It's time for one of the big ones: Sony's PlayStation Store summer sale is here and it's packing a lot of enticing deals for PS5 and PS4 games. Some of the discounts listed below expire at midnight on 4th August 2021 while others feature for a further two weeks, so be sure to check that important detail when you look at each title. So, with the discounts live across the UK, EU, and US storefronts right now, let's take a look at what we've got.
On PS5, Demon's Souls is once again discounted to £52.49/$49.69, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales can be picked up for £37.49/$34.99, and Returnal drops to £52.49/$49.69. Then there's Sackboy: A Big Adventure for £42.59/$40.19 and Metro Exodus for just £8.74/$9.99. Yes, that really is for the native PS5 version. Disco Elysium: The Final Cut is only £19.79/$23.99, Judgment is yours for £22.74/$25.99, and Yakuza: Like a Dragon comes in at £35.74/$38.99. We also have Hitman 3 for just £27.49/$29.99.
Other PS5 game deals are:
- Manifold Garden — £10.49/$13.99
- Outriders — £38.99/$38.99
- The Sinking City — £27.99/$34.99
- Balan Wonderworld — £17.49/$19.99
For PS4 games, Mass Effect Legendary Edition receives its first digital discount down to £46.79/$44.99, Predator: Hunting Grounds is £13.99/$11.99, and Red Dead Redemption 2 can be picked up for £22.54/$24.59. We also have Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice for £38.99/$38.99, Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster at £31.49, and then Spelunky 2 for £10.39/$12.99. 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim can be grabbed for £22.49/$26.99, Outer Wilds is down to £11.39/$14.99, and Assassin's Creed Odyssey is slashed in price to £12.09/$14.99. Forgotton Anne is also worth considering at just £4.79/$5.99.
With more than 1,100 discounts included in the PS Store summer sale, the deals listed above only scratch the surface of what's on offer. For a full list of everything included, UK and EU users should head on through this link while US readers can use this one. What takes your fancy? Share your digital haul in the comments below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 96
It’s time for some disco 💃🏻🕺🏻
I might have to pick up Judgment at that price. I’m finally onto Yakuza 6 and already have Like a Dragon in the backlog but give me more!!
Disco Elysium is an utter steal at under £20 so everyone should go buy that. HARDCORE!
Will have a look later, hopefully nothing takes my fancy as I don't really want to buy anything 😁
Sony is having a giraffe with those UK PS5 prices!
Hmmm Spidey
Oh boy...
Had a feeling Disco Elysium would be one of the discounts. That and Metro Exodus will be two of my purchases. Looks like some decent deals to be had.
Ah, bummer there's no discount on Assassin's Creed Valhalla Season Pass.
I normally never purchase anything digitally because it is pretty much always pricier than buying it on disc, even during these sales.
However, I can't find The Pathless any cheaper than what's offered in the store. Think I might pick it up! Is it any good?
Picked up LEGO City Undercover for £11.99. I’ve wanted to get it for a while, but the £44.99 price tag is insane. Also got Man of Medan for £8.24. I’ve owned it before, but it played awfully on my PS4 Slim at launch - I’m looking forward to playing it on my PS4 Pro with nearly two years worth of updates.
@Roqka I’ve not played it, but it reviewed pretty well…
Samurai Shodown NeoGeo Collection is a bargain at £8.74 for 7 games (I, II, III, IV and three versions of V, including a brand new one).
I'm buying all 4 Metro's (First three from the under £15 sale that ends today!) and Demons souls. Not a bad sale at all.
@Daleaf Same here. The purse strings are tight, but that Metro Exodus deal is too tempting! And Disco!
@Roqka I enjoyed it. Fun traversal. Puzzles aren't too hard. I found it super chill and fun time. It's not mindblowing but it is entertaining in that indy kind of way.
Tempted by judgment
@SoulChimera think il be joining you on that. Still have to play last light first but thats a bargain price for a recent ps5 release.
@PossibLeigh Yea I grabbed disco last time it was on sale, but haven't been in the mood for it yet, so definitely trying not to get anything at moment but I'm sure something will grab my attention lol
Oh well, saving money for the future is overrated
@Loftimus There’s only 3 Metro games, Metro Redux is actually the redux version of the first 2 games, last light and 2033 in one package.
@ChrisDeku so I get 2 games in metro redux and the other 2 games are one game?
Dark Souls Remastered for £8.74, don't mind if I do
Some nice deals there. I'll be picking up Sekiro, finally, only souls game I don't own and Metro Exodus, that's an unmissable deal.
