Rockstar Games is reportedly on a roll with remasters at the moment, as the confirmed re-release of Grand Theft Auto V for PlayStation 5 is heavily rumoured to be joined by a trio of remastered GTA titles from the PS2 era at the end of the year. If that package sells well — and let's be honest here, it absolutely will — then the developer will supposedly turn its sights next to PS3 epic Red Dead Redemption. And despite how much I tell myself I won't, I will more than likely pick up all three of these and play them through to completion. I don't replay games, but boy do I love a remaster. However, the speculation implies that what I want most out of Rockstar Games right now is at least a few years away, if it ever is to happen. All I want is a PS5 version of Red Dead Redemption 2.
You see, while I did rank the PS4 original as my second favourite game of 2018, I still don't feel like I quite had the same experience as those who loved it the most. At the time, the discussions surrounding how you need to get lost in the wild west put me off more than anything else. I would actively avoid playing the game for stretches at a time because I knew I needed at least a handful of hours spare to really soak in the atmosphere and live the life of Arthur Morgan. I had read tales of other players going the extra mile and role-playing the cowboy's day; making sure he always ate three meals a day, sleeping at the correct times, and ditching the idea of fast travel entirely. Three years ago, I screwed my nose up at the thought of this. Today, however, I can't think of anything cooler.
I know how Red Dead Redemption 2 ends, but everything leading up to it is a bit of a blur at this point. I remember that Micah is the worst person ever, and that's about it. Because of that, I've had a longing to return to the age of cowboys and Indians for some time now. On my second playthrough, I'd be sure to pull a Fallout and just explore the world so much more, trying to bump into even more strange characters along the way and role play as protagonist Morgan.

The funny thing is: I could start doing that right now if I wanted to. My PS4 copy of Red Dead Redemption 2 is sitting on my shelf on the opposite side of the room I write this Soapbox from. It's right there, waiting to be played — after a long install on my PS5 system — but there's something that stops me.
I want to play the best possible version of the game if I'm to return, and well, I'm not getting that on PS5 via backwards compatibility. When Rockstar Games released the PC version, it demonstrated how good Red Dead Redemption 2 could really look and run. A native PS5 version running at 60 frames-per-second that takes advantage of increased performance and visuals sounds like my cup of tea; throw in a new Trophy list too and I'm already awaiting how much it will cost to upgrade.
So, when I'm inevitably wrestling with the controls of the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS5 remaster later this year, in the back of my head I'll be thinking about Arthur Morgan. This could have been you, good sir. Come on Rockstar Games: get Red Dead Redemption 2 looking and running at its best on PS5.
Do you too wish to see Red Dead Redemption 2 upgraded on PS5? Start a petition in the comments below.
Comments 88
Yeah, Rockstar just haven’t been the same since they released Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus on the SNES. Miss those times, wish they would finally pull themselves together and get the second game out instead of making new GTAs every year, smh.
I would like GTA 6 before I'm dead.
I really want this. I'd love a PS5 version and can't see myself playing it again until then. A VR release for PSVR2 would also be fantastic. The game already has first person mode and has lot of the interactivity that would work great for VR.
In the meantime, let's all hope GTA online revenue goes down.
That would be FANTASTIC.
I do wish that Rock* would optimize RDR II for PS5. In fact, I’m waiting to play it for exactly that reason. I preordered and picked up the game on day 1 and played it for a little bit but wanted to take it slow and savor the experience much like I do when a new Zelda comes out. I have it on my shelf waiting for that PS5 optimization to be played. All I’m looking for is 60FPS. Anything more would be an absolute bonus. Here’s hoping…
I loved it and would probably play it again, definitely if there was a PS5 update.
And this is exactly why we can’t get a GTA 6 and why we’ll be waiting a decade between new Rockstar games. All people want are remasters and lapping up micro transactions that keep a game from 2013 one of the most profitable on a monthly basis. FML!
But when they publish the PS5 version at full price, no free upgrade will you complain or ‘well, as long as it’s not a Sony game it’s ok”?
