Cuphead might not be for everyone with its super-tough boss battles, but man, its presentation is stunning — and that goes for its trailers, too. Studio MDHR clearly has an absolute blast making these promos, and it all pays off; this trailer for the long-awaited Delicious Last Course expansion was one of the best at The Game Awards.
In between all the wonderful low-fi sequences, we see some snippets of gameplay from the DLC pack, and it looks just as good as the main game. Cuphead, Mugman, and brand new character Ms. Chalice will do battle with a number of awesome-looking bosses, making use of new weapons and abilities. It looks to be more of the same devilish gameplay you know and love/hate.
What's more, Delicious Last Course now finally has a release date, landing on 30th June 2022. That's still a fair wait, but it looks like it'll be worth it. Are you excited for more Cuphead? Don't deal with the devil in the comments section below.
Comments 23
This was my favorite trailer of the show.
It looks incredible as always, but this game is too difficult for me to be honest. Just don't have the patience for it.
I was wondering if this was ever going to come out. Can not wait!
@get2sammyb When you struggle to beat the first couple of levels you know you're in trouble. The struggle is real.
I would watch a whole Cuphead show that had the animation style of the trailer. Charming as hell.
I spent a while trying to beat the frog boxers (who are like the 2nd boss or something) and then something bigger came out and I haven't gone back... but I really should, I enjoyed it
Best announcement of the show. Been waiting forever for this to release.
Still got cuphead on my ps4 of the best indie games ever.the art Style is amazing .one of the best looking games ever.cant wait for this dlc.word up son
So is this actually going to be sold as DLC or a stand alone game? I know everyone keeps saying DLC but the title made it look like a sequel to me.
I know my kid played this - I won't even bother with an attempt - but I'm not sure where. Gamepass on PC most likely but they may have purchased it on Steam if it's there.
@playstation1995 The music slaps so hard too. I absolutely LOVE old swing/jazz type of music. The game is a marvel.
@Rafie. Definitely i agree.the music is cool.word up son
Three words. Fi, Nal, Ly!
I am ready to get utterly destroyed yet again, give it to me daddy.
I'd like to see an easy mode, for times that I just want to relax, experience the beautiful graphics and gameplay without getting killed every minute
@RBMango There's an actual animated series called "The Cuphead Show", which will be releasing on Netflix exclusively sometime in 2022.!
@rjejr Delicious Course is still just DLC, not a true sequel. I will be surprised if this gets a standalone release...
@KidBoruto Thank you. I still haven't figured out if we own this or it was just a rental. 🤷♂️
@rjejr Cuphead is a digital only game on PlayStation sadly.
@KidBoruto OK I guess it wasn't on PS then. And I think my kid played it BEFORE it came to Switch, so that leaves a Steam purchase or PC Gamepass, we traded in our Xbox for a Switch before Cuphead released. Maybe I'll remember to ask them later when they wake up in a few hours.
@rjejr No worries if you forget!
@KidBoruto I keep forgetting so it's a good thing you keep reminding me b/c now I really have to know. Just not enough to remember. We're doing big family Christmas a week early on Sunday so it's kinda crazy over here right now. 🎄
@KidBoruto So I remembered to ask my kid - they bought it on Steam, not interested in the DLC - then I even remembered to come back and tell you, then I spent 15 minutes looking for this article and this conversation on Nintendo Life. 😝
Oh well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad. 😁
@rjejr Rofl no biggies! Glad you solved the case master sleuth.
@KidBoruto Me too, it was my big accomplishment for the day. 😁
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