Crusader Kings III is a very highly rated medieval strategy / empire-building sim that's been available on PC since last year — and it's coming to PlayStation 5 on the 29th March.
Basically, you get to rule over a kingdom as a monarch of your making as you forge alliances with or outright conquer neighbouring countries. A campaign can span decades of in-game time, so you'll need to sire plenty of successors, establish your kingdom's religion, and ensure that you don't turn the rest of the world against you.
In case you couldn't already tell, Crusader Kings III is an incredibly in-depth title. Thankfully, it sounds like developer Lab42 has put a lot of effort into porting the game to console — it even has DualSense functionality on PS5.
Is Crusader Kings III marked on your map? Gather your armies in the comments section below.
Comments 24
I know console is not the ideal way to play this, but my macbook doesn't run CK3. I've been anxiously awaiting this announcement since they first showed the teaser. CK2 is incredible and I can't wait to play this on ps5.
I definitely prefer Europa Universalis to Crusader Kings but anything Paradox grand strategy is worth playing. I do hope mods will make it to PS5 though, the Game of Thrones one in CK2 is legendary.
Pre-ordered. Fantastic news!
Meanwhile I'm patiently waiting for the Victoria 2 port...
Fantastic game, very immersive. But it's deep and complex - even the tutorial has a tutorial!
@bozz But Vicky 3 is coming out!
@KingPev can't say that enough, for someone who's totally not into rts I was just playing the tutorial for a while after messing up my lineage and no clue as to what I should actually be doing.
@nessisonett Oh please believe that I'm quivering with anticipation for that too but something about V2's now antiquated visual style and systems will always be closer to my heart than Paradox's new direction they've gone.
@bozz Yeah, it’s similar to EU4 for me. I could never get into Imperator Rome in the same way despite being newer!
@Cherip-the-Ripper ...yeah - when I started it it on PC a couple of years back I just messed around and then started it again and again until I got a grasp of its systems. Then I became totally addicted!
Love this kind of game, but I struggle to find the time to properly enjoy them these days.
Unfortunately gone are the days where I was unemployed, single and still lived with my parents and could plunge 18 hours a day into Civilization Revolution on PS3.
Looks cool! How does this compare to Civ or CivRev?
Rated M for blood, language, partial nudity, sexual themes, use of drugs and violence — so not censored, I hope? Anyone seen any confirmation on that?
@frankmcma Civ’s a different kettle of fish. That’s like a board game in video game form. This runs in real time albeit with a very handy pause function and is kinda hard to explain. I guess a cross between Civ and Rollercoaster Tycoon is a decent way of describing it but it’s very very fun. Conquering the world as Mali in EU4 is one of my greatest achievements 😂
On Gamepass at launch.
Always weary of console ports of games like this, but, yeah, I’ll give it a shot on GP.
@frankmcma easiest way for me to compare the 2 is Civ. Is more like risk. Its all about the country/empire. CK3 is more like Game of Thrones. Its about lineage and family politics. At least this is how it makes sense to me. I like both games for sure.
No ps4 version?
@Elodin @nessisonett Thanks for the details...I may get sounds pretty cool for sure!
@Jtheripper Considering the game chugs in later years even on very very good PCs, I’m not surprised. It needs one hell of a CPU to run properly. There’s a lot to simulate.
Great news. Played it on PC game Pass and it is a great game if you into strategy games.
It's time to make east rome great again
@nessisonett wish we can get any tactical, strategy, rts type of game on console, especially scifi, space style.
Anyone know if any chance hearts of iron 4 could make it to console as well?
@Jtheripper For what it’s worth, Stellaris is already on console!
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