Getting caught up in the excitement of the PlayStation 5 and its slate of upcoming titles is fairly easy as we look ahead to 2022, but it's always important to remember so many gamers will still be using the PS4 for the years to come. Case in point: Horizon Forbidden West will be coming to Sony's last-gen console day and date with its more powerful brother.
The Last of Us: Part II is proof the PS4 is still capable of putting out some fantastic looking titles, and it appears Horizon Forbidden West will be up there too. Developer Guerrilla Games has shared four screenshots of the PS4 version, and it looks great.
Featuring tropical greenery in two captures and then a desert environment in the others, Horizon Forbidden West will likely be one of PS4's best-looking titles. Of course, the PS5 version will have all the bells and whistles with various modes dedicated to improved frame rates and visuals, but if you're still stuck with a PS4, it seems like Guerrilla Games is ensuring you'll have a worthwhile experience with Aloy's next adventure.
Are you going to play Horizon Forbidden West on PS4, or will you wait until you've got a PS5? Make your choice in the comments below.
Comments 109
Is it me or does the ps4 version of horizon forbidden west just look like a slightly pretty reskin version of zero dawn.
These look great, though obviously hard to tell until it's seen in motion, I'm very optimistic that this will perform well on PS4 based on WWS's and GG's track record. I'll obviously be playing on PS5, but I'm glad PS4 owners will be able to play this with minimal compromise.
Yeah. Probably because HZD was as close to the best they could get out of the old machine.
One year on and I still don't feel the necessity to own a PS5. Horizon, Gran Turismo, Dying Light 2, all coming to PS4..
I mean, I will probably buy one if it's finally available. But I don't really feel the pressure to go hunting for a PS5.
I’m glad it looks good on PS4, but I have this suspicion that the load times for both cold boot and fast travel are going to be appalling.
I like my PS5 a lot. Mainly because of the ultra fast load times and 60fps modes on most games.
But I’ll admit that outside of Ratchet and Clank, I haven’t been entirely floored by any PS5 game’s visuals yet. They are prettier than their PS4 equivalents, but not by much.
I don't feel like I'm "stuck" with my PS4 pro. With my large backlog of PS4 games I currently feel no need to get a PS5.
I will at some point in its lifecycle, but probably not for a year or two, and maybe not untill / if Sony make a smaller version.
Very excited for this game as a current ps4 user who still can't find a PS5!
Look like bullshots. Then again, so did a lot of the screenshots I took from the original! GG is really outdoing themselves in terms of getting the most out of the ancient PS4 hardware.
That a game looks this good on 2013 hardware is a credit to the talents of these developers. I hope we get at least one more of these games that's exclusive to PS5, because I'd love to see them take such full advantage of that console.
Loading times are gonna suck, though, lol.
I'm so glad Guerrilla Games dropped these screenshots, looks awesome and proves the PS4 is still punching above its weight visually. I just hope the framerate is solid.
@mrtennis1990 I almost had one yesterday but it came with an extra controller and a few games that I didn’t really want.
If I can get a PS5 and Ratchet & Clank bundle before Christmas I’ll be all over it.
Looks really good.and games still looks amazing.especially on my ps4 pro.word up son
These screenshot show such a beautiful world design. Its one of the things that HZD really nailed. Not enough stuff that comes out uses the power of today's graphics to render fantasy worlds in such an amazing way. Can't wait for this.
The difference between this and PS5 is visible but still looks very nice!
@LiamCroft I was beginning to think you lot at Push Square towers had forgotten about us in PS4-land. Thank you for such a considerate piece of writing!
@TheRedComet I suspect the load times on my fast SSD equipped Pro will be more than adequate.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I'd be further amazed by the PS5's load times (after all it was designed with an SSD in mind) and extra graphical shiny bits but until I see a game that I want to play that's only on the PS5/next-gen, I'm sticking with the old faithful Pro.
I don’t blame you. I told my friend to do the same thing. He literally only plays 2K every year. He mentioned a PS5 and I told him “bro, you have a PS4 Pro. You only play one game every year. Don’t waste your money.” He’s a fiend with that game. Puts in at least 1200 hours every year.
I told him the only next Gen console that makes sense for his use case is Xbox Series S.
