An underutilised PlayStation 5 feature allows you to prioritise your download based on what you want to play. While we’ve seen this feature before in a few games, it’s largely ignored by most developers. However, Naughty Dog has taken advantage of the functionality with its Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection, allowing you to select whether you’d like to play Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End or Uncharted: The Lost Legacy first.
We’re particularly fond of the artwork it’s used when you select between the two titles: the sketched images of Nathan Drake and Chloe Frazer to resemble each release look stunning. Which of the two titles will you be trying first? Remember, you can read our full Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection PS5 review through the link.
Comments 15
This is not a new feature, right? I remember some PS4 games than asked you if you wanted to install single player or multiplayer first. Not exactly the same, but sounds like a similar feature.
Why did I think this was all 4 games + lost legacy?
@DrClayman Yeah it’s not new but not many games do it.
The original Uncharted 4 actually did this! It asked if you wanted to download the story mode or multiplayer mode first.
@eltomo because you haven’t read any of the news about this collection during the past months?
@Reeneman pretty sure it was a rhetorical question
I'll buy all 5 games again (apologies to Golden Abyss) when they remaster them into chronological order like the first 2 Godfather films. There really isn't much from the younger years I enjoy so it would be nice to get all of that stuff out of the way before getting to the modern day parts of 2, 3, 4 and LL. Maybe on PS6 cloud streaming.
@eltomo B/c only an overpaid moron would decide to port the 2 most recent games in a series to a new console but not port the first 3 first even though they already exist in a bundle and still name it Uncharted Collection?🤷 I mean even Squenix got it right finally with KH. Nobody should ever make a decision that makes Squenix's handling of KH look good. 😂
I'm the biggest Uncharted fan I know and I'm honestly so underwhelmed by this release. It's the least exciting thing they could have done.
@Jackpaza0508 - TLoU on PS3 had that download campaign or multiplayer option too. No pre-installs back then and I remember sitting in front of my TV at midnight thinking what the hell is this when that option appeared as I started my download lol.
That's great, i do however want Sony to let us choose whether we download the base game or game with all released DLCs, because regardless if you own DLCs or not, the playstation store will always download the DLCs resulting in much larger size
You know what would be nicer? Letting us choose to ONLY insall one or the other. So we could save precious PS5 HDD space by only installing the one being played.
This is something I think all game 'collections' need to allow. Same if I only want to install the single player portion and not the multi-player of a game if I have no desire to play it, or vice versa.
Neat feature! I'll be installing Uncharted 4 first of course, love Nathan Drake.
@Z390 I don't think this is a problem unique to the PlayStation store, it just depends on how the developer handles "DLCs". If it literally treats them as "downloadable content" where you have to download something extra, then when you first install the game, it'll only be the base game that you're installing (an example of this would be AC Odyssey, where you have to manually install the DLC if you have the season pass, from what I remember).
A lot of developers don't do this, instead the "DLC" that you pay for is more of a "license to play/use" the DLC, but the data for the DLC is included in the base game.
My point being, it's the developer's choice which of these two ways they handle their DLC, not Sony
Does anyone know if uncharted survival/multiplayer (PS4) can be downloaded on PS5 without downloading the campaign? I know legacy of thieves doesn't include the multiplayer, so does that mean we would need to install the PS5 and PS4 versions of the campaigns just to be able to play both single player and multiplayer?
Also, if we purchase the upgrade through the disc path, does the PS4 game install from the disc every time you insert it into PS5 to authenticate legacy of thieves? That would be very annoying to need to cancel the install every time. I don't have a PS5, so I'm not sure how PS4 disc authentication works with PS5 upgrades, but I assume it would be the same for all titles that utilize that feature.
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