The PlayStation 4 has had its time in the sun now as Sony focuses its manufacturing efforts on the company's new bit of hardware, meaning the last-gen piece of tech is sort of limping towards sales milestones instead of pushing for a last-minute dash. The company today recorded its results for Q1 of the 2021 fiscal year, and the PS4 managed to sell 500,000 units. That brings its lifetime sales up to 116.4 million.
Compared to other consoles on the best-sellers list, the PS4 is still nowhere near close to hitting the highs of the PS2. It sold more than 150 million units, closely followed by the Nintendo DS. Then the Game Boy and Game Boy Color handheld systems take bronze. The PS4 is currently sitting pretty in fourth position, which Sony must surely be fairly chuffed about. Given the challenge Sony has faced manufacturing enough PS5 systems to meet demand, we can't imagine producing more PS4 consoles was very high up the list of priorities.
As for the PS5, we already knew it had reached the 10 million milestone as of 18th July 2021, making it the fastest-selling PlayStation console ever. Since then, the firm has sold a further 100,000 units, bringing the current total up to 10.1 million.
[source sony.com]
Comments 56
Those figures, nearly 30 million more than the PS3 and about 65 million (!!!) more than the xbone, are testament to their great work this past generation. What's a game pass again?
i only bought one last year and still believe its a great time to get a PS4, an embarrasment of riches.
a price cut would push even more sales to around 120+ million units
I wouldn’t say it “limps”.
More like slows down near the end of the race to appreciate the view, greet a few friends and shout back some encouragement to its new sibling before being greeted at the finish line by its older relatives as the champion it is with a lot of life left to give.
PS4 was a wonderful console. Given the long tail this gen created by shortages of PS5's, as well as the cross-gen support we should definitely see this reach 120 million with further price cuts etc before all is said and done. Unless Sony stop production entirely to try and get all hands on deck creating PS5 hardware.
Its unlikely to reach 3rd place at this point, but represents a huge success for Sony nevertheless.
I dont think PS5 will sell as well by the end of its life cycle. Seems like much stronger competition this time around, so sales likely to be spread more evenly
@Total_Weirdo what exclusive titles ??
@ArcadeHeroes Several dozen of them?
@JapaneseSonic the 2nd best selling home console
120 million is still attainable. Go Playstation Go.
@Octane Name ten must have exclusives for me because I am struggling to think of anything past 5
Ps4 is still the second best selling console ever.im still enjoying my ps4 pro.amazing graphics in this instant classic console.word up son
@zebric21 Probably not. Remember the chip shortage will affect the PS4, as well. Sony won't be devoting scarce resources to producing a last-gen console.
Starting to think nothing will ever catch PS2.
@Fyz306903 there are big amounts of ps4 stock and bundles that are sitting in the shelves mate..i price cut would wipe out any remaining stock and boost software sales and ps+ subs as well..
@ArcadeHeroes God of war, horizon, last of us, uncharted 4, last guardian, bloodborne, spider-man, days gone, death stranding, ghost of tsushima, do you need more?
Horizon Zero Dawn ,Days Gone and Death Stranding are multiplats so they dont include
In my personal opinion I dont think Last of us 2 or Ghost of tsushima are must have exclusives.
@ArcadeHeroes they were exclusive within the PS4's generation. I think it's a tad disingenuous to say that something getting a port a few years later means it wasn't an exclusive at the time, and these were only ported when the PS5 was already taking over.
As for what's a must-have, that's a matter of personal preferences. To me the last guardian wasn't all that, but I'd also include TLoU2 (which you seen to think @Octane did, they said TLoU) some people might include all the PSVR games.
All of these were must-have exclusives for someone, so I'm happy to include them whether they're to my tastes or not.
@ArcadeHeroes Trolling, trolling, trolling.
That or you have dire taste in games.
It really was a great console. Maybe not quite up there with the 3DS/DS for me but definitely close.
But how long was the PS2 available if you compare it to the PS4?
