more about how my tv’s images look than I do. Good work. How can I achieve the powers that you have?
@djdizzy It's alright kiddo we all make mistakes you're no different. Either that or you need an eye test.
Still looks fine and cannot wait to play this.
No question 4K looks better than 1080p, but 1080p can still look damn good and if it’s rock solid 60fps than I’m good. I’ll still get the way faster load times on my ps5.
@Weebleman The game has been in production long before the Ps5 was a twinkle in it's mom's eyes.
I don’t understand why this is a big deal… Spider-Man Miles Morales did this didn’t it? Or am I mis remembering the settings from launch? I thought the initial settings were 4K with Ray Tracing or it could be 60fps. And then later they added 60fps with Ray Tracing but it still wasn’t 4K. And that game IS a PS5 game (yes it’s cross release but the argument that’s getting brought up is that if this also had a PS5 release that would make it work)
Totally fine with FPS over resolution in a fast paced game tho.
People need to chill. I have massive respect for this small studio.
This doesn't bother me even a little bit, Biomutant is not a PS5 game, simple as that. Not sure why people even care about this to begin with.
Multiple publishers said no....THQ said come on over and make that game. You strange lot are upset a game made for ps4 pro doesn't work well on ps5.....quite frankly my ps5 doesn't have the space so I'll gladly play it via my hdd.
If this game fails remember you helped over PS5 uptick on a PS4 game. Then when all those publishers who said no feel vindicated and you ask where are the games taking a chance....take a peek in the mirror.
@Grahamthecracker the point is the 1080p that's a base ps4 level resolution and the games you mentioned did not have a target frame rate that low. Cancelling my pre order for sure. As another stated I'm not paying full price for version of the game that is not equal to it's counterpart.
As someone who has a base PS4 and has been looking forward to this game for years, I see no issues. Its a PS4 game, not a PS5 game. We're six months past the PS5 release, its no shock that there would still be games made for the previous gen. That always happens. I bought some PS2 games more than a year after I got my PS3 back in the day.
I will say this though. Although this is a red flag for me, and I'm absolutely cancelling my pre order now, I'm grateful they came clean about that before release, even though it's literally days before, it's still before and appreciated. Noted than cdpr did.
@2cents It looks incredibly promising yet I'm worried you're spot on. Definitely waiting for impressions before I buy it.
@get2sammyb it is definitely a PS5 backward compatibility issue.
The right thing to do was to delay it.
You know its true.
I would have prefered them to have released it with 4k enabled just so that all the whingers would actually be justified in their moaning for once...1080p @ 60fps is nothing to be sniffed at and at least they realised there was an issue and decided to hold that feature back..would activision,E.A. and other publishers have done the same? Hell no they would have kept that under wraps...damned if you do...
Was going to play this launch day on PS5 but I will definitely not bother now! They need to sort this ASAP (Which I'm sure they will do).
@munstre Days Gone, God Of War, Crysis Remastered, Ghost of Tsushima, Ratchet & Clank, Remnant: From the Ashes, Rocket League, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, Divison 2, Last Of Us 2. All PS4 games that run in backwards compatibility mode on PS5 that all run and look significantly better thanks to the developers putting in the work. These are just off the top of my head i'm sure there are more. God Of War is a great example, the difference after the PS5 patch was amazing work.
I burned all my old games that don't run in 4k at 60fps because they are all rubbish now.
You pay your money and take your choice with consoles. Xbox has always advertised itself as better for backwards compatibility which is what this is at the minute. PC is better still.
I don't mind if a game is in 4k or not as the Switch has some great games that don't even 1080p. A good game is a good game.
You are comparing different things. This is a new release and clearly a case of optimisation issue.
I know it's a small studio but it's similar to new release like ME LE and then would say they scrap the 4k mode at the last minute.
IMHO. I'm no dev.
@tselliot Apparently so. To be honest ive not really paid much attention to it, not my bag really.
It's amazing how so many people were wow-ed by the beautiful visuals, some even not believing it was on the PS4 or doubted that the PS4 could generate such a pretty looking game and now the PS5 owners are complaining about the game not looking good enough?
It's a PS4 game, it always was a PS4 game, the PS5 patch will probably come out as soon as the team have released this and pressed the 'recompile' button again (an area MS don't have a problem with) as clearly the PS5 backwards compatibility has some issues that need to be ironed out.
Personally, I'm going to be enjoying this on a PS4 Pro with a Crucial SSD in its SATA 3 slot.
@Smash41 that's the difference!! All those backwards compatible games took work to get them running with the PS5 upgrades, on series X it's all built into the system so the game can with these enhancements from the Go.
I know I sound like a broken record but...
Just another reason to WAIT for the patches and the actual finished game, launch has become a BETA.
