God of War Ragnarok hasn't even gotten a confirmed PlayStation 5, PS4 2022 release date yet and here we are already discussing the possibility of a PC port. That's not a reflection of Sony changing its approach to porting its blockbuster titles to the personal computer, but Sony Santa Monica creative director Cory Barlog has now been posed the question. In a new interview with Game Informer, Barlog was asked if the sequel will be ported to PC sooner than four years after its PS5, PS4 launch.
He replied: "I have no idea. Right now, we're taking it one game at a time, kind of looking at each one and determining, 'Okay, is this the best thing?' And we'll gauge how it does. Do people enjoy it? Did we do it right? Is there anything we did wrong? What can we do better in the future if we do this again? But at the end of the day, ultimately, it's Sony’s decision."
While Barlog was the creative director for the 2018 reboot, it's Eric Williams who now finds themselves in the position of creative director. It still seems like Cory holds the series close to his heart, though, opting to appear in interviews based around God of War Ragnarok.
Barlog was a big supporter of bringing God of War to PC, but he says the notion was supported by a "collective of [PlayStation] studios". Elsewhere in the interview, he shares how he recommended the PC port to Sony higher-ups multiple times through suggestion boxes. "We're still figuring it out as a company and as individual studios how to do this and what the process and strategy will be."
Funnily enough, Cory is also simply asked why he thinks people should check out God of War on PC. He said: "Because it’s a giant smokescreen to sell you on the fact that Silent Hills is secretly inside the game? Totally kidding." Never change, Cory. The PC port is already doing well on Steam — at the time of writing, it's the best-selling game over there.
[source gameinformer.com]
Comments 59
Considering GoW is selling well on Steam, I see no reason why they wouldn't. PC ports can act like a second launch for the game.
It will come in about two years maybe less confirmed by me of course 🙂 But yeah It's just how things are going to be, just like how physical media unfortunately will probably be left behind for streaming and digital purchases.
Spoiler! It will just a bit later after the console launch.
I really like Barlog's mindset. He's a funny dude and a great director. He also keeps talking about positive things in the industry than riding in on the elitism that's going on in most communities. He's humble and clearly loves video games.
And yes, I expect Ragnarok and even more games will be out on PC at some point. Whether it's day one or a year later, that's a whole different discussion.
Of course it will, as will every other game made by Sony Studios.
They're not in the 'exclusives' business anymore, console exclusive will suffice for them. Same with Xbox of course.
Nintendo have the right idea, for once.
I guess I'll just remain a big fan of Cory's
Really pressed about this stuff aren't u 😂 just get on with your life mate, its not that serious lool
It's 100% going to happen and within 2 years if not less.
They didn't acquire a port studio to just sit on games for 4 years, they'll be cranking them out sooner than you expect, much to the chagrin of console players.
Cory Barlog? Never heard of him 😄😉
Lol watch the internet go mad when silent hills isnt in the game. Never change Cory.
I bet they rush it out to pc before waiting years due to the fact that God of war is selling gd , Sony execs will see $ signs and get it out asap to get that money
It will come, probably in 2026 when they reach 20m sales or something like that.
@Martsmall nah dude, the money signs are already there and yet they are going to release Uncharted 4 without the first 3 lol. Ragnarok will come to pc when it doesn't sell anymore on PS and for good games that cicle is about 2 to 3 years.
@Martsmall so it sells 20m on pc? I don't think so. Horizon sold like 1 or 2m there compared to 15m plus getting people to pay ps plus and invest on other games since they got the console for more than that. They will wait years
@Spyroescape They don't want my opinion then they should stop posting articles about the subject.
Shawn already said it, when the games don't sell anymore on PS, that's their time to release on PC, it can be a year like Days Gone (LOL) or 4 and counting like Spiderman and it's 30m (and counting).
@truerbluer if the game underperforms like days gone or death stranding, I could see it two years. Anything in the 10m or more it's 4 to more years.
@dudeAmarillo where does it say 30m for spiderman?
@RevGaming the last time news talked about spiderman sales they reported 20 for spiderman ps4 at the end of 2020 and 8 for miles morales at the middle of 2021, that's without how well Miles numbers had been lately and how much the remaster sold.
@RevGaming yeh like most of the fanboys a few years back said ps exclusives will NEVER b on pc ? That worked out great
It's business to em Thier in it to make money ,they ain't gonna spend a load of money on pc porting to sit and wait ,they could hit both pc and ps markets ( like Microsoft does ) , making more money takes presidence over the fanboys
I am so happy I don't have to waste money on consoles anymore to play the games I'm interested in
@dudeAmarillo oh. i thought you meant only the ps4 game.