@theheadofabroom If Octane was talking about TLOU1 then its not a ps4 exclusive, which I could only assume he was talking about TLOU2 . I dont know how I am being disingenuous with what I said . Both Death Stranding and Horizon were ported to the pc before the playstation 5 ever came out so regardless if the game was brought to another system a year, 2 years or more its still a multiplat .
The wonderful 101 was exclusive for the Wiiu so even though it was remastered for the ps4 and xbox one years later does that mean its still a Wii u exclusive ??
@Col_McCafferty So because I asked name 10 ps4 exclusives I am trolling and have dire taste in games lol , ok! whatever makes you happy )
Ps4 has been the best console I've ever played, the games I got to play were amazing.
God of war
The last of us 2
Horizon zero dawn
Persona 5
Dragon quest 11
Days gone
Ghost of tushima
Infamous second son
Ratchet and clank
Red dead redemption 2
Crash bandicoot 4
The last guardian
Ff7 Remake
Battlefield 5
Gravity rush 2
Uncharted 4
Borderlands 3
Monster hunter World
OK il stop now, but damn what a gen that was, I honestly don't believe the ps5 gen will match it in terms of numbers or quality of games
It's my favourite of all time, brought me into gaming as a hobby in a way no console before had and has some monster titles on it.
@UltimateOtaku91 None of those games are any good though.
116 million is still a lot of consoles sold.
@Col_McCafferty well most of them were only game of the year contenders so yeah they muut of been good...
Where did I say the playstation 4 didnt have good exclusives ? I said I dont personally consider The last of us 2 and Ghost of tsushima must have games . thats it !!
You are reading and thinking completely different things . I asked someone to name 10 exclusives . look up the term exclusive . Someone could consider anything a ps4 game if thats the only system they own but it does not change the definition of the word just to fit your narrative.
It reminds me of the 360/ps3 days when xbox fanboys would say oh its on xbox/pc only and microsoft owns windows so its a microsoft exclusive . it doesnt ! its a multiplat .
@james_games Outside of shadow of colossus remake you were the first person to give me a real list of ps4 exclusives so thank you really.
@ArcadeHeroes They had many Playstation exclusive titles. So what if people could the remaster or the remake on a never version of my favorite platform.
Nintendo switch might cross the ps2 given a few more years on the market though it does have the advantage of a lower price point and much lower manufacturing costs as well (which potentially allows them to price it even lower if they wanted to).
And, not to be a downer, but at the end of the day, so much hard work, 7 years of growth, and incredible exclusives and all they added was like 30 million people probably from the 360-to-xbone leavers. That's why Gamepass sounds way more exciting, it's far more 'shake up the industry' and has potential for mainstreaming AAA gaming in a way Sony simply cannot, regardless of how well they do the job.
@ArcadeHeroes They were for a good while, that's what counts. Any game gets ported to another platform at some point, so it's a moot point really. Besides, anything is playable on PS5, so if you want to be really pedantic, nothing is exclusive on PS4.
GTA 5 has sold more copies than a console... Wtffff
@Octane You really should have expected him to call out Horizon and Days Gone. I could tell even in the comments he was just waiting eagerly to type the response paragraph after. Lol
The PS4 is an amazing console! My favorite Playstation system of all time! So many exclusives over the years and I love the Dualshock 4 (Still use it on my PS5).
The PS5 has some big shoes to fill. I'm glad the PS5 is backwards compatible with the PS4 because i have so many more PS4 games to play, which will keep me busy for years to come!
My PS4 Pro can retire and rest now 😂😂...
I bought a new PS4 slim a month or so ago. My launch console broke and couldn't find a PS5. It may not be a PS5, but its so much quieter than my old model which had the proper 'jet engine' fan noise.
@Starkei a lot of people had to buy a few like me and I know others who did same as the PS2 it was really bad for laser failure.
@tartanross sales is sales.
In the past 50 years of home consoles, the PS4 is the second-best selling system of all time.
Maybe it's time they see themselves as competent trend-setters instead of trying to copy the business models of their competitors . . .
@Starkei doesn't mean it's great if the have to replace it or they upgrade. Avatar is the highest-grossing films doesn't make it good as it's not the best rated film
You: "Where did I say the playstation 4 didnt have good exclusives ?"