Oh man, this article is part of the problem. Rather than create new games we're DEMANDING that developers spend their time remastering games they released just three years ago?
@themcnoisy Then tell people to stop playing GTA Online.
I could see Read Dead Online get a native PS5 version before the single player.
Cause that's how post-2013 Rockstar rolls.
GTA V is too successful, easy money for little effort. They'll keep milking that cow till it's skin and bones. Just like Skyrim lol.
Tried to restart it the other week but I've become a 60fps snob so didn't persevere - shame there hasn't been a patch yet
@KippDynamite Exactly. Why should companies spend resources on new games when they can milk their existing catalogs to death? This article and the many others like it sadly prove the demand is there…. 😔
Totally agree. I haven't played it through yet waiting for a 4k 60fps version . I don't think it will happen in my lifetime though...
Been playing through a bit of online the past few weeks and said I’d start the story again considering I rushed through it on PS4 due to my console sounding like a hoover trying to play it and I got to say I’m loving it so far, didn’t really take in the game during my first play through so just taking my time with the game now and actually getting to appreciate the work R* have done here. A 60fps patch would be class though but knowing my luck it’ll come just after I finish my play through lol
Too much money being made in GTA to focus on this mess. Rockstar has bills to pay!
I've already played it twice and would do so a third time as it's simply one of the greatest gaming experiences a patient player can have, but like you I'll hold off until it receives a PS5 update.
Maybe they work some extra features into the Dualshock (I'm sure on my first playthrough I 'felt' the weight of the axe you use to chop wood at the camp), maybe add in a Sadie and/or Charles DLC or just do what they did with FF7 remake for example and give it all the bells and whistles.
It's a stunning game already but it could be even more stunning on PS5 and I'd pay for all these features and more.
See y'all down the trail.
I get why they have focused on GTAV so much, it's just pure easy money for them.. hopefully.. just hopefully, all that money they have made might push them into making an even bigger budget game, I'd love it if they remade the whole GTA collection into one singular title. Where you could switch between all characters and the islands were connected (where applicable). Would be so good.
Where is my 60 fps patch??
Would love to finish this game.
I just want them to take their time and make their next game, I'm full on rereleases and uogrades. I never play them anyway, tbh.
I keep meaning to buy this on PC, back when this came out I wasn't a fan of the rather sluggish controls but I'd imagine higher framerates would alleviate that somewhat
A PS5 version of RD2 would be nice for sure. However where is there anything actually new from R*? PS2 Triology remaster and GTA 5 PS5 expanded is all fine but it's not new. Maybe a remake instead of a remaster of the PS2 GTA games would feel new like the Mafia remake felt new.
They don’t have to remaster RDRII. Just a native port that unlocks the frame rate and maybe a few extra graphical features that the PC version has.
I started playing it single player on PS4. Played about 6 hours. Then I got a PS5 and put the game on temporary hold to see if Rockstar announces pS5 version. If nothing by end of year, will go back to it. I can see myself spending hundreds of hours on this game.
We're down to port-begging for full-price patches for upgraded hardware that merely bring the 3 year old game up to the version they released on PC now?
They haven't even brought themselves to fix the bloody broken HDR since 2018, and you want them to sell you a patch for an upgraded GPU as a full game?
I'll take a patch, gladly, but that's clearly not how Rockstar does things. It'll be $70 for the same 3 year old game with the PC assets and a frame unlock.
And the infuriating thing is we know they'll actually do it.
@Jaz007 Fyi, for those who don't know, a VR mod for RDR2 on PC exists already :
After spending over 400 hours playing and loving it and managing the platinum trophy, I think it should be made law that Rockstar make sure I don't find out about a PS5 version.
I still regularly play Red Dead Online. All I want is a 60fps patch. Is that really too much to ask?
I'd like remastered RDR1-2 package please.
Third party patches are one thing, but I'm still shocked Horizon Zero Dawn hasn't received a PS5 patch to put it up to par with the PC port.
