The West is now so far behind with Trails games that it's actually starting to hurt. The latest game in Falcom's long-running JRPG series, Kuro no Kiseki, released for PlayStation 4 earlier this year in Japan — but there's been no definitive word on a Western launch. And now, Falcom has announced that a direct sequel — the wonderfully named Kuro no Kiseki II: Crimson Sin — is set to hit Japan in the latter half of 2022.
Again, it feels like Western fans are being left in the dust. Of course, this isn't really Falcom's fault. The developer doesn't have the resources to publish its own products overseas, and so it looks like publishers like NIS America to get the job done. However, as thankful as we are to NISA for getting Cold Steel III and Cold Steel IV out in a relatively timely manner, a clear backlog is starting to form.
Currently, NISA has four Trails titles scheduled for a Western release: Trails from Zero is due in Q3 2022, while Trails to Azure, Trails into Reverie, and The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails are all pencilled in for 2023. The way things are going, we might not be playing Kuro no Kiseki until 2024 — which, let's be honest, is taking the p*ss a bit.
Now, we know that localising Trails games can't be easy — they're all huge RPGs with mountains of text to get through — but it's easy to question whether NISA has its priorities straight. A hopeful part of us was thinking that most of 2022 has been left open because NISA could be planning to bring Kuro no Kiseki overseas before the rest — but it's starting to look unlikely.
Not all hope is lost, however. Falcom did recently say that it's aware of overseas demand for Kuro no Kiseki, and a planned PS5 version could give the company more reason to pursue localisation. As we head into 2022, we're just praying that we get some additional announcements over the next few months.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 27
We won't get Kuro before Reverie lol.
I loved the Sky games because of how good the worldbuilding was, but Cold Steel just didn't do it for me at all. I honestly think that Falcom's writing get's worse with each subsequent series.
We are going to be soooooo far behind at this rate! At least we know for sure the series is perfectly healthy over in Japan haha!
@Bismarck I’ve heard this from quite a few people by now. Bit worried about actually starting Cold Steel now because Ao is really really fantastic so far and it would be a shame if the quality dipped that much.
Falcons turn around is phenomenal! To put out a JRPG in early 2021 and then a sequel in less than 2 years is really good, especially in these time! Hats off to the dev teams 😁
@nessisonett I don't think it dips much at all. Cold Steel is still excellent in the character building and plot twist departments, but it's undoubtedly more... anime, for lack of a better term. Especially in 3 and 4, things can get a bit convoluted — but I really wouldn't let that thought put you off. Still brilliant RPGs.
I mean I highly doubt NISA has the resources to localize these huge games faster either, it's not like they're a large publishing entity either. Plus they have other games outside of Falcom's to release.
Perhaps for the applicable gamers, learning Japanese will be faster than getting the western port. Haha
@ShogunRok The Walt Continues We Will Be On The PS6 By The Time We Get This Game They Should Have Nisa Do The Localization Along Side Development Instead Of Waiting For the Game To Be finished And Then doing It.
@RudeAnimat0r True, it's a massive undertaking even for a bigger publisher's localisation teams.
Having 4 Trails games scheduled be localised over the next two years give me hope that we are catching up. Even if the latest isn’t among them.
That's a good way to look at it. And to be fair fans have been begging for the Crossbell games to get localized officially for ages now so we really have too much room to complain here.
I've still got Trails Of Cold Steel 3 sealed and left on the shelf where it's been for about a year.
By the time I finished TOCS 2 I couldn't wait to play something else.I do enjoy the games but wow do they drag!
Developers at Falcom are still psychologically trapped in 1996 and act amazed any time they're told they also have an overseas fanbase.
When you primarily develop heavily serialized RPGs with only the asian market in mind, this sort of thing is going to happen.
They really need to work out an arrangement for making the Trails in the Sky trilogy available on modern console platforms.
I'm livid over the whole situatuon and decided to block all trails games until reveries comes out.
I know purists kept pestering them about these titles, but this is insanity. These old games are not worth the massive delays.
Focus on what is important first, which is the modern games.
Even if they're a small team, NISA are taking way too long to release those games. I mean Zero and Ao are literally completely translated at this point and all they would need is to add voice acting. Why is that taking so long? 2022 for Zero and 2023 for Ao? Seriously both of them should be out by now.
NISA are just a joke at this point.
@Ralizah Honestly?! We are 3 years behind and you want more ports of old games?!
Screw that! I want the new games instead.
@nessisonett Oh brother... purists are gonna be the death of this series.
I think cold steel is better than Sky and Ao. Ignore those trapped in the past. They can't move past their chibi 2D characters.
Cold steel is way more advanced than the older games and honestly, far more playable.
The classics are like playing visual novels.
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@Nem In my opinion, CS's writing has been underwhelming throughout. It's doesn't matter how good the graphics, gameplay or voice acting are I am not playing a game for more than 5 hours if the story is weak.
I thought that Estelle often carried Sky on her back and she is the main reason that arc was the best.
@Bismarck then don't. Couldn't care less.
I think the outdated graphics, the combat, the undetailed world and honestly dreadfully slow beggining of sky is levels worse.
So, what did you win from this argument?
I thought sky was boring. I didn't get in your face about it until you did on mine. You can like whatever you want.
All I've been saying is that i want the new games faster. If you want sky, then you got it. Go replay it.
@Nem You called people who thought that CS was ***** "trapped in the past". I can assure you if CS wasn't ***** we would all be singing it's praises, but that's not the world we live in.
Damn shame about the international release date gaps between countries...hopefully they will shorten over time.
Be strange going back to azure/zero as its using dated gameplay from trails in the sky after completing trails of cold steel 1-4. I'm patient as plenty of other games to play unless falcom getting a different publisher to do the new games. I guess it's hard as the trails games are such a niche product. I loved trails in the sky although very slow in the first game. The story was managed a lot better than trails of cold steel . Hard going because cold steel had so many characters to manage . As trails in the sky number if characters were smaller.
@Bismarck Yes, and i mantain that that is nostalgia more than anything speaking.
Cold steel is the best selling in the series. We are here talking about it cause it is good. Otherwise no one would care.
Making a fuss over which one is personally the best is juvenile.
Either you like it or you don't. If you do, enjoy. If you don't, no one is forcing you to.
Article is about kuro 2 being announced and the delay on localizations. Let's focus on that.
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