Uh oh. Remember Abandoned, the mysterious game from indie developer Blue Box Game Studios? The PlayStation 5 exclusive that gathered momentum because people thought Kojima might be trying to fool us? Yeah, so, that's coming back.
If you log into your PS5 and push the PS button, open up the news card and scroll down a bit. There you'll find a discreet update about Abandoned. It reads, "We are excited to announced that the Prologue chapter releases Q1 2022. A specific date will be announced shortly. Stay tuned!"
The much delayed experience app released on PS5, but currently, it only features a tiny teaser, showing off brief seconds of in-engine footage running in real time. This Prologue chapter, as far as we understand, is to be a playable demo of sorts. On Blue Box's website, a Playable Prologue is mentioned, and described as "a standalone game with its own set of [Trophies] on PS5". Presumably, that's what this bulletin is referring to.
It's definitely fair to feel sceptical about this considering how things have gone for this project throughout the year, but if a Prologue chapter is indeed coming within the next couple of months, we'll certainly give it a shot. Are you excited to see more of Abandoned early next year, or are you totally turned off the whole thing? Tell us in the comments section below.
[source blueboxgamestudios.com]
Comments 42
Godjima is coming.
Godjima is coming.
Godjima is coming.
Fool me once…. Shame on Godjima… fool me twice…. Shame on Godjima.
*No Shame was brought on Godjima.
Please insert gif of the Bristolian lady saying “not another one”
No one expects this game.
Yawn 🥱
(some other words so I can post the comment)
People still pay attention to this hoax?
The prologue is another five-second teaser. You get one trophy every second and then you grind out replays for the rest.
February seems far away to get some real ps5 news..
Haha yea I'm not falling for this crap again, if it comes might give it a go, but honestly I'm done with this it's such a joke. The app for the trailer was just pathetic tbh.
If something dropped at The Games Awards I honestly would not be surprised at this point. Timing of the update is quite a coincidence, unless Bluebox are deliberately using the timing to further mislead
I'm not saying this is Silent Hill / MGS / Kojima related. But I bet this is something bigger than "just another indie game". And I'll go down with this ship. And I'm ready to wear that clown costume.
Oh god plz not again
i will laugh if this is a game awards annnouncement.
In-app experience
This is Kojima's greatest prank yet.
Abandoned will be a Metal Gear third person Moby Dick shooter, with horror and courier elements.
Starring Norman Reedus, of course.
“Prologue Chapter” has me disappointed if that means it’s an episodic release game. Perhaps it is a fancy way to say it’s a “demo” or “interactive trailer” but the game is even more DOA if they think they can do an episodic release format after the way they’ve teased gamers and dragged this out.
No interest at all, company with their history of unfinished games
"Ok I believe you"
Not this nonsense again
Meh. Will see what the Game Awards announces.
I’m like 99% sure this is just some elaborate grift of their investors.
@commentlife yeah riding social media hype once in a while to show "value" is a tactic that seems to work surprisingly well at times. Maybe not the case. But no reason currently to think otherwise.
Whoop! I love this farce!
Just finish your game and announce it when it's ready.
Can't this thing just piss off already. 2 years of hype for a Ratalaika walking simulator.
To quote one of those memes that the kids like, this is what happens when you buy David Lynch from wish.com
I forgot this had existed. I'd not have given an update until everything is complete and ready to ship, personally.
When does the lying stop ?
i don't even know if i can find any excitement for this , i'll check it out , but they took way too long with this.
Right, there was this game with all these bs news but without gameplay and concrete infos…
I heard the delay was because of a breakdown in talks over the use of Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean. Blue Box know it’s dead on arrival if they launch without it.
The timing of this info is no doubt to make people think that Kojima's going to reveal Abandoned's true form at the Game Awards.
Well would you look at that. Abandoned isn't abandoned yet. But sadly I think a lot of folks have abandoned Abandoned. Myself included. I'd love to be wrong but word of mouth would have to be very VERY positive to get this back on my radar. I've already abandoned all hope for Abandoned.
Silent Hill announcement at Game Awards then? Sorry 'Abandoned'
I just want them to fade away and I never have to hear about their horribly mismanaged sure to be a disappointment game ever again.
This is going to end up being one of those low-res match 3 games, isn't it? At this point, that might be considered an improvement.
2022...Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah blah blah...then 2023...2024...Zzzzźzzzzzzzzzzzzz I can't believe SONY are letting this drag on and on for!?!? Really disappointed in SONY and PlayStation I really am about all this :-/
The timing is a bit sus…& they do have a relationship with Keighley. I would not be surprised if this turned up at TGA’s.
Oh no, not this again....
zzzzz.. not this abandoned game
The game that keeps on delivering...nothing of value.
@lolwhatno it's a real mystery why people think gamers are socially awkward nerds
All this time and all they have is a playable demo. And by 'playable' they be like "y'all being played".
I literally skipped the post altogether just to read the comments. More fun than reading about the game!
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