PS Plus' lineup for March 2022 has been officially announced, and if you can believe it, the leaks are back! That's right, we had one whole month without PS Plus leaks, but now we're back to the regular schedule, it seems.
And yes, the leaked game selection was correct. Your PS Plus games for March 2022 are as follows:
- GTA Online (PS5) - Bonus game available from 15th March, 2022
- Ghostrunner (PS5)
- Ghost of Tsushima Legends (PS5, PS4)
- Ark: Survival Evolved (PS4)
- Team Sonic Racing (PS4)
An interesting lineup, and not least because there's such a focus on multiplayer (Ghostrunner aside).
Ghost of Tsushima Legends first launched as a free co-op multiplayer mode for Sony's samurai-styled exclusive, and it actually became a standalone release months later. It's a solid mission-based romp and has always been fairly popular, but we assume that its PS Plus inclusion is designed to bolster player numbers (while also giving Sony an easy addition to its subscription service).
Meanwhile, Team Sonic Racing has been available for quite some time on PS Now (it was added in the summer last year), which will inevitably lead to yet more criticism of how Sony's two subscriptions continue to step on each other's toes.
And Ark: Survival Evolved has always been a popular multiplayer-enabled survival title — complete with a crazy amount of premium DLC.
Ghostrunner is the odd one out, then — a single-player, first-person platform-slasher. A fun game by almost all accounts, but it should be noted that you only get the PS5 version, not the PS4 version.
All three games will be available to download from next Tuesday — that's the 1st March, 2022. GTA Online arrives a bit later, on the 15th March, 2022 — as previously announced.
Frustratingly, a number of these games slipped through our review cracks, but we described Ghost of Tsushima: Legends as "shockingly good" in a hands on report: "We're honestly enamoured with Legends. Sucker Punch has gone above and beyond what was required here, delivering a shockingly in-depth and, more importantly, incredibly fun co-op experience. Did Ghost of Tsushima need a full-on multiplayer expansion? Not at all, but now that it's here, an already exquisite PlayStation exclusive just became even more essential."
Meanwhile, we dropped a 7/10 in our Team Sonic Racing PS4 review: "At the end of the day, Sumo Digital has served up a solid kart racer that succeeds in bringing something new to the table. It won't be to everyone's tastes, but the cooperative racing adds a nice layer of rapid fire strategy. It's implemented well, to the point where standard races feel distinctly secondary. It might be lacking the wow factor SEGA's other IPs brought to Sumo's other racers, and it's a shame performance is a little rocky, but this is a good option for PS4 players who want some arcadey thrills."
What do you think of March 2022's PS Plus games? Give us an honest reaction in the comments section below.
Comments 105
Ugh, 2 PS Now games and 3 multiplayer games.
Shocking, the rumours were right on the money, who'd have thought?
Pretty boring month, at least I have Horizon to play!
Looking forward to Ghost of Tsushima Legends.
You forgot Ark.. GTA isn't actually mentioned so its not part of PS plus offerings. To technically 2 bonus games.
Even if you've never played Ghost of Tsushima, give Legends a try. I haven't been so obsessed with an online mode since Mario Kart and The Last of Us: Factions.
Legends alone makes it an outstanding month for me. Get more people in to that community.
Added Ark, didn't think we were getting four games!
Decent month IMO, probably wont get to these for a while but good selection overall!
Decent, I like them all
I've played a bit of legends from having GoT itself. It's decent but not as a standalone. It compliments the main game well.
I own ghost runner on both PS4 (had a free upgrade to ps5 at the time I believe) and it's pretty addictive but frustrating I guess too.
No interest in GTA Online and probably very little interest in Sonic. Semi-decent month for me still.
@Inoccentbystande you literally used pedant as an insult and now wanna call me rude lol.
Enjoy your games pal.
Personally, I think this is great. I tried out got legends for free and it was surprisingly fun. Ghost runner seems like a pretty fun game, I might try and play ark and sonic racing is decent. Not to mention we’re getting GTA online (even though everyone has it)
I'm sorry but that's pretty damn good for what you're paying. And why wouldn't they put multiplayer games? The main point of PS Plus is access to multiplayer.
