The PlayStation 5 version of Cyberpunk 2077 is out now, and as promised, it's a free PS4 to PS5 upgrade if you already own the game. To find it, either go to your Game Library on PS5 and select the newly added PS5 version through the product page, or hit up the PS Store and grab it from there. You can find out How to Upgrade from PS4 to PS5 in Cyberpunk 2077 through the link.
Your PS5 will tell you that it's a 95GB download, but that's not the case. Once you're actually downloading it, the file size drops to around 56GB. Thank god for compression, eh?

As mentioned by CD Projekt RED, the PS5 version of Cyberpunk 2077 features improved performance, a raytracing mode, and DualSense functionality. It also comes with all of the additions and improvements offered by update 1.5. Speaking of which, you can find the full 1.5 patch notes through the link. Just be warned: they're absolutely massive.
You can check out 30 minutes of gameplay from the PS5 version above, showcasing all of the gameplay and visual improvements. Will you be playing Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5? Pump the Night City radio in the comments section below.
Comments 98
Very, VERY excited to finally dive in!!!!
Tempted to jump in tonight just to see the differences...
@thechetearly yep finally!
Only Ray Traced shadows though. I was expecting lighting/reflections.
Gonna play around with this for the next two weeks…one of the weird ones who loves this game.
Immediately got up from bed once I saw this article to download this.
This'll do nicely until midnight on Thursday.
Is there a physical version of this on the PS5?
Does the ps5 version runs on 60fps? I got spoiled by 60 ever since I got the ps5 n won't play anything else at 30. I work way too hard to come home n play games at 30fps, sorry
@Brasilkilla performance mode dynamic 4K @ 60fps yes.
Downloading using the discs I’ve had for a while now, which were bought for dirt cheap!
It’s worth mentioning that the digital version is currently on sale for $24.99 in the US PSN store.
Ooof I thought this was 158gb for a second. Why sony thinks I care about the combined download size of the ps5 and ps4 versions together is weird.
I guess if I find a PS4 copy for under 10€ this upgrade+update could make it worth it.
Can anyone confirm if this has a standalone trophy list or if it’s just a standard upgrade patch?
Removed - flaming/arguing
With a PS5 coming on Thursday or Friday I'm pleased to see this happen right now. If I can load into the game without immediately seeing an NPC stuck in a wall I'll consider that an upgrade.
It plays at 60fps already if you play the ps4 version through backwards compatibility so i would make a safe guess and see yeah it does.
Nice, I was always waiting for the next gen version to drop. I knew from a mile away the current (last)-gen versions were gonna have a rough time.
@Colour folks on PSNP are saying it's a separate list and the trophies you've already earned on the PS4 version do not autopop, you gotta earn them again.
Can't find a way to upgrade my ps4 disc to ps5 version. Anyone know how?
Looks like a better time than ever to revisit Night City. So excited!
@Milktastrophe Good enough for me thanks a ton. Game was good not great so I need a reason to slog through it again at some point.
@Solidcloud Seems to be working for these folks, hope that helps for you.
Nice, and with RayTracing (The only way you should play it). Now hopefully they can focus on new Story DLC.
Already played and finished the game when it released. That was a year ago, so I'm curious to see what's changed since then. Downloading the PS5 upgrade now. I'll check it out eventually...
Dying Light 2 & Horizon Forbidden West will be taking up most of my gaming time for a while.
@BoldAndBrash no I was kidding... I never really cared for fps till now. graphics nowadays can only get so much better but i feel like the generation leap is playing on 60fps n i did get spoiled by that ..
Anyway thank you all for the replies , looking forward to this in the near future after finishing horizon n couple other games on my back log
Glad I bought the PS4 version when it was 10$, but won't be playing until after horizon 2. Can't do two open worlds at the same time.
Had to catch myself and a good reminder of how desensitised I've become.. "58gb and downloads in 112 mins. That's pretty good".
58gb for a patch. Jeez.
@PenguinL You don't even have to do that, there's a 5 hour free trial available to play to see if you like it first hand.
@PenguinL Last I knew GameStop had the PS4 version used for $4.99! That’s how I got mine.
it was an ok game 7/10 a new paint job and face lift wont change the game underneath
Yeah shell jump in tonight, shell start a new game as i have no idea where i am in the story.
I have too much too play but I will happily download my free PS5 update although I might take a little peek and see if it looks drastically different. I personally wanted The Witcher 3 update first as that's the superior game but I guess that one deserves extra care.
