Kena: Bridge of Spirits first caught all of our eyes at Sony's PlayStation 5 reveal event. Developer Ember Lab's biggest ever project, it's an incredibly pretty platforming adventure, with some surprisingly intense combat thrown in for good measure.
Given that it was initially a title meant to help sell the PS5, we imagine that a lot of you will have shown interest in Kena over the last year or so. We gave the game a respectable 7/10 in our Kena: Bridge of Spirits PS5 review, concluding: "The wonderful visuals and music leave a strong impression, while the gameplay is simple but enjoyable. If its story went beyond the expected, and one or two small issues were scrubbed away, this would be a real winner."
But did you end up buying Kena? As always, let us know in our poll, and then give us your thoughts on the game in the comments section below.
Comments 90
Waiting for physical copy 🤘
Gonna grab the physical copy. Don't have a lot of time for gaming at the moment, so I don't mind the wait at all.
Bought it and currently playing through it alongside HZD…I really, really enjoy Kena more, for what it’s worth.
Second best game I've played this year and Game of the year contender from me
I've played demon souls remake, Returnal and ratchet and clank Rift Apart yet kena was the game that wowed me the most with its jaw dropping visuals and animation
Just finished it today. Surprisingly good game.
Not so long but very well crafted. I felt like the new skills could've been improved and a dash instead of a roll would've improved mobility (and an air dash like Returnal).
Still, 8/10 from me.
Very impressive coming from a tiny studio.
P.S. the final boss is pretty spectacular.
Nah waiting for a Physical copy
Yes... Played it all weekend. Love it.
I also never care about cosmetics in games. But had the need of getting a new hat for everyone in this game 😅
First game and made by a studio of 15 people is crazy. Ember Lab has gone up my list of fav Indie (AA? 🤔) developers.
Just waiting on a slight price drop as I've already got a backlog, but I'm looking forward to giving it a go.
Really good game whose graphics will fool lots of people into thinking it’s an easy adventure game for kids…..just wait until you fight the bosses for the first time!
8.5/10 from me.
After a somewhat just OK review from my friend, I think I’ll wait for the first price drop. Does look lovely though.
I bought it day one. I'm really enjoying it so far. It's surprisingly challenging too on the normal difficulty.
I'll eventually buy it. But I need to beat a few games first. Currently playing God of War for the first time and I get all the "masterpiece" comments I kept reading about it.
Kena is definitely right up my alley.
Waiting for the physical copie word up son
Pre-ordered, finished, will play again for the last trophy unless it kicks my butt too much (it’s already challenging at times on normal difficulty)
It’s very good
@Hurblyburbly I know, it's much more challenging than I was expecting.
I’ll get it when it’s a fraction of the price in the ps store
I did. Lovely game so it is, the combat sort of reminds me of Starfox Adventures on Gamecube.
Pre-ordered for PS5, working my way through it in the evenings and has me looking forward to going back and progressing a bit further each time (I have 4 kids, so gaming time is limited!).
I can easily recommend it to anyone that likes this type of game - looks gorgeous too, which makes searching for collectibles an enjoyable experience
Was one of my most anticipated games but like a lot on here I'm waiting for the physical version.
Let's go physical, in November.
No interest as the game is very short. I'm very careful about what games I buy these days as trying to save money
I'll wait for a sale. Too many other games occupying my attention in the next few months.
Would rather get it for PS5, so I'm waiting till I get one. Though if I did have one, it would have been a day one purchase.
Preordered it and finished it yesterday, in fact. Lovely game, one of the best games this year. I’d give the game a 9/10. Really enjoyed it from start to finish. Gameplay, level design, visuals, and music are all so fantastic that it would likely be a GOTY contender for me if the story and pacing weren’t so… not quite there. Loved every moment of it though.
@johnny30 Half the length of a standard game but also half the price. It's very very good, by the way - very much enjoying it.
Also waiting until a physical version comes out. I won't pay 40 bucks or even more for a digital game.
Waiting for the physical. Just preordered for £32.85 at Base.com
I thoroughly enjoyed it myself. My only two issues is that it was a little buggy (Although not enough to hamper the experience too much) and the story was a bit too straight forward even though I enjoyed it overall. I'd probably give it an 8 if I had to put a number on it. Great first game for a new studio.
My game share pal did, so I haven't voted. I'll play it though as it looks decent.