Well hell yah, ghost runner is a unique score, this new trend by Sony of including only the online components of games is just lame and a slap in the face.
But considering the track record of ps plus lately this is a better month. Ark even if it included is lame considering that mess is frequently discounted to less than 10 bucks.
But we need more unique but well received games like ghost runner, greed fall, wasteland 3, etc.
Ghostrunner has been on my Wish list for a while. Happy about that alone.
So we get
Ghost Runner
Team sonic racing
Ghost of tushima legends
GTA online
Ark survival evolved
And yet people are still complaining...
Pretty solid month to me
Was almost so impressed, then realised it was only the online coop Ghost of Tshushima, not the actual game. Disappointing. Ghost runner looks unimaginative and repetitive. Suppose I might give Sonic Racing a go, but probably not with the number of better games I’ve still got to get around to.
Still, can’t say it’s not worth my £2.91.
Really disappointing that they’re double dipping with two PSNow games this month while also pulling the PS5 only crap. For 5 dollars a month I don’t expect every month to be a banger but there’s literally thousands of other games they could have given us instead of ones they’ve already given most of us on their other services.
@BeerIsAwesome Stop making sense. Just be outraged like a good internet person.
Hells yeah! Great month for gaming! First sifu, then hfw and now elden ring?!...
...oh, wrong article...
@KundaliniRising333 oh noes. Another slap in the face.
Sony is becoming Microsoft's biggest ally with these offers.
So we're getting some of Ghost of Tsushima. Are they serious? After last month with tiny Tina and the idiocy of the godfall nonsense I'm not renewing plus anytime soon.
wasn't ghost of tsushima legends FREE already? i almost got fooled there thinking it was the real game. damn.
... ... can Ark be played as singleplayer?
They honestly need to stop with these stripped down versions or add ons of games.
So there are two bonus games? Typically, there are two PS4 games and one PS5 game. There are actually two games for PS4, two for PS5, AND Ghost of Tsushima Legends for both. Very solid month aside from the PS Now overlap.
I nearly bought Ghostrunner multiple times so it’s a good month for me.
Legends is a $10 game. Maybe try more expensive ones next time Sony?
Multiplayer games aren't really for me so... Sonic and Ghostrunner. Hard pass.
I got ghostrunner on sale so sucks to be me XD
GTA online il probably have a look at even if its to make sure that my character is still there. The social club says it is. Wonder if it has a separate trophy list now.
Ive got Ghost of Tsushima so already have Legends access lol No interest in Sonic or ARK but will save incase friends want to play
This could just about be the best line up for PS+!
Oh, there’s actually one game I haven’t played this month (Ghostrunner). Worth checking out at the very least.
Ghostrunner i believe is on PSNow as well.
I don’t like this trend of including bits and pieces of games in the lineup. Godfall Challenger Edition, GoT Legends… seems kinda cheap not to include the full games. Too many games to play at the moment anyway.
Ghost runner is the best addition in a while, in my opinion. Its actually a decent month, even if there’s no chance I’ll even boot up the games for a few months, given the release schedule.
@UltimateOtaku91 RIGHT!!! I don't know what's wrong with some of these folks. This is a solid lineup.
@KundaliniRising333 You paid less than 30$ a year and you aren’t happy because one out of 4/5 games they give this month is worth less than 10$ on discount? Yeah why satisfied with less, huh?
Geeez. .....the number of people complaining abot GoT Legends not being the full game.........its a bonus.
You got your two PS4 title in Ark + Sonic and Ghostrunner for PS5
For what its worth I spent more time in Legends than the base game. It was a nice loot based bonus to the main game.
Hell yeah!! Let's goooooooo!!!
Looking forward to the 4-5 hour adventure mode in Sonic Team Racing, need to check to see if it has couch mutliplayer. As a racing game it should, but couch seems dead these days unless
Mario is in it.
I kind of entirely forgot about Sonic Team Racing, not sure why, Transformed was good, thought that was the last Sonic racing game. 😂
After trying gamepass, I just don't care about psplus games anymore, I just need cloud save (which is free on xbox btw), and games discount. If sony announces they'll give free savegame cloud synch, I'll stop subscribing to psplus.
