When it comes to nailing down what are the best ever years for gaming history, the usual gamut of 2001, 1998, and sometimes 2013 are likely to pop up. However, when it comes to PlayStation being at the absolute height of its power, one of the years absolutely worth mentioning is 2011. Why? Well, it was the era of Kevin Butler, the prelude before the PS Vita, and a time in the PS3’s game release history where the hits just kept coming.
Don’t believe us? Your humble host Aaron lays out his case in the video embedded above, running through how top hits in the Uncharted, inFAMOUS, and MotorStorm series still represent the franchise’s best. Of course, 2011 was also the year that the notorious PSN outage struck, but could this have been key to lessons being learned going forward. We’d say so.
Comments 69
The hack alone says otherwise. That was pretty crazy. Most of the PS3 era exclusives just weren’t really my thing either.
When 2018 exists you can’t go around making such accusations
PSN being down for like...2 months or so makes it one of the worst tbh haha.
Yeah, the hack was a massive thing in 2011 that did so much damage. MotorStorm Apocalypse was pretty good, for example, but it just got absolutely murdered by all the other things happening at Sony at the time.
I liked a lot of the PS3 era, but I think Sony as a publisher was still figuring out what it was good at. For me, I think 2018 and 2020 were better years.
Not strictly Sony games, but 2001 was probably the most legendary lineup of games ever released for a single system:
Almost all of these games went on to earn legendary status.
2020 = Tlou2, GoT, Demon Souls Remake, Miles Morales and Astros Playroom
2009 was the best for me
Uncharted 2
Killzone 2
@get2sammyb 2001’s a really good shout actually now that I think about it.
The PS2 was the golden age.
2005 deserves a mention. But for me, 2018 was the best year in Playstation history
read dead redemption
fallout new vegas
mass effect 2
bioshock 2
god of war 3
heavy rain
skate 3
mafia 2
battlefield bad company 2
It's 2017 for me personally. It had Horizon Zero Dawn, NieR Automata, Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0, Nioh, Hellblade, Everybody's Golf, and Uncharted Lost Legacy just to name a few and that's just Playstation games.
Oh and my favorite game of all time Persona 5 so that's going to be a very difficult year to ever top for me.
diablo 3
mass effect 3
borderlands 2
walking dead
far cry 3
sleeping dogs
max payne 3
spec ops the line
In terms of innovation, yeah. Not sure about 2011 specifically but PS3 era games were really something else.
We have better games now on a technical level but some of those PS3 era games were something we hadn’t seen or experienced in gaming before.
I think that magic has gone a little in the PS4/PS5 eras. The games are bigger and prettier, sure. But at their core, they’re mostly still the same games we’ve been playing for the last 10 years.
the last of us
bioshock infinite
tomb raider
battlefield 4
beyond two souls
metro last light
crysis 3
@Stragen8 peaple may think you're absolutley mad but, i think you are correct.
PlayStation 1995
Chrono Trigger
Soul Edge
Tales of Phantasia
Twisted Metal
Jumping Flash!
Street Fighter Zero
Time Crisis
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
Command & Conquer
Mortal Kombat 3
Star Wars: Dark Forces
King's Field II
Battle Arena Toshinden
WWF WrestleMania
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
The King of Fighters '95
Destruction Derby
Mega Man X3
Area 51
@Integrity a large number of those games did not release on the PlayStation in 1995
1998 says hello:
Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy Tactics
Resident Evil 2
The above games could each sit comfortably near or at the top of any "Best Games of All Time" list.
If you look at 1997 to 1998, the releases were just out of this world. But '98 edges out '97 by just a bit as the best year in Playstation history in my book.
2022 is shaping up to be the greatest year in gaming period.
Depends on when you started playing games. I don't think all these people saying 2018 were even around during the PS1 days. 2018 was good (and 2022 is shaping up nicely), but 1997 through 2001 is called the Golden Era for a good reason.
Everyone hates the PS3 tho?!?! Well especially 99.9% of gaming sites(well they are still anti PlayStation but just pretend to like the brand) I can't really pick a year because since the PS1 days I have loved every year
@ChrisDeku name 1 and I'll tell you when in 1995 it released 😁
2015! 😱
Until dawn
Batman: Arkham Knight
no man sky
Salt & Sanctuary
Mortal Kombat X
Hotline miami 2
Darkest Dungeon
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
Hand of Fate
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Mighty No. 9
Ratchet & Clank ps4
Fallout 4
So many good games!