These images put Forspoken to shame. The HZD and now the HZW environments have a richness, depth and beauty totally missing from Forspoken. Such a shame. I was really looking forward to something to match HZD and Ghost of Tsushima in getting the most out of Playstation.
A lower frame rate and slightly less pretty graphic are not something I focus on. If it feels as good as the first on my Base PS4. And the load times are similar, I’m totally fine playing on my old system. I can’t be bothered to play the BS game of finding a PS5.
@TheRedComet loading times during fast travel were insane in some PS4 games. This was the main reason I didn't use this function in some titles. It even took me much less time to arrive to desired location by foot then using fast travel...
On the main subject - PS4 screens of Horizon Forbidden West look great!
A lot of folks claim they don't need a ps5 but if you can get one you won't regret it...the dualsense is miles better with almost double the battery life..the console is dead silent..60fps is the norm with almost instant load are getting better with every new release, this takes time..
@F1at8mot0 is it not the case that Sony are selling them direct now - but the latest shortage is due to lack of certain components?
@nathanSF Yes, you can buy one directly from Sony but if you try that, you'll just get an 'out of stock' message.
I did have the opportunity to get one recently via an email direct from Sony and a limited time window but I really couldn't be bothered in the end. And graphics like this topic just go to show how competent the PS4 still is. Be interested to see what the Pro's graphics updates look like.
This is the type of game that wins game of the year. It’s a no brainer. Open wolrder, 20 hours plus, rpg elements and truly a AAA game if I ever saw one. It’s Sony’s recipe for success 👌
Will be truly a sight to behold on Ps5, I mean sure you can play it on Ps4/pro but the loading times and staticky frame rates would be horrendous
@4kgk2 Been saying this since it was announced, but everyone on this site is drinking the Sony kool aid so hard that i just get attacked any time I say anything negative about this game. It and GOW Ragnarok are clearly built on the PS4s architecture and being sold as big PS5 games, but don't say that on this site or you'll be crucified.
@Flurpsel If all you want is exclusive games then there isn't a whole lot of point to a PS5 yet. Probably not a bad thing as they're as rare pandas in the wild.
But as a day 1 PS5 owner they offer so much more. It's genuinely hard when I go back to my PS4. Especially load times and sub 30fps framerates but also a lot of smaller QoL improvements.
That said it's certainly not essential especially if you haven't experienced it and you don't know what you are missing.
@4kgk2 yeah but it is still impressive and will look good with some new areas and materials.
O hope for a bigger jump on the ps5 version with better lightning and all these details.
Especially the deformation of the sand during the fight by the beach area looked very nice within the first gameplay reveal. I expect this will only be possible on the ps5 version.
@themightyant as much as I loved my pro it’s a “piece of s**t” compared to my Ps5. It just can’t compete
Not disagreeing with you. But did you see what 'current gen-only' Forspoken looked like yesterday? Yeeish
@themightyant yeah it’s a bit more like a pc currently. Even with an older pc you will be able to play nearly all of the new games, but with lower fps, resolution and details. If you want the full beauty you have to upgrade your pc.
Very similar with PS4 and Ps5 currently in this cross gen phase.
Still hoping for an end of the pandemic, better availability of the ps5 and more next gen only titles.
@TheRedComet I can deal with load times and I don't fast travel ever. I also have a friend who only plays CoDMW but on PS5, I mean the guy actually bought a whole PS5 and only plays ONE game...SMH. For real, no kidding, I'm always amazed when I see him online.
@Atreus97 I haven't had a chance to check it out. Is it that bad? Last time I saw it looked great.
Really hoping for some kind of multiplayer mode for this.
@Reeneman Yep FAR more like a PC. including being able to play all your old PS4 games Some at better resolutions, frame-rates or settings.
On Xbox the FPS boost is one of my favourite features about next-gen so far. Replaying games like Dishonored, Prey, Skyrim at a stable 60fps, when the originals played well below a stable 30, is almost like playing a brand new game. I hope Sony figure out a way to do this or keep adding more 60fps patches.
It's not 'bad', it's just disappointing. For a PS5 and PC release I think most people expected a lot better.
I guess the point I'm making is, even though HZD and GoW Ragnarok are cross-gen and held back by the PS4, they still punch way above their weight graphically (for now, anyway).
It remains to be seen if Forspoken can deliver open world gaming in a new and innovative way only made possible by the latest technology. That would be something to set it apart.
