Apex Legends has dropped the ban hammer on over 2,000 players – and almost all of them are playing on the PlayStation 4. According to Respawn developer Conor Ford, these bans were issued to players gaming the Ranked Points system in Ranked Play, and also for abusing a matchmaking exploit which effectively allowed high-rank players to join Bronze lobbies to farm.
Of the 2,086 bans issued, an eye-watering 1,965 were on PS4, which is a staggering percentage of the overall total. “These are matchmaking bans that have varied lengths depending on the extent of abuse,” Ford explained. “Sucks to miss the opening of a new season, come back next time around and enjoy the game how it’s meant to be played.”
[source twitter.com, via psu.com]
Comments 29
Guess it shows the relative size of the player bases.
Kinda puts a spanner in the argument for the people arguing that they hate crossplay because of PC cheaters.
@Richnj To be fair, this is a different kind of cheating. This is "just" using exploits, whereas PC cheaters tend to use aim-bots et al.
Do PS4 players make up 94% of the player base? Or do they just have a higher percentage exploiting the system?
@get2sammyb Yeah, I appreciate there's a difference. To me though, cheating is cheating.
@get2sammyb cheats are cheats, and apparently these cheats are enough for the ban hammer
I feel bad for all the bronze players getting decimated by top ranked players basically smurfing... except in this case they were still climbing up the ladder while going up against noobs. Still, it's a different beast altogether compared to some aim botter sniping you from across the map or shooting you through the wall.
It's not the same as aim bots or wall hacks but it might show up who would be willing to use them if they were available.
Yeah without some more complete stats on player bases this almost feels like a character assassination on PS players.
Edit: And definitely ban people but also maybe fix the exploits?
I believe it's so blatantly on the side of PlayStation this time because the exploit is only possible on PlayStation, apparently through some dashboard glitch. Obviously is there a way to cheat people are going to use it, which is primarily why it tends to happen on PC more often just because it's way easier...but yeah, hopefully they fixed this bug. If it's a glitch it shouldn't be in the game in the first place.
Played it on a friends ps4 once briefly but not my thing. Love how he seems to be gloating about it, though, whilst simultaneously annoying a lot of people. CtR Nitro Fueled had a really great exploit for Pro Goal Nitro Farming (which also involved bringing up the homescreen during a lobby start) during it's seasons and they never even patched it at all or banned anyone. Seems if you want to stop this kind of nonsense then you patch it so it drops the player from that game entirely if they do this kind of thing.
I actually haven't heard anything about this game for over a year. Doubt this game is still relevant
Ah, where would we be without riff-raff and their scurrilous ingenuity; their brazen disregard of mundane, pedestrianised deference to gaming conventions?
Holy smokes, thats insane. I haven't played Apex, and I'm not sure if I ever will as me and my friends are into Warzone.
Ironic that there are so many online PS4 games that struggle to get enough users to fill the lobby, and Apex Legends is kickin’ ‘em all out left and right.
Don’t get me wrong, I can’t stand the cheaters and the game exploiters, and I’d be a fraud if I didn’t vote to boot users from some of the online games I play. That said, I have a bigger problem with companies banning their users.
If Apex Legends doesn’t like the cheating, they need to create their games with better, more ironclad code. Do more testing. Make better, more timely updates. Close those exploitable gaps. Banning is the easy, lazy way out and it doesn’t stop the problem; new users will just exploit those same holes until they’re patched.
@Bamila Lol, it’s the 5th largest game in the world on Steam currently. Behind CS:Go, Dota 2, PubG, and GTAV.
I’m sorry but if you’re a high rank player then you know full well that you’re using an exploit to play against bronze ranked players. You’re ruining their enjoyment of the game for what really? A ban seems fair enough for openly ruining games.
“Banned 2,086 players early this morning for abuse of an RP loss forgiveness exploit (dashboarding) and abuse of a matchmaking exploit allowing high-rank players into Bronze lobby to farm.”
I don’t know if it’s because I’m tired, but that took 6 attempts to read. I’m still not sure if I understand it. Haha.
LMAO the game company banned people that used a bug in their software to their advantage. It's like shifting blame for your personal f***up
Exploits are named such because people exploit them. I remember being able to replicate, then sell, loot in Oblivion. The exploit was limited to the amount of money a merchant had to spend, but you could wipe the merchants' purses out by spamming the exploit.
@SamMR 100% agree
exploit is bug on developers side.
@ATaco guess that makes sense but then how did those people on other systems cheat (or use the exploit)?
In any case I just don't understand the point of the breakdown. Isn't it cross-play anyhow? What could possibly be informative about these numbers?
@jgrangervikings1 its only temporary bans
Over rated game tbh..respawn should have taken titanfall's multiplayer free to play instead of this god awful game...
I wish they'd make a next-gen version.
So they banned the entire current player base...
@Bamila ignorance is bliss
Wow. Six of my accounts have been banned...
I miss when video games were niche and seen as something that was only for nerds & losers . I hate how seriously they're taken nowadays . ''Ban this person for this , ban this person for that'' , quit penalties etc. Pretty disgusting that there's basically laws & real-life penalties (sitting in ''time-out'' in real time) in freaking video games of all things , that was once seen as an escape from the nuisances of the real world .
They exploited a fault that's entirely on the developers ; big deal , fix it . The ban is unnecessary , its just video games . It seems people have forgotten that along time ago .
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