@UltimateOtaku91 Same! Best new game I've played this year so far. Granted I haven't played many 2021 games yet, and this type of game is right up my street, but I loved it more than I thought I would. This game has a lot of heart.
My main complaints are linked to things I actually liked that they did but maybe didn't 100% nail.
I DID like that the bosses presented a challenge and you would likely die a few times as you solved the puzzle and learned their patterns. BUT sometimes the difficulty spike on bosses was too severe, especially the last two (almost rage quit), not helped that the parry and dodge toll timing felt a little off. (I won't be completing Master mode as a result. I did try)
I also liked that they didn't handhold or nag you with markers and tips etc. BUT again it would have been useful when you've died 10 times and couldn't figure out that a specific skill would make it much easier.
Aside from that loved everything about it. Graphics, artistry, animation, level design, sound, story & length. On the last point it took me about 12-15 hours to finish and 15-20 to collect everything. It didn't outstay it's welcome and stayed interesting to the end. This to me is a HUGE plus over a 40+ hour open world littered with dull cut and paste quests.
It felt like a spiritual successor to PS2 games like the first Jak and Daxter, before it went open-world, mixed with a bit of X factor from Studio Ghibli.
9/10 Recommended.
Bought it, loving it. As somebody who regularly boots up the Spyro Reignited Trilogy to enjoy some lighthearted platforming and old-school game design, I appreciate Kena's more linear (but not entirely linear) structure coupled with the charm and attention to detail and environment-as-character reminiscent of Breath of the Wild, the one video game I have played more than all others, probably combined. Kena is a very satisfying game that achieves exactly what it attempts, in this gamer's humble opinion. That purity of vision and humility of design are so rare these days, it's quite refreshing for such a diamond to be dropped into our laps, and I intend to wring every last button push out of this one.
My option isn't there. Waiting for the physical version. Releasing the game digital first is probably to entice impatient people into going digital by default. I'm still not on board with digital and as long as a physical counterpart for any game exists that's what I'll buy.
haven't got it yet, finishing deathloop still
I would have pre-ordered it if it had a physical edition. I'm being forced to wait for a physical edition to come out.
Really enjoying this a lot. Don’t be fooled by the games sweet, cutesy Pixar style graphics, this game’s combat is CHALLENGING, even on normal. An excellent game. Can’t wait to see where this studio goes next.
Still undecided, not sure if I can hold off until the physical edition is available for purchase.
This is kind of the game that I hoped Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart would be. There's some actual, genuine challenge in Kena. Rift Apart was way too easy. On top of that the puzzles in Kena are fun and make great use of the environment, where as in Rift Apart the sections where you play as Clank just....suck, there's no other way to put it they simply weren't fun. And on a more purely subjective note I just find the world in Kena much more interesting and endearing, it makes me want to be more invested in the game's world. It's crazy to me that Kena costs $30 less than Ratchet I had such a better time with it
Like many I’m waiting for a physical copy. I’m in no rush and it’ll be far cheaper 🤷♂️
Also waiting for a physical copy. I am surprised that that wasn't one of the poll options.
Pre -ordered since day 1 because I wanted to support new IPs and projects. Despite the game has its flaws, it is fantastic! Keeping in mind this is the devs first game they should be really proud!
I am hopeful they will keep this IP alive and expand it in the future.
9 hours isn't enough playtime for me
This was one of my most anticipated games when the PS5 was announced, but I’m far too hooked on Death Loop currently to stop to play it. I have it installed, just waiting until I break the loop.
The reviews seem mixed right now. I'm going to wait for a sale. I might buy it then. I rarely buy games full price.
@kingbreww Way to support a small studio! Good looking out!🤦♂️
@PinkiePieAddict Not sure what ur referring to as metacritic has it sitting at a 81 as of right now. It is def the best game I played this year. It’s not perfect but man is it good!
@Residentsteven Combat is very challenging but the puzzles seem pretty straightforward.
I wish there was a demo... something about it looks like it could be fun to play, but also I’m one of those adults who doesn’t care for Pixar movies and Kena has a vibe of a game that’s leaning on that aesthetic.
A great line I heard was “the best PS2 game on PS5”. Now enjoyed those era’s 3D action-adventure games like Tak, Ty, Sphinx, BG&E, etc., but not for the asking price without a demo.