Wanted to try ghost of Tsushima because I'm not sure if I'll enjoy it so this is a good way to see if I like it & if I do I'll buy the full game 👍🏻
Got STR on the switch
GoT Online doesn't interest me, neither does Ark but I might give them both a bash.
GTA Online, been there, done that
Ghostrunner I'll defo download and try at some point.
Still wrapped up in Planet Coaster and Cyberpunk, and got a few games I'm gonna pick up over the next couple of weeks.
@mrbone it's costs more than £40 a year here, so if they do give bad games isn't good, I am not paying another year again as it's not worth it
Nothing there I fancy personally, not really a big multiplayer fan if I'm honest. However as I'll probably spend the next few weeks in constant state of rage, thanks to Elden Ring, I'm ok with that.
@tartanross I mean many times in a year in the UK, it was reduced to less than 30GBP. ( or just over 30, you can buy from CD keys all year long).) I am based in the UK but my main PS plus account is the US. Even over 40GBP, you got more than what you paid for in the whole year.
PS+ has definitely left something to be desired thus far this year imo.
Nearly fooled me into thinking we were getting the full GoT. Never heard of Legends mode so had no idea! Oh well, that's disappointing. Especially as two of the other games are already on PS Now and the others are GTA Online (no interest) and ARK (intrigued but not excited).
Seriously I got to come up with means to reliably backup my save files, because I'm overpaying for that cloud storage, since thats all I get out of PSN+...
I was disappointed with the initial leak but this line up is much better, I was also fooled by the GOT line up thinking it was the full game but I am keen to play Ghost Runner. God knows when I will get chance to but definitely an add to library for later.
I'm excited to play Ghostrunner. I've waited to play Legends until I upgrade to the Director's Cut(after Platinuming Ghost before the DLC came out).
Team Sonic Racing looks fun and ARK I've always been interested in but have just assumed it would be to hard to get into that game after it being out for years and years.
GTA Online I might touch for 5 seconds. I'd rather just play the base game again, which I don't feel like we should have to pay for a upgrade of a almost 10 year old game. Especially when it still might look the same lol.
You guys that always complain about the complainers really love torturing yourself, the fine folks of this site have given you the tools to create your own viewing experience. First hit the ignore button on every single person that's negative or usually negative and complains allot, then open an article and there! wall to wall positive comments! the power is yours!? (insert Captain Planet theme)
Reckon we're getting tlou 2's mp mode as part of ps plus in the next year or so as well then? Can't they stop this already and the mix between ps plus and psnowas well, so many potential customers wouldn't be lost if you'd just keep the games on seperate services.
@Juanalf you're talking to the wind mate, they're too blinded by the desire to wanna like the games every month, even when they're objectively worse than garbage.
Its tosh like this that makes me think about cancelling PS+. This is really poor imho.
You could give people Spider-Man, BloodBorne & Dirt 5 and they would still complain
For $35/year, Persona 5 Strikers alone has paid for my subscription since i was going to buy it ($30) on sale.
An echo chamber whether positive or negative alone isn't good.
I just know people are exaggerating or lying that they will cancel their subscriptions because the numbers say more people are subscribed to PS Plus than ever before. This outrage happens every month and they are in this comment section every month which is their right but does get tedious.
Just because it may be a bad month for me, does not mean it is a bad month for you.
@djlard Sure can, i'm looking forward to it.
Can Ghost of Tsushima Legends be enjoyed independently of the main game?
Also, isn't it freely available to people who own that game anyway?
I definitely won't be adding GTA Online to my account. I already have Ghost of Tsushima. Bit of another disappointing month.
@Ralizah I think so. I believe it's "story" elements are unrelated to the main game.
Actually happy for Tsushima Legends and GTA online even though I have both games. That way I can keep the multiplayer component and save on SSD space. Also going to take the forklift on a spin as Ryo Hazuki.
@Netret0120 yup, p5 strikers was my return on investment as well.
Happy with Ghost Runner! I was playing it on PS Now when they took it off without any warning. Anyone know if the ps4 saves transfer to the Ps5 version?
Seems like a decent month.
