Crikey, it looks good! Guerrilla has worked its magic once more, and while we’re still eager to see this in motion, here’s your first proper look at a town in Horizon Forbidden West. These screenshots come courtesy of Game Informer magazine, and we’ll redirect you to their website for the rest, but they look absolutely staggering.
The town is in Carja territory. We see Aloy navigating a bustling marketplace, and also exploring a tavern. These are PlayStation 5 screenshots because the snippy lead jumps off the screen due to her “hero lighting”, which is a set of parameters the Dutch developer is using exclusively on Sony’s new-gen console to give the game a glossy, photoshoot-style look.
There are also screenshots of a new machine named the Burrower, who operates a little like an otter. “We wanted to add even more character and locomotion to the machines in Horizon Forbidden West, so the Burrowers are very similar to otters or weasels: flexible, quick, and pretty ferocious,” game director Mathijs de Jonge told Game Informer.
When the Burrower senses danger, it’ll call for allies by making a high-pitched squeal, which it can also utilise as a stunning technique. Presumably, these won’t be the most challenging threats Aloy will face in the Forbidden West, but it’s the sheer variety of wildlife that appears to be included here that’s going to keep the gameplay fresh.
[source gameinformer.com]
Comments 54
This game, man!
This is all looking and sounding great! I’m starting to get excited.
Two more months guys, let's all keep alive for a bit more!!!!
Hustling Town.... wits about you; see those kids they'll pick your pocket. Shifty looking Merchant off to the left is known to sell cheap under the counter knockoff imitation Motorolas too
Games like these are exactly the reason why people get excited about PlayStation! Can't wait for this upcoming gem!
Guerrilla took 5 yrs of sweet time for this......and damn game looks insane
Nothing here is wowing me tbh. I’d much rather see the game in motion, that will give me a proper grasp of the visuals. Still hyped for the game!!!
Looks amazing! I’ll be slowly playing my way through Zero Dawn and The Frozen Wilds the next couple months in anticipation of this one.
@GorosBat Cyberpunk looked great in specially posed screenshots 😛
@nessisonett I have a little more faith in this one 😉
This the best looking game I ever seen in my life 👀.
I loved the first one but can’t get excited for this yet. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it though. I just can’t get past buying a PS5 and playing first party PS4 games. I expect 3rd party to drag their feet but not with first party games.
Screenshot looks amazing.word up son
Hope that my ps4 pro will not struggle with this game, it looks great.
@OmegaStriver the ps5 version is going to be the better version of the game.
Yeah this looks amazing..i cant wait for this even though i have a busy schedule of games to clear..
Yeah, a gorgeous town as hub for exciting fetch quests and inspiring talks with the merchants.
@Max_the_German yeah, exactly. Even though both games look stunning, the quests in the first one was teadious at best. And the talks... oh my. I platinumed the first, and I enjoyed the visuals, but the rest was tedious stuff. I truly hope Guerilla made everything more enjoyable for the second one.
@gamer_since_83 I don’t want to be too harsh. Not every town can be like Novigrad. I started playing the first game when it was given as part of Play at Home, but the open world formula bores me more and more. Nice visuals though.
@clianvXAi It won't have a problem.
@twitchtvpat It'd be embarrassing for Sony if it wasn't!
Is it just me or does “hero lighting” make Aloy look like she's on a green screen? The lighting looks wrong on her head.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Hope the story line is as stella as the first
It looks decent, but man give me actual gameplay screenshots anyday. And no, photo mode does not count as gameplay!
Would be more impressive if they showed it in motion instead of a screenshot
GAME UK, you are no better than scalpers.
They have stock of PS5 disc edition to preorder.
You try buying one on its own for £450, no stock. But it lets you buy one in bundles costing £600 plus.
This practice should be banned and allow a single console purchase only without bundle.
Rip of UK yet again.
Was trying to get one for a friend.
@sanderson72 Yeah its you.
Looks great! Don't know how I feel about the hero glow thing though. it makes Aloy stick out like a sore thumb in the darker areas. Hopefully we can turn that off in the options.
@Korgon I noticed the same thing, why have they gone to all that effort to produce such amazing lighting effects and then completely ruin it with a bizarre halo effect on Alloy that doesn't match the scene?
Update Game UK are now selling the PS5 disc edition solo, as I see the bundles were not selling, well done general public. The queue is about one minute.
Good luck.
Looks like concept art, well done guerrilla
@Flaming_Kaiser Based on a couple of comments above, apparently not..
@Dezzy70 Interesting that you mention prices as CEX are as bad with the disc console price (boxed) at £650! High street scalpers...
Weirdly though, the digital edition is going for pretty much RRP.