It's 20m tho
@Martsmall you know how many ps4 games are still left before they start with ps5 games? Plus there's more studios now and the studios are bigger. It will never be day 1. I saw comment from someone who was never going to get a ps5, but since he played horizon on pc, he got one because he can't wait for forbidden west. Now he is a customer for ps plus and the cut sales for sony for any game sold. Sony doesn't have a cloud focus or owns an operating system like microsoft does, so they'll focus be ps5 first. Hermen said that himself.
I'd totally get it day one. I'm not going to rebuy the original on PC because I've already played it. But since moving to PC this gen I do miss these couple of PS exclusives.
Also, I'd love to have Killzone on PC as well. I'd even take a Shadowfall port. I just love how the guns feel in those games.
@Martsmall If they can afford to wait 4 years and then still top steam sales, there is no reason NOT to wait and allow their own console timed priority. What were pc players going to do? Turn down a great, well performing masterpiece of a game?
It is what it is. I’m a PS gamer so I play it on PS. PC gamers will play it on PC. Console exclusivity has never positively affected my pockets so…
Pretty big claim (and news) if Cory is correct in his claim that developers themselves are the reason PlayStation exclusives are coming to PC. I still think it's a bad business decision overall because it removes the main incentive to buy their main product, but it certainly paints people like Jim Ryan in a much different light than some in the community would have you believe - rather than a clueless exec, he'd be an exec who listens to developers much more than average.
@ArcticSin we're all so happy for you.
Of course it will, there not going to put God of War 2018 on PC and not Ragnarok.
@Col_McCafferty You can't blame him. Sony and MS did jack s*** to protect their loyal customers from scalpers. I refuse to believe that global technology juggernauts with billions in annual profits didn't know this was going to happen.
@ArcticSin Same here dude. I got tired of this BS and bought myself a prebuilt PC over the holidays.
@Col_McCafferty well Sony is clearly happy for me, can't wait for Nintendo to join them
You know you don't need to click on the articles if it makes you emotional right?
@Spyroescape just stating my opinion. Sucks that Sony are no longer in the exclusive business but that's their decision.
Can't say I'm happy for PC games, they made their choice so they should live with it. Unfortunately that's the modern generation, very self-entitled and expect everything to be available to them.
It will come eventually. Sony understands releasing on PC years later, when sales of a game on consoles dry up, means they can make a ton of extra money from releasing the game on PC with minimal impact to the value of owning a PS5. I think it's far smarter for them than releasing games on PC and console at the same time.
In my case, as primarily a PC gamer, when Microsoft started releasing their games on PC and console the same day, my interest in owning an Xbox fell off a cliff. I still have a reason to own a PS5 and would as long as their games don't come to PC the same day as their consoles.
I hope people honestly don't think that exclusives are the main selling point for a console, and if you do, you're definitely not Sony's target audience, lmao.
@Col_McCafferty "They don't want my opinion then they should stop posting articles about the subject."
Totally agree with you here dude, if only you had this mindset when you call us complainers that like complaining about everything (like PS Plus selection, free upgrades, etc) 😉
@Col_McCafferty You are being very ignorant. You bought a 500 dollar plastic box that is already outdated. You don't deserve anything. The PC platform can never die so every game should eventually be released on there. The alternatives are streaming and emulation which generate less money for Sony and Nintendo.
@Juanalf My friend, there are some things tha I'm bothered about and others that I'm not. It's never a case of being all in or nothing.
I think the last of us part 3 should be an Xbox exclusive
every sony published game from the ps4 era and forthcoming will eventually make its way to pc. not much else to say about that since it is happening before our very eyes. there have been 3 releases already... 4 if you include detroit on epic game store. however, the average gamer on steam is FAR behind the ps5 hardware tier, so sony will need to wait a few years for the exceptions that truly take advantage of the ps5 hardware.. games such as ratchet and clank would not be able to run on 95% of the pc's on steam. god of war ragnarok being a cross gen game should have no problems running on mid tier and up pc hardware, just like the recent god of war release.
@Porco 5% of Steam users means millions upon millions of people.
@Col_McCafferty Are Sony gong to drop console making? No and are Sony going to stop making games? No so why give a damn? I don't PC game and most likely never will, i have my PS5 and i'm happy with that so if PS5 games appear on PC then it doesn't effect me at all like it won't you. You're just gatekeeping over a corp just remember that.
Of course it will. Sony is going the way of Microsoft (except for giving us some benefit out of the deal), and every single exclusive they port over takes us that much closer to day-and-date releases. Every incentive they receive to do something against the interest of the PS community will only continue to result in Sony treating us like second class citizens while they chase after PC and mobile at our expense.
