Looks like an Uncharted movie sequel is all but inevitable, as Sony Pictures boss Tom Rothman has described the series as a “new hit movie franchise for the company”. The film – which was pulverised by critics but warmly received by cinema goers – decimated its $30 million opening weekend forecasts in North America, ending up at around $51 million overall. Its global total is now sitting at a pretty $139 million, meaning it’s already made back its production budget.
“It is Presidents Day in America, but we are open in most places around the world today and we have another global triumph to celebrate,” Rothman said in an internal email sent to staff, as published by Deadline. “With over $100M in box office worldwide in just one weekend, and a 90% positive audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, Uncharted is a new hit movie franchise for the company.”
Rothman went on to extoll staff for delivering during unprecedented times – Uncharted was shot and edited within the throes of the coronavirus pandemic – and he even saved some special words for the PlayStation division: “I want to thank all of the filmmakers, the wonderful cast and crew, and especially our friends at PlayStation Studios and Sony Interactive Entertainment for their support.”
A sequel has yet to be announced, of course, but a post credits scene sets one up, and the wording by Rothman here strongly suggests that a second movie will get the nod eventually – especially if Sony Pictures now sees Uncharted as a “hit movie franchise”.
[source deadline.com]
Comments 44
So this means sony has done what everyone else has failed at?
And made an actual good film from a game franchise
The PlayStation Cinematic Universe begins.
@UltimateOtaku91 Well no, plenty of video game movies make lots of money even if they’re rubbish. Warcraft made over 400 million dollars.
Honestly well deserved in my opinion. I'm shocked how much i enjoyed the show. Looking forward to the sequel!
@AdamNovice think of it… a dozen movies all culminating in an adaptation of “PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale” 🤣🤣🤣
Could be also due to many getting that free ticket but ended up paying for the other half to come with them to see it too. Using that free ticket this weekend and paying for wife to see it as well, so that ticket contributes to the figures. If this is why, then it's smart marketing by providing 1x free ticket, knowing majority want to go to the movies with someone.
Some people are happy with so little, I guess
People will go watch anything, won’t they?
@UltimateOtaku91 The film is awful though, any other time and year and it would have bombed. Detective Pikachu and Sonic The Hedgehog are the best live action video game films.
Just watched it. As anticipated... doesn't hold a candle to the games. The writing isn't great but not horrible. Best acting goes to the actress portraying Chloe. Credit where it's due... she was closest to getting her character right. It also takes till close to the end to hear the Uncharted theme. The rest of the soundtrack isn't great.
Removing it from being tied to the game series and ranking it just among similar films... it's not as good as Indiana Jones or National Treasure but it's better than the first two Tomb Raider movies. It has some fun scenes and a few bits of witty banter.
@Uncharted2007 thanks for the good summary. I haven't watched it (I will, even it if it's rubbish like the new Matrix) but no ways a movie can build characters in 2hrs what a game can do over hours of game play, well my view anyway
So at first they were saying reviews weren't exactly great and now it's suddenly a big hit? Yeah thanks but I'll just play the games. I'm not going to encourage Hollywood to keep cranking out more movies based on videogames because 9 times outta 10 they are still garbage.
I expected it to flop as every other playstation attempt to turn a gaming franchise into a movie one as well, glad to see it did well though
@UltimateOtaku91 Are we going to ignore the following?:
@AdamNovice Toho (the studio behind Godzilla, Your Name., Weathering With You, and My Hero Academia; as well as the studio that helped with Detective Pikachu, Sonic the Movie, the terrible Monster Hunter movie, and the upcoming Mario movie) missed an opportunity to work with Nintendo and other video game companies on a Super Smash Bros. Cinematic Universe.
I would love a Famicom Detective Club anime movie with a similar art style to Makoto Shinkai's anime films, or a Zelda anime movie by Studio Ghibli.
As for primarily PlayStation franchises represented by this Smash universe, the Metal Gear Solid movie would be a great fit as well as an anime Persona subseries in this Super Smash Bros. Cinematic Universe, either as a reboot or crossing over the pre-existing Persona anime adaptations with this Smash universe.
So glad it’s doing well. A lot of negative nancys wanted this to fail for some reason. Lighten up people. The movie is fun if you don’t take it (or yourself) too seriously.
@UltimateOtaku91 As others have said, this isn't the first decent video game adaptation. Not by a long shot.
Even besides that, it's debatable that this movie is even good. Fun, I'm sure, but 'good'? ...Film critics are a lot more inconsistent than video game critics — maybe because films tend to have more subjective qualities than games — but when a great deal of them consider a film mediocre, it's rare to come away from a viewing impressed in spite of what they had to say.
But we can say Sony has a hit on their hands. Good for them — third time's the charm, I suppose. Hopefully this means more adaptations... Or... I guess it doesn't really matter to me either way. In fact, I'd rather Hollywood not jump on the video game adaptation train and produce a bunch of drivel.
Silly Sony. Didn't you hear from internet people that it is, in fact, not a hit, and that it will struggle to break even?