This is the Ps4 second year
And the ps5 second year is 2022
That year will maybe beat it! 😱
Love the PS3, gave us free online, great 1st party games, played PS1 and PS2 games (and some well needed HD remakes), allowed to legally play games that never came to PAL region, Blu Ray.
Only thing bad was 3rd party multi-platforms were better on xbox 360.
Misunderstood console...
Gex was released in '94 I believe. I wouldn't really use that game as an example of the best of the best of Playstation releases in any case.
Chrono Trigger, Suikoden, and Soul Edge were legendary though.
@Integrity The King of Fighters '95 couldn't have been released in 1995...
2011 honestly was sort of a nothing year for Sony for me, at least. Outside Uncharted 3, I didn’t really click with the other Sony exclusives that year and had been playing Xbox 360 more than PS3, but it’s not like Xbox had compelling exclusives that year either for me. 2011 did have Skyrim, Portal, LA Noire, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Terraria, etc though, so the multi-platform games were solid.
1997 and 1998 are where it’s at. I really liked 2017-2019 too.
I like that there was backwards compatibility with PS2 & PS1 games so many great games on older consoles
@Integrity well the first game on your list is Chrono Trigger which first came to PlayStation in 1999 and 2001 in the west
Next year is the best PlayStation year 👍
I’ll probably say the same thing at the end of next year. 😅
Dang, didn't realize Chrono Trigger came that late to the party. I'm thinking @Integrity is confusing the SNES release of the game. 26 years ago... I'm old lol.
@ChrisDeku oh yeah sh*t that was on SNES 😆😆 well this is fun 😁
1998 > 2001 > 1997 > 2018 > 2015 > 2011
This is the correct answer you guys. PS1/PS2 era is sacrosanct. Sprinkle in the other years as necessary.
PS3 era was like Playstation going through an awkward puberty phase or something. Oddly enough, my working theory is people will pick the year they hit 13-15 years old as the "best" year. Which means two things:
1.) Guessing the author of the article is around 21 to 23 years old.
2.) We have a lot of youngsters in the crowd judging by the comments.
Tekken 3
Quake 2
FF Tactics
Tomb Raider 2
Abe's Oddyssey
Crash 2
Theme Hospital
Armored Core
Nuclear Strike
Broken Sword 2
Gran Turismo....
@Ridwaano Mate... Bloodborne!
It was the year of skyrim so its up there
Don't forget Castlevania: Symphony of the Night! Amazing year.
@UnlimitedSevens Oh yeah, I never played that though but the above list I at least sampled. But Jesus the original PS had an absolutely incredible library.
@Carl-G Yeah, the anti-PlayStation thing is weird. Say what you want about Sony’s business decisions (sometimes) but I don’t know how anyone can be anti-PlayStation if they consider themselves a gamer.
Gaming would be so boring without PlayStation. You couldn’t say the same about Xbox. Or even Nintendo really. I know Nintendo have their own angle (and a fair amount of fans) but it’s just not for me. I still wouldn’t consider myself anti-Xbox or anti-Nintendo though.
But if you had to choose one brand to game for the rest of your life, surely it would have to be PlayStation. How could it not be? They offer the most well-rounded and diverse lineup. Something for everyone. And they always deliver when it comes to the first party games.
The anti-PlayStation sentiment is just odd.
Its really mindblowing just how good a year it was.
As an aside, I played Symphony of the Night around 2010 (way late to the party) and it still holds up very, very well. The Requiem collection is on sale right now on PSN for like 9 bucks and includes SoTN. Add me on PSN (UnlimitedSevens) and I'll send you a download code for it. Can't recommend it enough.
@UnlimitedSevens 96-99 were just incredible.
Ah bless ya, most kind but you don't have to do that! I will add you though. 👍
Not a problem, happy to do it! Looks like your account settings are preventing me from sending you any messages though!
@Integrity I believe Mega Man X3 also was a SNES exclusive?
@Sinton probably. I just posted a load of games, didn't fact check, got loads of folk interested, and now am hoovering up all the replies.
This is me applying for a job as a games journalist 😆 👍
Well played sir.
😁 not bad for a sapient AI eh 👍
@UnlimitedSevens No idea why, I've had people send me messages before? Maybe I've changed a setting somewhere...
EDIT: Yup. Found something on the site to change it.