Rockstar don’t care about anything other than Rockstar. Yes they are a business so it’s obviously all about the money as per any business but they clearly have zero concern for customer satisfaction. Hence no new GTA game release on Ps4 and a new release again of GTA V on Ps5, the focus on online and the no RDR2 Ps5 upgrade. I’ll play their new games of course, but if they ever drop off I’ll abandon them like stale pizza
I’m playing on PS5 and the improved loading times make the game a joy to play.
I honestly don’t think adding 60fps is 100% necessary but would be nice if they did
I've just started red Dead online my first proper online game enjoying it so far. Had major game hangover once I got through rdr2 main campain.
How about making a new game FFS instead of encouraging to make even less of a effort.
There’s just no urgency when it comes to R*. If this was any other studio, we’d have had remasters of all the old GTA games years ago and an RDR collection by now. But as long as GTA V stays in the top 10, they just aren’t bothered. It’s not like they need the money at this point...
But think of the fans R* ...the neglect is real 😫
On my 4th playthrough, if I ever get a PS5, it'd be 5+ more playthroughs for me 😆. Yes I also role play like those people, my Arthur be smoking a whole lot of premium cigarettes just to get them cards and free up the satchel. He gets a fade, pomades his hair and shaves just before seeing Mary. When he wants flight feathers for arrow crafting, he guns down a deer, skins it and leave it out in the open to bait ravens, crows or vultures. The other day, he waited at a distance and watched two pristine bucks wrestle each other and went in for the pelt of the defeated one. I mean he keeps a vest, a coat and bandolier on his horse for when there's changes in the weather or for when's it's time for a gun battle. The guy's still finding new stuff everyday...no need to wait for a PS5 version, there's no law on how many times you can replay it.
@madcow78 This site has double standards. Where is the complaint its not on gamepass.
I didnt bother with this when it launched as i just had too much on the go but i will get round to it when the inevitable ps5 upgrade appears along with gtav,the witcher 3 and cyberpunk..that little lot should keep me going for a while..
@Flaming_Kaiser 👍
@DarthAmmii Take their time? 🤣 I’m not sure they could move any slower... 🐌
Heck, Rockstar hasn't even figured out how to let you change button bindings so you can remap the control layout to make a lick of sense.
@Flaming_Kaiser But.....it was on Game Pass.....
@Ralizah You KNOW they're going to do the HZD Director's Cut for the 60fps patch. You know they will....
Or they'll bundle it in the $90 version of HZD2. This is the next gen. Where all the new games are just the last gen games with a patch that makes them run like their PC counterparts. Wake me when the Knack Director's Cut is announced.
after experiencing days gone with 60fps i can't go back to 30..
A remaster of RDR2 is completely unnecessary. I'd rather see a remake of Red Dead Revolver using the modern engine.
Unpopular Opinion: Rockstar has become a joke.
During the PS2 and even the PS3 gens they had many games release that were all quality. We would sometimes get two games from them in a year as they had so many studios. By the end of the PS3 gen... they were at the end of their great run. GTA V released in 2013... 8 years ago... and that was the end of them. They've since released one game... RDR2... and that's it.
Two games in 8 years. TWO GAMES! Ridiculous. Now the only thing they have is ports of their better years as they milk their online communities. I honestly don't know why people keep buying GTA V.
Yeah a 4K/60fps upgrade would be lovely, don't even need more then that as visually its still one of the best and blows me away despite being a last gen game.
Its a shame Red Dead Online isn't really huge because even though i don't like that part it would cause R* to actually want to do a "next gen" version like GTA V.
@Telekill I think a lot of that comes down to the fact that most of the games we remember them for weren't actually their games. Max Payne, Oni, L.A. Noire, etc, none of it was from Rockstar, they were just the publisher. Since then it seems like most games publish under the parent Take Two/2K labels, so none of the 3rd party publisher stuff bears the Rockstar name anymore, and it's more obvious they don't actually produce a lot of content despite having a lot of studios. But in reality they never really produced much more than GTA.
how about a big fat NO. New games only.
This capitalism that started from last gen not having BC needs to stop already.