@OmegaStriver Do owners of high end pcs lament the fact that older less powerful pcs can run the same game, albeit a lot worse?
Looks fantastic! I’ve barely even started Zero Dawn yet but by the time I do finish it, this would probably be in a sale and I’ll definitely grab it then.
Okay I'm getting excited now.
“Hero lighting”? I guess I missed the update which revealed that this was a thing. I know people remarked how the trailers made Aloy pop a little unnaturally due to spotlighting, but I didn’t realize this was a purposeful technique that Guerrilla is experimenting with. I wonder if you’ll be able to disable it in the graphical options settings.
Just finished Horizon:Zero Dawn and The Frozen Wilds last month for the first time, total playtime of 42 hours...was bereft when it finished. What an astonishing game.
Looking forward to this big time.
@KayOL77 That’s SLIGHTLY different due to the fact that actually mattered 15 or so years ago. Since then, if a game was going to push the limits it has always been a console game. PCs became 3rd party pushers and they no longer were the examples of how amazing a game could be. Sony 1st party games since the PS3 have been the gold standard of how amazing a game could be. Now, due to people crying about cross-gen, PS5s mostly are limited their higher frames and ray tracing improvements. When Horizon 2 launches, it will look better than the PS4 version, but, they will be the exact same game. The PS5 game will be built with the exact same limitations that the PS4 version will need.
The game looks artistic, not realistic.
Maybe that was the look they were going for as this game also targets the PS4. But a realistic lighting model would bring these scenes to life more than looking like a detailed painting.
Can't wait to see what a PS5 only Horizon game will look like without being anchored to the old architecture of the base PS4.
@get2sammyb but they need tell me what are new features add to PS5 because it has more power than ps4
@mariomaster96 @Ichiban @GorosBat
Perhaps you'd be interested in the 10 minute gameplay video they released a few months ago?
Anthem caused me not to get excited about game environments before launch.
I want to have some excitement for this follow up. I enjoyed the original. My worries are the facts that the design is held back by the PS4....and open world fatigue. I am just about sick of open world games and the familiar mechanics. As a guy who has gamed since gamings birth it's hard to find new and interesting games.
No doubt the team and engine are elite class but that open world tag ...it's a problem... especially with design restrictions due to the limits of the PS4 .
Yeah, they need to ditch this absurd hero lighting.
Aside from that I'd love to see more that is different location wise. So far the screens just look like the first game aside from the new machines. I'd love to see more screens of settlements along the coast, or in any other biome aside from the monochromatic brown laden towns that were basically every town in the first one.
As much as I am excited for this , and other games on the Horizon..... lol...... I have to share the sentiment that I do feel a bit duped buying a ps5 to be essentially playing ps4 games until likely 2023 or 2024, with a performance option or resolution option, where sacrifices are necessary to accomplish either. By the time this cross-gen garbage subsides, they will try and sell us on a ps5 pro. Just not what i was expecting, nor what they sold us on.
That's right dudes and dudettes, this engine rocks! After Death Stranding I can only imagine what they could achieve in this game. I really appreciate character animation in both HZD and DS, tops shelf those.
Y'all forgot Cyberpunk already!? Memba how amazing and busy all the screenshots looked before release? Someone remind me what we ended up with? Lol
I hate to say this, but these are bullshots. The gameplay video from last year and everything else they’re showing is highly structured and not going to be what we actually get. Not saying it won’t be amazing, but it’s really obvious that GG is doing us wrong with the preview cycle on this game.
In going to wait until February and see whether these screenshots are representative or not. They look better than I'd expect, but I'm prepared to be pleasantly surprised, while also not disappointed if the game merely meets the standards shown earlier in the year.
I'm not sure that anyone not covered by an NDA has the knowledge to say whether or not these are actually "bullshots". I will however say that I'd prefer a solid game with this semi-realistic artstyle than one which sacrifices everything else for graphical fidelity.
@OmegaStriver I'm sure they said there would be an air mode of travel on ps5 and not PS4.
@KayOL77 I haven’t came across that info but I’d be cool with that.
I dont know, Aloy looks to much of a man in her face. Really wish they would pretty her up some. Will not play this till i get a PS5 so heck by time i get a PS5 the game will probably be on PC and probably be mods then. Beautiful game though.
They look great. This was a no brainer for pre order. Roll on February
@Snick27 She doesn't have time to do hair and makeup before going out to kick killer machines butts 😂 she looks great as is.
These screens are not as good as Rift Apart....You can see the PS4 design restrictions in these shots...Moving and in the flesh, then I will judge.
Bustling town sure, but how many of them can you talk to/interact with?
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