@Solidcloud I put the disc in, pressed down on the icon (on the PS5 Home Screen) and it has the free upgrade option on the right of the screen. Hit that, hit purchase and it will download. 55.93GB. Took about 20 minutes to download.
if i have the ps4 disc version how the hell do i get the ps5 version installed. I went to product page with the disc inside the console and it asks me to buy the game.... i am confused. i deleted the ps4 version already
nwm, i got it. Thx all for your comments
Will check this out at some point, maybe after Elden Ring. Still have the disk.
I'm downloading the trial but the videos didn't show something really promising..
Hmm. As soon as I saw that ambling walking speed and realised it wasn't slowed down, I decided I just don't have time for this, not with HZW waiting on the hard drive. I think Cyber punk is yesterday's news now..
@Juanalf love your pfp btw lol (random I know 😂). They really need to remaster that game. Remember playing it on ps1 and pc ages ago.
@Spyke how die you do it? I’m only seeing the ps4 version
@Juanalf also, they had no choice but to prioritize this game considering all the backlash and investor threats lol. I really want the Witcher 3 update as well. Need that silky 60FPS so I can start last huge DLC finally. Same for dying light 1 PS5 update.
I have the Cyberpunk 2077 ps4 disc in and when i press the “3 dots” and select version. I can only choose PS5 Trial or PS4?
It's not offering the ps5 upgrade for me just wants me to pay...
What about disc version ? Do you get the PS5 version for free ?
Anyone think this might be included on PS PLUS for March?
Does anyone know when the PS5 physical copy is coming out? Obviously I could get a PS4 disc but unfortunately I don't want to.
@Uromastryx same. It only shows ps5 trial.
Maybe we have to download the new patch for ps4 first.
@Spyke How did you do it?
Well, there is definitely a lot more pedestrians and traffic on the roads.
Can't say it feels hugely different in terms of lighting, textures etc...though I only jumped on for 30 minutes earlier.
One huge thing is the lightning fast load times.
We are talking seconds, whereas before it was a good minute or so.
That, for me, was the immediate difference.
Wow CDPR, you had no more time pressure and could have dropped this at your own choosing, and you decide to do it within the same timeframe as the two most hyped games of the year... way to undermine yourself!
@Bjarne1800 if you move cursor just on cyberpunk icon, don't press those three dots, but move right. There should be banner ps5 for free.
@Uromastryx have you fully installed game?
I'll be ready to download this after I finish FFVII Remake and Horizon Forbidden West.
Any idea if I can transfer ps4 saves to ps5 version? When they were talking about it that fu(king twitch put 30 sec disclaimer, that i'm not watching on their side blah blah blah twitch bit(hes....
@djlard yeah and even downloaded the new patch for the ps4 version, tried putting in the other data disc also just to check
Downloading the ps5 trial now maybevi can change the version once that's done
Finally this game has been given the treatment it truly deserves. Playing on PS5 and it is truly awesome. Plays beautiful, looks exactly how it should have done on PS4 base console but hey we all make mistakes. Just a shame CDPR made the biggest console gaming mistake in history. Learn from this CDPR.
@djlard yes the old saves are still available once you’ve redownloaded the game. Playing an old save from my PS4 on PS5 now.
As soon as you step out into the world after leaving Vs apartment....the performance takes a hit with minor stutter...when going to meet Jackie...with the increase in pedestrians ,cars etc...shame...
@Godabove09 textures are alot better, resolution is much higher (performance mode)...there is a hit to performance in that original area when you leave Vs apartment for the first time, where it's full of people and cars.... Detail on pedestrians is alot better and most objects. Not seen pop in or ***** shadows etc like previously. I spent 40 hours on the non native PS5 version...non-issue with saves .. just disappointed that there is still performance issues in busy's not bad, but it's there.
I had issue accessing the PS5 version with PS4 disc version, i started downloading the demo for PS5, cancelled that, and then the next time i could download the PS5 version.
No upgrade for me, I swear this is the most painfull experience of my playstation life.
FINALLY 1 year after, I will finish this game! I don't even remember where I was anymore lool
Brilliant, just ordered a new PS4 copy for £17. I'm all for having correct box covers etc but £70 or £17? Hmm...
@Skyfightertdk - had the same issue (in SE) and your suggestion of starting and cancelling the demo-version worked great - thanks!
Played on performance and it seems ok but with all the new games coming out I don’t have time for this now
It has taken too long to come but at least it’s free
Is it still first person perspective only?
That was what put me off it before.