Pity the frame rate wasn't running at 30 as that's what this game will get scored in reviews now. You will give it a 9 out of 10 though obviously.
@Hollywooda "All those backwards compatible games took work to get them running with the PS5 upgrades, on series X it's all built into the system so the game can with these enhancements from the Go."
Xbox said they (Microsoft) had spent over 1 million man hours on backwards compatibility for Series consoles.
The difference is that Microsoft is doing the work, not the game studios. That is a HUGE investment in terms of time and resources (that I personally appreciate) but it may not make great business sense for Sony to follow suit, especially when their backwards compatibility is more through PS Now.
@Hollywooda you do realize that you can express your point of view without calling others "morons" and "idiots", right?
I'll just wait for the actual PS5 version and then maybe wait a bit more for a few patches to be applied!
'the option for native 4K on PlayStation has been disabled due to stability'
What I'm saying is the option was scrapped. They tell you themselves and Its similar to Mass Effect LE you were asking for a BC game reference using a higher res. You asked.
It was planned and then they couldnt optimise it in time.
@munstre most of the games I mentioned got a resolution bump on PS5. God Of War and The Division 2 were particularly impressive. GoW looks like a next gen game now in 4K.
@themightyant Yes and now that investment is paying as is the FPS boost mode they've engineered. And PSNOW is a rubbish streaming service, what's that got to do with backwards compatibility?, if Sony had their house in order in regards to this, THIS wouldn't be an issue and I'd be able to play MGS4 at 4k with 60fps from my disc!
Just really annoying me reading these comments putting the blame at the developers door when its Sony mistake to overlook the importance of Backwards compatibility.
Idk but why shouldn't they support a PS4 pro version with dynamic 4k?
Ultimately it s their choice, no?
@Milktastrophe Ok I should be on a break from this website, but come on man, you do realize the Conan is satire and not to be taken seriously, right? You're probably the kind of person to take The Onion seriously.
I mean, atleast they're honest
This is why I denounce the console power arms race.
A small dev team of 20 people, rather than 600, made a game. And this thread is talking about resolution, frame rates and the game being bad and how it's going to get low review and metcritic scores.
This is not how you do a fun hobby. And this is not how you criticise something wrong in an industry.
Let's be honest. 4k to 2k is not THAT big of an improvement. A fluent 2k game is way better than a non fluent 4k one and while playing you hardly notice a difference unless you sit 1m in front of a 65 inch TV.
I believe the developers of this game need to....whats that the kids say...get gud
@DomGC Well... It isn't 2015 any more. We're heading into 2022 at this point. The only people who are still finding 1080P/60FPS reasonable are people who've only been playing on 8 year old hardware that was struggling to due 1080P/30FPS when it came out. In no reasonable way is 1080/60FPS reasonable. At least 1440P/60FPS is the bottom standard of what is reasonable now.
@Bolainas id say no,as it seems the devs aren't competent enough to patch the ps4 version to take advantage of the ps5,it looks like its gonna be a native ps5 version so probably full price again.
@Floki you seriously can't speak for everyone.
There are people who still play 8/16 bit games in 2021. And you think 60fps/1080p is a problem?
I'm very hype for game and have been for a long time but question..I'm assuming this issue is due to how ps5 is with BC games?
oh well...once again...Microsoft does, what Playstaishould
@0niguy yes. That is the case and not power at all. The PS5 has way enough power to run this game in 4K60 but it is with the BC mode of the console.
I don't care, I'll still enjoy it. My worry is that people think this a AAA game but it isn't. It won't be very polished or have the fastest patches for fixes. It's a small team making something more ambitious than anything Ubisoft would be brave enough to do. I'm betting this will be a rewarding game with a ton of jank.
@ORO_ERICIUS right ok..soo here's hoping ps5 gets a nice big BC patch for future titles
was going to get this day one, but it can wait for a bit.
Unless the reviews deem it utter tosh I'll pick it up as soon as they it running better on PS5, or after I've mopped up the three Platinums attached to the ME LE
@Hollywooda I think that's a bit harsh. The PS5 is better at backwards compatibility that most consoles historically.
The fact that Microsoft have gone above and beyond into uncharted territory doesn't change those facts. Do I wish Sony had pushed even further on Back Compat. sure, but the million+ hours Xbox has put into their program shows the amount of time, money and resources this requires. There isn't a magic money tree and Sony prioritised their funds on new games, which strategically is likely the right choice for them.
I have a Series X and absolutely LOVE FPS boost, but it isn't one size fits all, they have different approaches. Sony's approach is still good even if MS's is the new gold standard.
Lastly you said what does PS Now have to with Backwards compatibility? While it isn't true backwards compatibility (neither is Xbox's btw, it just uses the disc for authentication and downloads a compatible digital version) it is a different form of game preservation.
