Exactly one week out from the PlayStation 5 release of the Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection, Sony has shared the launch trailer that depicts Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy in their remastered glory. As you can probably imagine, footage focuses on memorable clips from the two titles, but if you haven't played either before, you might want to avoid watching. There are one or two scenes that can be considered spoilers.
In case you need reminding, there is a paid PS4 to PS5 upgrade option. If you own the PS4 versions of either A Thief's End or The Lost Legacy, the upgrade will cost you £10/$10. You only need to have one of them — if you don't own the other, you get it for free as part of the PS5 collection. The PS Plus versions aren't included in this offer, however. Standalone, the remastered collection costs £44.99/$49.99.
There will be three modes for you to choose from: Fidelity Mode runs at a native 4K resolution and targets 30 frames-per-second, Performance Mode is 60FPS, and Performance+ Mode is all about 120FPS at 1080p. Better yet, if you buy the game from the PS Store before 3rd February 2022, you'll bag a free ticket to see Uncharted in theatres.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 42
This crept up on me.
I'm hyped to get back to these two games. Been so focused on Horizon and Elden Ring.
All of the industry talk over the last few days has been exhausting. Seeing Uncharted trailers and Horizon hype is bliss in comparison.
More fresh air please.
Is there anything added apart from improved textures, loading etc.
One of my favourite series ever but this is quite poor if there's nothing extra.
I haven't played an Uncharted game since I finished Lost Legacy when it first came out, so I'm looking forward to this. It helps that 4 and LL are my #1 and #2 respectively are far as my personal series ranking goes.
So do Sony have to pay microsoft a fee now for the inclusion of THAT mini-game in Uncharted 4 now? (Joking)
This'll be another 2 platinum trophies to the collection. Cannot wait to jump into these games again, they are so fantastic.
@__jamiie haptic feedback too. Only thing missing is ray tracing. What more were you after out of interest?
These will do just nicely to tide me over till elden ring next month.
@velio84 one of them is on PS Plus PS5 Collection so no need to buy it, just pay for the upgrade.
@Integrity Anything more than a bit of spit and polish. These games are already stunning on PS4 and it just seems like a bit of a cash grab to charge for a slightly shinier upgrade.
I know your joking but that is an interesting thought! That's going to be ultra weird now when I play that part again!
Played them PS4 Pro, loved them both.
You know me remasters waste of time give me new games.
Lucky February nearly year, yay.
@__jamiie I'm confused. It's going to have improved performance and improved graphics throughout. There'll be 3D audio, haptic feedback, instantaneous load times and a choice of game settings. Other than ray tracing there's nothing else that they can do short of adding more content.
So is it that you have to pay for the upgrade that you don't like because that's a different issue, and one I can comprehend. I don't mind paying the £10 to upgrade but I wouldn't want to pay £44.99 for it considering its missing the multiplayer.
@velio84 I thought it was the PS Plus version not the PS5 Collection version that's not eligible.
This will be a no-brainer for playstation newcomers that haven't play the games but i don't expect them to be a lot.
@velio84 I'm afraid that doesn't count either.
@Integrity Paying for the upgrade is poor practice. The other elements don't actually add to the game. It will be just as enjoyable to play on my Pro with a few caveats. Multiplayer being missing makes this a less featured version of an existing game.
Is it inconceivable that a couple of extra side chapters could have been created for each game?
As I said before, this is one of my favourite series of all time so maybe it's just me wanting more content to fall in love with. I regularly play the the games in order from start to finish and seeing it doesn't seem likely we'll have a new entry soon, I was hoping for more than just a bit of next gen sparkle.
Glad there's a $10 upgrade path. Naughty Dog could have done more with this. We should have had a new Uncharted announced but this is what Sony opted for. I think it's further odd that we're seeing so many "remasters" of PS4 games coming to PS5 when you can play the PS4 game just fine on the PS5.
It made sense having remasters from PS3 to PS4 or earlier gens and different ecosystems remastered for PS4... but PS4 to PS5 baffles me a bit. I'm not even sure if the $10 upgrade path for this will be worth it.
@Integrity The PS Plus Collection is still part of PS Plus, in addition to “monthly games”.
@Uncharted2007 The upgrade doesn’t seem substantial but it didn’t for Ghost of Tsushima either and I thought the haptic feedback alone made a big difference. Also, it’s only $10 for 2 games and apparently you only need to own 1 of them. That’s really next to nothing.
Neat, but I won't be paying $10 for a what amounts to a patch - I know people will harp on me that work went into the upgrade; but work goes into any upgrade and other developers have been giving them out for free.
Now, if I didn't already own both Lost Legacy AND Uncharted 4, then the upgrade could be worth it as I would be paying for the game I didn't own.