Very happy i shell be playing the PS5 version, the PS4 version looks good but its clear it ain't any better looking then the first game what to be fair is no bad thing as the first game even now looks stunning.
Looking at some of these comments about why should i get a PS5 right now and i think you got to look at it from less a games view and more what the PS5 can do, 60fps is finally the standard and now more then ever i really feel 30fps due to getting so used to 60fps, you also have insanely fast loading times and of course the controller itself what makes other controllers feel boring due to what the Duel Sense adds to immersion what you really need to feel to know how game changing it can feel at times.
@kingbreww Yep. PS4 Pro was a small but nice step up compared to base PS4. PS5 feels like a giant leap in so many ways.
Looks good. The main difference between the PS4 and 5 versions is just going to be the load times and frame rate/resolution like most other cross-gen games. I'll be picking up the PS4 version anyway though to save $10 on the PS5 version.
@oOShodanOo Excactly. Also at least we have themes and folders on our last gen system. 😏 PS4 UI > PS5 UI 😌
@fR_eeBritney you and me both! Good luck!
@themightyant like to be honest apart from probably some stability of frame rates etc there wasn’t that much of a difference between 4 and 4 pro. But 5, my god, when it does it’s best it’s impressive. And that’s now, when games are still cross gen and it’s early days for the new tech. When we get into the 3rd year and beyond it’s gunna stop traffic
@kingbreww If you haven't, go play the Matrix demo.
I wouldn't expect this in a full game for a while, but it's a glimpse at where we can go with this hardware*.
*Caveat - they are likely using more frame budget to power graphical fidelity that most games could that had more AI and other systems, so take with a slight pinch of salt.
It looks good but this game is going to have the Miles Morales effect where past the initial sales of the first weeks, the PS5 version will drive sales. The PS4 version is going to be a lot less desirable like Miles and people are just going to wait til they get their hands on a PS5 to play it.
@themightyant I played it. I liked the graphics but the frame rate was grating. Also being a tech demo the game play wasn’t very good either. But games looking like that and playing a lot better is what’s coming in the next 2+ years 👌
@themightyant I mean look at Ps4 games in the first year or two and look at them now. Worlds apart. This gen will obvs be just like that
@themightyant this is the one thing where I am looking a bit jealous to the Xbox (beside Forza 5)… to play all the Max Payne Games with 60 fps with the Xbox backwards compatibility.
Would love to finish Max Payne 3 for a third time.
Crazy good game love that series.
Hope that rockstar has some love for this character again and will work on a 4th game.
I'm still holding off on Miles Morales until I get a PS5 so i might as well hold up on this game as well. I'm in no rush especially since I'm just playing older games now (Farcry 3 CE, Skyrim AE) on my PS4 Pro.
Looks better than some of the current gen games
@kingbreww Yep agreed. I didn't have such an issue with the frame rate, as it wasn't a twitch game, and i'm not so sensitive to that. It was still better than a lot of base PS4 games frame rates!
I expect games to start to look more in the middle between current and matrix in the next few years.
Devs will find more from the system as they find out how to optimise for it and tools, engines and workflows get better. I look forward to the next few years.
I've just seen that the Senua 2 devs saying that whole trailer was in-engine and playable. Obviously likely on a monster PC but still staggering, if taken at their word. Shame not coming to PS5, but it gives an idea of what is possible.
@Reeneman To be fair the console ports of Max Payne 1 & 2 were pretty shoddy compared to PC, where I played it at the time, cut up into little sections low res textures etc. so not sure i'm looking forward to that one as much. Xbox version was much better than PS2 though, back in the day when ports could be completely different. I may just re-download it on PC and maybe look for gfx mods.
Max Payne 3 on the other hand I AM looking forward to on console, though it was my least favourite in the series.
I was never concerned about the PS4 version of this. This is a team that knows the hardware very well after all.
Looks incredible for a PS4 version but there is a pretty big difference between those screenshots and the PS5 version. Can’t wait to play this though!
@oOShodanOo This.
@nathanSF they are selling them directly, but by invite only based on length of interest in their products. I actually got an invite but missed the window bc it was in the middle of the day and I was working.
Looks nice,really nice. I expect a lot of framerate issues,anyone remembers MGS5? Looked amazing on screens but played not so amazing...
