Update 31st July: McDonalds Australia has delayed its stream week due to an issue with promotional materials, as detailed in a statement issued to Press-Start: “Unfortunately, McDonald’s stream week has been postponed and won’t be going ahead this Sunday. We are unable to confirm a new date for the proposed event at this time. We will have some great prizing including Macca’s 50th Birthday Hoodies and 50 channel subscriptions for each streamer to give away. We will be in contact with the new timing as soon as we have it confirmed. Sony PlayStation has not authorised the use of its controller in promotional materials related to the proposed Stream Week event and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. McDonald’s stream week has been postponed and Sony PlayStation controllers will not be included in the giveaway.”
Original Story:
Were those recently released PlayStation 5 controllers in red and black not really doing it for you? If your answer to that question is yes and you live in Australia, you could instead try to win this PS5 pad themed around one of the planet's most popular fast-food chains. McDonald's has created its own limited edition controller, and we'll let you decide if it's totally hideous or not.
You've got fries on the left, a hamburger on the right, and the McDonald's logo in the centre of the touchpad. You're basically a walking (or sitting down?) advertisement for the brand if you happen to win one, but then that might be no bad thing for someone so passionate about Ronald McDonald. While the thumbstick and triggers have been left alone, the D-pad and face buttons have also been spray-painted yellow.
There are 50 of these McDonald's themed PS5 controllers for the community to win, and to be in with a shot of doing so, you need to watch certain streamers on Twitch. They'll be playing the likes of Overwatch, Minecraft, FIFA 21, and Night in the Woods across the next seven days. Do you want one? If not, campaign to make the Big Tasty meal a permanent menu item in the comments below.
[source press-start.com.au]
Comments 46
It's making my eyes hurt!!
@render wtf mine too... how ugly it is... MC you can keep this crap.
If I would win this thing I would just buy a replacement shell lol
Ew. I’d put that thing straight on eBay.
I love the occasional maccy d's and a free spare controller is never a bad thing, but this pad looks like it has liver damage!
The only way this could be worse is if it had scary Ronald McDonald's face on it
I quite like it, not enough to ever watch someone on Twitch but still
Oh awesome, I hope it delivers an authentic McDonalds experience like using the speaker to play the sounds of screaming children and minimum wage staff being berated.
Yikes that's ugly lol
No just no, looks horrible.
Does it come with some grease already on it?
Release that controller with a remaster of Global Gladiators and that's a winner.
God I fancy a Big Mac now.
@MaseSco Yaasssssssss!!!
You just made my day with that comment. Mick and Mack. I loved that game.
Well, I’m lovin’ it 😁
Something's off.. This thing looks way too slim for what it represents
@Shepherd_Tallon I actually thought no one would get it plus it shows my age😂😂 you're right though, great game.
But they cant leave the house because of there dictatorship gov.
Na na na na naaaa, I’m hating it 😂😂😂
one of the greatest mysteries of life is......that i want this.
Wow... that is just awful
I’m NOT lovin’ it! 🤢
At least if you get stick drift with this, chances are it'll be grease or ketchup stuck down the side of the stick...
I would buy it if it was just a red controller with an M in the middle
@MaseSco I loved it. I think I got it the first Christmas it was out.
Good times.
@HuJack007 What's the number of cases in your country? ...
@fR_eeBritney Good one!
As an Aussie: that is a goddamn^ eyesore. I will actively avoid Maccas just so I can’t accidentally be entered in the draw for this monstrosity.
^ (as an Aussie, this would also normally be a different word, but this is a public comment)
I thought maybe this was a controller for Kojima’s next game
I like the colour scheme, just a shame it has the McDonald's logo and food on it.
It’s the only controller that gives you heart disease while you play.
Wtf 😲haha.word up son
I absolutely need this idk why but I love it. Also finally Australia gets something exclusive
@fR_eeBritney lol
I hate it. The kids love it. Want to know if it's grease absorbing?
@HuJack007 Have to admit, my immediate thought was “boy this doesn’t make up for police lockdowns.”
it's been a long time since the last time I saw something so ugly and difficult to look at.
They can keep it.
That’s the most American PS controller I ever seen
Achievement unlocked: wielding a literal ad tool for an evil corporation that poisons hundreds of millions of people.
Haha. I’m so sorry Australian bros
The controller haptics will simulate the random grumbling your stomach experiences before you get the runs/diarreah
Wait what?!
How did a company like McDonald’s make a ps controller promotion public…. Without getting permission from Sony?
@NateGoesLive Yeah, you would have thought they had some lawyers check that one. Perhaps all those who have got food poisoning from there stand a good chance at winning a case after all. XD
In honor of the ice cream machines never working, the haptics won't either.
I much prefer Five Guys
Thank god this got delayed and the controllers scrapped XD.
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