I’m fully expecting that the PS5 won’t have a single exclusive to speak of when all is said and done. The PS4 will at least keep the crappier ones or the ones Sony just don’t give a damn about (Knack 1 & 2, The Order: 1886, etc.)
@Rob_230 When you boot up GoW on PC but the opening credits credit every role to Kojima.
"CAN'T SAY I'M HAPPY FOR PC GAMES, they made their choice so they should live with it. Unfortunately that's the modern generation, VERY SELF-ENTITLED AND EXPECT EVERYTHING TO BE AVAILABLE TO THEM."
I'm trying to figure out if this was a troll reply or not 0.0 the contradiction is astounding.
Its the fact that your so sour over other people playing the games that baffles me? I'm genuinely confused.
He should legally change his name to the much cooler Cory Balrog.
@Jeevz underrated comment, lol. My headcanon is that he already unofficially calls himself Balrog.
It's going to be a strange gen for Sony, they almost have a Nintendo situation now. Unless you are a Sony die hard most people are going to get a Xbox X for GamePass and a PS for the exclusives but at the moment the PC is the best performer (But at a cost) Xbox comes next performance charts and PS is in third. If they loose the 3rd party sales, which is the main profit centre, to the better performing systems (That's a really big "IF" still at this point) they are going to need to max the profit on the exclusives. Sony spend a lot more then Nintendo do on their titles and PS is Sony's main cash cow (Movies income is increasing, Camera modules doing fine but everything else is struggling) I think we may see the release gap drop to 2 years over the generation. But if Sony needs to raid PS piggy bank along the way I think we will see some variation. Sony cash reserves may well end up driving the PS-PC release timing.
@Porco Not right, The only thing that Ratchet needs is a decent SSD, It been a while since I needed to follow hardware stats, work change, but SSD's have been in the majority since 2014. PC users are also still very likely to be running 1080 or 1440 monitors. As seen with Cyberpunk, it was the consoles that fell over. On PC the game was still poor but you did not hear the same performance issues as console. Sony will wait to release on PC but not for the reason you give.
@lolwhatno Better watch your back, lest the guy from No Guns Life sneak up on ya!
@Spyroescape We are in the comments section for an article on a gaming website. People are going to state their opinions, and doing so doesn't mean they aren't doing other things with their lives.
@Spyroescape glad you picked up on that too. Being unhappy with Sonys decision to port to PC is one thing it's a business decision and everyone can disagree with its merit. Being unhappy/upset that PC gamers enjoy the game is entitled.
Sony is 'mum' and she's allowing the other kids to play with the old toys and they hate it.
Who knows where this PC port policy will lead in the coming years, but for the time being it has no impact on Sony's output of games for PlayStation consoles, and PC gamers adore Sony studios' work. Its a win/win
@lolwhatno Oh haha, the joke is that the main character of the manga is a guy with a gun as his head! edit: basically a walking canon lol
And thanks! I agree with the details, HFW is going to knock it out of the park with those. The wait is almost over.
@TooBarFoo if we were talking about standard, every day ssd's you would be correct. but the requirement is a 5500 MB/s nvme ssd which is not common at all in the pc space yet. that is why a game like ratchet and clank would prove to be problematic for the vast majority of pc gamers at this point in time. that will change in a couple years...
@Bismarck i was being generous with that figure. it is likely far less than 5% so we would be looking at a user base of a million or two at best, of which only a fraction of that would even be interestd in the game in question. so essentially, the potential market for such a game is too small for sony to even bother to port the game over just yet. i would guess in a couple years that could very well change.
@Porco No its not, you drank all the coolaid. You could run those transformation over and over again from any SSD given 8Gb memory to play with. They well be a day that PS5 games need 5000Mb/s but its not today and its certainly not Ratchet. With those assets you could load that in and out over the the same wire frame with 6GB of memory and a SATA drive. It's almost like to don't realise that PC graphics far outstrip PS5 graphics. Gartner report from November had 34 Million RTX desktops and another 22 Million RXT laptops. Every one of those is more powerful than a PS5. That's before 60 or 70 million other graphics cards that would be perfectly suitable at 1080/1440.
Again, they are many reasons PS will hold back releases from PC but performance is not one.
Frankly i don't like Sony releasing their games to PC but what can i do. If they would make proper PS5 version of these games at least. That's what pisses me off the most. I want better customer service than PC players get but it's exactly opposite. Why these games can't utilize ps5 power? It can handle much more than just doubling the framerate. I want to see some graphical upgarde and dualsense features as well.
I'm still wondering if it's going to come to the PS5. sigh
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