I have no idea when I'll get around to it since I don't have a PS5 and I have yet to play the 1st game that sits on my shelf. But I am thrilled I could play it on PS4 if I wanted to and for others that don't have the next gen PS5.
@sanderson72 I agree. I played HZD and Ghost of Tsushima on the PS4 - the graphics and gameplay were really impressive on the Sony XH95.
Yeah it looks fine, but as someone who only owns a ps4 (original, not even the pro) and rates HZD as my game of the generation, I am still disappointed they didn't go ps5 only and use that as an absolute showcase of what the ps5 could do.
This looks nice but I’ll definitely be playing this on my PS4 Pro 2.
@TheRedComet I dont remember the loading times of the original being a issue for me. And I have a SSD in my Pro so that helps too
@themightyant yeah so far I'm good. I would like to have one but 1. I cant be bothered to go through a lot of hassle to buy one and 2. I"m not willing to fork over 700euro for a bundle edition with 2 games I wont play, an extra controller even though local coop doesnt exist anymore and a headset which I allready have. I'll wait..
Argos may do another drop this Friday 8pm
I got a friend one with last Fridays ARGOS drop, disc version no bundled extras, £450. Took about an hour of button pushing, so don’t give up and good luck.
Sorry meant 8am, definitely 8AM.
@Dezzy70 just picturing myself sat there at 8pm thinking, ‘this is impossible’... 🤣
Thanks for the heads up 🤞
@Flurpsel don't forget that god of war is also finding a home on ps4 as are most anticipated 3rd party games. i agree, i have no desire to get a ps5 now or in 2022 for that matter. maybe in 2023 if they release a slim model in black. that said, don't be surprised if people are still gaming on ps4 well into 2023.
First have and log in to your Argos account
Payment details, address etc all filled in.
First part with Argos is get the PS5 in your basket.
Then when it says not available in your store.
Chose other store and one may pop up in stock in a store near you.
If not keep going back and forth until one becomes available in a store near you.
Took me 1 and half hours once to get one in stock in store near me.
The game looks great for PS4 owners! I've been lucky to have my PS5 since day 1 and I could NEVER go back to using my PS4 Pro anymore. The significantly improved load times, 60fps with most games, basically complete backward-compatibility with PS4 games, and the amazing Dualsense controller, make the PS5 a must own system for me, especially if you have a big back log of PS4 games like I do. Basically the PS5 is the best PS4 you can buy, along with being a current gen system...
@DTfeartheBEARD I’d rather die than go back to the load times a Ps4 pro manages. Slowwwwwww
@4kgk2 Yeah so what the game looked fantastic and this still looks beautifull.
@DTfeartheBEARD I work with a base PS4 im still really happy with my little friend. 😄
@Flurpsel For me its the loading times and more solid FPS that sells it alone for me i love my PS4 but i cant wait to own that PS5 for these reasons.
@LiamCroft im not stuck with a PS4 its still a fantastic machine with tons of fantastic games.
Looks really impressive in stills. It is funny that at the beginning of this new generation Sony's messaging was very much 'we believe in generations'...where as MS was 'we'll not leave Xbox one behind for two years'...a year into their life span later and you have Sony looking at 2022 with cross gen games and MS having ended this year with their last cross gen game in Halo. Next year is going to be interesting...
I don’t understand the love for the first game. But hey, we can’t like every game. Happy for the ps fans that like it.
One of the most misquoted lines of all time. Here’s the full quote if you’re actually interested in it:
“ We have always said that we believe in generations. We believe that when you go to all the trouble of creating a next-gen console, that it should include features and benefits that the previous generation does not include. And that, in our view, people should make games that can make the most of those features.
"We do believe in generations, and whether it's the DualSense controller, whether it's the 3D audio, whether it's the multiple ways that the SSD can be used... we are thinking that it is time to give the PlayStation community something new, something different, that can really only be enjoyed on PS5.”
Clear reference to the next-gen features of the PS5, the SSD/i/o, Dualsense implementation on games, 3D audio support, all features that the generational gap in consoles provides.
@DeepSpace5D Ooops...I forgot the 'do'. 'we DO believe in generations'. Sorry.
The point was you and many others have misrepresented that quote as if it was referring only to games being available on PS5 and not on PS4, when the actual quote is not about that. It’s about features the PS5 offers that are not available on the PS4 that adds to the overall immersion while gaming, such as the dualsense, 3d audio, and SSD.
