There’s no smoke without fire, and clearly changes are afoot when it comes to PS Plus and PS Now. While Sony is yet to announce what its plans entail, Bloomberg has gone on record with internal documentation that hints at a new tiered subscription model. From what we understand, the existing PS Plus model will continue to exist, but the platform holder will introduce higher tiers as it seeks to strengthen its services and close the gap with Microsoft’s Game Pass.
Last year, the manufacturer put 3-month subscriptions to streaming service PS Now on sale, but kept the annual option at full-price. It’s since pulled 12-month subscription vouchers out of retailers in the UK and North America. So, clearly, changes are coming.
And while this is, admittedly, a stretch, a fan on Twitter noticed that it changed the wording on February 2022’s PS Plus promotional banner. For well over a year now, it’s subtitled its monthly PS Plus giveaways with the slogan “For PlayStation Plus members”. However, this month it changed the wording to “Available this month at no extra cost”.
It’s a minor thing, but it would perhaps reinforce the idea that additional tiers will be layered on top of the established PS Plus offerings, which will be available for more money – similar to Nintendo Switch Online’s Expansion Pack. We looked back through over a year’s worth of PS Plus giveaways, and there’s no question the language has changed.
It could, of course, mean nothing in the grand scheme of things – but the timing is suspicious considering the aforementioned Project Spartacus rumours. Let’s hope the Japanese giant makes a full and official announcement imminently, as we’re really eager to learn what it’s got in store for us.
Comments 53
Alright everyone, break out the string and push pins. Sony did a thing again.
So, it would suggest there are other games which will be “available with an additional cost”
Obviously a big announcement is coming soon. Just a matter of time now. I'm guessing they announce sometime next week that the showcase is the week after.
There are rumors of a SoP next week. Most likely based on educated guesses as usual so I wouldn't think about it too much though
Looks to me they're finally feeding into the misconception that the games they "give away" are free when they're actually just a part of the service
I would hate so much if they added PS1, 2 and 3 compatibility but you had to pay for a higher tier. I've never been a PS Plus member because even the base tier has never had value for me at all. It would be sad to pay some outrageous yearly subscription price for only the backwards compatibility.
Ps now one year subs were 25% off for new users in December. I bought it for my other acc, but use it within main acc.
I’d like to see a price drop on entry level subscriptions if a tiered system is indeed being introduced.
I’m happy to just keep plus as it is, hopefully they don’t sneak a price increase in while they’re restructuring.
I'll have the super massive top tier one please ,as long as it offers good value not bothered how much it is.
I don't care until I hear news from the horse's mouth. Once some bomb is dropped showing that Sony is making something worse... then it's all hear-say.
You read that right... I don't expect anything in the modern world to be improved.
How does Pepe Silva factor into all this?
Don't let the bloke with a limp out of the room! He know's what's going on!
@PapaGlitch nowhere, because he doesn't exist
@Jimmer-jammer Yes a lower tier with just the online access (it should be free like on PC but we lost that battle 🤷) would be great. With that tier I don't have to complain about the Plus selection anymore as I wouldn't be subscribed for that.
@theheadofabroom do any of us actually exist?
@theheadofabroom @riceNpea next thing you'll be telling me there's no Carol in HR
To me this reads as some people didn't realize before that the games could be added to your library without paying for them and Sony is trying to clarify for them.
@ryanburnsred Absolutely. Just like clubs will stop saying "free drinks with every ticket". Or silly hotels that promise "free massages" or "free parking" with every booking.
@PapaGlitch there's no HR!
I really hope my PSNow sub isnt cancelled by them it runs until October
I’m hoping there’s a tier within the new subscription model that’s appealing for those of us who only care about the exclusives.
@Juanalf haha exactly. A tiered system can work great but I think it would be a mistake not to restructure from the ground up. My concern with this type of system is being charged more only to be saddled with a bunch of features I won’t use and/or don’t want. A bare bones, entry level tier makes sense.
That's the verbiage used when people describe gamepass, "we get 'so-n-so' game at no extra cost!"
So, it would leave one to believe that BC games are coming to the psp!
If this isn't just Plus and Now combined, as they are right now, for 20 beans a month, I'll eat my hat
I have Plus prepaid until 2026. I wonder how they will handle upgradingpaths for us who paid for a few years in advance? 🤔😁
Like a few others here, I’m stacked for the next 2 years with Plus and Now. If something does change, it will be interesting to see how they deal with that.
Microsoft’s was great, I’ve managed to get 6 years of Game Pass Ultimate (runs until 2024) for just over £200 with the Gold hack. Absolute steal.
Would be nice if there is a State of Play next week which finally reveals Spartacus.
Well, it depends upon how you look at things. When I bought a PS4, I got PS Plus with it because I wanted to play Destiny online. I did not care about the monthly games. So for me, I paid to play online and games are just a free bonus. I pay barely $3 a month for PS Plus and I get three games each month so I consider them a free bonus. The same goes for the PS Plus exclusive discounts.
they use this wording for years. from official channel:
I have a plan. We just need more moneee
@OneWingedAngel I certainly agree it depends how you look at it. For me I can't really say the podcasts that I get access to with Spotify Premium are a free bonus. They are a part of the service regardless of what I mainly use it for; i'm still paying for them. I don't think Sony is wrong with the new wording. In fact I think it's the closest they can legally get without outright saying free, but as I said it kinda feeds into that misconception. If you consider them free then more power to you, my friend. I consider free to actually be free like the Epic Games Store giveaways or Play at Home initiative Sony did last year
@NinjaSixx Well that would mean £200 over 4 years, £50 a year. I was spending more than that a month on Xbox games. Haven’t bought one since Forza 7, so it’s saved me a small fortune.
