We didn't think we'd be writing about juicy rumours for Assassin's Creed Valhalla over a year after its release, but that's just how things have panned out for Ubisoft's hugely successful open worlder. According to in-the-know games reporter Tom Henderson, Valhalla is getting a surprise DLC this month, which could be announced at The Game Awards on Friday. And it really would be a surprise, because the Assassin's Creed Valhalla season pass never mentioned a third DLC.
So is this actually happening? Well, we know for sure that Valhalla's next title update will arrive in December (probably next week, based on findings by PlayStation Game Size). However, Ubisoft has yet tell us what the update will include. If this DLC rumour is real, then the update could add support.
Henderson doesn't stop there, though. He also states that Valhalla's 2022 expansion — which has previously been confirmed by Ubisoft itself — is massive, clocking in at around 40 hours in length.
Honestly, this claim doesn't surprise us. It's long been assumed that the 2022 expansion was originally its own Assassin's Creed game, but it was folded into Valhalla following covid setbacks, and because Valhalla was still doing so well commercially.
In any case, with The Game Awards airing in just a few days, and the new update dropping within the next week, it won't be long until we get confirmation on this rumour. Would you be up for a surprise Valhalla DLC? Start preparing for a new voyage in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 37
Train Sim World 2 better look out. Ubisoft is coming for that throne.
I'm afraid I'm done with the AC series. I loved the games (for the most part) from the first through Syndicate. Then with Origins it just seemed to drag on for no reason. Tons of forced side-quests to bloat the game when I just wanted to get through the main story. I forced myself to beat Origins, skipped Odyssey and grabbed Valhalla at PS5's launch. I'm somewhere in the middle of Valhalla (20-ish hours in) with no drive to bother completing the story. The amount of bloat on the AC games anymore is just too much.
Lenght is not quality!!
It's just going to be a 40 hour add-on to the Asgard Arc. 😱
Be good if this is true, I sinked almost 300 hours into it and completed both DLC’s so another meaty DLC while I wait for the next iteration of AC is welcome from me at least.
With any luck it will move the narrative on to King John and his formation of the proto-templars.
I for one have had enough of delving back into fantasy history. Its time to refocus the game back on the warring secret societies narrative and move the gameplay to somewhere we haven't been before.
Personally I'd love to see a game set in Conquistador South America. They could set it in El Mirador in modern-day Guatamala with a huge city set amongst the jungle.
Yeah, sure. I think Paris was actually pretty good, so I hope they'll continue in that direction.
@RadioHedgeFund Yeah, there was a rumour that they would push a smaller game focused on king John which would be a great way to tie back to AC1. Coming full circle before relaunching as Infinity, maybe.
Despite owning the Gold edition I still haven’t played the Paris DLC yet! By the time the first DLC came out (Ireland) I had to take a break from the game due to burnout. Gonna be diving back in soon though!
I just gave up on valhalla at 140 hours and dont think i will be going back. I loved it and completed the game and 100% the collectables for each region, but i couldnt face another 30-40 hours to get the platinum. Nor could i face picking up the dlc even though its currently on sale.
Ac Valhalla (and AC in general) would have been so much better if ubisoft learned how to edit their games. I'd much prefer a 40 hour game to one dragging on beyond the point where you question if its still fun, or instead are playing simply because you have already invested so much time in it
Mother will be pleased
She loves AC
@Rob_230 I've been noticing you playing this now and then, what else do you need for the Platinum?
@Athrum I know right. It’s like they’re tone deaf. We don’t want a 5 hour expansion stretched to 40. Or a 40 hour game stretched to 150 🙄
@fR_eeBritney Exactly, mate. Give me a small but well built experience and I'll gladly dish out 20€ for it.
Instead of telling us what to expect of the next expansion or how it's going to built on Eivor's story the first thing they say is "It's 40h long!". Man f-that!!!
@LiamCroft The one that made me step away (at least for a bit while i work through my backlog) was catching all the fish. Think i spent two hours fishing a few nights back and i just started reflecting on what i was doing with my time.
I havent killed all order of the ancients yet (about 75% complete), and i skipped playing Orlog all the way through the game after my first match only to realise there was a trophy requirement.
