Despite originally being funded and published by Nintendo, re-release Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water will haunt the PlayStation 5 and PS4 in 2021. The game – known as Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water in Europe – first released on the Wii U in 2014, but is being resurrected for Sony’s current crop of consoles.
“Take on the role of one of three people with the power of the Camera Obscura and the ability to see the shadows of those spirited away,” the official press release explains. “The story will take you on a frightening adventure through the ruins of an eerie inn, a shrine filled with life-size dolls, and a lake full of dead priestesses.”

You can check out the announcement trailer embedded above.
Comments 55
Didn't think it would be multiplatform but I think I'll buy this on Switch this time. I hope this gets enough support to get a sequel.
PS5 getting Wii U ports now. 😉
@Ralizah You gonna get it on here or Switch?
Nintendo is in the copyright information so I guess they just allowed this. Similar situation to The Wonderful 101 perhaps?
Love the Project Zero games. If only we could get a remaster collection with the PS2 titles.
@Athrum I hope we get it cause I was playing FF2 on the original xbox but the disc tray got messed up so no more playin it
Day one for me. No questions. It could be rated zero out of ten and id still buy it just on the chance they will make more if it sells well.
Good. The more people buy it, the more likely it is we'll get a trilogy collection, or a new game, or SOMETHING.
The series almost died when it was exclusive to Nintendo.
@nessisonett In general, if a game runs well on both PS4 and Switch, I'll get it on Switch. Maybe double-dip on the PS4 version down the road for the trophies.
So much yes for this! The Fatal Frame series remains as my all time favorite horror games. I would love to play a Fatal Frame game on PS4. I'm hoping for an HD remaster for the first three games especially Crimson Butterfly and hopefully, we get an English port of Fatal Frame 4 as well.
OMG! I've always wanted Fatal Frame to come back to PlayStation since the original one.
@Ralizah I think the fact there’s a PS5 version means I’ll probably get it here. Wonder how much of an upgrade it’ll be?
Will grab this on Xbox or PS. Good to see it ported outside of Nintendo world.
Thats so awsome finally i love the series.
Awesome. Will probably get this to prove there is still an audience for the series on Playstation
Anyone know if Nintendo still owns Fatal Frame? I'm confused since Koei Tecmo is involved. I thought they didn't own it anymore
This will be released UK won't it?
So as far as I can tell, Nintendo and Koei Tecmo co-own the ip? At least that is what it appears to be.
I played it on the WiiU. It is easily the worst of the Fatal Frame series. Well... except for the 3DS game which is best left forgotten.
@Athrum Also, finally a localized version of 4. I have a modded wii and the fan patch but it would be good for more people to play it.
This is cool, it always remained expensive on the Wii U and I wasn't impressed enough with the demo to ever buy full price.
@Snake_V5 Yes, but as Project Zero.
@get2sammyb Okay, thanks.
This E3 direct was better for me than it was for my zelda loving friend that owns a switch (he's not happy with the game and watch). I hope this is as good as the og xbox game. That **** me right up!
Best gaming news in quite a while!
@Oscarjpc Tell me about it I've spent years whining about Nintendo effectively holding this series hostage I could cry I'm so happy 😁
Gives hope to Bayonetta 2 coming over too hopefully!
I played this just a few months ago on Wii U. It was pretty decent overall.
@nessisonett It was a Wii U game, so I wouldn't expect miracles. 4K + 60fps, probably. Maybe with DualSense gimmicks?
Great news! I still have it for the Wii U but I don't want to hook up that mess to play it so this is a day one. Since we're on a Wii U shopping spree can I get Tatsunoko vs. Capcom pretty please Capcom 😶
Will likely go with the Switch version but will look at reviews first. Sold my Wii U before this game originally came out, happy to get a chance now to buy it.
@Ralizah I’d expect creepy voices to come out the DualSense. Which would 100% freak me out.
So excited for this!Loved Project Zero on whichever PlayStation it was..(can't remember) but I do know it was more scary that Resident Evil!
Day One!
@nessisonett That'd be a cool feature. They 100% need to do something neat with the PS5's motors and HD rumble in the joycons, too.
Interesting, and if Nintendo wanted to, they could allow Bayonetta games on other consoles huh?
@Link41x Good to know, thanks!
Always wanted to try a Fatal frame game, I guess this is the chosen one
Hope Ayane's mission is on this, I remember reading developers worked really hard trying to ger her chest wobble right
One of the very few game out of this year E3 i Plan on buying. I never got into the series back then but I do like Resident Evil and Koei Tecmo (specifically Team Ninja studio) so I’m sure this will be great for me.
I am excited for this. I couldn't get it on the Wii and I have FF 1 & FF2 on the PS2.
Definitely getting it on the PlayStation
I'll look forward to slipping this disc in my ps5's slot.
Hopefully the other Fatal Frame can make an appearance.
Huh this is weird, didn't fatal frame become nintendo ip now? I'm not complaining though, I remember fatal frame 2 is the scariest horror game I ever play back then, I don't think I ever finish it lol.
@Athrum yes that would be awesome to get a release of all of them in one purchase
It's a little tropey at points, but it can also be damn scary and atmospheric. Day one for me. This is the sort of almost jank I love to praise.
Man, a collection of the first 3 on PS2 would be sooooo sweet.
Day 1! Huge fan of Fatal Frame 1 and 2 back in the day. I always wanted this Wii U entry to come to Playstation.
Happy days! I wanted this on Wii U but NA never received a physical release. I see that the trailer says digital release. Any word on a physical release for PS5 or Switch? If it's digital only then I'll wait for a deep discount.
@DTfeartheBEARD I can unfortunately see this as getting another LRG hostage release.
Still, awesome to have Fata Frame 5 ported to modern systems.
Crimson Butterfly still haunts me... 😀
PLEEEEEEEEASE support this people I beg you this is an incredible truly sensational franchise some of the best horror has to offer. Nintendo nearly killed this franchise so please let's all support so it can thrive again we may even get a remastered collection and finally a long overdue western release for Mask Of The Lunar Eclipse if this sells well. PICK UP YOUR CAMERA OBSCURAS PEOPLE WE HAVE GHOSTS TO HUNT!!! 📸
@get2sammyb Well the game far as I know was co-produced by Nintendo and Koei Tecmo, so it's not like they have full say on the matter. Not like it's a huge deal for them as the game is not exactly a huge hit outside of Japan.
@shonenjump86 Nintendo doesn't own Bayonetta as Sega still holds IP rights. They have publishing rights for 2 and 3, though, but those types of deals have expirations on them and the games will probably end up on other consoles in the future.
Cool news, now if only they could bring the other games over!
@get2sammyb Any idea if this is going to be censored, ala the localised Wii U version?
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