I want this really badly. I still haven't played RDR2, but the original is one of my favorites. It is a crying shame that it's stuck on PS3 and 360. Now, I know it's playable on XB1 and up via BC (with improvements to boot), but such an amazing game deserves to be readily available to be played by all.
Getting back to RDR2, I don't understand why Take-2 can't commission a new-gen version when other publishers can with their less-successful titles. At least release a patch to enable back compat plus for 60fps and higher res...
I feel like RDR2 already looks like a PS5-level game. I'd be happy if all they did was uncap the framerate.
If a 60fps patch were released I would absolutely replay this. I put about 100hours into my play through and still feel like I didn’t explore everything.
@KippDynamite @DefiledViper The developers don't need to spend their time on these types of projects. They would get a port team, such as Panic Button, to handle it. They recently did Jedi Fallen Order for EA. This is exactly what PS aquired Nixxes for; so their teams can focus on new projects while their already released games get ported to PC simultaneously. Also, this article didn't use the word "remaster". It's referring to a native PS5 version. It would be built off the existing PC version. No remastering required. In fact, remastering wouldn't even make sense in this case since the assets are already so close to photo realism.
To be fair my opinion on this issue is influenced by the fact that I found the gameplay in Red Dead 2 to be extremely boring and I found the story to be bland.
Ride from point A to B by holding a button - you don't even need to steer the horse. Gunfights are boring - just press L2 and the game automatically aims at and follows your targets. Hunting quests seemed cool until I realised that there's no point to them.
I found the story to be very bland. If you've played the first Red Dead then you already know a certain character betrays you, so there is no twist. And it's obvious anyway - he says "guys, we'll do what you want after just one more mission" at least ten times. It's obvious he's stringing you along.
"Hey, by the way, where's all our money?"
"It's in a place only I know of and only I have access to it."
"Okay, cool."
SHOCKER! That guy betrays the group.
The story in the first game had the exact same problem - extremely gullible and naive protagonists.
So yeah, I'm not thrilled by the idea of a remaster of all that.
I'm playing Red Dead Online on Series S and there's no frame rate drops in the towns (even Saint Denis) and the load in times are much quicker. I really hope they release a version for this gen's consoles.
There's no need. Red Dead Online probably isn't pulling the numbers that they'd like so they don't see the benefit in making a native PS5 if they're not going to get the money milking that they've got with GTA 5. Yep, that's why they're re releasing that game...again...and aren't giving RDR2 the same treatment. Not enough money in it.
It's also why we're only getting remasters of the PS2 era GTA games. Just something to toss at people that aren't paying for microtransactions but do pay for ports.
I've been playing a bit of RDO as I've had the craving to return to the wild west and it definitely scratches that itch. Tbh though with 1440 p with rock solid 30 fps and faster load times on ps5 a remaster really isn't needed. I'd rather have 60 fps patch and call it a day like the last of us 2.
I'd maybe get it if it was available but I don't need one. I'm happy with the PS4 version still. I'd much rather see GTA6 personally.
If money is not an issue this is why I think everyone needs a PS5 and PC combo.
I need to revisit. I think I had like 5 hours in, made it to the camp and started doing some missions. The pace was very slow, and I kept dying trying to park my horse and wagon. Not sure if this was an early glitch but it was so touchy. I also felt like if I turned the wrong way too quickly in town or stumbled into someone by accident things would escalate surprisingly quickly.
I would love a 60fps 4K version for PS5 though. Need to give it another shot.
@fR_eeBritney it's only been 3 years since Red Dead 3
To hell with a remaster ... where's Liars Dice??
@DarthAmmii I know, but it’s been eight years (and two console generations) since GTA V and no sign of a new game on the horizon. We know R* like to tease their games (especially GTA) with screenshots for about 18 months before release. We’ll be lucky if we see another GTA this gen (excluding the remasters). It’s great that they can rest on their laurels (especially where GTA is concerned) - it must be every developers dream - but I do wish they would pick up the pace sometimes. One game per generation does seem rather slow going. They’re like the Sade of the gaming industry.
What needs to happen is for people to stop playing GTA online and kick rockstar into gear. The games an absolute juggernaut making handfuls of cash being loaded is poor motivation.