@DeepSpace5D The ps5 wasn't originally sold on the promise of features alone though. It was also games...specifically games that later got announced as coming to PS4 too.
Of course the PS5 wasn’t sold on features alone, I certainly didn’t argue that it was. But the quote that you and many try to use as a “gotcha” moment, the one about generations, is not talking about PS5-only games.
We can go into another discussion about the PS5 only content so far for the first year if you like, I have had a great time personally with Astro’s Playroom, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Demon’s Souls, and Returnal. None of which can be played on PS4.
But that “generations” quote is being completely misrepresented by you if you are trying to use it as Jim Ryan referring to crossgen games. Use the whole quote and you see he’s not talking about that at all.
Glad its looking great hope it runs well, i have never really been bothered to much by load times. Im not sure im gonna upgrade to ps5 myself i use the admittedly dodgy ps4 browser alot to watch various sites that don't have ps4 apps.
I currently play It takes two co-op with my ps5 and i can tell you that ps4 pro couldn't handle this. The image, textures and lighting are sublime with zero pop-ups and no loading times and all that running with local co-op at 60 frames.
@zebric21 Really?
@DeepSpace5D Adding an SSD to the PS4 Pro is a bit of a game changer - it's not fully integrated or optimised for one like the PS5 but with a throughput of 6GB/s from SATA 3 it changes the load times dramatically.
"We have always said that we believe in generations. We believe that when you go to all the trouble of creating a next-gen console, that it should include features and benefits that the previous generation does not include."
Funny how Jim-bob forgets to mention all the PS4 cool features that aren't included in the PS5 - super-sampling, folders, themes, etc.
@Ken_Kaniff I hope you do get destroyed. obviously he was talking about the ps4 screenshots clown. ain't nobody gonna mistake that for the ps5 version. ps5 version looks 10 times better than zero dawn
Game changing to me is ghost of tsushima and returnal with zero loading times in ps5..not 5 or 10 sec just 0.
@TheRedComet baffling how they put so much into the same game ever year. i'll never understand. I disagree...I have a ps5 and it's been worth it for me. I don't know why yall so hard to please.
@zebric21 finally a sane person. completely agree lol
@TheArt brother also only plays one game. what should we do with these guys?
@sanderson72 wow most people would kill for a email invite and you just didn't do it? I completely understand if you can't afford rn but if you can omg. I jumped at that as soon as I got the email cuz I knew it was gonna be till 2024 before I have another opportunity.
@middyone Not only that but i managed to sell my aging ps4 around 180 euros making the ps5 a way better deal.
@zebric21 game changing? you mean going from one game to another without screens?
@zebric21 I really want to sell mines lol. get my money back too but my siblings keep asking me for the ps4 so I might just have to let them have it.
@middyone Yes, I could afford it - that's not my problem with the PS5. At the current state, it looks like it'll be 2023 before I see anything of worth on it worth upgrading for.
I KNOW it's no doubt super duper with it's fast SSD reducing load times even faster than my Pro (Crucial 3D NAND SSD in its internal slot) but for what? R&C looks like a shiny version of the PS4 game & Demon Souls bored me to death on the PS3.
Thing is, my Pro is running quick and very quiet (maybe I'm lucky on that last part as it's a 71xx series) and I'm often gaming on a decent Sony TV that's only 1080p so the Pro's super-sampling comes into its own on that (a feature that Sony still haven't added into the PS5 yet?)
@Flurpsel you are a smart person, the quick jump to ABANDON the ps4 and all of its games and abilities, makes me really sad as a gamer. The clammoring to use and toss consoles with hundreds of games still left on them and an active life cycle, is probably one of the saddest phenomenons in gaming right now.. I don't see myself getting a Ps5 until 2023, until then with all of the games still being released and the plethora of games that I haven't touched in the PS4 library, this will keep me busy for another full year or so..
amazing... can't wait for this one ! 2022 is going to be a stellar year !
Loading was fine on PS4 and this doesn't look that much more impressive. It's gonna be more than fine.