I already own Ghost of Tsushima, so I don’t need Legends mode.
But the rest seem interesting.
@Johnnycide Personally I'm pretty happy that Ghost multiplayer is on there as although I have the main game, my friend doesn't and we can play it together.
@Netret0120 Most of these people who are complaining are probably children who don't understand about money. If they start paying some bills and then they might find out about things that are really expensive. Heck even take a family out for dinner and pay for some petrol, then complain about how expensive 60 big ones is for basically all you can play for a year!
Can't believe people complain about these. Talk about spoiled rotten.
Not interested in ANY of these at all. I wouldn't 'buy' any of these, no interest in playing the 'online' only games - and could play Ark: Ultimate Edition with ALL expansions on Game Pass if I wanted.
At the end of the day, these are more of a sweetener to the fact that you are 'forced' to pay for online access to play all the content you have already 'paid' for so to try and offset that fact, they give you some conditional access to 'token' aspects of a game - not the 'full' experience you'd get if you bought the game. Can't upgrade PS4 PS+ versions to PS5 despite free upgrades, only get the online/MP component etc...
If Sony dropped their 'online' charge so PS+ was just the games, I would cancel PS+. I don't think I have played a 'PS+' game for 'years'!
@Apfelschteiner I don't have the main game so for me- and many others- it's a bit of a kick in the teeth.
@Junosbetterhalf talk about good little consumer who's ready to kowtow to corporations who just want their money.
Ghostrunner is great, but unfortunately already played it when it was added to PS Now. Sony really needs to work on consolidating the two services soon.
I'm super hype for Ghostrunner. People are a little off though because this version of the game was never on PS Now. Only the PS4 version was, which I played through PS Now when I still had the service. I've wanted to try out the PS5 version for awhile now, have thought about buying it on sale, & I'm glad I don't have to now.
@mrbone it charged me full price as it took the money automatically and it's not worth the price, that's why people are cancelling it. I will be not renew it again
@Netret0120 Dirt 5 was January, iirc, and it's terrible (imho). Bloodborne is on the PS+ Collection for those of us with a PS5 and, it's also terrible (30FPS and very low framerate. Hasn't been updated in years).
Spiderman would be a good game to put on PS+.
I think people have a right to moan when they're paying for the monthly games and they're complete afterthoughts.
The other month with that skanky title that was just the endgame of an existing game, this months with GTA Online, which I can't believe they're actually going to charge money for (Given it's GTA Online and already rakes in millions in MTX) and Ghost of Tsushime Legends, which, again, is just a portion of an existing title.
It's a bit poor.
This is actually a great month. Giving people access to Ghost's multiplayer is a good move and its still active, this will only boost it further. The PS5 version of Ghostrunner is a good move as well. Sonic Team racing was ok from what I played, it aint Mario kart though lol. Have no experience with Ark tho and im not really interested.
@GalacticBreakdown Yep, people forget it was the PS4 version on PS Now. The PS5 version is easily a better experience.
Got excited when I saw Ghost..
then realised it was the mp component.
What's funny is even after GTA:O is given out for free to all PS+ subs, we all know it'll still be in the top 20 sales!
Legends is awkward, it's already free with a must-have game that most PS owners will probably own unless they're totally not interested in it to begin with. But it seems like more of a bonus game than anything else so no points lost.
@Icey664 Ghostrunner is a fantastic game, one of my favorite games of the last years. And Team Sonic Racing is also very good game.
Yep, good month for me, I've wanted to try Team Sonic Racing since release after Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing Transformed which was pretty class, and I keep seeing Ghostrunner and nearly buying it (sure glad I didn't now). Could take or leave the rest but one PS4 and one PS5 game for me to add to my library ain't bad...!
Ghostrunner looked great, until I read about the one hit death design choice. I tried the demo on Switch, no thanks, it's a mechanic I knew I would hate and trying it for myself confirmed it.
Oh well, another crappy month. 🤦♂️🤷♂️
In most other comments sections, these games are being received fairly positively. Seems there is a much higher ratio of whiners on pushsquare, sadly.
@shadow2k Be prepared to be disappointed with Team Sonic Racing - it's OK but nowhere near as good as the All Stars racers on the PS3.