No more remasters.......just new games please Rockstar
@DefiledViper exactly the problem. Couldn't agree more.
imo Rockstar should do to RDR2 what Bethesda did to DOOM Eternal and release a PS5 version with a free upgrade for people who own the game already (such as myself), that would be awesome! ^_^
Where's my PS5 first 🙂
@Ralizah I don't think a patch would work for Horizon, just based on the problems unlocking the framerate casued for the PC version at launch. It would be one game where a "Director's Cut" makes sense. A new PS5 version based on the fixed up PC release.
I was thinking the same thing playing the director's cut of Ghost of Tsushima last night. Still I don't think I'll ever delete RDR2, it's my favorite game to wander off and get lost (story mode).
Waiting for the PS5 patch for RDR2 and The Witcher 3 so badly!
@Jmck87 thats not going to do a thing. These games take years to make. RDR2 took 8 years to make and had all of Rockstars studios working on it
What a pathetic article. This is what's wrong with modern gaming
I'd rather they work on remaking Red Dead Redemption 1 first, it's still stuck on PS3...
@NEStalgia Thats why it wasnt on here i stand corrected.
@fR_eeBritney And the remaster we will get will probably be lazy ones.
I can see why get updated remaster from a generation PS1/PS2/PS3 generations.
With the PS1, PS2 you can update the graphics and controls, PS3 you can make it look better and the massive boost in ram memory makes quite the difference, the PS4 should not get a remaster for atleast another generation this should be a update with more FPS and some resolution boost and the loading times could be cut down. If they would do RDR 1 i could see the why but i rather see something new. Manhunt, Bully or a older GTA but do a remaster /remake with effort put in there.
Do we really need to make R* even more lazy with new releases. And what annoys me even more is that some Rachet and Clank gets points deducted for controls that work and this game isnt really known for its great controls but didnt get marked down for it.
All I need is it for fully utilise that SSD, because those loading times are a proper drag. It's actually a deterrent for me from playing it.
@KippDynamite Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
I'm sure there are plenty of games you enjoy that I and others would think are a load of crap. Sucks to have such poor taste in things but hopefully one day you'll get better.
I got RDR2 installed on my PS5 now but as I'm now used to 60fps 4K when playing it in 30fps the visuals look like they are dragging it's a shame. It still looks great tho. I'd just be happy with a 60FPS patch just like The Last of us 2 which looked gorgeous .
All i wan from Rockstar is PS5 version of RDR and RDR2. I don't care about GTA. GTA V was huge disappointment for me and i ended with that franchise. But RDR, that si my cup of tea. I hope they are working on it. They already said that they are making their remasters special so there wont be simole fps an res boost
I sold my PS4 with Red Dead because I was sick of hearing the fan while roaming the Wild West. I now have a copy installed and awaiting an upgrade patch on my XSS. It will happen. They'd be silly not to.
Foof that, where's my RDR2 version of RDR1!?
That remake / outlaws collection rumour that keeps cropping up is all I want from them.
Half my life is wishing PS5 remakes and remasters into existence.
Yea, where is his RDR2 PS5 edition, greedyStar?
If like Ghost of Tsushima sure. Put a good chunk of new content (and standalone option)
Not like I go and play my entire Steam library again because I can now set "Ultra" and turn on RayTracing with my new 3080.
Care about an as-is PS5 port as much as I care about playing Skyward Sword or Ninokuni 2 again on my Switch. Zero.
@ViolentEntity Oh it's a joy to play especially with those unique lovely graphics, realism and everything!
@Rural-Bandit Yeah, people just don't realize R* won't just update a game with FPS or resolution. They'd make sure some new things are added and everything done right like GTAV on PS4 compared to PS3.
I feel exactly the same way, couldn't stick with it on PS4 Pro, it was just too sluggish. Seeing the modded vids running on a 3090 for PC is really making me want to play it but I can't do it at 30fps, it's horrible. Really hope they do an update and boost the visuals a little as I don't have a spare £4k for a new PC
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