Only problem here is that last gen is once again holding the PS5 back and I'm not motivated to get a PS5 in the least
Have they shown comparative underwater shots yet? From the beginning, seeing the underwater swimming and knowing this game would also be on PS4, the only thing I was concerned with was the underwater sections. Tomb Raider 3 has some great looking underwater sections that I wasn't a fan of but they looked pretty good, but I don't recall a lot of water in the first Horizon game, so I know PS4 can handle underwater, but not so sure about whatever engine Horizon uses. Looks incredible what we've seen so far but I think I've only seen it on PS5.
Of course underwater may only be 5% of the game like TR3 so it may my matter, but if it's more like 20-25% it could hurt the experience on PS4.
PS4 vs PS5 debate. I got the PS5 via a Sony email, but really I'd be ok w/o it. People's circumstances are different. I got it ASAP b/c my kid will only be home another 18 months before going to university, so as they put it, if we wait another year, it's my gift, not theirs. I also just bought our first 4k tv. If we still only had a 1080p tv and we couldn't afford 4k I don't really see the point. How much better would HFW be on PS5 vs PS4 on a 1080p tv?
Oh, and we really only got a PS5 b/c both my kids and I are big R&C fans. Had R&C also been on PS4 the PS5 would still be waiting. I may personally have never purchased 1 for myself, my kid could get their own.
Screenshot always look better than in motion but HZD was already a great looking game so gameplay improvement (which was also already very good) would be my main ask if I was playing on PS4. Would also be good if the hair bonce was a little less distracting. I not looking for massive change, more of the same and a story as good as the first will see me happy.
TFOH these are really PS4 screenshots? Game looks crazy but that no surprise right zero dawn looked great too
As a frequent gamer, my current set-up with a pro and S has been great. I really don't feel as if I am missing much.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@Ken_Kaniff el oh el you got destroyed. hmm...nope
it would probably still look better on ps5 since it upscales on a 1080p tv to 4k from what i've heard. I have one but I just upgraded to a 4k tv so I remember it looking worse on 1080p but not as bad as the ps4 version of a game I had. I don't regret my purchase of a ps5 at all...especially since sony said they have more than 25 exclusives in the works and after 2022 none will be on the ps4. plus did you see that matrix demo? that alone is worth it because it shows we haven't even scratched the surface of ps5 power yet. did you play ratchet and clank rift apart...what did you think if you did?
@middyone Only thing I've played so far is Astrobot Playroom and I haven't even finished that yet. We do own R&C and I'm looking forward to starting it, but probably not until after the holidays, busy w/ family stuff.
I received an email from Sony asking if I wanted to buy a ps5. Then last Monday between 9 and 11 I had the opportunity to buy one directly in the direct store. And on Wednesday I had him in the house. I do live in the Netherlands. But as a tip I say keep an eye on your e-mail.
@sanderson72 I mean if you want an honest review from someone who has had it since may. I think it's amazing and has so many reasons to upgrade. I thought of it like this...if I do decide to upgrade in 2023 and there so happens to be a pleura of ps5s...there is still a chance you won't get it. waiting could potentially make you miss the only opportunity you have for a long time. think about the games that are exclusive to ps5 in 2023. hell right now we have returnal, ratchet and clank rift apart, demon souls, Deathloop in the first year alone. ps5 will be selling out fast for future games like Ghostwire Tokyo, Final Fantasy XVI, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, kotor, Marvel’s Wolverine. I had to future proof myself as soon as possible because sony has said they have more than 25 exclusives in the works and I can't risk not having a ps5 by then. the matrix demo that looks hyper realistic released on ps5 last week and omg...that only made me think to myself i'm glad I have one. don't listen to those people that are super hard to please...I kid you not it's 100% worth it if not entirely for now...for the near future. especially with the tech inside of the ps5. it is far from just fast loading...this can change how games are made. ratchet and clank mechanics are just the beginning and graphics are phenomenal. it looks like a pixar movie i kid you not. supersampling? like it looks worse on ps5 than it does on ps4?
@middyone If the semi-conductor situation improves, then the PS5 will be plentiful. If not, then I've got 2 years to try and track one down.
IF something worthwhile gets an actual concrete release date (everything is slipping at the moment) then I'll redouble my efforts to find one. Currently, there's Dragon Age 4 and Diablo 4 on my radar but they're at least 2 years away. There will be others but nothing is grabbing me in the immediate future.
At the end of the day, I've still got a truck load of PS4 titles to complete so it's really not worth the rush for me.
