Grand Theft Auto V will span its third console generation when Rockstar re-releases the PlayStation 3 title on the PS5 later this year. It’s a game that’s achieved unrivalled success, with the open worlder surpassing 150 million units sold-in to date. This reflects both digital downloads and Blu-ray copies sold to retailers – not necessarily consumers – but looking at the sales charts there clearly aren’t piles of dusty cases sitting on store shelves.
Incredibly, the entire GTA franchise has sold 350 million copies in total, so the fifth entry accounts for almost half of that. Its longevity can be partly attributed to the success of GTA Online, which has received over 40 updates since 2013 and is a bit of a beast these days. If you’re eager to get started with that, then our GTA Online guide should help get you up to speed.
Meanwhile, Red Dead Redemption 2 has now sold-in 38 million units to date, which would also be a staggering statistic if not written right after those record-breaking GTA 5 numbers. Rockstar claims that Arthur Morgan’s outing is the second-best selling game in the US over the past three years, which is a very specific statistic but clearly it points to a successful product. You can actually download and play RDR 2 with PS Now right now.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 22
I wish this GTA Online had died years ago.
I hadn’t played it in years, booted it up today to try that new island. By today’s standards, it looked and controlled horribly, I could not care about the story/cutscenes I had to endure.
It’s an underwhelming experience overall. I deleted it again. It’s popularity boggles the mind.
It just seems absurd, doesn't it? We always talk about how 1 million sales is a massive deal for most games. When a big PlayStation release breaks 5 million we say it's "another huge hit for Sony".
Then GTAV goes and sells... 150 million? 1-5-0. Million. It just throws all sense of scale out the window.
Like the article says, Red Dead 2 doing 38 million is utterly insane as well. Ridiculous. Yet it's made to look normal by GTAV.
@OmegaStriver With you there man. If it had we mightve gotten story dlc...
Hey, I think three of them are down to me!
It's going to get another boost when it gets its next gen update too!
Biggest media product of any kind ever? Surely in the running! Although I wouldn't agree that it's partly down to gta online, I'd say it's mostly down to gta online.
I keep dipping my toes back into it every now and then, both story and online, bought it at launch on ps3, and I'm still noticing and finding new things. Open world peaked with this game. Here's hoping for a bigger better next gen title in the next five years or so.
It'll likely still be a huge competitor to Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl this holiday despite this.
@BowTiesAreCool I think it's the single most profitable entertainment product ever made.
Just insane. I don't know how a single game can keep selling like that, but it does.
It's crazy but I have to admit that even I see myself getting back to GTA5 when I get bored of playing other games just for the sake messing around. I know we're all wanting to move on to GTA6 but Rockstar is probably just chilling and swimming in that pool of money that they made from GTA5 and RDR2 and taking their time with the next game.
i want to try RDR2 on ps5..any enhancements?
@ShogunRok Ridiculous. And yet weirdly it still feels like talking to people mainstream, they've either never heard of it or sort of know it from 20 years ago. I don't know if these things are made public but I'd love to see a breakdown of shark card sales vs actual game sales.
Gta 5 the 🐐 g.o.a.t. enough said. 👑.word up son
@OmegaStriver How's it mind boggling? Show me another game where you have a cellphone to call friends to hangout, order cabs, surf the net shop online, invest in stock etc. Which other game has Rocket League, Destruction Derby and all other game modes you can think of combined into one. Which other game lets you play as THREE CHARACTERS and switch them instantaneously...if it was other games all these GTAO updates released for free since 2013 would've been released as a paid DLC or a whole new game each year like AC or CoD. If yall don't like it fine but acknowledge and give credit where it's due and stop with the "I don't understand, it's mind boggling" BS for once!
@BowTiesAreCool Same, would be fascinating to see a full breakdown!
@TheArt Looks and plays horribly and an extremely clunky experience, but being able to take a taxi was cool back on the PS2. All those barely used options do it for some people though.
@zebric21 Nope but going by how bad the support is for its not that surprising.
I definitely contributed to it 3 times...once on PS3 and twice on PS4 (I had to replace my 1st PS4 copy).
@ShogunRok I find it extremely curious as to what Gta online could have done if it had gone f2p like Warzone and Fortnite. I genuinely think it could have been bigger than fortnite especially if they had found a way to port it to Android/IOS (miniscule version like PUBG or streaming).
Rockstar does have a tendency to be more 'premium' so I'm not surprised they kept it as a priced product.
@JapaneseSonic that's a bummer..60fps should be the bare minimum for a last gen game..
Insane to think I bought this new on my PS3 back in 2013 and I still have it installed on my PS4 8 years later.
Sleeping Dogs is better.
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