@Th3solution Also known as The PlayStation Store! 😂
Tier 1. PS Plus stays the same $59.99 (no change)
Tier 2. PS Plus combined with PS Now $99.99-$119.98 (price down $0-$20 for combining both Tier 1 and Tier 2)
Tier 3. unknown don't care until it's announced.
@Wilts1983 Haha! Exactly!
@MaccaMUFC well, there won't be.
Or you could, I don't know, just buy them when they come out. Ridiculous idea I know but I heard that's how it used to be done.
Just make the back compatible titles purchaseable and downloadable. That's all I ask.
Issue is Sony clearly want a piece of the GPU pie.
Xbox say it’s 10.99 but in reality most people pay under £3.50 a month. Even in sale Plus and Now cost me more than that.
If Sony redo this and aim for 10.99 a month it’s a hard pass from me. I wouldn’t pay that for GPU either so unless they realise they are actually competing with £3.50 a month and 80% of GPU subs are at that price and most wouldn’t pay more… they could be onto a winner.
At double or triple that I think they’ll find they actually cause more of a exodus to GPU. More and more people are discussing the cheap ways to get GPU and so it’ll become more attractive
Would be disappointing if ps plus went the route of games with gold as far as the "free" games on offer.🤔 Planet Coaster being PS5 only in preference to offering something like UFC 4 felt a bit cheap, but one can only look back to ps3/Vita offerings transitioning to basic offerings when ps4 became the focus last gen,so might not be as big a surprise. (And an incentive to add it via PC/app for a extra library of games for anyone saving for a ps5)
The other factor of the rumoured Spartacus, merger of Now/Plus is PS Now has remained unavailable in a lot of PS regions like Down Under,so it'd require quite an expansion to make the expanded "tiers" available to all otherwise what would be the point?🤔
For now its just a case of wait & see.
Anyway Nintendo expansion is quite flop for me... almost double price of membership just to play Golden Axe on Megadrive.
I wouldn't mind paying extra to get all first party games at day one. Sony will bleed financially but even Microsoft can't afford to spend billions like that forever. They pulled out of mobile race when they realised they couldn't win Google
They will have to do something like a game pass at one point. Just hope it will be sooner rather than later…
What will happen if that (I mean on higher PS subscription) SPARTACUS run on spring or summer, are we who have purchased PS+ subscription for 1/2 years be able to upgrade to the best version of "SPARTACUS subscription" with additional cost of course?!
@Th3solution Let them put a subscription price even at 120$ by one year for the most expensive version of the PS+ subscription, but at least to get us access to half of content which all Xbox GamePass subscribers already owns, of course I don't think the new AAA games will be available to us free at Day One, but they have to do something about the PS+, because if they are do not anything they will be in black hole... There are plenty of gamers who's doesn't owns bot thing: PS5 console and a good PC gaming with Xbox GamePass for PC!!! Finally, I will be very happy to see GamePass on PS5, that's easiest way for SONY & Microsoft...
I'm torn on all of this. I love Gamepass and use it regularly but I use my PS5 for the incredible must-play exclusives. While I think I'd be interested in revisiting some classics, it might just add to my already considerable back-log.
@Th3solution Exactly. Which would then mean I would have to pull out my credit card.
I love how people claim the base tier of PS Plus never had any real value.. Seriously I have paid a max of £45 for PS Plus 'once' the cheapest £30 and mostly £33. I have had it since day one so 12 years so lets say £405. Thats just under £34 per month. I have 281 because of plus no including the PS3 games I got. (Plus the odd game I missed or forgot to download) that works out to be 12p per game if that is not value then I am lost for words
@Stocksy Most people pay under £3.50 a month haha stop sniffing glue dude
@pierco they do. You pay for gold for three years. And convert for 99p. Seriously a quick google search will show you people on forums discussing this and on Twitter. Anyone paying 10.99 is a fool.
I paid 3.30 I think.
Depends what price you can get a years gold for when your are lapsed.
@Juanalf you can blame Xbox for that Sony had always had it free at the beginning then they saw Microsoft was charging people and figured they could get in on the action
Reiketsukan72387 wrote:
Fixed it for you! Remember how frequent the PSN outages used to be? And how hard it used to be to find servers with decent ping? I'd mostly like to be able to separate the game sub from the online sub. I spent over 1500 hours last year in games from Plus (including the instant collection) and only 18 hours playing online.
@Col_McCafferty What pay £70 for a game that can be finished in a day or two with no replay value? Don’t be silly.
I meant I wouldn’t mind seeing a tier that included exclusives from the last few years like Days Gone, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man etc. I don’t expect Sony to be releasing new exclusives day one even on the highest tier if there’s going to be a tiered subscription service.
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