Supersampling (where the Pro scales a 4K image to 1080p to reduce jaggies) doesn't exist in the PS5. I've not seen a PS5 running on a 1080p screen (I suppose why would you?) so can't comment as to how jaggy it looks but the Pro looks noticeably smoother than a base PS4.
As for the Ratchet & Clank mechanics - well, Jon Burton blew that particular untruth out of the water some months ago having achieved the same process on the PS3 years ago.
Sony instructed Insomniac to make a PS5 only launch title - commercial decision, end of.
@sanderson72 is there a guarantee that's happening anytime soon though? I heard they still trying to produce enough semiconductors. yeah thanks to the pandemic...everything got pushed back to next year. nothing at all? what about forbidden west? yeah I get you...I playing my backlog of upgraded ps4 games on my ps5 while i'm waiting for next year. i was gonna wait like you but then I struck luck and got sent an exclusive email from sony that reserved a ps5 for me. But man do I not regret it one bit. best console i've ever had.
hmm interesting. I remember hearing it had some kind of supersampling. I don't see why it wouldn't do that to 4k image.
who is jon burton and how did he do what your saying? I can guarantee there's nothing like this on ps3 though. ps5 is 20x as powerful as that. well insomiac wanted to make a ratchet game. all of sony studios have said sony lets them make whatever they want to with very little questions asked. Hence how guerilla went from killzone to horizon and sucker punch went from infamous to ghost of tsushima etc. it's only possible on the ps5 due to the ssd vs hard drive which is slow as hell.
@middyone Jon Burton's comments (and his resume) were reported on this site:
SSD is not required. Shiny ray tracing (which was added much later after its release) is a different matter and a definite plus for the PS5.
I had the same email from Sony (I think I commented on it in the forums as I wasn't sure if it was legit).
If you're happy with it then that's fine - I just couldn't see enough of an upgrade over my Pro and its 1TB SATA3 SSD to spend £450 plus £60 on another controller plus £30(?) on another charger dock, etc.
Games will come that will make we want one, guaranteed but the pandemic has slowed releases so that the cross gen releases are currently dwarfing the PS5 only release schedule.
@sanderson72 this dude sounds completely insane and most of the comments on the article say what i'm already thinking. they do have some optional things you can do that changes to a planet instantaneously. if everything rachet did could be done on ps3 or even ps4. we wouldn't have elevators that take so long and have to squeeze through openings in rocks. I'm not buying what this guy is selling. the ssd does matter...look I trust mark cerny the guy who actually made it more than this guy who doesn't work for any company at the moment. T at 1:09.
I get it your trying to justify how ps5 is not a huge jump from ps4 or even ps3 but it is. take it from the guy who made it himself. i've seen whole segments that load a whole new world by just hitting an optional thing so the "forced" things he said isn't valid in the slightest. actual ray tracing was added on day foundry said this. how you gonna think it wasn't legit when it was sent from sony themselves? did you even click on the link lol. I'm extremely happy with it and glad I jumped on it. you do release you can just use the same ssd you have in the ps5 right? It was less price than that for me and one ps5 controller comes with the console. you don't HAVE to buy a charging dock. I don't have one yet but i'm fairing pretty good right now. sony said they gonna stop in 2023. you ain't got much time left. hope you get another opportunity like you had but idk.
@middyone I 'm inclined to take Jon Burton's view with a pinch of salt but I remember playing Lego Star Wars: Clone Wars (I'm that old!) and wondered how they managed to have two distinct environments running at the same time - seemed like witchcraft!
I only meant the SSD didn't matter for the whole rifting process as both environments are most likely in memory at the same time, same basic technique as LSW: Clone Wars. Of course R&C is more complicated than that with many more textures, enemies and background animations but then the PS5 has a colossal CPU/GPU and memory boost over the old PS3. I'm sure the fully integrated rapid SSD will prove itself of more and more use going forward but I think its important to not mistake clever programming techniques with sheer grunt alone being responsible.
"I get it your trying to justify how ps5 is not a huge jump from ps4 or even ps3 but it is" - I'm not doing anything of the sort, actually. The PS4 was a massive jump over the PS3 and I'm sure in time the PS5 will appear to be a massive jump over the PS4 (it clearly is on a hardware front and hats off to Mark Cerny) but at the moment the games aren't that much different, certainly not from a Pro owner's perspective.
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