@Loftimus You only Need to buy Metro Redux, and Metro Exodus and that’s all 3 games
@Iroha Thanks, I'll get it. Price is right too. I will buy Death's Door as well but on Xbox since it's not available on PlayStation (yet?).
Been crushing too much heavy open world stuff and various FPS games lately, so I need a "break" from that.
@Loftimus yes Redux is a bundle of the first two games and Exodus is the third.
@ChrisDeku how come they are selling all 3 in a pack for £90 then? If you're right that is some bare faced cheek right there!
I've bought all 3 already but it only cost £8.50 so no big loss. Will get Exodus when the sale drops.
Sale doesn't seem to be live on the app here in the UK, until it hits 12pm....
Disco elysium is mighty tempting, at that price!
I got a brand new Sekiro shadows die twice goty edition on ebay couple months ago for 30$.this game dont go on sale that much.even on psn.word up son
@Loftimus GOG.com (PC game website/platform, if you're not familiar) does a very similar thing there - in that they'll sell Metro 2033 and Last Light for about £3 each when there's a sale on, and Exodus for under £20 for the Gold edition, but the "franchise bundle" is typically only reduced down to £50 or so, despite the fact that it doesn't contain anything not in the other 3 games
It's a very strange pricing strategy
@Roqka I REALLY enjoyed The Pathless. It has some absolutely wonderful moments, boss battles in particular are some of my favourites in years. It not too short, not too long and doesn't outstay it's welcome. Unique traversal, a fun world to explore and all wrapped up with an(other) great Austin Wintory music score. Not the greatest game ever, but definitely worth a play!
EDIT: Also worth saying I have been thinking about bits of it long after playing, usually the sign of a good game/film/media/art/etc.
@J2theEzzo the prices are live (I bought Dark Souls at about 12:30 a.m. in the UK, and it definitely wasn't in last week's sale) it's just the deals page that isn't showing up yet
@Bentleyma- I played Lego undercover a while back think it was on ps now I actually really enjoyed it, I find the Lego games hit and miss but undercover was probably my favourite
Canada gets the shaft... nice... thanks
Think it's finally time to pull the trigger on Returnal.
I don't have access to physical used copies, and don't think I can wait any longer to get an actual ps5 game
@playstation1995 it's one of those 'games of a generation', that because it's both good, and effin hard, I guess it has a lot of longevity and probably doesn't turn up 2nd hand much... had it 2 years and I'm still only half way through! Haha
@danlk1ng I see! Thanks!
@ChrisDeku thanks for the heads up anyway bud. It even let me download them at the same time the dirty basts.
Feels like the right time to get Judgment for $25!
Time to check out Mutazione!
Having literally just this morning finished Returnal, I can say as a former "this games too expensive for £70" that this game is well worth your money for £50ish quid. (thats the price when I bought it) Fantastic game and one that pushes you to do better each time.
Also im snapping up Metro Exodus for that price!
Balan Wonderworld already at $20 and it still feels like a ripoff 😅
@themightyant Good to hear, sounds really promising. From what I've gathered it seems to be what I am looking for; a chill, not too hard game, that is easy to pick up.
P5R deluxe is 55% off too.
@Roqka Ticks all those boxes. Except (no spoilers) parts of the boss battles which get the blood pumping (in a good way)
Disco, Manifold and Exodus for sure. And then one of the more expensive ones – probably Demon's Souls, Returnal or Miles Morales Ultimate ed.
@talocaca "Balan Wonderworld already at $20 and it still feels like a ripoff 😅"
Plenty of young kids seem to like it. The trouble is it was reviewed by adults who reviewed it as if they were it's target market.
Not saying it is a good or even great game in the whole pantheon of gaming, it isn't. And some kids want something more advanced. But it's a very serviceable and very simple introduction to gaming for young children with a little charm. It's just a shame it wasn't reviewed as such.
I bought the Dirt 5 year-one DLC pack.
Thinking about disco Elysium as well.
BALAN WONDERWORLD? is it the Goty Edition?
@J2theEzzo. Halfway through wow.is it too hard for you.or you just have a lot of games in your backlog you have not play yet.i love hard games im used to it.sinne the atari days in the 1980s.word up son
@Thrillho Never could get into a Yakuza game, even though the handful I tried had me hooked for the first few hours or so. But Judgment? I can't get enough of it. The music, gameplay, atmosphere, characters - it all just comes together for me and amounts to a place I just want to spend some time. Enjoy!
@Roqka This is what did it for me, if you require further persuasion. Love the channel in general, too:
Sekiro was £29.99 for a long time last sale. This £38.99 is weird and looks like a mistake. And like I guessed, no GoT, they can keep their overpriced Director's Cut to themselves. And Disco Elysium, I got it on PC and barely played it, don't know if it's too much text going on or I just don't enjoy gaming on PC.
