Late last year, GTA Online received an enormous update, adding a new business and multiple mission types – including story content, featuring Dr Dre – to the game. In the meantime, Red Dead Online has been largely left abandoned. While Rockstar has added various new job types to the Western sandbox over the years, as well as a pretty cool co-op survival mode, its support has waned in favour of Los Santos.
Frustration among fans has boiled over this week, as the developer welcomed the New Year with a bunch of bonuses for existing game types and modes. It’s prompted some to start the social media hashtag #SaveRedDeadOnline. “Two years of this nonsense from Rockstar now,” one writer at Rockstar Intel said. “They simply don’t care anymore, the care and love for Red Dead Redemption 2 is long gone.”
Sadly, GTA Online has always been the big money-spinner for Rockstar, and that’s left Red Dead Online playing second fiddle. It’ll be interesting to see whether the developer does have more up its sleeve for later this year, or if its focus on the PlayStation 5 version of GTA5 and fixing the broken GTA Trilogy will gobble up all of its resources. Either way, it’s a shame, because there’s huge potential in the company’s Wild West sandbox.
[source rockstargames.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 26
I actually enjoyed RDR2... even it's online. I'm not surprised in the least that it's left out in the cold. Rockstar has made it very clear they don't want to be developers anymore. The least amount of work is what they're striving for.
GTA Online ruined -
GTA 5 - no offline DLC
GTA 6 & 7 - no true ps4 gta game and now when their should be a 7th , where getting gta 5 again on ps5
Midnight Club - arguably the best arcade street racer ever & it’s dead in the water . need for speed is god awful .
Red Dead Redemption 2 - online is suffering
Bully - dead
GTA trilogy - & rightfully so when said games were already ported to ps4 .
it’s pretty disgusting when you think about it . GTA’s online gotta be stopped .
@nomither6 Agree. Midnight Club was amazing... especially the first two. I still have my copy of the 2nd for PS2.
Man, I'd love a new Midnight Club!
I use Red Dead Online as my chillout game. It's so serene to just do a few dailies and spend a bit of time just wandering the beautiful map. Bumping in to other players and seeing them wave or nod before carrying on with whatever they're doing is a breath of fresh air compared to GTA Online's 'community'.
Red dead is nowhere as fun as GTA online is. That's just how it is. I tried to play it multiple times with friends and we don't last very long. I think I have totalled around 30 hrs online in rdr and I have the game since day one. While single player game is amazing, the online is just not fun. I rather jump in car and drive or do wild things in GTA online than in a boring wild west.
@get2sammyb now we talking. Midnight club 2 is probably my favorite one from the series, but I also spent tons of time playing third instalment. I remember it being like need for speed underground 2 on drugs
Red Dead Online is just pretty boring to be honest, i logged on over Xmas and after 20mins came off as boredom set in.
I fear Rockstar are on a downward trajectory. First there was the departures of Dan Houser, Leslie Benzies and Lazlow Jones, arguably the 3 most influential people who shaped the games they made. Then there was the whole PS4 gen going by with them only releasing 1 new game in that timeframe. And just recently they put out the disaster that was GTA The Trilogy Definitive Edition.
All that and the complete focus on GTA online leaves me concerned that we're probably not going to see any non-GTA games for a long time if at all ever again. Unfortunately for the rest of us, GTA just prints too much money for them. I'd kill for a new Max Payne game.
They’ll put horses, revolvers and dusters in GTA Online before they put any more work into RDR Online.
I remember RDO after finishing the campaign. It was fine but needed more of anything really. Money seemed to be an issue if i recall. There is room for exciting updates even tho the setting has limitations which GTA doesnt have. Unfortunately GTA5 is just a money maker and when the ps5 version is out it will be a top ten mainstay again. Rockstar have money signs in their eyes and nothing else
Not really much they can do with rdr online with the time period it's set in & the fact that it's more 'realistic' than GTA 5 is
I really wish RDR2 didn't have any online content. What a great single player game it would be.
Yup. RDRO’s world, gameplay and player base are much more my speed than GTA’s, and it’s pretty much the only online I do with friends, so the paltry updates, when they do materialise, are hugely frustrating.
@milktastrophe Can’t say I understand your logic there. It is a great single player game. And removing online would have literally no impact on that. I’m curious to know why you think it would, though 🤔
Rest in Peace Rockstar Games. Git to hell RockStar Incorporated!
PSX 2 The 3 Is The Ones For Me.
Red dead 2 was one of the best games to be released last gen. But I don’t think anyone was buying for online. Red dead ones online was just a pacing fancy. And no matter what they do to it it’s never going to be immediate appealing a setting as modern day with all the variety that offers. I’ve no idea how you save this now…probably should add a zombie mode with another nightmare dlc
Gotta have Liars Dice back in it.
It’s a real shame cos Rockstar have created this beautiful open world “western” where YOU are the cowboy/gunslinger...then just left it to rot with lacklustre updates over 2 years. It’s no wonder the player base is gradually deserting the game - myself included.
Then go play something else. There's 1000's of other games to choose from. Quit hanging onto one game like its the end all be all.
If you've played and completed the story then I wouldn't bother with the online. The boring slog of traversal for every mission and bounty just put me off and the gunplay just gets boring very quick.
They're mad that a company is doing what companies are supposed to do and supporting the biggest money makers more, well too bad so sad, capitalism has its disadvantages too.
I gave up on its online within its first year. They never did anything that appealed to me. I basically wanted a rated M Stardew Valley in their online mode.
I'd rather they focus on a Red Dead Redemption remake personally.
Are they just hoarding the endless cash they are making? Doesn't seem to be a lot of extra spending going on besides GTA Online.
My friends and I would play the crap out of this if they would allow us to actually have a gang in with the gang contributes. Let us have either a rancher life or gang life or something like that. So many ideas just not seen thru. I love hunting in this game but I find the online stuff revolving hunting to suck.
Many of us want to play a cowboy game and this is so stinking close to be amazing. The epilogue of the main story teased the ranching life but it was shallow at best. I don't care for pvp. My buddies and I just want to work together and this game goes out of its way to prevent that. Like why make a gang when nobody can contribute.
Come on rockstar. Make this Stardew valley meets red dead and you'll have a winner making bank like GTA online.
Just move on people R* does not care to please you they only want your money.
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