Update: The new Skyrim patch is available to download now on PS5 and PS4, weighing in at around 700MB. Hopefully it corrects the various technical problems that have popped up following the release of Anniversary Edition, and the free update for Special Edition.
Original Story: Bethesda has confirmed that it's working on a new update for Skyrim Anniversary Edition and Skyrim Special Edition on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. Said update will apparently release this week, aiming to address a number of technical issues that have popped up following the launch of Anniversary Edition earlier in the month.
Most notably, the patch is looking to fix the so-called 'black screen bug' — a problem where players can be shown an inescapable black screen upon loading their save. Other issues include crashing, freezing, and a bugged error message that asks players to free up storage space on their system. Classic Bethesda!
Hopefully this update does the job and we can all get back to adventuring across Skyrim again. Have you been playing through the open world RPG? Avoid the black screen of death in the comments section below.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 43
Where is the outrage for this? Or is it okay because it's Bethesda and not Rockstar?
Tried it over the weekend to see if I could get any more into it - couldn't even get through the intro gates as ghosts were swarming over the carts, killing people and then when the carts got to the gates, the gates didn't open and the carts crashed into one another and just left you looking at the sky!
Wish they'd just remaster Oblivion but then again, I suppose it works via b/c on the Xbox so why bother eh?
@lolwhatno As you say, Skyrim is still a total ****show, even after all these years. Can't understand why anyone would buy the upgrade to the anniversary (of bugs) edition?
@lolwhatno this is my point. Rockstar makes a mistake and releases a game before its ready and it's the end of the world.
Bethesda can't be bothered to fix anything about their buggy game from 2 gens ago and nobody bats an eye...
Nice to see they continue to re-release a 10 year old game buggy
@torne To be fair Bethesda Studios catches way more flak than R*. This GTA Trilogy is so shocking it's hard to believe R* approved it for release, forcing me to believe it's more of TakeTwo's doing.
Tried it again with the PS5 upgrade after many years. Game consistently crashed to desktop when trying to re-enter the Blue Palace after the Wabbajack mission. Had to use a workaround from Reddit to progress. Good old Bethesda.
Wonder if it will fix the fact I can’t carry on with the civil war quest because the piece of dialogue I need for legate rikke doesn’t appear.
@torne Are you actually complaining that rockstar have been called out on releasing an unfinished game and charging you for it? What's wrong with you people?
How the hell does a game that's been released on everything several times over a decade still need a patch after release? We truly have gotten to a point where physical media you just collecting boxes - the games inside them are not the actual games
@Bleachedsmiles no I am not complaining. If you look in all of the Rockstar/gta articles this site has had over the past few weeks I have also been critical of them albeit I have enjoyed the re-released and haven't had TOO many issues.
What I am calling out is the hypocrisy on display here.
Rockstar releases a game that has been released before and remastered and got absolutely skewered because of the bugs present.
Bethesda releases skyrim for the 3rd Gen in a row and it has numerous glitches preventing you from even playing the game and the response is "oh thats just skyrim"
If you can't see the hypocrisy then I don't know what to tell you.
@torne Might have something to do with the prevalence of these glitches that some experience in Skyrim vs the incomplete job and just straight out poor upgrade work of assets that everyone experiences in GTA.
Bethesda releases a buggy mess, once again. And again. DId that surprise anyone? Whew, one could say they're an experienced studio. They truly show experience... in releasing bugs.
It's 765mb pretty big updates for what's just mentioned in this acticle?!
@IAmGamer2022 that is such a hypocritical argument. "It was in the base game so its fine"
Give me a break.
A lot of the glitches in the gta trilogy were also in the original releases.
Falling through the map was a common thing. Hell there was even a well known glitch that required falling through the map.
Flying cars happened regularly
Glitch through a wall was not uncommon.
The gta trilogy on ps2 while they were fantastic games at the time were not without their share of hiccups.
Saying because it was a glitch in the original skyrim release so its fine, is BS and hypocritical.
People are just butthurt that they got their expectations way too high and expected something on par with GTA 5 AND Rdr2 despite Rockstar literally saying it was a mix of old and new assets.