Some of the others (get the 2 legendary weapons, disguise with monks etc) are all doable - but the fish and the orlog broke me unfortunately.
I think i would have stuck with it to plat if my backlog wasnt so embarassing, but it would be good to tick off a few shorter games prior to Horizon coming out next year, not to mention anything i might get for xmas!
@Rob_230 Yeah, I've looked at the Trophy guides for the game a few times and those two keep putting me off: fishing and Orlog.
Sounds great to me as i'm still playing and enjoying it despite having done everything it offers.
@Uncharted2007 Hahaha, "20 hours"? No mate, you are not halfway through I'm afraid.
If it's that big it should have its own separate plat trophy like Monster Hunter Iceborne
I want less map icons and more interesting side missions/events. Like can Ubisoft not at least get half of the narrative quality for side quests that you get in games like Witcher 3?
Right I have the season pass for Valhalla but haven't touched any of the dlc yet I might download them tonight and give them a go haven't played AC for a year so might be a good time to jump back into it.
@Athrum..that's what my Mrs. says !! 😉
The longer the game the better for me. Get your moneys worth. Pointless just rushing through a game just to do the story line then not even bothering with all the side quests. I know everyone’s different but that’s how I like to do it.
I’ve recently started playing the Assassins Creed games / franchise. I started with Origins and have worked backwards to Black Flag.
Origins was a huge sprawling map! And required you to do side quests to level up and complete the main quest / storyline. I was bored by the end of the game and had forgotten the characters, their motivations and their reasons. Oh and pushed micro transactions.
Contrast that with Black Flag which was short, sweet, fun and enjoyable, even though it was the older game.
I’m interested in vikings but not a 100 hour campaign!
The game is far too long as it is
@Uncharted2007 Funny enough, I have the exact opposite feeling. I've been with the series since the start back on the PS3, and while I loved the early games, the once they got to Black Flag, I began to lose interest and they weren't at the top of my list any more. By Origins was fantastic and took the series in a much more appealing direction for me, and then Odyssey is one of my very favorite games of all time. Its just amazing. Valhalla isn't quite as good, and I've actually paused playing it for a while, but with the news of the massive expansion, I'm going to dig back in.
"Surprise DLC" is just going to be flippin' Yule season, right?
My feelings on this are complicated. Like, I love this game but is it ever going to end?
I was writing off next year's season pass as I felt making us pay for a second one for the first time ever in the series was BS. If we really are getting a 40 hour expansion (aka another game) with that though, then I'll have to reconsider.
One thing they should probably do is actually finish the present day story. In the game itself, it just ended without actually being close to finished. Basim goes into the Animus, but then nothing else happens.
For crying out loud. It's a dlc, no one is forcing anyone to buy and play it.
This is good news for the people that enjoy the game, and should be irrelevant news for the people that don't enjoy it.
How is this different from the plan ubi had for ac:infinite. Smaller campaigns within the big game right?
Would this "surprise DLC" be free to download for those who bought the season pass or do we need to buy it separately? I'm planning to buy the Gold Edition sometime this month as it's been on sale. And if this surprise DLC would be included in the season pass, that'd be wonderful. Thanks a bunch in advance. 😁
I was just thinking this game probably needed to be a bit longer.
@KilloWertz Nothing else happens cause that's the epilogue and set up for the next game(s) though.
I've played every AC game at launch since the first and tbh Valhalla is one of the worst imo. The plot is terrible, the asgard stuff was boring, Eivor is entirely lacking in any personality whatsoever and if you just wanted to play the main story you can't because the final mission is locked behind a skillwall so you are forced to level up with more side missions (which are actually the most well written and fun part of the game) before you can do it. Honestly it feels like Valhalla doesn't deserve the success it's had and it's only people creaming over the viking setting that has made it successful not the game itself. Origins and Odyssey were much better, and so was black flag, the ezio trilogy, syndicate... infact the only worse games are unity and 3
@Rob_230 The market dictates, Valhalla and Odyssey sold very well, I think there's a lot of players that like having so much content and hundreds of hours of gameplay.
Damn as happy as I am they are continuing to support Valhalla, I wish they would end support soon.
I promised myself I wouldn't touch this game until the last patch update and DLC have been released...
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