On-screen adaptations of video games are traditionally thought of as bad, but PlayStation Productions’ arrival on the scene indicates a company looking to change that. Yesterday gave us a small hint of what this new avenue for PlayStation may look like by way of the Uncharted movie’s first official trailer. However, with the internet divided about the film’s tone, casting choices, and general direction, we reckon there’s still every opportunity for Sony to succeed.
That’s the subject of today’s Push Square video, which makes a point of saying that this so-called new era of video game adaptations hasn’t been solidified just yet. Uncharted, HBO’s The Last of Us mini-series, and the Resident Evil movie reboot (coming later this year) all have good intentions, but are these much beloved franchises being interpreted the correct way? We don’t have to wait very long to find out.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 24
Can't wait for the Sly Cooper movie.
Even though it's never happening.
I'm happy to give all of these a chance and to watch them in isolation, away from the source material.
Comparing them to the originals will infuriate a lot of people. Just relax and enjoy the ride.
The Uncharted movie looks worse than the Ratchet movie which at least looked like the games and even that movie had a lackluster story compared to the original game.
I'd rather watch the God of War Ascension trailer 30 times instead of watching the Uncharted movie lol
I thought the two Angelina Jolie Tomb Raider movies were great. The first one especially. She was the perfect Lara. Much better than the bike-riding bore that was in the reboot movie.
I watched the first Jolie one again recently and had no idea Jorah Mormont and 007 were in it too 😁
If that Uncharted trailer is anything to go by, I personally don't have much hope for the future of PlayStation Productions.
I have no interest in any of these projects. The Uncharted movie looks like a 14 year old cosplaying as Drake.
@HotGoomba I’m hoping that rumor of a new Sly Cooper game is real!!!
Well in my opinion were off to a very bad start 😅 let's see if The last of us show can save the day.
I dont know why resident evil movie need a reboot.we just had one couple years ago.but im more favor of more games than movie.i got to many movies to watch anyways.and spiral book of saw is a amazing movie.chris rock did a really good job for his first horror movie.word up son
Last Blockbuster film I saw was Withnail and I..... not so much a Blockbuster at the time but a slow burner incidentally the Yoga Guru at "The Trees" in Nighty Night 2 was in Withnail and I as for making Movies outta Games I'm not a fan............There will be a lot of "oh that's in the game " up and down the country in the Cinemas that would make me choke on my popcorn.
I can't wait for the games about the movies about the games about the movies about the games that wanted to be movies.
With dogshyte quality its waste of money and time
Can't wait for Tokyo Jungle - The Movie
The Uncharted movie wasn't really a PlayStation Productions project, think their just attaching their name for marketing purposes like Sony did with some of their Marvel movies (probably hoping to fool people that their part of the MCU). TLOU and Twisted Metal series's are full PlayStation Productions titles, cos the company wanted to broaden their IP while also having full control of it.
They’re dead to me before they’ve even started. Pretty sure the entire nation of Scotland is appalled by that Uncharted trailer.
I liked the trailer it looks heaps better than I first thought. I actually am looking forward to seeing the show
@TUCKABAGZ I'm actually also looking forward to seeing the Last of Us show, since it's HBO it should be top notch quality at minimum... is too bad though about the Uncharted movie looking like crap am I right!? 😁
Uncharted looks super bland and uninspired visually.
The falling scene is horrendously obvious green screen nonsense (poorly executed too) where you can see Holland just lying on a green matrass istead of falling through the air. All in all it looks like it has nothing to offer in the context of similar movies that came before and did it so much better than what we see here.
I am curious abou HBO The Last of Us though, since it is being made by very very talented crew of people, such as Craig Mazin, Kantemir Balagov and Drukmann himself. And under the HBO banner, no less.
@Keith_Zissou Yeah, that’s the thing, it’s just plain lazy. Even if it was an actual Scottish actor it would be slightly better. Getting some English guy to put on a dodgy accent though? Not happy at all.
@nessisonett I've intentionally not shown my partner the trailer because of that. She had it bad enough with people mocking her for saying "fesh" or when she worked at cineworld and customers look at her in shock for telling them their movie was in "screen sex"
@fR_eeBritney calling Jolie the "perfect" Lara is a bit much no? Jolie has the same attitude in almost all her films. I applaud you for enjoying the films though i found them to be quite a disappointment.
I am curious though, why didn't you enjoy the reboot film? I thought it was a massive improvement to the previous ones..
Based apon the trailer, I'm pretty sure that I would watch the movie because I played the game and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't play the game if I watched the movie (first)
@Fenbops Tom Holland is great but he's 100% miscast in the Uncharted movie, feels completely wrong tonally. I guess he signed something with Sony as part of the Spider-Man movies.
No opinion regarding PlayStation Productions yet, need to actually watch their stuff first.
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