One more main story spirit to go but I decided to backtrack before entering the final area to get more Rot/collectables. Having a blast playing this one, searching every nook and cranny and past the 20 hour mark, Just taking my time.
I’m waiting for the physical release as my PS5 is basically out of storage and I have a big backlog as it is. Granted it’d jump to the top of that but I’m trying to take the time to clear it out a little.
@Culjoseth I support my wife not studios. A 10 hour game isn’t worth full price so it’s not getting it. If something is worthy then it will be. It doesn’t require “support” because it’s greatness speaks for itself. End of story
Yep. Bought it and loving it. Best game I've played all year.
@kingbreww U should probably quit gaming then and focus on ur family. Cause if $40 is hard for u, u chose the wrong hobby. Most people that come to a gaming site however is willing to pay $40 for a great game. Kena is a great game and should be supported for we can get another one from them. Just my opinion and u know what they say about opinions. 😂😂
@Culjoseth been gaming for close to 40 years so I don’t think I’ll be quitting and $40 ain’t nothing to me, when the value is there lol. But aha yes I do know what they say. Opinions are like a**holes, everybody has one 😉
@RubyCarbuncle I love Starfox Adventures so you saying that is a big plus in my book.
I’m definitely buying Kena when I get a PS5.
I had the Digital Deluxe version preordered. It is one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen, and is way more original than most people give it credit for. I've played all of the Zelda and Uncharted games and, besides surface level stuff, I'm not seeing a whole lot of mechanics taken.
waiting for physical
I plan on waiting until the physical version is out.
Yes i did but on PC .I still can't buy a PS5 at my nearest store. It's all being taken by scalpers.
anyway. Epic store selling price was around USD 16 so guess this is the best deal across platforms.
@Kienda Hope you enjoy it 👍
@kingbreww My first console was Intellivision 1979. Use to play my brothers pong style console before that, so about 43 years. Kena is worth the $40. Better like souls type bosses. Game is pretty challenging. It’s one of those games that I hope stays at the launch price. Hopefully, this will allow them to bring more content to it.
@Culjoseth lol my first console was the ColecoVision and I used to play Pong with my family which is where I had my first gaming experience. Imagine that
Great game loved every minute of it and plan to go back for more punishment on master difficulty.
I pre-ordered the game but stopped playing after I kept dying against Corrupted Taro.
Too much backlog to buy anything when first released. I’ll wait until a decent price drop like I do with every other title.
I'm trying to decide whether to get:
Kena Bridge of Spirits
Psychonauts 2
Miles Morales
F.I.S.T.: Forged in Shadow Torch
Hot Wheels Unleashed
Recommendations welcome!
I've pre-ordered the physical copy. Can't wait to play!
Preordered the Digital Deluxe version, enjoying the game a lot.
Good job Ember Lab!
Don’t give up mate.
I’m a very average gamer and It took me 15-20 times to beat him but you’ll get there.
My tips would be to get as much rot power as possible (I had 3 available) and make sure your shield is upgraded once too.
If you haven’t upgraded your health 3 times and by the time you do this fight you’ll struggle. Go back and search the world for everything!
His attacks won’t hurt you with the upgraded shield. When he’s does attacking you get a couple of hits on him and repeat.
Essential to hit the lantern around his neck at every opportunity too.
Also I saved all 3 of my rot actions for the second half of the fight and it destroyed him.
It’s really worth pursuing mate. I’m still nowhere near finishing the game yet (I’ve no idea how people complete this in 10 hours!) but the world opens up further with some really cool stuff and fun battles.
You can do it!
Missing im waiting for the physical release.
@ShogunRok "We gave the game a respectable 7/10 in our Kena: Bridge of Spirits PS4 review"
PS4 review? All I see on that link is the extra-shiny white wonder edition...
Anyway, I'm waiting for the physical release.
@Feena Interesting, is it possible to compare?
Waiting on the physical release.
Waiting on the physical copy, because even though I have a few hundred Steam games, PS5 cases lined up neatly on a bookcase boost my ego
I nearly preordered the digital, but was a bit hesitant since there were no reviews until launch day. And soon after that the physical release was announced, so I'm happy to wait.
@KidBoruto Corrupted Taro was a particularly tough one. Took me MANY goes on normal.
A few tips.
