Assassin's Creed Valhalla's newest update is available to download now on PlayStation consoles. Patch 1.3.2 is around 8.5GB on PS5 and around 11GB on PS4. The main thrust of this one is to prepare the open world game for the upcoming Discovery Tour: Viking Age, which is set to arrive on the 19th October (and it's free for all existing players). Outside of that, we're looking at a bunch of general game improvements, which is always appreciated.
No real headline acts in this latest update, then, but Ubisoft has promised at least one more major patch this Autumn / Fall, before the in-game Oskoreia Festival begins.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Update 1.3.2 Patch Notes
Main Quests, World Events, and Side Activities
- The Siege of Paris: Toka was unresponsive during the Warlord of Melun quest.
- The Siege of Paris: Richardis remained stuck if a horse was placed at the cave's entrance during Sister of Sorrow.
- Wrath of the Druids: Unable to collect prison key during Courting the Kings.
- Eivor could summon mounts during the fight with Fenrir.
- Couldn't damage enemies in the Hidden Justice world event.
- Avenge Quests could spawn in unreachable locations or on enemies that aren't hostile.
- Unable to move shelf to pick up Ysmir tear stone near Utangard Chasm in Asgard.
- Unable to break the door to free Goodwin in Reeve of Wincestre.
River Raids and Mastery Challenge
- No points were awarded if the NPCs knocked themselves out by explosion in Wenlocan Trial of the Wolf.
- The game could become unresponsive when Eivor dies during the River Raids exit screen.
- The cargo capacity could lock at 200 regardless of its upgrade level and cannot be repaired.
- New quest prompt for The Sword of Saint George after it was already completed.
- Missing exploration area for clue objective on River Severn and Exe.
- There was no fog of war on River Rhine.
- Jomsvikings didn't assist Eivor in opening doors at some River Raids locations.
- Max Foreign Supplies are set to 1/1 after completing the main questline.
- Eivor shaking after arriving at River Raids docks. Not gonna lie, I’d be shaking, too.
Graphics, Audio, and Animation
- Numerous graphics or lighting issues.
- Various animation issues.
- Numerous Menu Narration issues
- Instances where Eivor, NPCs, or the longship would get stuck.
- Instances of misplaced or floating objects or textures.
- Wrath of the Druids: Percussion arrow could interrupt Ciara's special attacks.
- The Siege of Paris: Frankian merchants sold the same tattoo patterns that were already purchased.
- Reaper healing perk triggered when switching equipment.
- Scaling options stopped scaling under certain circumstances.
- Players could buy extra resources by going to different merchants across Francia.
- Numerous issues with the Spinning Harpoon ability.
- Switching whistle to down d-pad and the quick action wheel to left d-pad will make the character pull out a torch when whistling.
- Precision Axe throw didn't destroy enemies' weak points.
- Exploration option changes from Custom to Pathfinder after exiting a Mastery Challenge.
- Dismounting any mount in the water made Eivor look like as if they fell from high grounds.
User Interface/HUD
- Numerous UI/HUD issues.
- Numerous colorblind mode issues.
- Couldn't use keyboard to like Photos.
- Suggested power level didn't take Power Level Scaling options into account.
- Nightmare difficulty option wasn't present in the combat difficulty while launching a new game.
- Auto-Assign wasn't directly usable after opening the Skills menu.
- Auto-Path didn't work for post-Launch skill branches.
- Infinite loading on saves after completing The Siege of Paris.
Performance and Stability
- Improved performance and stability.
- Addressed an issue where the game could freeze when changing the combat difficulty.
Are you still playing Assassin's Creed Valhalla? Equip your crew for more raids in the comments section below.
Comments 11
I Do love these Discovery Tours.
Great,.. big fan of the tours.
Sweet. I will take more improvements. Playing at the moment and really enjoying the base game on PS5. Actually just picked up the art book as the environments are really nice
Got this as a gift last week. I can't believe how visually buggy this is on PS5, despite having been out a year now. Trees and bushes are constantly popping in and out of view which is crap.
That aside I'm enjoying the game. I can only imagine what this must've looked like unpatched a year ago
Visage - Fade to Grey
F*cking cool.
*Tips hat
I played the hell out of it when it came out but drifted away from it over time for some reason. Same happened with Odyssey. The discovery mode will bring me back in.
@Rob_230 If you like Art Books - The Last Guardian one is fantastic. One of the nicest I have in my collection.
The text on the cover is actually a separate velum jacket. You can remove and just have the art free of typography
@Agramonte That's a lush art book. I love the fact that there is a bit of text inside too, as i love getting insights into the work that went into developing the game. Some books, like the one i have for Persona 5 are a little bare bones in that regard
I have a few - my favourite is probably the cook and becker Sonic the Hedgehog book
The Ghost of Tsushima book is a bit disapointing- the design is awesome and very authentic - but the paper they have used dilutes the quality and washes out the images which is a real shame!
The book for Spider-man is ace because it contains loads of info on the game
@Rob_230 Yeah, I see games as a showcase for Digital Artist,.. I need to know the production side. So much talent goes into them.
Oh wow, love that cover. Thanks.
Unless I overlooked it, did the devs ever patch the issue preventing new save files? I believe it had something to do.with the Siege of Paris DLC. I had it happen to me but was fortunately able to revert to a cloud save and I just stopped playing all the DLC waiting for an update.
@Atreus97 Yeah, you'd think being a AAA game from a big developer, that it wouldn't be so buggy still after almost a full year.
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