I'm not saying that the backlash isn't deserved for the lack of polish but let's be real... if you are going to call one dev team out for it, call all of them out for it when it happens.
Bethesda has had 10 years of skyrim releases and STILL can't put out a copy that doesn't have major issues.
@torne Are you unfamiliar with Fallout 76? Bethesda got (very deserved) bucket loads of crap about it for months on end.
Whatever delusions of company bias you're conjuring up in your head, they're not a thing.
@Gaia093 in this scenario we are talking g about remasters and rereleases which Fallout 76 is neither of those.
Fallout 76 got rightfully skewered. If RDR2 or GTA5 released in that condition I would expect Rockstar to be skewered just as bad.
In this situation like I said we are talking about 2 games that are at least a decade old and have been released multiple times.
Rockstar got skewered for releasing gta before it was ready. Again rightfully so.
Meanwhile Bethesda releases skyrim for the 400th time and STILL needs to patch it to make it playable and everyone is like "oh thats just skyrim"
Its pure hypocrisy and I would expect nothing less from entitled gamers.
How many years as it been and its still getting bugs and glitches 🤔😂😂
@Bleachedsmiles I think it's more the fact that games like this somehow get nominations for goty & even game of the decade & yet Bethesda can't be bothered to fix bugs & performance issues that have been present for a decade we should call out all publishers when they release broken messes
After 3 generations its still not near flawless what a joke.
@Would_you_kindly this is exactly my point
@torne did you even play it ? Trilogy games not only run like crap, have hundreds of new bugs, but also missing gameplay features and elements. In other words, content.
How pathetic is it that a 10 year old game that has been released several times is still full of bugs?
@Bamila yes I am currently playing them on series x and have had virtually no issues outside of the rain and contrast issue and falling through the map one time in gta 3.
Like I said in one of my replies above flying cars and glitching through objects and even falling through the map were commonplace in the originals. Maybe I'm just immune to what everyone else is seeing, but I honestly have had very little issue with them.
I beat GTA 3 last weekend and have been working my way towards 100% in vice city.
Again my point is not that the games are not worthy of criticism. My point is that if people are going to be critical of one company for perceived laziness and a rushed product then be critical of another company doing the exact same thing.
There is 0 reason for Bethesda to have shipped this version of the game without fixing the bugs. They have had literally a decade to polish this thing and haven't.
And just for those in the back...
I AGREE THAT ROCKSTAR AND GROVE STREET GAMES DESERVE CRITICISM... this is not some fanboy argument saying they don't. All I can speak to is my own personal experience with the games that has not been that bad.
@IAmGamer2022 you literally said " Because I'm pretty sure it happened in the base versions on PS3/360 so it isn't shocking. And it's Bethesda, master of bugs."
This implies that because it's Bethesda and people are used to it and they were there before that it's fine.
Yes I'm feeling alright. Thanks for looking out...
@IAmGamer2022 you mean some people aren't worth talking to when they don't share your exact opinion.
All good though. Take care
What for xbox one and series x players sith the black screen problem, I can't play the game anymore cus of it
@torne Skyrim has been rereleased so many times that I'm not sure how big a news it is it's happening again. Good for the fans, but probably not so good for clicks. Did it even get a review here? Look at the language used in this article...bugs in such a big game, a Bethesda game, hardly shocks and surprises anyone. Should there be criticism? Yes. But like myself, many are probably learning about new bugs to a decade old game with God knows how many versions for the first time due to patch notes.
GTA collection was something that came at us like a whirlwind. Something fresher than Skyrim in is remaster/remake...something that shows stark differences to the original releases. Something that will gain more clicks than Skyrim releasing again...so will be written about more. And something that is alot more broken than the original releases from a studio that normal takes pride in releasing polished games.... And you don't get how that gained more attention over its bugs, glitches, and lack of care?
What are you caring about the 'hypocrisy' of one game getting called out more than the other for anyway??? Be thankful it's getting called out. Skyrims been called out plenty since it's original release. Hopefully Rockstar will learn where Bethesda has not.
@Would_you_kindly We should. But as I just wrote in reply to the other guy, the reasons why gta's brokenness has gained more attention this last few days are obvious.