@nessisonett Not everyone thinks that Warcraft was rubbish. I watched it and greatly enjoyed it. Plus, it only made $47,365,290 in the US and Canada. It performed much better internationally, but "Studios and distributors generally make more from domestic revenue than from overseas sales because they get a larger percentage"
Not surprised at all with the two post-credit scenes we got!
Loved the movie and am very much looking forward to future installments.
I actually really enjoyed Silent Hill movie adaptation (the one with Sean Bean) and the original Mortal Kombat. Don't see a reason to watch Uncharted as the games themselves are cinematic enough for me. Glad to see it's not a complete failure, though.
It's a pretty sound strategy by Sony. The games advertised the movie, and now the movie can advertise the games to people who might be unfamiliar with them. Win-win situation.
And Prince of Persia which was great but everyone seems to forget about it.
Good news. Was a really fun thrill-a-minute film in the mould of Indiana Jones / Jewel of the Nile / pretty much most Dwayne J movies.
Great fun, great for the kids and all round great entertainment.
No it wasn't Schlinder's List, but guess what critics, its wasn't meant to be.
@naruball I did see Warcraft and while not rubbish its useless ending with a massive cliffhanger what a waste of my time. The best thing was the female ork which name i forgot. And even as a movie it was just ok nothing special.
@naruball You are being sarcastic? Sorry worth a if you are as its hard to spot in text. If not then fair enough, each to their own, enjoy your allotment and Sunday Telegraph
@Digit2021 And making money with the game double win i guess.
I guess we as gamers should know that there a lot more people besides us. The movie looked like fun to watch if you look at it as a movie only and its probably is great fun to watch.
@lindos I actually wasn't. I just found the movie fun to watch. When it comes to action movies, I'm easy to please. I only didn't like the protagonist, whose acting I found weak and a bit distracting (like he wasn't taking it seriously). As for the Telegraph, never read it and I don't think I ever will.
@Digit2021 your welcome to my code bud, now you and the missus can both go for free 😀extra nachos... INTS3000297005340
@Uncharted2007 "it's not as good as Indiana Jones or National Treasure but it's better than the first two Tomb Raider movies" Sounds right up my alley then.
Just need to stop playing Horizon: FW for a bit and take advantage of that free Cineworld ticket
I’m going to see this with my wife tomorrow. Really looking forward to some cheesy uncharted action. I never did get the free cinema ticket even though I bought the upgrade. Our local cinema isn’t Cineworld anyway and it’s a good trek to get some so it’s just a shame they didn’t do an agreement that would have worked for all cinemas big or small.
@FatWormBlowsASparky I actually wouldn't mind the film if they hadn't whitewashed all of the actors.
As for Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, I can see that it has been growing in having a cult classic status similar to other teen-oriented fantasy/sci-fi/action animated films that came out around the time like Titan A.E., Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Treasure Planet, and Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas.
These five films are some of my favourite animated films of all time and they all share many similarities.
Treasure Planet and Atlantis are some of my favourite Disney films of all time and I am glad that they are reaching cult classic status, especially Treasure Planet, which is up there with Lilo & Stitch, Tangled and Encanto as one of Disney's best new millennium films.
But The Spirits Within is still not as beloved as Treasure Planet even though its reception is much better nowadays than it was in 2001. I really wish more people would give it a second chance.
I think Square shouldn't have called the film Final Fantasy. I think the title Gaia: The Spirits Within would've worked much better, and they could just have "From the creators of Final Fantasy" in all the advertising.
And besides, despite the uncanny valley issues in that film, it's still not as terrible as Mars Needs Moms or Cats 2019, and Cats 2019 somehow became a cult classic faster than The Spirits Within.
Never ever listen to critics and their reviews. Always check out movies for yourself. Reviews are subjective and change depending on who is reviewing. What one may like another may not like. Make up your own mind.
@Matej the predictions were about $30 million for the extended weekend. The standard weekend projections were about $25 million. The story is accurate.
Anyway, I felt it was an okay movie. Mindless and derivative but entertaining.
"They cast Holland just because of his star power which would guarantee it wouldn't be a total flop at box office."
And yet: Chaos Walking
Budget: $125,000,000 (estimated)
Gross worldwide: $26,508,132
Nothing is guaranteed.
@FuzzieGinge88 considering how many movies are released every year, that's just impossible, unless you only watch what's available on streaming services. Even then, deciding which movie to watch largely depends on reviews.
I'm now certain I will never understand the public. But, then, even I thought the Super Mario Bros. movie was good, at the time....
@Matej sure, sure.
@BritneyfR_ee It seems if your movie isn't chock full of political hit points and is infact trying to avoid them for the sake of the viewers sanity then the 'official' reviewers pan them. Sod them. Go and enjoy the creativity and the spectacle! 🤔😂
Gamers gotta pull their heads outa there arses and realize that not all movie goers will see this from a gamers view. Also critics that can't handle genre films and primarily praise oscarbait.
Haven't seen it yet, expectations are low, but I'm hoping to be proven wrong.
its a good movie saw it Friday
Not surprised, mediocre action movies generally have an audience
One of those movies that reminds you how magical going to see a movie can be. Something quite rare nowadays. Good job Sony!
Mass Effect: Paragon Lost as well.
Great reminders in your list of game adaptations.
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