I'm willing to give this version a go seeing as the game has been in my Library since launch and it is a free upgrade after all and if it performs well enough, well then I'll retract everything I ever said about it.
i cant seem to download ps5 version just the demo and the demo trick dosnt seem to work for me
Trophies dont transfer from ps4 version to ps5, is that true? Very disappointed if so
@Uromastryx hmmm... if you put cursor on cyberpunk icon, there should be ps5 version banner above progress tab on right side of screen (down, right, right). or have play disc in mechanic and find cyberpunk in ps store.
@djlard Doesn't work for some of us. It just displays the price for the full game and in the store page you can either buy the game or download the PS5 trial.
@djlard yup that's there just has "full game" under says price for sale (50% off currently)
If I go to the ps store I can find the ps5 version no problem but its pay or trial.
@Nauris hoping this is some oversight by cdpr wouldn't be surprised and lets hope for a fix very soon, I've contacted there support with picture proof of original disc release, won't hope fir a quick response but we shall see
I live in Finland, have CUSA-16579 version and cant upgrade. If I change my the psstore region to UK I can see the "free PS5 upgrade icon" but I can only wishlist it.
Downloaded the demo so will give that a try before deciding whether to purchase the game for £20.
HFW is coming but I reckon it might be worth at least starting Cyberpunk and then see if I'm able to juggle the two. First World problems.
@Uromastryx Hope so.
@janinani The same country and the same CUSA number. Haven't tried the UK thing though.
You mean "open world problems".
@Nauris yeah I got same code seems to be the Scandinavian code, tried the UK thing I got the same, can see the free upgrade there but only able to wishlist it....irritating
@Futureshark haha, very good.
I was hoping to give the PS5 version a go and appreciate the free trial but the timing could've been better. Still, maybe I'll end up getting suckered into Night City and not even want to play anything else.
im in Ireland and my copy of CUSA 16579, as far as i can tell the CUSA is correct but no upgrade on offer!
great month just got better....killzone remake now thats all i want
There is some talk over here about the issue:
Edit: My data disc is CUSA-25194 and the play disc is CUSA-16579.
Im in the Netherlands and have pre ordered the ps4 disc version. Been waiting almost 2 years for the free ps5 upgrade and now I am not able to get it. As many of you they want me to pay 25 euro's for it, which i obviously will not do. Ridiculous and insulting. Just make the upgrade available regardless of CUSA nonsense!!! As if anyone would deliberately buy a foreign version of a game... Why???? All prices are the same everywhere... Whats the point of all this other then frustrating and insulting your customers all over again....
@Uromastryx @Nauris than it looks like issue of ps store for some countries...
@Luigia no
Downloaded ps5 version, got 5 mins in, started bugging (Characters stuttering, things floating mid air), deleted. Back to uncharted....
I’ll wait for a full analysis to see if this is a worthwhile PS5 edition.
What about a physical version?I traded my PS version a while back
Ok I admit I was harsh with my words before and perhaps I was even a bit mean to those who only wanted to enjoy it. I tried the game on PS5 and admittedly I'm impressed with it so far. I guess I was still feeling quite bitter after the rocky launch it had but it's obvious to me now that these developers have been working like slaves to get this game to where it is now. I hope they'll be able to move on from this soon and I look forward to The Witcher 3 on PS5 next.
I can finally open up my PS4 version that's been sitting there since launch! I'll likely install it this week, but won't be playing it for a while. Horizon Forbidden West above anything else, but then I'll have it all installed and ready to go to play after Forbidden West.
Is it normal that my version says trial? I first installed the PS4 version with disc, then changed to game disc and started PS5 download. But now it shows "trial" -.-
Cyberpunk 2077 Demo verdict.
Good graphics when playing in 60fps. Nice gunplay and car driving feels fun.
Bad is the lifeless character models when talking, empty feeling world and boring story
Had 2 reinstall it on Saturday due to powercut forcing me to factory reset my ps5 guess I get to uninstall ps4 version and install ps5 version.... just my luck 🙃
I'll be waiting until all of the DLC has been released first before playing the game for the first time.
However I am happy that they finally launched the next-gen versions.
PS5 upgrade working for me with PS4 disc. Playing first act. Seems good. Lot of stuff to take in at first. I had PS4 installed, then auto downloaded update, but was PS4 version. So I deleted the game. Put the disk back in and started PS4 re-install. Went to PS store clicked on trial for PS5 added to cart, then as the PS4 version was installing, deleted the trial from my Cart, then checked on my PS4 downloading, then
it gave me the option of downloading the PS5 version, which I did. Just stopped my PS4 install altogether. It's probs a lot simpler than this, but can confirm the PS5 version works and it is a free upgrade. Had the same issue with G of the G. Have fun 👍
Gave up on this not because of the mechanics but because it was dull and the gameplay bland in general. Has that been tweaked?
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