Watching the video above on my 1080p tablet. It looks fantastic. 4k is a bonus yes, but it still looks great. The greater importance for me is the 60fps. As much jumping spinning zipping around you do, 60fps is needed.
Another point for Sony BC solution i'll for the native PS5 version.
Waiting on the reviews, etc. regardless of how technical limitations. Why? I simply can’t tell if I’d like the game or not, based on what I’ve seen. The open world trailer was intriguing, but I don’t know about the combat. I need to know what it’s actually like. I mean, sure, it might be made with love, but it’s under a THQ banner. With all the delays and it being past the logical end of a generation, there’s a part of me that wonders if they’re just getting it out there to get it out there because otherwise they know it’ll be too late. That’s the vibe I got from Cyberpunk and I fell victim to last minute hype, not falling for that again.
@awp69 of course, because trailers show graphics (sometimes even not) but reviews describes gameplay itself that, even if you have nice graphics, may be real pain in the ass.
That's fine, I'm still on a 1080 75hz monitor anyways
This is really a non issue.
It's hilarious hearing Microsoft's paid defense talking about 120 fps when most people don't even have a TV capable of displaying that.
Of course, to be honest, I'm not interested in this game in the less.
I didn’t think the Xbox Series X version was native 4K/60fps at launch? I’m sure the devs said it will come in the “near-ish future”, which is a little vague tbh.
Lol. Ah Sony... 😋 This isn't the first time Series X has upstaged PS5 on multiplat releases.
@huntbearpig same here! Technically it's a 4k TV, but HDMI is too mold, so the PS5 will not let me play in 4k anyway. And I'm not willing to throw out a fine piece of hardware, yet! So 1080p for me for the next few years...
@EVIL-C why do you blame Sony? This sounds like a developer issues, especiy taking into consideration, that the architecture is actually quite similar...
Yes, Series X running in back-compat is dynamic 4K 60FPS.
The native next-gen version of the game hasn't got a release date yet. I imagine both native Series X and PS5 versions will be very similar when they get released.
This is just a case of the Xbox having better back-compat support vs PS5.
I want a proper PS5 version, not a patched PS4 version.
@lordzand I have one. It's quite nice. Everyone should get on my level. I shouldn't have to stoop to your hardware's capabilities to enjoy my hobby. Everything should just be properly optimized for all types of hardware. Luckily consoles make all this much easier.
@mazzel Technically, in this specific case, it is basically Sony's fault. Like the person below you said, it's an issue with how Sony handles backwards compatibility compared to Xbox. Once proper next gen versions get released, they likely will be closer.
This isn't directed towards anybody in particular, or even anybody here really, but situations like this are why people make the comments about the PlayStation fanbase being toxic. It is ridiculous that the developer is taking so much heat for this from the fanbase given that it's not totally their fault. Xbox has the superior overall handling of backwards compatibility, so situations like this aren't totally surprising, but it's the company's fault. Very sad that THQ Nordic had to issue a statement on Twitter defending the developers last night.
@djdizzy if it's that much of a concern for you move back a little. The human eye can't determine resolution difference past certain distances with 20/20 vision. If you have a 60" 4k TV and you're more than 7 feet and 7 inches away you can tell the difference between at 4k and 1080p image. Everything you're seeing at that point is internal scaling changes and aliasing.
@KundaliniRising333 what? The target frame rate was 60fps if you had it in performance mode. And if you had it in fidelity mode it was 30fps 4K res. Where are you getting the target frame rate for Miles Morales “not being that low”. It’s never claimed to be trying to be 120fps.
Starting to get annoying this, Microsoft have really nailed this side of things, seems like a shambles on Playstation. Was interested in this but will definitely wait for native version and reviews.
Whens the review coming??
@Grahamthecracker I meant resolution, my bad
I'm with @Enuo on this one, 60fps is more important than 4K, and while 4K is noticeable on my 70" it's barely noticeable on a smaller screen. To many games have dropped the level of detail down ultra low to reach 4k in my view. I would have much rather had high quality textures, shadows, lighting and details at 60fps than the empty flat worlds running at 30fps/4k that we see so often on console.
@KilloWertz Which basically means, the Xbox version also is not using native 4k, yet, but just upscaling. Then it's definitely not fair to blame the developers.
Oh whatever. We've been through this already. Xbox simply does BC better than playstation. Oh freakin well. Once the new gen games really start coming in I guarantee BC will fade away in the blink of an eye and beat of your heart. Stuff like this makes me wish developers would just take a big ol hiatus from making games cuz some of you people are very undeserving
@KundaliniRising333 ah okay. I was just confused. And I’m totally with your point that if there’s a better version of the game available elsewhere for the same price then there’s an imbalance.