@nofriendo Haha, crazy. Thanks guys! I've made up my mind. It's definitely worth buying!
Finally a decent sale. Disco Elysium here I come!
To say this sale is deep would be an understatement. I was still spotting things I'd like to buy on page forty-something... I'm going to have to go through it page by page again, stick them all on my Wishlist and then see what I can fit into budget.
Looking at my wishlist, not many are discounted unfortunately. What do people recommend as a good deal (meaning no more than £10 above the physical cost say)?
For me it was the opposite, loved Kiryu and the gang in Yakuza, but I had to force myself to play and get the plat for a judgment. I’m hoping that, as the characterisation develops across the series, it will gradually draw me in. From a gameplay perspective the combat is, unfortunately, worse for me ( and I can see from trailers no better in the sequel) but I can overlook that if everything around it is engaging l.
The wait continues for Sekiro to hit 25 or less.
Several very tempting sales. Man, I’m wondering whether to get the Metro trilogy for $15 total. My backlog is too big though. Demon’s Souls and Disco Elysium are also tempting, but I feel like they haven’t reached their lowest price yet as by the time I have time to play them I reckon they’ll be permanently around this price range in about 6-12 months. 3 Metro games for $5 each is hard to beat though.
Why is Mass Effect Legendary Edition more expensive in £ compared with $? £46.79/$44.99
@TwomanybuttonS https://youtu.be/2Ys1CwNjJaE?t=4
Got Dirt 5 Year One Edition & Hitman 3, so glad I waited to get the PS5 version of a lot of the newer games like these two I just got & Immortal Fenyx Rising, AC Valhalla etc. Cheaper and you get both the PS4 & PS5 versions.
Thinking 🤔 of getting Judgement PS5 version also.
Some good bargains to be had eg: Huntdown, & if you're a WayForward fan Shantae: Pirates Curse,Half Genie Hero Ultimate Ed.,Shantae Seven Sirens,River City Girls & puzzler Mighty Switch Force Collection are all good buys,(no The Mummy Demastered or Shantae Risky's Revenge sadly),albeit have picked most of these up back in June given WayForward's titles so rarely managed to get a sale invite.
Sadly still no Xeno Crisis, Battle Princess Madelyn,(both released Sept/Oct. 2019 no sales to date),or Ghost 1.0 though given the reported difficulties of obtaining a sales invite for small devs/'publishers,not so much a surprise!
Dark Pictures: Little Hope is tempting at $20/50% off,even if it's not quite Until Dawn quality,& given Lego LOTR trilogy will sadly never see a ps4 port,Lego Hobbit seems kind of tempting.
Samurai Showdown Collection looks good value,even though I never played beyond the original arcade/NeoGeo one! Untitled Goose game might be worth a look to see what the fuss is about too.
Edit:Just read Lego The Hobbit review-completely forgotten it was done prior to the last movie coming out! As was commented at the time by some of the posts,seemed a missed opportunity Lego LOTR never got a port given this remains incomplete!
@talocaca Because it is. It's awful
I'm considering getting Demons Souls but at the same time I might just wait for a deeper sale since I doubt I'll have the time to put into it any time soon. I'll think on it some more.
And for the love of all that is holy pick up 13 Sentinels for that price if you haven't played it! Absolutely fantastic game!
It's great to see they're willing to drop the price on Returnal so soon. I just got Ratchet at $69 and dropping another $69 on Returnal is just bonkers when combined I can get something cooler than just games
Off topic but will PS ever develop their web product pages with like...screenshots and trailers?
Cozy Grove PS
Cozy Grove NS
Every title I find interesting I need to leave the page and start googling. Often looking at the Steam page of the game.
@frankmcma strangely enough, if you use the PS App on your phone, that has all the same screenshots and trailers as the store on your PS4/PS5 does. I do find it bizarre that the web app is so bare though
@danlk1ng Yeah it's odd. Maybe they are still working on it. I just happen to like searching on the web store but there is like no real details.
The first party PS5 games are now a few dollars less then last gen full retail games. Yay!
Exodus ok PS5 is a no-brainer… SOLD!
@playstation1995 yeah, just distracted by my backlog. About half way through Tsushima, half way through my 2nd play of Witcher 3, 2nd play of Nier...
Sekiro is tough, at times, in that for certain enemy types they may need you to develop and perfect a particular strategy to beat them, though the combat is still pretty open. Lady butterfly took me the best of a month to beat, and then I was ploughing through it till I hit a rock again, and got distracted! I do also enjoy difficult games- beat every mainline souls entry, but it takes a while to get into the change of tempo with this one.