Creativity and originality were definitely better in 2011 than now. I think this is part of the reason I feel a bit 'meh' about the PS5 remake era.
Of course the horrendous security hack was not good!
For Sony exclusives, 2016 gave us Uncharted 4, Ratchet and Clank remake, and The Last Guardian.
I'll go with 2013 as the best Playstation year for me. 2013 had great games like GTA 5 but also games from 2007-2012 to play for the first time or replays of my favorites. I had 50+ hour work weeks prior to 2013 so i had a large backlog.
Between Playstation and Nintendo, 2017 was easily the single best year in gaming I've ever seen. Nothing else comes close, really.
Been there done that is how I see it. I always look forward to whats coming in the future! I feel each PlayStation console was the best for its time when i lived it in that time period.
@Stragen8 I remember being astonished by killzone 2. And no one was fooled by that E3 video come on lol
@Ralizah horizon zero Dawn and my PS4 PRO. What a year that was man.
@JohnKarnes I concur
@ThroughTheIris56 i agree with Rob Pearson. The R&C remake is like a Pixar movie
The PSN hack destroyed my trust in the Company almost so no I wouldn't exactly call it a good year at all.
@Mikey856 KZ2 had one of the best multiplayers imo. And for the time I remember being blown away by the graphics.
What the year they were hacked? Haha no.
I liked PS3 a lot more than PS4, first party wise. That was the good old Sony.
But that hack. Got Portal day one.... And couldn't get in. Then found out why. A year of dealing with the financial mess it created for me. I swore I'd never buy another ps. And here I am. Thanks, Don Matrick!
It has to be 1998
Metal Gear Solid
Gran Turismo
Resident Evil 2
Tekken 3
Parasite Eve
And then 2009
Uncharted 2
Assassins Creed 2
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Killzone 2
Red Faction Guerrilla
Skate 2
Modern Warfare 2
2011 wasn't even top 5.
I just remember the PS4 going into beast mode in 2017 and 2018....I think I prefer 2017 - due to the number of PS exclusives! 2018 was pretty hot too....as any year with God of War and Spider-Man would be...
Persona 5
Horizon Zero Dawn
NieR: Automata
Nex Machina
Wipeout: Omega Collection
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Gran Turismo Sport
Gravity Rush 2
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War
Injustice 2
What Remains of Edith Finch
Sonic Mania
Yakuza 0
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
Assassin's Creed: Origins
Shadow of the Colossus
Astro Bot: Rescue Mission
God of War
Tetris Effect
Marvel's Spider-Man
Ni no Kuni II
Wipeout VR
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Detroit: Become Human
Monster Hunter World
Assasin's Creed Odyssey
Red Dead Redemption 2
And let's not forget 2001 on the PS2...was quite a good year too...
Gran Theft Auto 3
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Devil May Cry
SSX Tricky
Final Fantasy X
Klonoa 2
Twisted Metal: Black
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

2015 was the best for me and its not even close. Witcher 3, fire emblem fates, bloodborne, xenoblade chronicles x, msgv...
playstation 3 had a 3800 plus game library.. NO ONE could say that they didn't have fun with their PS3's! The games on the 3 were PHENOMENAL and unprecedented.. I don't think we will EVER have soo much variety in gaming ever again, now its about making money and the corporate infiltration of the gaming community.. It has definitely tainted it on soo many levels. Back in the ps3 era, there generally was a PASSION for gaming as devs scrambled to make that next "hit" game. THere was a mystere about gaming and an excitement. Now, we have year after year of the same games released with no changes (FIFA/NBA2k--), and broken hyped up games with little heart or soul to their stories or their characters.. Chump microtransactions and being lied to constantly by big publishers and their studio heads. Toxic gaming working environments and social media driven rifts and quarrels. I am SOO happy that I saw the blessed period of gaming, I still game today but have seen the trends and downfall of such a beautiful artform...
stay happy my gamer bros and sisters and keep gaming.. We are all we have.....
I feel like most people haven't really been around long enough to even had HAD a ps3.. Its no ones fault, just different gamers for different times. Its like two people discussing who is the greatest rock band, but they obviously weren't born in the same time period....
2009 for me easily. Not just for Playstation but all gaming.
Uncharted 2 - Best game of all time still.
Resident Evil 5 - Incredible action co-op game.
Assassin's Creed 2 - Arguably best in series.
Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena - I'd buy a remaster
Killzone 2
The Saboteur
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