I just thought the general reaction seemed a little harsh for something that seemed to be fairly normal for the generational gap. I feel like it’s still early in the cycle and most full PS5 games are kind of doing that trade off, although most of them are doing it through an option of 4K at 30frames or 1080p at 60 frames. But with this being a PS4 release I think it’s the whole back compat issue. Which like a lot of people are saying is a Sony thing not the devs.
@Grahamthecracker I hear you on esrlynin the generation, it just seems to me that most games utilize a performance mode that at least shoots for ,1400p or a dynamic option. With a 65 inch 4k tv it's very noticeable difference when going down to 1080p. Hopefully the game is received well enough for a ps5 version to come to fruition. Just can't see justifying full price when playing on a ps5 and. 65 inch tv
@naruball And that fine for them... But you don't see those people in comments sections push that 8/16 bit are reasonable.
1080/60FPS is not reasonable for a $500 console in 2021. The only time 1080P/60FPS would reasonable is if it had Ray Tracing; was push technology never seen on any platform that could even bring a RTX 3080 to it knees; or was on sub $300 box like the Series S.
I was going to get it on ps5 but I think I'll do that EA premium pass on pc then and play it that way as I prefer 4k. At least I got demon souls and returnal to play on ps5. Just need a gane to justify my series x now 😄
@trev666 but it isn't broken, fool.
@lordzand It's definitely in my wheelhouse. I just hope the heavy embargo on this game isn't because it's not that great. Don't believe I've seen such a heavy embargo on any non-AAA published game. Hell, most AAA publishers give out too much information. Please be good. Please be good!
Please don't wind up being another Balan Wonder or Hat in Time. All hype no substance.. Please be good!!
Updated after release: Argghhhh
@naruball i dont know why you continue to feed the always come across as a reasonable person yet you think that somehow these know it alls can be changed and taught how to discuss things without resorting to all out insults when their absolute belief in their own bs is questioned..ghandi would be proud of your efforts..
Just a genuine question:
Is xbox one x supported (with resolution) but not PS4 Pro?
Thats all what it comes to.
@Northern_munkey you're right. I can't help it, but you're right. It's pointless.
@Floki I'm not saying it's reasonable for all games, but definitely for games developed by smaller teams with limited sources.
@naruball You're acting like I'm asking them to move mountains. They could've have added a dynamic resolution (something UE4 supports) to the PS4 Pro with the upper bounds being higher than 1080P/60FPS.
They could have easily done this if they had enough and man power to add native 4k to Series X. They would have had enough time to go back and rethink some things to give PS5 players better experience without completely creating a native version.
@vapidwolf many thanks!
Unfortunate for those who care but in the grand scheme, not a big deal.
No need for concern. Its all because of back compatibility. PS5 has decent back compatibility but it's not as good as what MS has for SX. One X version will be used for SX and Pro version for PS5....1080 60 was obvious and the Pro will struggle with hitches when pushing 60fps...
The game has an interesting premise but looks rough around the edges so I will wait to see how it develops over the coming days and weeks...
I pre-ordered this from Amazon UK and got an email this morning telling me it won't be delivered until 1st June! At least it gives me more time to work through Mass Effect 2 I suppose.
@Halucigens I don't decide what video games support. That's not my thing.
Take it up with the developers.
@lordzand Yeah that’s why I got my X series. So far seems to be easier to optimize for. Big reason why i upgraded my tv so I can get that 120 FPS and HDR.
@Arkantos2990 are you going to ignore all the terrible reviews? Did you buy the game already??
@MJF 60 wasn’t a dumpster fire, but 40’s & 50’s are most certainly close to that definition am I wrong?
@2cents I taught myself to never believe in Reviews from those money hungry seals that call themselves "press", neither from those creature that call themselves "gamers" but in true they're immatures never truly played that game or any game at all to that matter which are the creatures that mostly infest Metacritic and Steam to go further than that (which by the look of what you have wrote, you're behaving like one of those) due to how open those pages are when it comes of reviews. I prefer to watch a extended gameplay of the game before making conclusions about it or if I want a review/first impressions of a game, it must come from someone who played the game entirely or for a long time so he can make a truly honest conclusion for himself or a very objective written review with every single non-spoiler detail in consideration (so hard to come by nowadays with all the r***e that infest review pages). And I don't care for Raw Graphics (the technical aspect of graphics if you want a more concrete term) as if it was the most important aspect for a game (might be a reference but never the most important) but Art Style, Soundtrack and Audio, but most importantly Gameplay and controls
@2cents it would suck
anything not locked at this point is dumb - but a nice locked 60 is fine by me
@Enigk - Moron
@marty8370 I prefer being called harsher names but I understand that you can't use those on here. I am actually a Scientologist though. Can't stand The Osmonds. Also how was my momma last night? She said you'd been round.
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