Failing that you can change the difficulty down at any time without punishment or judgement, and put it back up again after if you want.
I won't lie to you, there are harder challenges to come, but there's also a genuine sense of achievement. Good luck, you got this!
@sanderson72 Whoops, good spot!
I'm in that 4%
There's enough on my plate already, and it doesn't seem like anything I would prioritize over anything else to play.
I always did have high hopes for this game, but, it has exceeded those hopes. Beautiful to look at, but thats not all it has to offer.
Combat is great especially as the bosses get harder later on. Dont play it on story mode though, its to easy.
The game mechanics are great and inventive in places. Its no simple game for kids.
This could well have been a game of the year contender if it had been a little longer. For a developers first video game, it is terrific. 10/10 for me.
Really enjoyed the game and Platinumed it a few days ago. Some of the Rot were tough to find and a few combat related trophies took practice but I think I came in just under 25 hours in the end. Really fun, enjoyable game that never outstays its welcome and, in some ways, left me wanting maybe one more area after the final mask seemed a little short imparted to the other two. Superb effort for a debut game and a company to keep an eye on in the future …
@nathanSF they are both, on different scales, open world action games with some RPG elements and a very impressive technical performance.
I find there is something refreshing in Kena’s more deliberate approach to combat and pacing while with HZD (don’t get me wrong, it’s an incredible game) I sometimes get the feeling it’s a mishmash of things that are cool in AAA titles, resulting in a an occasional lack of personality and/or a feeling of deja vu (the Witcher 3, Assassin’s Creed and BioWare titles come to my mind pretty often as I progress through the game). Kena is old-school but that’s precisely why it stands out more to me compared to the copy- paste mechanics of blockbuster games.
The pacing of the combat is also key: while it’s cool to have to find out how to fight every kind of robotic beast in HZD, after 30 hours I don’t want the fights during traversal to keep me busy. The occasional boss challenge/new enemy type is welcome, just let me relax and mash a little bit while exploring!
That said I am playing HZD now because I really did not like it the first time I tried to play…having a very good experience overall now but there is clearly something about the game that doesn’t thrill me.
I bought it. I really love this game.
Very Nice...
Best indie game I even played.
It has a very beautiful environment.
The music and sound of the game is amazing.
I am very attracted to the game.
Be sure to try.
I don't have a PS5. I don't wanna buy on PS4 coz the fan might be too loud. If it comes to xbox then maybe I'll get it.
Just waiting for a physical copy. I have a lot of backlog of games to finish anyway so that will occupy me for the time being
Not enough playtime for me. For that price I expect 30 plus hours. Will wait until it goes right down in price
I will buy this game once I clear some of my backlog. Currently playing Ghost of Tsushima and Octopath Traveller.
@themightyant @Hurblyburbly Thanks to both of you for the laid out/detailed tips! I plan to return to the game next week, hopefully I fare better this time around.
Fingers crossed I can beat Corrupted Taro within an hour.
@KidBoruto no worries pal.
Just to reiterate if you’re still struggling after that there’s no shame, or punishment, dropping the difficulty for the odd boss battle. The game is worth playing through to the end. Honestly I’ve platinumed most souls games and this game is far less balanced, the difficulty spikes are super tough!
Still I believe you can do it, i’m very average, just persistent!
Bought and sold it after half of the game. Got boring as hell, it was pretty dated gameplay-wise. Beautiful though.
@Feena Thanks, that's very helpful. In fact, I've found this whole discussion thread useful. I was looking for something lightweight after a traumatic realization when playing the first Uncharted for the 3rd/4th time that Nathan Drake is a deluded serial killer so fixated on his goal he has no awareness of the path of death and bloodshed in his wake . Damn, any normal guy would have been sickened by his actions after the first few kills, but not Nathan Drake. The man's a psychopath who's allowed an older man and fit young woman, both not a real threat to his 'manhood', into his trusted circle.
So, I might give Kena a try
@themightyant @Hurblyburbly I had to switch to Story Mode but I finally beat Corrupted Taro!
Thanks to the both of you again for your help, it was very much appreciated.
Great stuff. Glad you beat him. In the end and no shame in lowering the level.
Read any review and it mentions how tough some of the bosses are in this game.
I haven’t finished it yet as I got distracted by a discounted Sackboy on the PS5 but I certainly will. Great game.
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