In other news, PS4 owners crapped on again - thanks Fony!
Tried the demo for Ghostrunner on Switch and really liked it, so I imagine it’s even better on PS5. So I’m happy with THAT game. Ark has always looked interesting too. Not a terrible month!
Well, it's definitely better than the rumor. I have no interest in GTA Online or Ark and already own Ghost of Tsushima, but adding Ghostunner helps at least. So, I'll claim that and Team Sonic Racing next month then.
Ghost of Tsushima Legends is dam nice! Happy about that! When I'm done with assassin's creed Valhalla I'll jump into that 🙂🙂
@KilloWertz ark is a horrible microtransactions grind, horrible game 🤢🤢😊🤮🤮🤮
But at least we have other options this month, so not bad
What is ghostrunner like? Online Garbage or single player?
Hmm, have Legends with the full game of Ghosts, which is a nice inclusion for those who don't own it already. Sadly, not much interested in a parkour game or team racing... Good thing I got elden ring to keep me busy!
@huyi Yeah, I have no interest in games like that, but at least we get a couple of games you can play by yourself.
@KilloWertz yeah Ghost of Tsushima Legend is a nice bonus, I'm looking forward to that!
Don't have to think about GTA online at all lol 🤣🤣
@Kang81 is that forced? If it is I won't bother with that rubbish
Yawn, I expected better.
I dunno if it’s already been mentioned, but Team Sonic Racing already being on PS Now isn’t necessarily a problem, as there are a lot of places that don’t have access to it (like where I am), so for them, there’s no overlap at all.
As for the lineup in general, it seems decent. Ghostrunner and Team Sonic Racing are games I was curious about, but never enough to buy, so their inclusion is nice, and having access to GTA online means I have fewer reasons to rebuy GTA V now, so that’s something I guess. At the very least, it’s an improvement over this month.
GoTL doesn't sound like something I'd prefer to play ahead of the main game (even if it has enough single player content), and the rest is on Switch (yes, including Ark - that port is almost guaranteed to control better, and the recent hijinks of the local 4G could just as easily emulate its fan-maligned performance if I were to try the PS4 one here😅), so not many stakes in this month for me. But objectively, it's a commendably varied lineup genre-wise, and it's not like I won't be adding them to my PS library. Except maybe GoTL? Is there something exclusive to the standalone release like it reportedly was to the Tiny Tina one from last month?
@Shepherd_Tallon I can't enjoy it despite playing a lot of it. The harder difficulties just make it an unenjoyable experience where you're basically hitting an enemy with a stick until it's dead instead of a blade.
Its better then the leak thank goodness! I'm pretty much ok with everything but sonic team racing, because, you know ps now.
Well, that's a lot better than the initial leak. Pretty fantastic line up.
I will be happily claiming Ghostrunner (PS5), Ark: Survival Evolved (PS4), and Team Sonic Racing (PS4).
I think that was the whole point of the game. Enemies die in one hit, but so do you.
I've only tried the demo on Switch for a bit as it was the only place I'm aware of that has/had a demo. Not sure if it's still on there.
It would be great if there was a setting without the OHK mechanic.
I'm a big fan of Mirrors Edge, so I had hoped this was just a more action packed take on the idea.
I just discovered the devs added an accessibility mode. It's not an easy mode or anything, but it could help make the game less frustrating.
I may give it a go now. As I've gotten older, I no longer care about the whole 'Git Gud' fad in gaming. I don't mind a challenge, but im just not a fan of roguelike mechanics or die once and it's back to the start. That's archaic game design to me and should have been left in the early days of the hobby. 🤷♂️
Knack 2, how hard is this to get right.
@Milktastrophe what’s wrong with multiplayer games?
@Kang81 yes, left in the dust with the NES days, but here we are now with this trend to make everything like dark souls and it's simply not fun for people who don't have time for that lol
This isn't a good month for me and I won't be downloading anything, but it's always hit and miss with plus. I'm not interested in Sonic or anything to do with multiplay in any form. I'll stick with the games I have until I can buy Elden Ring. I'm glad I paid the discounted price.
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