Lost Judgment is getting three rounds of DLC post-launch, one of which is a proper expansion. It's a first for Yakuza developer RGG Studio, which has only dabbled in small add-ons previously. And yes, you read the headline correctly. Set to release in Spring 2022, 'The Kaito Files' is described as a ten-hour, story-driven expansion where you play as Kaito, the burly ex-yakuza.
If you've played Judgment, then you'll already be familiar with Kaito. He's protagonist Takayuki Yagami's best friend and business partner. He's not bad in a fight, either.
But before The Kaito Files, Lost Judgment is nabbing two different DLC bundles. The first is the 'Detective Essentials Pack', which contains all kinds of stuff. New detective dogs, new girlfriends, a new skateboard, more playable Master System games... You get the idea.
Meanwhile, the second bundle expands on things, offering a new race course, special dance moves, and the ability to use Yagami's boxing techniques outside of the boxing minigame. It also lets you spar with Yagami's friends.

Add all of this together, and you've got a surprisingly hefty DLC schedule. The only problem is that all of this stuff is locked behind the Digital Deluxe (includes the first two DLC packs) and Digital Ultimate (includes the DLC packs plus the expansion) editions of the game. RGG Studio says that all of the DLC will be available to purchase separately as it launches — but there's been no word on pricing.
What do you make of this? Have you been itching to play as Kaito? Start throwing your fists in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 30
Hmmm. Might wait to see if they eventually release a definitive edition of this. I'd rather it all on the disc.
"locked behind the Digital Deluxe (includes the first two DLC packs) and Digital Ultimate (includes the DLC packs plus the expansion)"
Did Jim pop over for a coffee one afternoon? :/
Well, that makes me wait til spring 2022 to buy the game...
Well, I’m massively disappointed they’ve gone down this route. I don’t buy DLC, rarely buy anything digital unless it’s on an absolutely massive sale, so unless they release a PHYSICAL complete addition at some point I’ll never play this. Shame they’ve started doing this. All the previous DLC was either useless items or unimportant cosmetics. This has actual substance.
I just started Judgment as my second actual PS5 game (regardless that it's a PS4 port) two days ago. With the news that the sequel has a DLC roadmap, I'll hold off on buying the new one until the definitive edition is released a year later or so.
"The Kaito Files" is basically a given if I like the main game.
10+ hr Story expansions is what I like to see as DLC. I do not play Digital Barbie with my games so not paying for cosmetics.
Make more story driven expansions like Iki Island, and happy to pay for DLCs
I think I prefer the story driven dlc to microtransactions. I think given executive pressure at these publishers, it's one or the other.
Has Sega ever released anything close to a “definitive edition” that adds all DLC? Closest things I remember if the top of my head are remasters if games from previous generations.
Anyone thinking to hold on this until a mythical definitive physical edition is released might have to wait until they get their PS6.
As for the content itself, wonder if they testing the waters on a new lead already, since there was already talks about them wanting to make future installments also on PC and having issues with the current lead and his agency being against PC games.
Ill get the digital deluxe for £55 and then pick up the kaito dlc seperately.
DLC girlfriends...yup this is an RGG studios season pass alright.😂 can't wait just a couple weeks left!
Off topic but there is a weekend sale on psn and Ratchet is included.
They did a complete edition for Valkyria Chronicles 4. But you are right generally Sega doesn't do that sort of thing.
I'll still probably buy day one. 2022 will be a great excuse to come back to the game.
@Tharsman The PS5 port of Judgment has all the DLC included from the PS4 version.
I was kind of panicking thinking I wouldn't have time to play the first game before this came out but now I can just take my time and get it at a cheaper price too! Win for me.
This actually has me considering to wait for a price reduced "Complete Edition" in the future.
@Telekill yea but that was a “next gen remaster”
I think best hope is to wait for a sale on the digital deluxe, because I’m not sure if they ever do sales on their DLC either.
I'm hyped, especially the boxing style that you can use anywhere and the Katio DLC.
like i said, there is no point in buying day 1 anymore, the digital ultimate edition or whatever it is will go on sale eventually by next year, no rush.
if i'm desperate i'll try the pc version if it happens.. 🏴☠️🏴☠️🦜🦜
Kaito's great, so bring it on.
Ah yes. Buy our overpriced-edition to get the entire game instead of just half the game!
So sick and tired of this.
Waiting for a definitive edition will give me more time to finish like a dragon. That game is grindy as hell, but I still love it.
@rawzeku me and you both man! they think they can get away with charging more than full price for "extra" features" which should be included not now!!!
@tameshiyaku i still haven't brought it yet! keep missing the flash sale for it 🤕🤕🤕 have it on pc tho
@tharsman Two point hospital got its DLC bundled together and released on disc as the jumbo edition so it's not unknown
@tameshiyaku @huyi @Iroha @ThaBEN @Telekill @thefourfoldroot @Nekomichu @MS7000 Same plan here, I was considering buying day one but now I will wait for a "Complete Edition" to release and go on sale for dirt cheap.
I never buy games in digital format, so I either get those in a physical format or just get the game physically when the price drops!! A bit disappointed!
To me, the endless hours of fun with the main game and DLC is worth the price. If it was an unknown quantity I would think twice but I have seen the level of quality that RGG can produce and I am happy to invest my time and money into it. If you don't like the price or the DLC policy that is also okay. Disc based gaming is a bit more of a fetish these days.
@GADG3Tx87 And somehow we always get almost complete games from Jim with a big Expansion if we have to pay extra.
@Tharsman I don't think they ever have, they always make people buy it seperate. They know that a lot of people in to these games have money and not your average 15 year old gamer.
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