You're probably right though, games today are rarely as hard as, say, ghosts and ghouls or some of the other retro classics!
@J2theEzzo ghost and goblins is amazing .sega genesis playa.theres a new 👻 ghost and goblins ressurection on psn its a remake with amazing graphics.word up son
@sanderson72 I was about to post with the same thing. Quite a few of them are more in £ than $. Something funny going on with the exchange rates
eg. Demon's Souls is once again discounted to £52.49/$49.69, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales can be picked up for £37.49/$34.99, and Returnal drops to £52.49/$49.69
@themightyant Austin Wintory music score made me buy the game in the first place. Now playing Bloodroots which is awesome imho.
Bought Brothers: a Tale of two Sons (also on PSPlus) & Forgotten Anne myself
Finally caved on getting Wattam officially.
Aaaaaand I might not stop there. This is the first decent sale in a while!
@Pusher2021 Nice selection. What's Bloodroots like?
Got me Demon's Souls. Still quite expensive, though payable and I feel this is a title that deserves the current sale price. The devs really went the extra miles with this title and that is something I want to support.
Still waiting for a Returnal patch where I can save my progress when I quit, so I might as well start playing something else. Oddworld, Metro Exodus and Control are still on my backlog and I'm in the progress of finishing Horizon atm, but ever since the Demon's Souls release i've been intrigued and I want to be sucked in this world so hard, so this will become next on my list.
Pushsquare review: https://www.pushsquare.com/reviews/ps4/bloodroots
IGN video review:
It's so addicting, you will die several times but when you get it right it's so rewarding. It is on Game Pass (but also on PS4/Switch - $€15-20) so I thought, lets try this since friends recommended it to me. I was pleasantly surprised!
Beginning to get real hard holding out for a physical Disco Elysium with a price like that
@TwomanybuttonS I'm thinking about it too..
Took the plunge and bought Returnal. Time to see if the hype is real!
@FatalBubbles Got my physical copy for €50 yesterday
Wow, $38.99 for Sekiro, Sony you spoil us...lol
Nice to see the many different indie games on sale though, will definitely be picking up some of those
When returnal and souls hits 40, I'll buy. Getting closer!
Picked up Far Cry New Dawn, only $17AUD.
Thinking of getting Mass Effect Trilogy or Outriders but can't decide.
Recommend Huntdown, paid £15 and worth every penny
Anyone having problems to download the Metro Exodus DLC on PS5 as well? I bought the Gold Edition and am not able download any of the DLC packs, getting an "something went wrong" Error. Already tried rebuilding the database...
I went totally insane and got Assassin's Creed Black Flag, Assassin's Creed Unity, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Okami HD, Twin Mirror, The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope, Borderlands 3, Bloodstained Curse of the Moon, and Bloodstained Curse of the Moon 2.
Will I ever actually play any of them? One day. Maybe.
@Pusher2021 So far I can’t say I enjoy it all. Hope that changes.
@FatalBubbles Haven't started it up yet (installed it) but I loved previous Housemarque games, Nex Machina, Super Stardust series, Geometry Wars series & Resogun.
Something specific you don't like?
@Pusher2021 The complete lack of progress. 😂 Bloodborne is tough but you don’t completely start over, this is a whole new level of suffering.
@FatalBubbles Yeah, I hear that a lot I thought they were implementing another save-system to the game?
It was in the works but they have trouble doing it. I hope it won't bother me when I start playing it.
@Pusher2021 Honestly the save thing hasn’t been an issue because my first few runs didn’t last long enough to matter. 😂
@FatalBubbles Lol. I'm in the 2nd act of Bloodroots and sometimes I think, this is impossible, but I carry on, and it becomes possible because you're getting the mecanics and patterns. There's a learning curve but once you start mastering it, it's starting to be more fun. I do hope it clicks for/with you after a while because collecting dust on games you bought is not a good thing
@Pusher2021 I played about 4 hours and couldn’t beat the first boss. You need some good luck to acquire the right things to see you up for success it appears. It’s a bit frustrating to have played 4 hours and made zero progress. I may come back to it but for now I’m moving on.
Does Sony understand that the exchange rate means that £s are more valuable than $s?
We really are getting screwed this gen. jumping from £55 to £70(which is far more than $70) for brand new games & now in the sales the £ amount is higher than the $ amount. Suppose it deserves me right for buying the digital only console. Although I bought nearly all my PS4 games digitally & I thought this gem they would have better parity with store prices but in the UK they’re just shafting us every way they can 🤬
Alot of tempting sales, will definitely look into these before they end.
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