@torne They are both embarrassing in their own right but I think the coding masters at Grove street games win this round for butchering so badly early to mid PS2 games.
@xyopic I've played Skyrim on 4 or 5 different platforms, and the PS3 version is the only one that's ever given me any problems. It lagged so hard that it killed my Phat PS3.
Compared to that, the xbox, Switch, and PS4 versions have been flawless.
@torne 10 years and 10 releases later and it's still a mess. Good ole 82 Metacritic for the XB version though. Way to hold them accountable critics. As if another re-release wasn't bad enough... it's still broken. Yet everyone wants to rip Battlefield which is a new and ambitious game. Both deserve criticism but there is no excuse for Skyrim after ten years and running on advanced hardware.
@iamtylerdurden1 preach
@torne Because the issues Skyrim on PS5 has is no where near the levels of what the GTA collection has and are less common to see, i've been playing a lot of Skyrim on PS5 and i've had none of these issues while a lot of the issues the GTA collection has i've seen in some form.
i been having a blast bought the update on xbox , pc and playstation. 3 scenarios. all different starts similar mods have 3 companions now and have the dragon age mod, will be picking up another 3 woo hoo a small army now lol. pity sony didn't let you get the same type mods something about no external folder oh well, great to see this getting supported , i still play morrowind and oblivion on xbox and pc,pity playstation doesn't offer that when i have the discs psnow makes no sense to me lol
@torne you can enjoy the games on its current state. It doesn't hide the fact that they are terrible conversions. As someone who has finished every GTA except GTA London (never tried), GTA and GTA 2, to me it's outrageous the lack of respect from developer "Grove ***** games" and state they currently at.
Of course original had glitches and unfinished collisions, but 90% of them were in places where on normal circumstances you would never be able to experience them unless you actually tried your best by using flying tank method etc. The wonky gameplay is fine to me, because it was always there.
My problem is the new glitches they introduced, the horrible models redesign choices, cheap effects like rain and missing gameplay mechanics /animations. Like multiple different running animation for CJ depending on his weight and form, or missing touches to Claude's situation awareness like he never reacts to anyone anymore. GTA 3 Definitive looks nothing like original atmosphere.
You can enjoy the garbage ports, but by no chance they are better than originals.
Skyrim in other hand is actually better than its past iterations and while haunted by some graphical glitches you have no doubt they will be fixed eventually.
With Grove ***** games you know they will stay there, it happened before. They never fixed GTA San Andreas PS3/ Xbox 360. Left game breaking bugs where you could get locked from game progression.
Skyrim and Bethesda at least keep it real to Skyrim's atmosphere. Grove ***** games did it like non of them have ever seen the originals an had no idea what the games were.
There is only one reason this wasn't fixed. It's because upper management said 'Dont fix that.'. Even after the success of the game on multiple gens. Microsoft bought Bethesda, released it on multi platforms. Still didn't fix any bugs. Upper management. "Don't fix that.". It's not in a game makers nature to want to release a broken game and watch the teams hard work become the most successful software freakshow. I hope all the original Devs left and joined studios who cared.
I've not noticed any game breaking bugs before the update, however since updating, each time I kill a dragon my character does not absorb its soul. I need my Shouts.
Just started Skyrim for the first time ever once they made the PS5 upgrade. Bought the special edition on PS4 last year but never got to play it until the PS5 upgrade this year.
Absolutely loving it. Can’t believe I never played this game.
But I haven’t really run into many bugs/crashes. There was one instance after I beat a mission where every time it sent me out of the dimension to Skyrim and I opened the next door it would hard crash.
Kept crashing for like an hour and really pissed me off but then I found some weird fix online that worked.
Besides that I haven’t run into any problems on the ps5(although that did suck for an hour)
This patch just CREATED the 0 KB bug in my game....sigh
I turned off all my mods (I only use about a dozen) and started a new save with no issues. But clearly there are still things going wrong under the hood.
crazy how many bugs are still in this game been playing it for the last few days.
Was anything added to the VR game?
Glad to see it's still being worked on! I'll pick this up Summer 2022 or later.
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