Has all this DLC chatter surrounding Assassin's Creed Odyssey got you interested in playing the game? If the answer is yes, you're in luck: Ubisoft is offering a free play weekend that starts tomorrow and runs until 20th December 2021. You will have access to the entire game for the course of the free trial, and your progress will carry over if you decide to buy it. The Deluxe Edition is currently on sale for £13.39/$19.99.
Pre-load is available now on the PlayStation Store, and if you're playing on a PS5 via backwards compatibility, you'll also be able to run the game at 60 frames-per-second. "From outcast to living legend, embark on an odyssey to uncover the secrets of your past and change the fate of Ancient Greece."
The latest — but almost certainly final — addition to Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a new crossover story with Assassin's Creed Valhalla protagonist Eivor. You can gain access to it after completing the first chapter of the story, but since it essentially spoils the entire plot, we wouldn't recommend playing it as part of your free weekend.
Will you be checking out Assassin's Creed Odyssey this weekend? Let us know in the comments below.
[source freeweekend.ubisoft.com]
Comments 18
Nice, going to psn now 😃
Tried Odyssey during a free weekend last year, just for a couple of hours, but didn't click with it. Excited to give it a go again. However, this does mean trying F1 online will have to take a back foot.
I have over 10 assassin's creed games on my PS4 and never really play it for some reason lol
I suppose it is an interesting option for people who have wanted to try the game without having to buy it. It isn't really a play for the weekend type game though.
On the other hand, I guess that is why Ubisoft is doing it.
I love how the game doesn't actually start until you leave Kephallonia after about 5 hours.
I really want to try this. But I'm so happily entrenched in Horizon right now. You can see my dilemma.
Cool. So if you stay up all weekend and play non-stop you can get through roughly half the game. Lolol
I just 100%-ed this and it took me 150 hours (with DLC). Great game. But you'll barely scratch the surface for those interested.
Too busy doing Halo Infinite (on PC) and Uncharted 3 on PS5 right now
Woo, I've been wanting to try this for a while (yes, I'm the person that hasn't played it yet!)
A lot of people seem to say it plays more like an action RPG, is that right?
@LiamCroft I assume it's the 'Try Free Demo' on the PS4 or web store?
The "new" AS games have no respect for your time. They are full of mindless filler that insist you spend hours and hours on the most mundane stuff to progress. Odyssey was the last AC game I will ever buy. Luckily I was able to trade it in 2 days after buying and got most my money back. But, after buying almost everything Ubi put out on the PS3 I swore them off that day and never looked at another of their games since. If its true that the Splinter cell remake will not be open world I may give that a go.
I just had a look and there's no free demo for me all it saids is $99.95, and I thought it was free across all platforms cause it doesn't say that on XBox and the Deulxe Edition on Xbox is not on sale either thats weird
I downloaded it because it was listed as free on the PS store. (I was hoping it was an unmentioned bonus addition to PS+—silly me!) Not a huge AC fan, but I’ll give it a go. If it blows off my socks, I’ll pony up the $20. I’ve been looking for a good 3rd person game to get into, and nothing lately has been successfully itching that scratch since completing TLOU 1 & 2 a few weeks ago. Any suggestions for me? Fire away!
@ApostateMage honestly this trial is not enough, I put 200 hours into this game and a free weekend trial will certainly not be enough! Lol
@TooBarFoo It depends on what you are looking for. Many people very much enjoy the 'filler', just looking for a game that they can lose themselves in for a while. And ubisoft, for all the complaints thrown at them, have become very good at making that type of game.
Downloading it now!
@Balosi Of course, many people like this, It's just most games make this optional. It's the fact that it is forced unless you pay to skip it that means Ubi went from my favourite to being crossed of the list completely. I have limited time and want the maximum return on time invested.
Ok. I gave it a try. It's still the same Ubi AC. Characters still feel like those on AC2 and it's just a boring gameplay loop that feels like work more than fun.
I understand the appeal to those that haven't had this tango before, but i've done it enough times that i cba.
I must say though. I don't understand why the game is still called AC. The story is completely irrelevant. The animus and abstergo thing looks forced. No one cares anymore. There is no worthwhile overarch, so why have it? Why is it an AC game? Just to attach sales i guess. Would be better if this was it's own thing, unshakled by the AC formula.
I got ghost of tsushima to play and i'd rather play Horizon or spiderman, and i have skipped on those too.
@Nolly97 Same problem with me lol. I remember enjoying AC1 and AC2, then stopped playing near the beginning of Brotherhood.
I kept on collecting the games though, but I usually waited for steep discounts of course.
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