One of the (very few) noteworthy reveals from last week's State of Play presentation was that Bugsnax is being treated to a free expansion titled The Isle of Bigsnax at some point next year. It will add a new biome, big Bugsnax, hats, home customisation, and now Trophies thanks to the efforts of Kinda Funny's Greg Miller on Twitter.
As well as taking care of a newborn, Miller asked developer Young Horses whether or not Trophies would be part of the DLC. The team's Twitter account responded: "Not this time. Sorry Greg," at which point he offered up his own services to create a Trophy list for them.
This conversation spiralled enough to where Young Horses co-founder and president Philip Tibitoski explained how the team had basically accepted it had to implement Trophies because of Greg. "We saw these tweets and about 20 minutes later in team chat the sentiment was, "I guess we’re adding new trophies."
Clearly happy with his work, Miller tweeted:
So now you know who to thank for getting Trophies shoved into a bit of free Bugsnax content. Or you know who to blame for erasing your 100 per cent Trophy completion percentage after unlocking the Platinum gong. Which side do you fall on? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 35
Always good to get extra trophy challenges set by the devs. Shame I found the game so boring. But then I’m not really one for puzzle games like this. In a different genre the art style and humour would have seen me through.
@Royalblues i went into it with no expectations whatsoever, ended up getting the platinum for it because it was so much fun. also, don't let the childish art style deter you. this game has loads of mature and dirty humor, cracked me up a couple of times.
That's the only useful thing Miller has accomplished in ages.
Simple cute game I ended up having fun playing. While my first reaction to its first trailer was WTF is this crap what a fail. I was really wrong and enjoyed my time to a platinum trophy in the game.
If he really wanted to do something useful he could stop being a media personality.
@Royalblues Even divorced from its meme status, it's a pretty good game. I talked so much s**t about it pre-release, but I gave it a chance because it was a Plus game. It was one of the most pleasant surprises of the last few years. Really charming, funny, and heartwarming.
I was initially disappointed this DLC wasn't going to have trophies because I went out of my way to platinum Bugsnax, so I'm glad Young Horses changed their minds.
@SolarSailor I have nothing but utter contempt for how Miller and his cohorts handled that whole situation. I'm just happy Colin got out and is doing better than ever financially and mentally with LSM.
We're here to discuss Bugsnax DLC Trophies, folks. Not the fallout between Greg Miller and Colin Moriarty. Let's get back on topic.
Removed - inappropriate
Bugsnax gud me happy more Bugsnax coming.
Speaking from a trophy hunter I dont agree with this. It annoys me, especially after I have finished a game. Less games with DLC trophies the better.
I myself do not care about trophies never look at them never will better things to do !
Got the platinum. Don't see myself going back for a few trophies.
Happy the expansion is free. That's awesome.
"Or you know who to blame for erasing your 100 per cent Trophy completion percentage after unlocking the Platinum gong."
This is the kind of people I had in mind when I was reading this.
Personally, if it's a game I like I'm always glad to play more content, with or without extra trophies - but if I can choose, I'd rather get them. It's just another extra thing to do.
Don't know this Miller guy, but a glance through his recent Twitter posts gives the impression that he's incredibly arrogant.
Trophies are alright, I guess. shrugs
Nice, I'm down for some more Bugsnax trophies! Thanks Greg! Even though I'm a completionist I don't mind if a game I platinum'd gets new trophies, thus bringing down the overall percentage. My brain allows me to leave it be for some reason.
That is great! I don't understand why games don't add additional trophies for each expansion they release... looking at you Marvel's Avengers as one example.
Shoutout to Colin. He mentions this site on every SS episode.
Wow the arrogance of that tweet. Even taking it as a joke, it's very off putting.
Got the platinum in Bugsnax and highly enjoyed it. Definitely irritated at DLC trophies making a game no longer complete though. Unsure if I'll go back to it.
I don't know who Greg Miller is. Should I?
Greg Miller annoys somebody? Never woulda guessed…
@MetalGear_Yoshi Wiser words could not have been said.
I don’t like that Greg Miller has this much power. We made a mistake.
Removed - unconstructive
@lolwhatno well, if I actually knew who he was I'd decide what team to join, but I honestly have no idea!
If me or some other random people who care about trophies asked them to add them would they have? No probably not. It's honestly kind of sickening that just because he has a huge following that devs will listen to his requests but not to the rest of us.
Greg Miller, the same one who used to write awful reviews on IGN?
He reviewed Jumping Flash, a 1995 game, in 2012 and called the game looking jagged. This dude has his head somewhere not on his head.
I welcome more trophies as I really loved my time with Bugsnax even if my 100% is ruined in the short term.
I'm going back for Bugsnax not the trophies.Absolutely loved this game!
"Annoy" is the keyword that I take from all this.
Finally his annoying ways do some good.
@CrashLanded My favourite was when he gave the 8 hour long Uncharted 3 a 10/10 in lasting appeal cos you could "just play it again"
@HeeHo LOL
How is this clown taken seriously by anyone?
@Splat not only that, but Colin was the one to bring this site into the light for many a non UK based gamer, back in the day when he was a host of Beyond. An army of people outside UK got here because of Colin.
Pushsquare sure is returning the favor, like covering the stellar success of his "Sacred Symbols" playstation podcast... oh, wait, not a peep.
Awesome news! More reason for me to re-install Bugsnax and play it again.
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