Honestly, this nickel and diming is exactly the reason why I am enjoying seeing the news of Microsoft taking the wind of Sony's sails from time to time - maybe people will stop blindly supporting something simply because of the brand.
There is a reason we want solid competition and $10 upgrade fees for barebones upgrades simply because it's the PS5 version is part of that reason!
I love my PS5, I like Sony's first-party games; but I absolutely hate the way this generation has been handled on Sony's front: it really feels like Sony is saying "100+ million units sold! Read it and weep! We can do anything and our zealots will follow!"
This isn't a Microsoft fanboy rant, I just want Sony to be better than this!
@Shepherd_Tallon i agree to the point where ive tried to keep off all the gaming sites. Its a drain on my mentality 😂
@GamingFan4Lyf just for the record: these 2 games didn’t have performance patches, they run at 30fps
I never quite got round to buying and playing Lost Legacy, so I'm really pleased about this one - I'll be taking the £10 upgrade option, thank you very much
@GamingFan4Lyf Agreed. The only reason I'm considering the $10 upgrade path for this is because it's my favorite series. I didn't bother upgrading Ghost of Tsushima or any other PS4 title to the PS5 version if it wasn't free.
Sony has not handled the PS5 very well at all but it is partly due to the world we live in (economic shutdown).
@JigsawPieces me to, plus you'll also get a free movie ticket for the Uncharted Movie if you upgrade or buy it before the 3rd Feb.
It surprises me that people do not own all Uncharted games. Its one of the reasons to own a PlayStation. Just as much as God of War, Horizon, The last of Us, Ratchet and Clank and Spiderman.
Five dollars per game is nothing for the work done to remaster a game. The Movie ticket alone is worth the $10! Buying the game is a choice. It's fine not to purchase it, but to knock it down just because you don't want it or a $10 price is sadly wrong.
@Voltan Ah okay, I wasn't sure if it was one that did receive a 60fps patch. Still doesn't change how I feel. I edited my post to take that out.
I bought a PS5 and first played Spider-man and immediately also started on Uncharted 2 and 3. Now when the 60 fps update will be here I'll definitely start on Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy. Can't wait.
Already bought uncharted 4 and lost legacy on launch and don't want to pay $10 for upgrading uncharted 4 to 60 fps, while suckerpunch, guerilla, bend, and insomniac gave it for free.
Sam Drake is crap in one game and ace in the other.
@Rob_230 Too soon 😂
I just don't see why we continue to support this idea of being resold ps4 games rather than demanding new content, IPs, and honestly just creative design.
Naughty Dog has been copying and pasting their gameplay and design elements over and over across 3 consoles now which was frustrating enough, but now we get these copy and paste resells guised as remasters, remakes, and directors' cuts?!
This is not going to sustain much longer as a business model for Sony. Eventually even the mindless fanfolk are going to realize they are just being resold in the name of increasing revenue and minimizing cost by hustling the masses.
Newsflash on this one, they are literally selling you that which has been released for free with many other titles. 40 bucks to play a game again with a resolution increase OR framerate increase, but not both! that's the next gen farce we were sold but underdelivered on has chopped down to those two options as the truth of what these systems can handle.
The only one I never played was the original on PS3.
I was on 360 at that time. Gears of War and being 200 dollars less made me change my PS3 pre order and I bought a 360 on PS3 launch day.
Looking back… wish I would have stuck with Sony. I ended up trading my fourth RROD victim 360 for a Slim PS3 in early 2010.
@__jamiie if they'd have added new content & kept it off the PS4 version & made it exclusive to PS5 that would be a poor practice
i'll prob upgrade and replay , its only 10$.
@Would_you_kindly Like I said, I adore the series! I want more Uncharted and if there were a couple of extra chapters I'd be day one in a heartbeat.
What they've offered doesn't entice me at all. I want more!!! I'm probably a greedy gamer but, when you're given something stunning you just want more.
This PS5 remaster isn't what I wanted.
Sony, can I please have more new Uncharted games???
The upgrade path is a great deal for £10. You can get uncharted 4 for £8 at CEX so £18 for the two games is good value.
Smh no Golden Abyss
Ah yes, another Remaster. I may live under a rock, but at least I'm comfortable. What will the next Remaster be? The last of Us? Darksouls? Tomb Raider? GTA: V? The last Of Us part 2? Call of Duty...no, that belongs to Microsoft now..How about Skyrim? Hmmmmm.
I will happily partake in the $10 upgrade, still own both Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy.
Will purchase it for 10€ as i loved both of the games. Replaying on PS5 will be just in time till Horizon.
So looking forward to this. Preordered these in December.
Considering that the PS4 versions both CRASH on my PS5 - it will be so good to play these again. Upgraded visuals will be a nice bonus too.
And, no that wasn’t intended as a pun.
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