Also you: "what exclusive titles ??"
Fantastic console. You basically got everything on it. Always a new game to play.
That it still getting tons of support in 2021, just shows what a great job Sony did.
@tartanross yes, these high sales figures are entirely down to putting out faulty products and forcing multiple purchases.
And Avatar used cutting edge technology (in 2009) to give an experience that made it worth people's time, money and effort to go to the Cinema. Narratively it's not amazing, and doesnt quite shine on the small screen but.... Sales is sales.
Or maybe it was people buying multiple tickets because the cinema burned down the first time.
My PS4 Pro sounds like a jet engine but I heard the never one's don't. It wasn't just that problem of faulty also people upgrading from the first to other's. So they buy multiple and a lot of people bought the PS2 as it was a cheap DVD player but it had to be replaced lot's as my friends had a few and people in shops told me.
Such an amazing console. Only the first year was slow but 2015 really started and best memory for me. It may not beat the PS2 in sales but I’m convinced PS5 will easily do just that.
I’d love it if they did a ‘slim’ type revision of the PS4 Pro to end its life on a high (and drive further sales if the price is right). My current Pro is big and noisy I can’t imagine it lasting very long. I much prefer the standard slim model and would have that instead if it wasn’t for the Pro’s ability to run more games at 60fps and 1080p (I have no need for 4K right now). I won’t be getting a PS5 anytime soon, I didn’t get a PS4 until 2018 and I don’t feel like I missed out on anything.
PS5 will struggle to reach these levels and it has no chance of reaching the PS2's all time sales record. Almost everyone I know used to have a PS2, even if it was their go-to DVD player.
Still surprised that the PS4 hasn't had a price drop - maybe it'll be £200 in a bundle at Christmas? New Pros are actually going for more money than the PS5 RRP at the moment?
@GravyThief You're also forgetting the Pro's super-sampling ability - a feature that for some reason doesn't exist in the PS5?
I'd recommend hoovering out the Pro's fans as due to Sony being tight, there's no filter on the right hand side and it just sucks dust into the fan. Cleaned out mine about 4 months ago after following the surprisingly easy steps on a YouTube video and all is quiet; the fans only become audible when it's really gaming hard. That and an internal SSD (highly recommended!) still make for excellent performance today.
It was a shame that they retired the Pro but £350 for a Pro vs £360 for a PS5 Digital Edition didn't make much financial sense (unless you needed a blu-ray drive of course!) I got my Pro in one of the Black Friday sales for £300 - a sound investment at the time and still struggling to justify the jump to a PS5.
@sanderson72 yeah I definitely need to give my pro a clean, I’m sure it’s full of dust inside. I do have a dust cover for it but it’s quite impractical to use and I can’t always guarantee the rest of my family will remove it when using the console! Heck even I’d forget sometimes I’m sure. I’ll check out some YouTube vids, thanks!
It's had an amazing run and Sony had a real purple patch from Uncharted 4 onwards, one which shows no signs of showing down either. Easily the best HD era console and one of the best ever
@sanderson72 yes, but there were far fewer gamers back in the ps2 era than there are now.
@james_games All great games too, I own most of them and plan to grab the rest eventually.
Thanks so much for taking the time to type up that list.
@naruball True, but I can't see that many people buying a PS5 just to use it as a 4K blu-ray player?
@sanderson72 definitely not with streaming being so dominant. I don't see it selling that well either; just wanted to add that one day a console could surpass ps2 because of the significantly larger number of gamers.
@naruball Oh, I agree. I mean given the doom and gloom at the start of the PS4 era over console gaming, who would've thought that the PS4'd be ticking ever closer to the 120 million mark?
I think if they gave the old stager a price cut to £200 with a game, we could easily see it scamper over the 130 million mark but I'm afraid the PS2 was an anomaly/icon whichever way you look at it and its 157 million sales figures are totally out of reach, at least in the foreseeable.
@james_games Highly recommend playing Concrete Genie next!
One of the trophies is locked behind PSVR, but otherwise the story and gameplay is very beautiful and immersive.
@james_games Be sure to lemme know what you think after you beat it!
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