Update (23/11/21): The GAIA Cast's very first episode is now available for your listening pleasure across various platforms. We've embedded the YouTube version above.

To recap, Guerrilla Games has created a new podcast series taking a deeper look at the story and characters in Horizon Zero Dawn and its imminent sequel, Horizon Forbidden West. This first episode is about Aloy herself, and future entries will go through all sorts of spoilery goodness.

Original Story: One of the best things about Horizon Zero Dawn (and presumably — hopefully — about sequel Horizon Forbidden West) is its story and lore. Developer Guerrilla Games presented us with a beautiful open world and filled it with robotic beasts to take down, but it's the context of the world that helps it all stand up. It seems the studio is ready to delve into all that, because it's just announced GAIA Cast, a podcast all about the world of Horizon.

As mentioned above, this new podcast series will "dive deep into the Horizon universe", presumably getting into some heavy spoiler territory. The first episode arrives tomorrow, 23rd November 2021, and puts the focus (pun not intended) on the protagonist in 'All About Aloy'.

This could serve as a good way to catch up on the first game's plot ahead of Forbidden West's release next year. If it continues past the release of the sequel, perhaps it will dissect its story and characters as well. However it shakes out, the podcast should be an interesting listen. It'll be available via Guerrilla's YouTube channel, or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Soundcloud via PlayStation Podcast.

Are you keen for a catch-up on Horizon lore? Will you be giving GAIA Cast a listen? Watch out for Watchers in the comments section below.

[source twitter.com]